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Word on the multi-layer glitch.

Archive: 142 posts

I've just played a level (Page 1 on Cool Pages) that had an "Unofficial statement" from MM about the glitch. Bear in mind, this could be all wrong, but they said it was easier to spread by word of mouth then by a news statement. Anyway, it said that MM wants us to continue creating with the glitch but NOT PUBLISH ANY of the levels we make with it until September or so. (No official date was given, just "late Sept.") They said the servers are having trouble handling it and they are working on making them better. In short, this means that this amazing glitch WILL NOT be patched out, but IMPROVED. They also said that the problems with the star system is due to the few levels published that used this glitch. But like I said this could be wrong.2009-07-27 19:07:00

Posts: 1002

Would be nice, but I'm not sure about any of that. The no stars thing started before thi's level was published, and well after bakscratch first published his demonstration.

I could only see any server troubles being caused by a million plagiarists trying to publish a copy of someone's copyable glitch level at one time... but a statement of this sort, delivered word of mouth could be done to quell such a thing as this glitch may do just that - all 100k (give or take) regular players getting online and publish any random level with this glitch in it that they can within the span of 48 hours. That could be catastrophic, especially without full understanding of any negative effects the glitch itself may have.

Possible support and condoning of the bug is a maybe, though.

Or it could be a few guys trying to keep it all for themselves so they can ride the tidal wave of revolution and "OMG youre a genius!" playcounts all on their lonesome without any competition... or even some smart people trying to quell the tide of "H4H layers" levels with propaganda lol

This is more hypothesis than any game should need lol
2009-07-27 19:13:00

Unknown User

Hey, like I said, it could all be wrong, it's just what I heard. I'm not sure how trustworthy the creator of that level is, I'm just relaying the information. If he's right, then that's totally epic. The level's name is something like "Breaking news. Unofficial MM statement on the new glitch" or some such. It's right on Page 1 if you want to see it for yourself.2009-07-27 19:19:00

Posts: 1002

While that does sound good, I don't believe it for a second. They would have to do some official thing, or at least do it on LittleXim...

What was the PSN? seems like a cheap cop out by someone to try to create a bunch of rumors about his level and thus get hearts...
2009-07-27 19:20:00

Posts: 10882

Yeah I know man, I'm not trying to shut down what you said... just talkin' about it.

If it is all nonsense, that guy a genius for finding a way to capitalize the moment and stand out from everyone who's trying to release their own version of the new glitch all at once. Unscrupulous, but clever.
2009-07-27 19:21:00

Unknown User

@Rock: I don't know the PSN, but like I said, it's right on the front page, you could find it for yourself.

And I agree with you guys, it does sound a bit weird, MM thinking it's better to use word of mouth rather then an official news statement, not to mention the fact that he always calls it an "unofficial statement". It's the 'un' that makes it seem fishy. But, if it wasn't a scam or anything and it was true, how epic would it be?
2009-07-27 19:24:00

Posts: 1002

Total Baloney.2009-07-27 19:32:00

Posts: 1214

Aside from all this... they are having what, IMO, appears to be a test going on with this no visible rating thing... and I wouldn't doubt if the analysis they were hoping to conduct here has been made completely unreadable. It's all variables without a stable control... an experiment that now has no conclusive evidence, because this probably took them completely by surprise. I'm 100% sure they had no idea this was brewing up since Spaff played the level today, only now that it made it's way to page 1.

...and there isn't one single glitch level on cool pages right now, other than thi's... and I know they've been flooding in all morning. Manually blocking them perhaps? If so, I wish they would do that for "unnamed levels" "H4H" and "trophy" levels too.
2009-07-27 19:35:00

Unknown User

Ah, I love a good drama!2009-07-27 19:39:00

Posts: 4430

Was the auther.... J-B-E-A-R?2009-07-27 19:45:00

Posts: 744

so what's this glitch? Looks like I didn't follow?

2009-07-27 20:32:00

Posts: 3901

so what's this glitch? Looks like I didn't follow?


Play bakscratch's level.
2009-07-27 20:35:00

Posts: 744

Was the auther.... J-B-E-A-R?
Yeah, that's it.
2009-07-27 20:43:00

Posts: 1002

I wouldn't trust it. This glitch has been around for months and months and no one has fussed about it before, if they wanted it out they coulda got rid of it ages ago.2009-07-27 20:45:00

Posts: 4291

I wouldn't trust it. This glitch has been around for months and months and no one has fussed about it before, if they wanted it out they coulda got rid of it ages ago.

