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World Ends - Wednesday?

Archive: 118 posts

Anybody else heard this? Something to do with a particle accelerator experiment in Geneva, which is trying to recreate the big bang, or something?

Anybody know anything more on it?

Oya, the world ends part.. Erm, apparently there's a chance they'll create a mini black hole, which could end up sucking everything in, growing, and eventually sucking Earth into it, or something.

O well
2008-09-08 22:02:00

Posts: 2758

Nope. Reason? That "end of the world" bull crap is ***.2008-09-08 22:06:00

Unknown User

You mean that super particular machine that may be able to open up space time or some such?

Hm, heard it may destroy the space time continuum- but we don't know that, and isn't science about learning all you can do?

So if the universe is destroyed, so be it. At least it's done in the name of science.
2008-09-08 22:06:00

Posts: 10882

Yeah I was reading this on cnn.com and yeah sound a little crazy too me. The scientists seem to be okay and saying nothing will happen, but it could create a small black hold but nothing that will be a problem. Yeah becasue you know from experience opening small black holes is okay, yeah I am little scared but at least I will no something happened before I go and maybe start praying to anyone that will save me just to make sure I am A-okay when I did by getting sucked into a black hole.2008-09-08 22:07:00

Posts: 813

better not happen then i can't get to experiance littlebigplanet2008-09-08 22:16:00

Posts: 1246

Nope. Reason? That "end of the world" bull crap is ***.

Well, they're sending two particles with extremely high enerrgy to crash into each other, and they're not sure how it will react. Theoretically, if it was done with enough atoms, and at a much larger scale, it might be possible to create a smaller universe, but I highly doubt that
2008-09-08 22:17:00

Posts: 2758

better not happen then i can't get to experiance littlebigplanet
LOL, the world is ending and we all be thinking, darn no LBP. Someone should message them to wait untill around November or christmas. LOL
2008-09-08 22:18:00

Posts: 813

I was actually thinking "If everyone else but me and a stripper got sucked it, and the earth stayed fine.. DAYYUUUMM. We goon have some fuuuuuun "2008-09-08 22:22:00

Posts: 2758

I was actually thinking "If everyone else but me and a stripper got sucked it, and the earth stayed fine.. DAYYUUUMM. We goon have some fuuuuuun "
Yeah keep dreaming DrunkMiffy, I think this is almost everyone's dream.
2008-09-08 22:24:00

Posts: 813

There is also a possibility that it will cause global disasters about a month after it gets switched on.2008-09-08 22:35:00

Posts: 2914

I was working on sunday at the bar when this guy just started going onto me about this. I just replied with 'I think it's cool' and he went all crazy on my ***, going on about playing with science and what not. Made me laugh though.2008-09-08 22:36:00

Posts: 3767

Going STRAIGHT from waht rumours I heard from ma mates in college, this is what I heard:

They created a machine that recreates the split second after the big bang in sweden or somewhere. Theres like a 1-in-50million chance it will create a black whole and destroy the universe.

Hells yeah!
2008-09-08 22:43:00

Posts: 2073

So can we build a LHC in LBP when the world doesn't end?2008-09-08 22:45:00

Posts: 6728

Still a chance...

We will all be fine though. Unless you stand inside the machine...
2008-09-08 22:46:00

Posts: 2914

it doesnt really matter anywa, the next due-day for the world to end (Last one was probably 06/06/06) is 2012, isnt it. According to the Mayan Claendar... which is the most reliable source for worl-endingness yet, in my opinion.2008-09-08 22:47:00

Posts: 2073

2012 september 21st if I remember correctly. (from a friend...)2008-09-08 22:49:00

Posts: 2914

Going STRAIGHT from waht rumours I heard from ma mates in college, this is what I heard:

They created a machine that recreates the split second after the big bang in sweden or somewhere. Theres like a 1-in-50million chance it will create a black whole and destroy the universe.

Hells yeah!

I believe the bloke said Switzerland or Sweden so yeah. But awesome, imagine what will happen if they do crete a black hole and the world gets sucked into it! :O
2008-09-08 22:55:00

Posts: 3767

Switzerland. Near the border of france I think.

