Archive: 10 posts
i've just been playing through it for the first, i missed it when it came out, and i'm just wondering if anybody else was really impressed with the look and feel of the game, but very dissopointed with by the easyness of the puzzles and the fact that you only get to shoot at humans... i mean some of the puzzles arn't really puzzles, they're just so **** obvious, i really wish that instead of just taping triangle to pull on a chain that opens a door, they'd make us all have to use our brains a little. this would add lenght to the game as well, example: instead of it taking 5 or 10 secs to pull the chain all the way down, it takes you 10 or 15 mins to solve the puzzle that gives you access to said chain. And where are the mythological beast's and figures, such as statues and what not, i also hate that the difficulty of the game only gets harder because the men your shooting at have better weapons than earlier in the game. i'm just glad that the fluidness of the acction and going to and from cover is brilliantly smooth and fun, because if it wasn't for that then this would be a very dull game in my opinion. i hope that uncharted 2 isn't so layed out and obvious but i now that there will never be more to shoot at than humans which is a big shame. i wish they would push the boat out and really use there imaginations. anyway thats my rant over with... | 2009-08-03 17:05:00 Author: second--smile-- ![]() Posts: 57 |
Hm... no more then humans to shoot at...? ... I guess you didn't finish it? D: But yeah, awesome game, though I agree, I wish more platforming/ puzzles, hopefully in sequel... | 2009-08-03 17:25:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I still haven't played this game yet. | 2009-08-03 17:28:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
I thought Uncharted: Drakes Fortune was a great game. I thought the end nearly ruined the game, i wont say too much though as you havn't completed it. Stick with it though, you will enjoy it more ![]() | 2009-08-03 21:48:00 Author: Arikardo ![]() Posts: 158 |
Naughty Dog!!! Why'd you leave Crash!!! I never finished the first Uncharted... ![]() | 2009-08-03 22:11:00 Author: Ryutei ![]() Posts: 244 |
I'm still playing through this, i think it's an amazing game ![]() What i find annoying though is how there ALWAYS seems to be enemies in the most unlikely places. You've just completed some really cryptic puzzle and opened a hidden door that hasn't been opened in 100s of years. And what's on the other side of that door?! ENEMIES! I know it's better for gameplay but you always lose the sense that you're the first person to reach somewhere because the enemies have already somehow gotten to the supersecret room on the other side of that series of puzzles. | 2009-08-04 01:29:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
The way I looked at the enemies being in these unlikely places is that they were always one step ahead of you in game and they were also exploring in order to gain the treasure of Sir Francis Drake. But maybe I just thought that to try and forget that the game was flawed in that respect lol! | 2009-08-04 10:23:00 Author: Arikardo ![]() Posts: 158 |
Urgh i never thought Uncharted would be scary xD In the bunker right now. Walking through corridors in the dark expecting one of those zombie things to jump out ![]() Argh! ok now there's red lights going off everywhere and zombies spewing from every doorway D: I hate this game now xD | 2009-08-04 11:32:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
Urgh i never thought Uncharted would be scary xD In the bunker right now. Walking through corridors in the dark expecting one of those zombie things to jump out ![]() Argh! ok now there's red lights going off everywhere and zombies spewing from every doorway D: I hate this game now xD Tis impossible to hate Uncharted, I thought the mutated humans were a bit weird, but it kinda made it fun, walking down the corridor waiting for a zombie to jump out at any minutes, made it a bit more tense and funny ![]() | 2009-08-05 23:01:00 Author: creelers ![]() Posts: 275 |
Tis impossible to hate Uncharted, I thought the mutated humans were a bit weird, but it kinda made it fun, walking down the corridor waiting for a zombie to jump out at any minutes, made it a bit more tense and funny ![]() Well, I am one of the 6 people on the planet that did not like this game, as I have mentioned in threads of this in the past. Let me list my greifs... The aformentioned enemies always being ahead of you. Near the end of the story line, they kind of try and cover this up a bit with some of their story telling, but for the most part, it's relatively lame how the enemies are always one step ahead of you and inside areas that have not been seen for decades/centuries. I'll put the official reason in spoilers for those who have not finished the game. The use of explosives to crack walls and get ahead is pretty lame. How do they know where to blow up things in such short time? Why are they stumped at times when they seem to be able to get ahead at such action filled moments? The other reason is that they are exploring everywhere. That does make sense, but how do they get into secret underground bunkers and safes and so on? It's just a bit lame to me. The ending was lame as. To have real world enemies and then... more spoiler stuff for people who have not finished... ...to just go lame with the whole mutant zombie thing. That's just lazy story telling. It's like they wrote themselves into the corner and then someone said "I know, let's add zombies to fight! It will be great! Who cares about back story or plot development! It's zombies! Again, another lame moment. The whole game is built around real world traps and combat, and then they throw the zombie card in to ruin all that work. As someone else mentioned, the enemies constantly flanking you is a big pain. You kill through 20 enemies and have cleared a room, only to miss one and then have to start over at enemy number one. Repeatedly. Sure, it's a vague sense of realism and it forces you to be a bit more tactical... but it just never felt right to me. If they keep the enemies in the one spot, that's fine, but then the AI randomises them every now and then. I just hated the cover flanking fights in general. Finally, something that is a personal pain for me. My hearing is super acute. For mid to low frequencies, I can hear under 10 decibels. That's quieter than a whisper. High frequencies or loud sounds, however, are incredibly painful to my ears. The sound guy who created the sound effects for the grenades just did a terrible job. He created too realistic a sound. If a grenade goes off near you without killing you, it makes a ringing sound to simulate the disorientating effect a loud scary explosion would have. The problem is... it was way too loud and at a horrible pitch. Most people wouldn't notice it, but it just squelled in my head something feirce, giving me headaches and meaning I nearly had to have the sound off at such a low level to compensate for this squelling thing. Whoever created that sound must be half deaf and never gets headaches from loud sounds. I seem to be the only person who has the last problem I mentioned. But it's like the epilepsy warning thing. Only a small percentage of the population suffer from seizures. That does not make it any less of a problem to these people, or the fact that game designers should modify things to tolerate them. There must be other people with as good a set of ears of mine who just suffer about such issues. ![]() The final point was actually the straw that broke the camels back. After everyone raving about this game on here I went back and played it through again to finish, and tried to play through again to get the "easy platinum" trophy. That grenade sound just drove me nuts though, as the higher the difficulty level, the more random grenades the enemy throws. I have just plain given up playing the game. If they are silly enough to release the sequel with the same grenade effect well... that's just a bad idea. It's one thing to simulate disorientation in a game... it's another thing to cause it in real life. ![]() | 2009-08-08 11:40:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
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