Waaaaaaaa...? Wasn't the glitch just announced or whatever three or so days ago...?
2009-07-27 20:51:00

Posts: 10882

I wouldn't trust it. This glitch has been around for months and months and no one has fussed about it before, if they wanted it out they coulda got rid of it ages ago.

Do keep in mind LBP glitch testers suck and never found the 900 bugs we have.
So there's a possibility that they wweren't aware of it, and since now everyone's making a fuss about it and its starting to rise up in numbers they are doing something about it until now.

Not saying its true, but there's still a chance.
2009-07-27 20:53:00

Posts: 6707

Even Twitter is more reliable of a source than a random LittleBigPlanet level.

MediaMolecule has their own site, as does LittleBigPlanet, and there is always the PSBlog. I'm sure any combination of those would be the quickest way to get out a message if they had it. I call shenanigans until we get "official" word.
2009-07-27 21:02:00

Posts: 2325

I don't know, but i'm skeptical just on the basis that its coming from j-b-e-a-r's level. he's changed his position on it 3 times already, this seems like another ploy to get more hearts to me.

Plus, if MM was having a problem, why wouldnt they post it on the web too? They know that lots of people visit thier forums and the ones around LBP.
2009-07-27 21:02:00

Posts: 3322

Waaaaaaaa...? Wasn't the glitch just announced or whatever three or so days ago...?

Well, Mr. V posted it here a few days ago, but bakscratch discovered it aaaaaaaaaaaages ago. He's had a level up of it since then, and there are a few others out there. I've have extra layer objects he sent me sitting in a level on my moon, and I've tinkered with them a bit. At the time though, he wanted it all to be kept secret, which is why I never mentioned it.
2009-07-27 21:03:00

Posts: 4291

If this glitch really was causing all sorts of havoc it's easy enough to block these levels at publish time (or have existing published levels fail to load), no need to even update the client software, it can all be done on the server. They already do some publish time filtering (like to check the magic mouth text) so any claim that they'd want or trust the community to hold off until they give an all clear is ridiculous.2009-07-27 21:04:00

Posts: 1214

I doubt the glitch would affect the star rating system. How is the glitch and the rating system even linked together? Secondly if MM were to support this glitch, wouldn't they make it more official and easier to use? Right now it is really fiddily.2009-07-27 21:06:00

Posts: 74

I wouldn't trust it. This glitch has been around for months and months and no one has fussed about it before, if they wanted it out they coulda got rid of it ages ago.

Yea that's true but only a few people knew about it, now loads of people are copying it so it might be causing problem.

i don't know what to think of the level in terms of how realiable the evidence is however it does seem that Mm would be a bit more official about it and post it on their website first
2009-07-27 21:10:00

Posts: 785

Mm knew about the glitch when they made the game. A friend of mine showed me that. In the Introduction level in the Story levels, at the very end of the level, it shows the LittleBigPlanet logo, which is clearly an object that was set in a glitched layer. Don't believe me? Go look for yourself!2009-07-27 21:17:00

Posts: 306

I doubt the glitch would affect the star rating system. How is the glitch and the rating system even linked together?

Glitch - part of game data. Probably compressed and downloaded from the database when you choose to play the level.

Ratings system - fields in a server-side database, pulled out as a eparate query from actual game data.

Link == none.

Absolutely no way this would be affecting the servers in this way. Obviously I don't know this, but I'd put money on it. And quite a lot.

edit - by "game data", I meant "level data"
2009-07-27 21:19:00

Posts: 6497

Besides it would make a lot more sense to just say so on the various forums instead of leaving it to one user created level.2009-07-27 21:22:00

Posts: 3193

I wouldn't put any value on the level being anything remotely close to truth. MM never puts out info that way, why start now? That plus all the mounting evidence from posts above me about how the systems don't have anything to do with each other.

Attention seeking scam artist is my wager.
2009-07-27 21:24:00

Posts: 5983

Attention seeking scam artist is my wager.

I'd bet on that as well.

Just think about it. All MediaMolecule employee's have PSN's beginning in MM_...

Question: Why would some random person have any inside information about MediaMolecule or any statements from them?
Answer: They wouldn't.

Another thought - If it's coming from MediaMolecule, why would it be an "unofficial" statement.
2009-07-27 21:31:00

Posts: 2325

It's for sure not real.