The machine could make the earth implode and vanish in a twentieth of a second. Awesome.
2008-09-08 23:00:00

Posts: 2914

I can imagine the scientists now if it does create a black hole.

They'd probably look like this:

2008-09-08 23:09:00

Posts: 246

I'm kinda tired of the 2012 end of the world theory, their calendar just ends seesh get on with it people,

as I heard, the mayan calendar ending doesn't really mean end, more of drastic change, like God pressing the "advance civilization" button in his computer : my guess, Flying cars are invented

now back on topic, nothing will happen this wednesday. If the world does end, then score 1 for atheist if their is no afterlife, score 1 for religion for having an afterlife...

playing LBP is heaven with 7.1 surround sound, a PS9 and a 100" HDTV sounds good to me... (maybe its time to start acting nice just in case...)
2008-09-09 00:24:00

Posts: 1081

I'm kinda tired of the 2012 end of the world theory, their calendar just ends seesh get on with it people,

as I heard, the mayan calendar ending doesn't really mean end, more of drastic change, like God pressing the "advance civilization" button in his computer : my guess, Flying cars are invented

now back on topic, nothing will happen this wednesday. If the world does end, then score 1 for atheist if their is no afterlife, score 1 for religion for having an afterlife...

playing LBP is heaven with 7.1 surround sound, a PS9 and a 100" HDTV sounds good to me... (maybe its time to start acting nice just in case...)

100" HDTV? that all? Peh - i'll be playing it in UHDTV Ultra HD
2008-09-09 00:42:00

Posts: 3767

I'd have an OLED...

Anyway: This explained it to me relatively well. (http://www.cracked.com/article_16583_5-scientific-experiments-most-likely-end-world.html)

Scientists are kind of ****** that they weren't around when the Big Bang happened. Here we had an event that holds all of the secrets to reality, and we missed it because we were lazy enough not to evolve for another 13 billion years.

The solution, science says, is to make it happen again. They assure us that they can stage a new Big Bang if they smash some protons together really, really *******ing hard. In fact, they can make a million of them per second, which is 999,999 more than God managed.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Well, first imagine an apocalyptic nuclear holocaust. Multiply that by about one hundred and twenty thousand billion, and then multiply that by around the neighborhood of infinity. That equals around one eighth of the magnitude of the Big Bang. Nevertheless, scientists are pretty sure they can contain their Big Bang in an erlenmeyer flask, just so long as they remember to cork it.
2008-09-09 00:58:00

Posts: 1374

2012 is ok. gives me plenty of time to play LBP2008-09-09 01:11:00

Posts: 843

That whole 2012 thing is bullcrap. That date on the Mayan calendar has happened hundreds (or thousands, can't remember) in the Earth's history and nothing happened. We would have been dead before the first human walked the earth.2008-09-09 05:00:00

Posts: 117

Ohya, flasks to save the earth, WOOO.2008-09-09 16:09:00

Posts: 2758

delayed to october 21st....

2008-09-10 01:38:00

Posts: 1081

afljkdf;ajdk... What!?2008-09-10 01:40:00

Posts: 246

I normally wait 2 post til posting again in a topic (as common forum curtosy), but I've started to take interest in this topic

we are safe


Gordon Freeman has been spotted in Black Mesa, err sorry CERN
2008-09-10 03:17:00

Posts: 1081

So far the Large Hadron Collider hasn't killed me with a black hole so I'm good! Maybe they haven't done it yet (time differences) but I knew nothing would happen. They wouldn't be allowed to do it if it had any chance of hurting people in the area let alone creating a black hole.2008-09-10 20:39:00

Unknown User

They started it today, the collision's due on the 21st of October, LOL.2008-09-10 20:45:00

Posts: 2758

Remember to post here when you die, okay everyone?

