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Archive: 6 posts
I once was lost... | 2009-07-29 05:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
And I avoid. | 2009-07-29 05:45:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
I dissaprove... You're just giving the guy what he wants, attention... Yes i don't like the guy either, but if you just make a fuss about him he'll be more known and get a lot more attention, which is what he wants... | 2009-07-29 05:45:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Anti H4H, but with a specific target? Hm... My prediction: anyone who plays this level will immediately search for RussellsMuscles afterwards The real winner here: RussellsMuscles All he wants is attention. Edit: Ha ha, you snuck in there Silverleon... | 2009-07-29 05:45:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
Whatever. I thought it was funny, and kind of interesting that even regular players are annoyed by him... wow. You know, actually. Could a mod move this to the russell thread in everything else LBP. It really isn't a recommend-a-level type of level. | 2009-07-29 05:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You really don't like this guy, huh? I'll check out the level tomorrow. Off to sleep........ | 2009-07-29 05:51:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
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