Sorry guys, this guy's a fraud. He had the same level published under a different title yesterday. He was talking about how he was going to create a epic extra-layered level. He's just drumming up attention to increase his play count.

Ha, I beat you, rtm!
2009-07-27 21:36:00

Posts: 5338

Another thought - If it's coming from MediaMolecule, why would it be an "unofficial" statement.

Oh oh oh I know!!! Is it because it's a lie?


*looks up "rhetoric" in the dictionary*

Ahhh... sorry :blush:
2009-07-27 21:36:00

Posts: 6497

Ah yes, this is the same thing I mentioned (Well, in a fair amount of detail ) on another thread. I don't really know what to think, but imo it seems like this statement about the glitch may be legitimate... somehow. The guy put a lot of information regarding the subject (along with said shameless promotion ) into his level and even referred to an official Mm representative, it just seems like he wouldn't make a false claim like this on such a big scale. But I could be wrong - I guess only time will tell :|

Besides, if he is lying - I can only say, OUCH. He'll have some explaining to do to Mm
2009-07-27 21:38:00

Posts: 31

Mm knew about the glitch when they made the game. A friend of mine showed me that. In the Introduction level in the Story levels, at the very end of the level, it shows the LittleBigPlanet logo, which is clearly an object that was set in a glitched layer. Don't believe me? Go look for yourself!

You really think they would use a glitch in their game to create their game?
2009-07-27 21:44:00

Posts: 4291

Yeah, I think it'd be best to wait until Mm give an official announcement on the glitch, plus I don't see how glitched layers and rating systems can be even remotely linked together. Also, my opinion on this glitch has changed. I know for sure I won't be using it in my levels. I just think it'll become an annoying fad, and from the "3D" levels we've seen so far, I just don't think 3D environments look right in LBP. In my opinion, attempting to make LBP a 3D game is like attempting to make the next Mario game a first person shooter.2009-07-27 21:47:00

Posts: 1077

You really think they would use a glitch in their game to create their game?
I think what he's trying to say is that Mm utilised the other layers while making the game, not through any sort of glitch - they're the programmers so obviously they have access to any possible aspect of the game such as that. It's only a glitch to us as it wasn't intended for use by the LBP community. He's right though, and I've seen background layers used on other levels made by Mm too (I think they may have in the creator pack levels, and possibly in the tutorial levels?) so, yeh. I don't think Mm were ever planning to give us this ability but seeing as the glitch emerged, it seems like they're more than happy to allow us use of it! I expect they'll allow the glitch to be used through a proper tool in a future creator pack or such.
2009-07-27 22:11:00

Posts: 31

Well if the guy is lying, then we can be sure that the community will see to it that he gets his comeuppance. :kz:2009-07-27 23:06:00

Posts: 155

As shocked as I may be to admit this, I DON'T want Mm to keep this in game...

I'm worried that this will begin to break the "feeling" of LBP...

Call me crazy, but I'm just not fond of anything more than 3 layers. But man; I could sure use them :[
2009-07-27 23:28:00

Posts: 221

I wouldn't worry too much about this becoming commonly used. From what NinjaMicWZ has posted it seems to be very tedius and un-creator friendly so only a few creators will be savy enough to use this with any success I think. I don't think I'm capable of wraping my head around most of it but it could be useful in rare situations of creating.2009-07-27 23:32:00

Posts: 5983

Glitch - part of game data. Probably compressed and downloaded from the database when you choose to play the level.

Ratings system - fields in a server-side database, pulled out as a eparate query from actual game data.

Link == none.

Absolutely no way this would be affecting the servers in this way. Obviously I don't know this, but I'd put money on it. And quite a lot.

You never disconnected an object near the end of one of your levels only to find that something near the beginning collapses?
2009-07-27 23:33:00

Matt 82
Posts: 1096

Definitely not true.
However, J-B-E-A-R's 'teaser' is pretty awesome I have to say...
2009-07-27 23:37:00

Posts: 1230

You never disconnected an object near the end of one of your levels only to find that something near the beginning collapses?

I don't gettit? What has this to do with servers? Or are we just talking about how bizarre the game is in general?
2009-07-27 23:48:00

Posts: 6497


Once upon a time, he sent me a message on PSN. He said that I "seemed to know my stuff" and asked how to get a level to the cool pages.
Of course, being my stupid, foolish self, I told him.
Next thing I know I see a skateboard level. It was actually pretty impressive, to be honest. I was expecting some H4Her ripping me off.
But of course, now we have this. A scam to get hearts.