... '>_>
2008-09-10 20:47:00

Posts: 438

So far the Large Hadron Collider hasn't killed me with a black hole so I'm good! Maybe they haven't done it yet (time differences) but I knew nothing would happen. They wouldn't be allowed to do it if it had any chance of hurting people in the area let alone creating a black hole.

i heard it's october 21st when the world might get sucked into a black hole by that machine. it is very unlikely though.
2008-09-10 20:48:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

Thats my birthday...2008-09-10 20:57:00

Posts: 2914

Thats my birthday...

a few years ago some religous group said the world would end on 3rd of march which is my birthday.
2008-09-10 21:00:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

I could be like shakespeare. Born and die on the same date.2008-09-10 21:03:00

Posts: 2914

Hey, did anyone here play the original Half Life?

Maybe they might open a portal to an alien world, and THEN we're doomed.

Hope Gordan Freeman has his crowbar handy
2008-09-10 21:26:00

Posts: 1100

Yeah I am glad you lived!!! We shall be okay, or hey we may just have a few missing countries.2008-09-10 22:02:00

Posts: 813

Hm, personally, I like MY idea for the universe ending a lot better:

Building a time machine to go back in time and kill my younger self, creating a paradox. May or may not destroy the universe, but hey, it's for science.

Or it could be like Terminator, when we build a Super Computer that gains sentience, and launches nukes to wipe out pathetic orgainic life forms- then creates a robot army to create a world where machine rules. Then, humans are forced into death labor camps to make more robots- until some person who knew all his life this would happen because of time travel comes forward to lead the human race on a last ditch effort to save humanity in an awesome future war, knowing they will win because his father came back right after they detroyed the computer, and- wait, that SAVES humanity.

Still, why settle for destroying the world? LET'S ERADICATE ALL EXISTENCE!
2008-09-10 22:05:00

Posts: 10882

They started it today, the collision's due on the 21st of October, LOL.

Nice joke. It is a joke, right?

Anyways, Midget.. you ARE dead. Everybody died instantly, your living in your own personal afterlife, seemingly oblivious of the fact that you even died. I realized I died so I changed my thinking pattern and now I can do quadruple summersaults and run on walls in slow-motion, and play little big planet, and fall off buildings and survive without a scratch, and stuff. Its awesome. Change your perspective of things now

p.s. We can still communicate through the internet, obviously, unless your subconcious is faking it all... who knows?
2008-09-10 22:31:00

Posts: 2073

Remember to post here when you die, okay everyone?

... '>_>

got it, I will definatley post here when I die
2008-09-10 22:57:00

Unknown User

Still ALIVE!!!!2008-09-10 22:57:00

Posts: 1246

Nice joke. It is a joke, right?

Anyways, Midget.. you ARE dead. Everybody died instantly, your living in your own personal afterlife, seemingly oblivious of the fact that you even died. I realized I died so I changed my thinking pattern and now I can do quadruple summersaults and run on walls in slow-motion, and play little big planet, and fall off buildings and survive without a scratch, and stuff. Its awesome. Change your perspective of things now

p.s. We can still communicate through the internet, obviously, unless your subconcious is faking it all... who knows?

You really don't want to give me ideas. Ask anyone who knows me.:kz:
2008-09-10 23:01:00

Unknown User

YAY!! Also, 21st Oct is also my bday!!!2008-09-10 23:02:00

Posts: 2914

I saw another picture with Gman there too. 0.02008-09-10 23:18:00

Posts: 246

whelp i guess europe will go first so everyone here in america will have a few mins to play lbp 2008-09-10 23:45:00

Posts: 374

whelp i guess europe will go first so everyone here in america will have a few mins to play lbp

Actualy, the test run went so well they are pushing the collision date forward.

And okay midget.. don't go jumping off buildings, you will die.
2008-09-10 23:47:00

Posts: 2073

Actualy, the test run went so well they are pushing the collision date forward.

And okay midget.. don't go jumping off buildings, you will die.

oh come on they should allow the world to vote on anything that can end are existence.
2008-09-10 23:48:00

Posts: 374

http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/2008-09-11 01:28:00

Posts: 1374

It is Y2K all over again, just remember to go find a twinkie storage.2008-09-11 01:31:00

Posts: 813

It is Y2K all over again, just remember to go find a twinkie storage.

