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Has someone already worked on this? (walls you can "double jump" on)

Archive: 6 posts

While working on my newest level, I came across a way to jump up walls that are placed closely together.

Here's an example of what it looks like

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From my limited time with it, it appears that you can only jump up the wall(s) when you fall down the hole (can't start down low and work your way up). Also, the walls can't be one piece each (need multiple small pieces stacked up). I don't know the maximum size they can be, but so far, the pieces I use are small.

I would've posted a picture, but I figured that if someone else has already done something similar, you'd recognize it (w/o a pic). If someone has worked on this, could you post a link?
2009-07-29 18:41:00

Posts: 345

i played a level before called something like "the art of the wall jump"
i think he made a wall with small ridges in it so you could jump off the wall
try searching it.
2009-07-29 19:53:00

Posts: 384

thanks for the help. i just played it and his is different than mine. he uses a wall with ridges in it, but mine has no ridges at all. also, he only needs 1 wall, but mine needs two (made up of small pieces). however, mine is actually easier to jump up.

i've already got some ideas on how to make mine work similar to his, so unless someone else posts a link to something like this, i'm going to experiment with it.
2009-07-29 23:22:00

Posts: 345

Well, I've played sort of a "Sackboy Skill Obstacle Course" level from someone I can't remember. But yeah, this isn't newly discovered or anything.

The thing is, if you place two walls close enough together, Sackboy can quickly jump out of it if you keep pressing "X". I've never seen any point in using this that could be level-worthy, but hey, some people might surprise me.
2009-07-30 01:41:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

if i would use it, i wouldn't base a level on it, that'd get boring. i'd use it like any other obstacle2009-07-30 05:25:00

Posts: 345

it's a nice obstacle that i could very well use!
thanx mate
2009-07-30 07:09:00

Posts: 34

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