For the Star Wars nerds, just think of it like this:
I = Obi Wan (or however the hell you spell it
J-b-e-a-r = Anakin (or however the hell you spell it)
Together = Me dead, Darth Vader rises
2009-07-28 00:01:00

Posts: 657

But his level IS good, no?
I thought it looked stunning, granted it was just a teaser. Is he really that bad?
2009-07-28 00:08:00

Posts: 1230

his level looked good, but the way he's promoting it is unscrupulous and wrong.

but back on topic, if MM was going to promote something through levels, wouldn't they use LittleXim or one of the MM_____ accounts? >.> This glitch has created WAAAAAAY too much drama lol
2009-07-28 00:10:00

Posts: 3322

I don't gettit? What has this to do with servers? Or are we just talking about how bizarre the game is in general?

Hehe, the last part.
2009-07-28 00:14:00

Matt 82
Posts: 1096

Thi's level has just been republished, and he is saying the same thing.

I don't know if this is fake anymore, J-b-e-a-r is one person, but now Thi is saying it too.

And I must agree, I hope MM does patch this up, it ruins the feeling of LBP in my opinion.
2009-07-28 00:20:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I think it depends how you use it. I think it can be a great addition to LBP, if used properly.

I still am very skeptical if the announcement is true. I would think they'd at the very least have a twitter update or something if that was really the case.
2009-07-28 00:31:00

Posts: 1230

I think it depends how you use it. I think it can be a great addition to LBP, if used properly.

I still am very skeptical if the announcement is true. I would think they'd at the very least have a twitter update or something if that was really the case.

It's not true. Gaming business isn't some some pile of mess that you tackle for fun in anyway that spring to your mind. Gaming industry = serious business. It's millions of dollars dancing on your screen, carefully planned and studied marketing, etc. There's no way this guy is having a true message. It simply doesn't happen like that.

2009-07-28 00:35:00

Posts: 3901

Well, Twitter isn't the best way to get it out to the WHOLE community, if anything they're updating the News Moon, because as it stands right now, it sounds like it's a glitch that is messing up the servers, badly.

I still don't believe it, but I don't know what to think right now, haha.
2009-07-28 00:36:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Remember the old Alpha videos of LBP with the balloon-shaped popits? If my memory is correct, there were many more layers than just 3 in those sandboxes. Maybe this feature was just removed from user access, but the scripting in the game engine still exists. If it didn't, the game would probably crash when you left the normal 3-layer space. The fact that this is recreatable, you can manipulate objects out there, the objects save into the level data, and it shows up online defintely shows evidence that this was merely "disabled" by MM.

Also, I can't find J-B-e-a-r's level at all. I tried searching through his profile and using text search. Has MM taken action against his level? Can anyone else find it? There is also no evidence that using multiple layers stresses the servers. What logical explanation could be behind this? Extra layers, like everything else stored in level data, are obviously normally occuring and the thermometer most likely accounts for these. And if MM's tutorial levels, as well as DLC levels, use this feature, then MM would never publish those if they knew they could be a "danger" to their servers.

On another note, I searched for LBP_level_Critic and didn't get any results. This means he has no levels uploaded. I tested the name under "add a friend" in the XMB and I was able to send an invitation (but I didn't, of course), so this user exists. Also, why would LBP even have level critics? Wouldn't you think it would be sneaky and unfair if MM hired critics to review users' levels without an official news post or notice first?

I would remove the repeated text up top but I can't easily with the PS3 browser.
2009-07-28 00:54:00

Unknown User

Remember the old Alpha videos of LBP with the balloon-shaped popits? If my memory is correct, there were many more layers than just 3 in those sandboxes. Maybe this feature was just removed from user access, but the scripting in the game engine still exists. If it didn't, the game would probably crash when you left the normal 3-layer space. The fact that this is recreatable, you can manipulate objects out there, the objects save into the level data, and it shows up online defintely shows evidence that this was merely "disabled" by MM.
You are correct. If the glitch works than the ingame engine MUST be capable of doing it.... it would be impossible otherwise.

The 3 layers is most likely a self-imposed restriction - maybe because they felt a) working with any more than that would be difficult and they wanted their game to be simple, or b) they felt non-professional game developers would push the PS3 engine too much using that many layers.

For whatever reason, the engine can certainly support it - however, I wish they would either make it a feature or close it up.
2009-07-28 01:15:00

Posts: 4430

Yeah, that's what I heard in the front page.
But obviously it's being spread and MM will know... soon.
I told you, you could have kept it locked for LBPC only. D:
2009-07-28 01:17:00

Unknown User

Well, guys, I just want to clear one thing up, here, for my own benefit, really.