Or a box full of cockroaches. Although twinkies would be much more pleasant.
2008-09-11 02:38:00

Unknown User

Must their really be a different thread about this? shoudn't all Hadron related be put into the "OMG WE ARE D00mED!!!!" thread?

and really, anyone that braggs "I'm not dead, I knew nothing will happen!!!" shoudn't really, in the event you lose, you can't be mocked, which kinda takes away the point of taking a side.

Note: I'm not supporting the "Hadron will kill us" I believe the world will be perfectly safe, but man won't it be cool if aliens pop out and God shows up in a business suit ala G-Man...

or an advance Alien race looking at us from far saying "morons..."

or my fav: Playing LBP in heaven with a 100" HDTV and a PS9
2008-09-11 03:22:00

Posts: 1081

Must their really be a different thread about this? shoudn't all Hadron related be put into the "OMG WE ARE D00mED!!!!" thread?

and really, anyone that braggs "I'm not dead, I knew nothing will happen!!!" shoudn't really, in the event you lose, you can't be mocked, which kinda takes away the point of taking a side.

Note: I'm not supporting the "Hadron will kill us" I believe the world will be perfectly safe, but man won't it be cool if aliens pop out and God shows up in a business suit ala G-Man...

or an advance Alien race looking at us from far saying "morons..."

or my fav: Playing LBP in heaven with a 100" HDTV and a PS9

THATS THE POINT! I can't lose! JK actually a black hole wouldn't suck us in very quickly so I could be told I lost. I doubt Sony couild make it through the finacial losses of 6 more PS consoles.

(i.e. they've lost a few billion on the PS3)

ALSO I never saw that thread.
2008-09-11 12:21:00

Unknown User

THATS THE POINT! I can't lose! JK actually a black hole wouldn't suck us in very quickly so I could be told I lost. I doubt Sony couild make it through the finacial losses of 6 more PS consoles.

(i.e. they've lost a few billion on the PS3)

ALSO I never saw that thread.

Actualy, I think a black hole would destroy us all prettymuch instantly, if not sooner.


we WONT die though, seriously, stop being stupid, world. -.-
2008-09-11 16:37:00

Posts: 2073

Live camera feed of the LHC.

2008-09-12 00:06:00

Unknown User

Must their really be a different thread about this? shoudn't all Hadron related be put into the "OMG WE ARE D00mED!!!!" thread?

and really, anyone that braggs "I'm not dead, I knew nothing will happen!!!" shoudn't really, in the event you lose, you can't be mocked, which kinda takes away the point of taking a side.

Note: I'm not supporting the "Hadron will kill us" I believe the world will be perfectly safe, but man won't it be cool if aliens pop out and God shows up in a business suit ala G-Man...

or an advance Alien race looking at us from far saying "morons..."

or my fav: Playing LBP in heaven with a 100" HDTV and a PS9
You raise a good point...
2008-09-12 00:20:00

Posts: 1374

2008-09-12 01:07:00

Posts: 6728

HAHA, priceless.2008-09-12 01:16:00

Posts: 326

People are so stupid. How would a particle accelerator create a black hole? That's just dumb to assume that. The least it could do is create a small explosion.2008-09-12 01:19:00

Posts: 1153

Don't call people stupid. It's perfectly feasible...the odds are just extremely long. Even if the black hole WAS formed, it would be too weak to really do any damage, but it's definitely possible. I think.2008-09-12 02:39:00

Posts: 1374

chances of these are very slim, but they are possible. It has always been man's sacred duty to play russian roullet with the world

Like how the first cave man who was experimenting with fire said "fire might burn down cave" and when the first atomic bomb "The Bomb is dangerous it might destroy all the oxygen" its just now

"quarks are dangerous, it might create a black hole"

granted so far we have been safe and expanded our science greatly, but as I said its like playing Russianrussian roulette, keep playing and eventually you will lose...
2008-09-12 04:11:00