I just want to say that I did say repeatedly that what I heard could very well be false, and I'm just as skeptical as everyone else. I just don't want you guys to think I'm easily duped or something.

That said, I think I agree with Whaaaale and several others who said that the glitch ruins the feel of LBP. I played a level that incorporated the extra layers, it was just too confusing to ever really be feasible. I kept trying to jump into layers that I couldn't, it was a nightmare.
2009-07-28 01:22:00

Posts: 1002

I'm thinking that MM should implement an ability to choose how many layers there are. It's not like they can't.2009-07-28 01:25:00

Posts: 1432

I played a level that incorporated the extra layers, it was just too confusing to ever really be feasible. I kept trying to jump into layers that I couldn't, it was a nightmare.

I'm 100% not surprised. Most people struggle to use three layers. In fact it's a very small percentage of the user base that can do it effectively. People who struggle with three playable levels are going to struggle with extra non-playable levels, due to the whole "I made it so I understand it" problem that all of use face when creating. The creator knows which layers are playable, due to a intimate knowledge of the level. It's conveying that information to a player in a transparent manner that is difficult.

I believe they will fix it, although it's going to be interesting to see how. Simply the fact that it's not something they intended us to have is enough to get it stopped and the coverage it has had will just accelerate the process.
2009-07-28 01:28:00

Posts: 6497

Just want to get the word out here:
J-b-e-a-r (or maybe Mm?) locked the level. Who knows why.
2009-07-28 01:30:00

Posts: 657

ok, 1st, 'livingston_tf. i find ur remarks v strange. i asked u how to publish because i wasnt getting any plays on my work & knew i was missing something. turned out i was as i knocked the infamous lvl together to test it. i managed pg 1 & it was gr8 but in hindsight i wished it was all my own work as i had a hundred people say i stole their lvl. v annoying. So, v eager to show my own work i published a trailer, shortly afterwards i noticed bakscratch's glitch ready to go from pg 3 after 7 days ( no prizes or tutorial just a look what i can do ) i thought others should have it imediately as he'd advertised it & mm would fix it. turns out him & some friends had sat on it a month. we sent msgs & i tried to make him see that if they fix it & there r 4 lvls made by him & his friends & the rest of us find out why he wont be popular. i thought it would be better to have 400 amazing lvls to play instead as i also doubted their creativy abilities. therefore i chose to use my lvl as a vehicle to tell people about the glitch & it being kept not shared. my argument being create play SHARE .people wanted it & forums talked( idk i just joined lbp central just now). i asked him to share it with everybody again & his msg was ' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' so on it went with his friends coming out of nowhere to insult me. after a while he could see ppl were playing my lvl v quickly & agreed to give prize & tutorial. gr8. until i realised this was designed to confuse & nobody could use it, then he vanished. sooo a friend of his thi766 came out of nowhere & gave decent workable tools & we promote it to get ppl using it quickly , i thought i was doing a gd thing idk. ppl r amazed at the glitch & it felt like history was being made in the game . then v convincing posts were left on thi766's lvl by LBP_level_Critic' about this new glitch & other releases coming soon etc. finding it hard to converse on a comments pg i took a chance on msging him. msgs were sent back, technical stuff about servers etc & how many thousands of dollars had been spent to fix servers the last 3 weeks. not wanting to be part of the problem i sugessted using my lvl to inform, they thought this was a gd idea. i asked the gist of what they would like me to write. & that is what is on the lvl. i just locked it after reading these posts. i am now praying this moderator was & is for real. ??? i will have to wait till morning i guess. at every point in this i was trying to do what i thought was best but maybe it wasn't , i might come through this ok, i might not. for now i guess we wait for news. i aapologise .mm ( apparently) dont blame anyone for the glitch as its kinda the ethos of the game to create. anyway, lets hope its all gd news & please dont be h8rs . c ya2009-07-28 01:31:00

Posts: 85

I can't find J-B-e-a-r's level at all. I tried searching through his profile and using text search. Has MM taken action against his level? Can anyone else find it? There is also no evidence that using multiple layers stresses the servers. What logical explanation could be behind this? Extra layers, like everything else stored in level data, are obviously normally occuring and the thermometer most likely accounts for these. And if MM's tutorial levels, as well as DLC levels, use this feature, then MM would never publish those if they knew they could be a "danger" to their servers.