Posts: 1081

Live camera feed of the LHC.


that scared the hell out of me, i was like uh why are the red emergency lights flashing ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? then bam it happens
2008-09-12 12:18:00

Posts: 374

that scared the hell out of me, i was like uh why are the red emergency lights flashing ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? then bam it happens

haha it got me too! awesome to be fair.
2008-09-12 13:08:00

Posts: 3767

from what i heard they did not do their experiment properly so they're doing it again in 2 weeks or something. Another chance for the world to end :eek:2008-09-12 14:10:00

Posts: 843

I'm in my Humanities class talking to my professor. He says that if we DO get sucked into a black hole, there are two possible theories of what might happen after. Number one, we may just go POOF, and number two, we may get sent into an alternate dimension. So, which side will you choose?2008-09-12 14:20:00

Posts: 1603

I'm in my Humanities class talking to my professor. He says that if we DO get sucked into a black hole, there are two possible theories of what might happen after. Number one, we may just go POOF, and number two, we may get sent into an alternate dimension. So, which side will you choose?

Apparently we may also be stretched into the shape of a piece of spaghetti.


2008-09-12 21:09:00

Posts: 1100

Apparently we may also be stretched into the shape of a piece of spaghetti.


Lol, that;s called spaghettification, which means everything is stretched. E.g. a centimeter gets slightly longer, but so does the second,
2008-09-12 21:12:00

Posts: 2758

I'm in my Humanities class talking to my professor. He says that if we DO get sucked into a black hole, there are two possible theories of what might happen after. Number one, we may just go POOF, and number two, we may get sent into an alternate dimension. So, which side will you choose?
It mostly depends on your religious views. If you believe there's an afterlife (and you've been good) then you'd easily choose the "poof" idea. If you don't, then the decision is much harder.
2008-09-12 21:29:00

Posts: 1374

It mostly depends on your religious views. If you believe there's an afterlife (and you've been good) then you'd easily choose the "poof" idea. If you don't, then the decision is much harder.

Well I'm kinda religious (used to go to church, beleive in god and stuff) but I think the other dimension ideais cool. Especfially if, like in Futurama, there was one populated entirely by women. :kz:
2008-09-13 04:58:00

Unknown User

I'll say that the world won't end because of this, mainly because there will be no one left to say "I told ya so."2008-09-13 05:15:00

Posts: 3476

Human stupidity is the larger danger to human survival, even more so than the LHC.

If you want the facts rather than the media hype of doomsday read the following.

LHC Info (http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/en/LHC/Safety-en.html)

Cheers QuozL
2008-09-13 05:15:00

Posts: 921

Human stupidity is the larger danger to human survival, even more so than the LHC.

If you want the facts rather than the media hype of doomsday read the following.

LHC Info (http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/en/LHC/Safety-en.html)

Cheers QuozL

*skims over the article*

Yay for not buying into the end of the world!
2008-09-13 05:27:00

Posts: 3476

Human stupidity is the larger danger to human survival, even more so than the LHC.

If you want the facts rather than the media hype of doomsday read the following.

LHC Info (http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/en/LHC/Safety-en.html)

Cheers QuozL

those are pretty half-**** explinations....

heres it is with all the jargon ripped out, in layman's terms

Main thesis: the LHCs will be creating reactions that the Universe has done many times, it hasn't blown up yet so its unlikely the LHC will blow anything up

Danger 1 Black holes: Nature does this all the time, yet the earth is still here, and large things in outer space are still here, so its unlikely a blackhole in LHC will destroy the earth

Danger 2 Strangelets : Their was a machine built back in 2000 to detect/build Stragelets for study, and so far they never found any what are the chances a machine that wasn't built to make such things to make one...

Danger 3 Vaccuum Bubbles: Nature does these reactions all the time, and so far we havn't seen any in known space

Danger 4 Magnetic Monopoles : Nature does these reactions all the time, and so far the earth is still here, so what are the chances LHC will make one that will destroy it

Theirs just one thing these eggheads are missing, the LHC is man made, theirs always some "unforseen thing" in science, most discoveries in the field of science happend by pure luck....
2008-09-13 08:42:00

Posts: 1081

Well, they're sending two particles with extremely high enerrgy to crash into each other, and they're not sure how it will react. Theoretically, if it was done with enough atoms, and at a much larger scale, it might be possible to create a smaller universe, but I highly doubt that

ok they do this all the time in virginia where i live, they have a particle accelerator at the jefferson lab ive been there. Theres NO CHANCE of a black hole or a new universe, the new one they made is just bigger
2008-09-13 16:46:00

Posts: 1082

Human stupidity is the larger danger to human survival, even more so than the LHC.

If you want the facts rather than the media hype of doomsday read the following.

LHC Info (http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/en/LHC/Safety-en.html)

Cheers QuozL

I agree, everyone should watch "Bowling for Columbine" The media makes everything seem much more dangerous then it should be, ESPECIALLY in America, I was at Canada a couple of weeks ago, and I was watching the news.

The Breaking News for the day was? Anyone care to guess? NEW SPEEDBUMPS! Wooo!!

I believe nothing will happen, I read up on the LHC and there is very slim chance that a blackhole can be created.

I'm not done yet, if a blackhole was created it would sink to the bottom of the earth due to gravity and slowly eat up the earth from the inside, what do I mean by slowly? Let's just say we would see effects around 2300? Maybe? If we're lucky, so don't worry!

The media always makes things seem horrible, I mean for Pete's sake, the news says that you shouldn't brush your teeth more then 3 times a day because you can be washing your teeth away? Lets get real, there is some things the media just makes up... Even if it was true, is it really that drastic? It'll probly take up to 30 years for your teeth to start washing away, and that is if you brush em about 5 times a day. God, that was a mouthful.
2008-09-18 04:39:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

high impossibility doesn't mean not possbile, the public is both blowing things out of proportion and underestimating such a thing.

They should just say it as is "A chance of this destroying the world is possible, but a meteor speeding to earth and killing us with a few hours notice or a lightning hitting you randomly has a much higher chance"

instead of "not possible your morons" and "its possbilble we are going to die"
2008-09-18 04:46:00

Posts: 1081

Good news doomsday watchers the LHC has been turned off for two months because something broke so that gives us some time to play LBP before "the end of the world"

2008-09-21 13:20:00

Posts: 6728

Yes, hopefully it breaks again2008-09-23 05:11:00

Unknown User

Yeah, I heard this too, supposedly a sack got stuck in the machine, causing it to overheat. Sack!? A SACK!? ANYONE SEE SOMETHING HERE!? It's Sackboy! HE HAS COME TO RESCUE US FOR ONE OR TWO WEEKS, WOOO GOO SACKBOY! :eek:2008-09-23 05:16:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

He risked his own life for us2008-09-23 05:19:00

Unknown User

Yeah, I heard this too, supposedly a sack got stuck in the machine, causing it to overheat. Sack!? A SACK!? ANYONE SEE SOMETHING HERE!? It's Sackboy! HE HAS COME TO RESCUE US FOR ONE OR TWO WEEKS, WOOO GOO SACKBOY! :eek:

Sackboy isn't born yet, its all Gordon Freeman baby! The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference!!

that aside

surely this isn't a sign from aliens,spirits,God, people from the future, the collision has always been delayed since 2005 with lawsuits and whatnot...
2008-09-23 05:22:00

Posts: 1081

Sackboy isn't born yet, its all Gordon Freeman baby! The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference!!

that aside

surely this isn't a sign from aliens,spirits,God, people from the future, the collision has always been delayed since 2005 with lawsuits and whatnot...

Then how do you explain him living in my house? Want proof? Well, too bad you can't have it!
2008-09-23 05:23:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

To those who wonder whatever happend to the LHC

The damage made, turned out to be far far greater. It wasn't delayed until Oct 21st... It was delayed 8 months from Sept.... See you again in May...

Cause: a bunch of magets go boom

God doesn't want to give his secrets away easily I suppose... or someone from the future came back and tried to destroy this thing but failed... or...Gordon Freeman saves the day again...
2008-10-23 02:44:00

Posts: 1081

My class has studied this in my science class. There is practically a ZERO chance of the world coming to an end. Hopefully nobody thinks that they'll be cool if they are right and it did do that, because then we'd be dead. Idiots...2008-10-23 02:49:00

Unknown User

My class has studied this in my science class. There is practically a ZERO chance of the world coming to an end. Hopefully nobody thinks that they'll be cool if they are right and it did do that, because then we'd be dead. Idiots...

now your being bias... Their is a chance for it to end, its just so slim that an uncharted meteor speeds down on earth and kills everyone with only a few hours of warning is more possible...
2008-10-23 02:51:00

Posts: 1081

What's the actual, or what was the actual point of that experiment? Would we have got anything from it? Or was it just a random pointless thing?2008-10-23 02:53:00

Posts: 134

Honestly... this thing has no chance of destroying the world, however much I want it to.2008-10-23 03:03:00

Posts: 3476

It will show how physics came to be, what was their before the laws of physics, before atoms were atoms (quarks)...

Pretty much show what happend after the big bang....

this test has been done many many times, but the LHC is the biggest collider. Since the small tests only lead to very small results that dissapear really fast, they want to do it bigger...
2008-10-23 03:04:00

Posts: 1081

What's the actual, or what was the actual point of that experiment? Would we have got anything from it? Or was it just a random pointless thing?

It was a way of them getting one step closer to how the universe started, they basically wanted to recreate a mini big bang. I think?
2008-10-23 03:05:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

now your being bias... Their is a chance for it to end, its just so slim that an uncharted meteor speeds down on earth and kills everyone with only a few hours of warning is more possible...

Which is why I said PRACTICALLY a zero chance...

What's the actual, or what was the actual point of that experiment? Would we have got anything from it? Or was it just a random pointless thing?

It could support or possibly prove the Big Bang Theory. If anything, it will help give an understanding of something.

It will show how physics came to be, what was their before the laws of physics, before atoms were atoms (quarks)...

The four forces.

Pretty much show what happend after the big bang....

The Big Bang is a theory, meaning it has yet to have been proved.
2008-10-23 03:07:00

Unknown User

saying its practically zero is like saying dividing by 0 is 0...

The Big Bang is a theory, meaning it has yet to have been proved.

The only thing that prevents the theory from becoming a law is that a test cannot be done to prove their was a big explosion. All things go in the universe continually expanding, and the mini collisions seem to support the fact that their was something before an atom was an atom...
2008-10-23 03:10:00

Posts: 1081

saying its practically zero is like saying dividing by 0 is 0...

Do me a favor and look up the word, practically.
2008-10-23 03:12:00

Unknown User

Play nice.2008-10-23 03:12:00

Posts: 3476

Play nice.

Ha! I don't know the meaning of the word, nice!

*Googles 'nice'*
2008-10-23 03:14:00

Unknown User

I know what practically means, do look at your sentence.

"There is practically a ZERO chance of the world coming to an end"

lets reword that to something more commonly used

"....pretty much ZERO chance of the world coming to an end. "

as I said its wrong to consider it "almost nothing" because it implies that the chance is so small it can be estimated out. Estimating that little chance (hope for some people...), is very wrong...

Here are some examples

"Its practically impossible for FFXIII to come out on the 360"
"Their is pretty much zero chance Tekken 6 will come out for the 360"

catch my drift here bud?
2008-10-23 03:27:00

Posts: 1081

I know what practically means, do look at your sentence.

"There is practically a ZERO chance of the world coming to an end"

lets reword that to something more commonly used

"....pretty much ZERO chance of the world coming to an end. "

as I said its wrong to consider it "almost nothing" because it implies that the chance is so small it can be estimated out. Estimating that little chance (hope for some people...), is very wrong...

Here are some examples

"Its practically impossible for FFXIII to come out on the 360"
"Their is pretty much zero chance Tekken 6 will come out for the 360"

catch my drift here bud?

Yes. I understand that you are taking my words out of context. If I'm telling you that there is a slim chance of it happening, why can't you believe that that is what I wrote? I'm PRACTICALLY agreeing with you, so what's wrong with that?
2008-10-23 03:31:00

Unknown User

Play nice.
2008-10-23 03:32:00

Posts: 3476

No! You play nice!

WTF? lol
2008-10-23 03:35:00

Unknown User

yes yes I'm quite aware your agreeing with me by not saying totally impossible...and that you didn't mean to use practically as a "pretty much so just assume" manner, but I wanted to see how long I can keep this thread up so more people can read aobut the LHC (since its "OMG Its gonna destroy the world" and "OMG its not your dumb" fad pretty much died).

Now hush and read my edit on the post responding to the BigBang being a law....
2008-10-23 03:36:00

Posts: 1081

The only thing that prevents the theory from becoming a law is that a test cannot be done to prove their was a big explosion. All things go in the universe continually expanding, and the mini collisions seem to support the fact that their was something before an atom was an atom...

Which is why it's a theory, a strongly supported, unproven idea of how something works.
2008-10-23 03:40:00

Unknown User

The Big Bang is a theory, meaning it has yet to have been proved.

sounds like your attacking its validity to me....
2008-10-23 03:43:00

Posts: 1081

sounds like your attacking its validity to me....

I am, because valid mean true, does it not?
2008-10-23 03:44:00

Unknown User

Well the basis of The Big Bang is true, something happend that led to quarks that led to atoms..

we just don't know if its really an explosion, God, or Chuck Norris kicking God....
(man we are losing fire really fast...throw some more wood in)
2008-10-23 03:46:00

Posts: 1081

Well the basis of The Big Bang is true, something happend that led to quarks that led to atoms..

we just don't know if its really an explosion, God, or Chuck Norris kicking God....
(man we are losing fire really fast...throw some more wood in)

In terms of philosophies, would you consider yourself a realist?

BTW, you just reminded me of a forum game that I wanted to start.
2008-10-23 03:48:00

Unknown User

Wow, you guys are just throwing punches at each other aren't you?2008-10-23 04:14:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Wow, you guys are just throwing punches at each other aren't you?

*throws punches at Whaaaaale*
2008-10-23 04:16:00

Unknown User

*throws punches at Whaaaaale*

Doesn't feel a thing due to blubber.
2008-10-23 04:18:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

mouse just watches2008-10-23 04:18:00

Posts: 388

mouse just watches

Oh, no, you, don't! You're getting INvolved!

*throws Go,Mouse! into Whaaaaale*
2008-10-23 04:24:00

Unknown User

mouse is unaffected.

even if the world DID end, mice are immune to everything
2008-10-23 04:25:00

Posts: 388

mouse is unaffected.

You can't just be 'unaffected'. That's cheating!

*throws Go,Mouse! into Whaaaaale*
2008-10-23 04:26:00

Unknown User

mouse is immune to blubber2008-10-23 04:27:00

Posts: 388

as offtopic we are getting again.... mouses always fall for these...

2008-10-23 04:34:00

Posts: 1081

:O Mouse will stay on topic and is now in whaaaaale <_<

it says victor...victim...victor...victim ;_;
2008-10-23 04:35:00

Posts: 388

Back on topic people!

I kinda want the world to end... why am I so world weary?
2008-10-23 04:36:00

Posts: 3476

Nah. I'm pretty satisfied with the world not ending. 2008-10-23 04:37:00

Unknown User

Back on topic people!

I kinda want the world to end... why am I so world weary?

Your weird... Lol!
2008-10-23 04:37:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Your weird... Lol!
You haven't figured that out yet?

It probably has something to do with my inferiority complex.
2008-10-23 04:41:00

Posts: 3476

You haven't figured that out yet?

It probably has something to do with my inferiority complex.

2008-10-23 04:47:00

Unknown User

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