On another note, I searched for LBP_level_Critic and didn't get any results. This means he has no levels uploaded. I tested the name under "add a friend" in the XMB and I was able to send an invitation (but I didn't, of course), so this user exists. Also, why would LBP even have level critics? Wouldn't you think it would be sneaky and unfair if MM hired critics to review users' levels without an official news post or notice first?
2009-07-28 01:31:00

Unknown User

ok, 1st, 'livingston_tf. i find ur remarks v strange. i asked u how to publish because i wasnt getting any plays on my work & knew i was missing something. turned out i was as i knocked the infamous lvl together to test it. i managed pg 1 & it was gr8 but in hindsight i wished it was all my own work as i had a hundred people say i stole their lvl. v annoying. So, v eager to show my own work i published a trailer, shortly afterwards i noticed bakscratch's glitch ready to go from pg 3 after 7 days ( no prizes or tutorial just a look what i can do ) i thought others should have it imediately as he'd advertised it & mm would fix it. turns out him & some friends had sat on it a month. we sent msgs & i tried to make him see that if they fix it & there r 4 lvls made by him & his friends & the rest of us find out why he wont be popular. i thought it would be better to have 400 amazing lvls to play instead as i also doubted their creativy abilities. therefore i chose to use my lvl as a vehicle to tell people about the glitch & it being kept not shared. my argument being create play SHARE .people wanted it & forums talked( idk i just joined lbp central just now). i asked him to share it with everybody again & his msg was ' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' so on it went with his friends coming out of nowhere to insult me. after a while he could see ppl were playing my lvl v quickly & agreed to give prize & tutorial. gr8. until i realised this was designed to confuse & nobody could use it, then he vanished. sooo a friend of his thi766 came out of nowhere & gave decent workable tools & we promote it to get ppl using it quickly , i thought i was doing a gd thing idk. ppl r amazed at the glitch & it felt like history was being made in the game . then v convincing posts were left on thi766's lvl by LBP_level_Critic' about this new glitch & other releases coming soon etc. finding it hard to converse on a comments pg i took a chance on msging him. msgs were sent back, technical stuff about servers etc & how many thousands of dollars had been spent to fix servers the last 3 weeks. not wanting to be part of the problem i sugessted using my lvl to inform, they thought this was a gd idea. i asked the gist of what they would like me to write. & that is what is on the lvl. i just locked it after reading these posts. i am now praying this moderator was & is for real. ??? i will have to wait till morning i guess. at every point in this i was trying to do what i thought was best but maybe it wasn't , i might come through this ok, i might not. for now i guess we wait for news. i aapologise .mm ( apparently) dont blame anyone for the glitch as its kinda the ethos of the game to create. anyway, lets hope its all gd news & please dont be h8rs . c ya
Maybe you should fix up your grammar, I have no idea what you're saying.
2009-07-28 01:32:00

Posts: 1432

Ah, so you have realized what you've done. Well it seems you're truly sorry about all this... however... Media Molecule doesn't like the fact that you misrepresented them, that's for sure. We'll just have to see what happens.2009-07-28 01:44:00

Unknown User

Ok, I get it now. Sorry about being so harsh, J-b-e-a-r.

This "LBP_level_critic" guy was obviously somebody trying (and failing) to be funny. That's called a prank.

Please, do not trust anybody saying they're Mm unless they really sound official. In this case, the shame goes to LBP_level_critic.
Thank you for your time.
2009-07-28 01:56:00

Posts: 657

MM staff members have the MM_ in them, except maybe Johnee

and please... learn to type >.> I'm sorry, but all that abbreviation and misspellings etc makes it ridiculously painful to read.

and i'm sorry, but the way you went about it is still wrong. getting a level to page 1 by piggybacking on someone elses work is one thing, originally using the level as slander against bakscratch is another, both are inexcusable in my books.
2009-07-28 02:33:00

Posts: 3322

Yeah, um...

1. I really could not bother to read that paragraph, if you're gonna type a lot you have to type it so other people can read it, not just throw it out >_< Yep.

2. What I understand from what I inferred from other people, you're saying someone else randomly sent you a PSN saying they had random news, which of course if false, because no real company would send info out that one, and a big corporation is not going to send its big press release to some random person >_<.

Yeah... I guess I can understand why you were confused because I have to, but, um... yeah, you might just want to delete that level, it's just causing too much problems... unless you do have it just to get hearts...

But really... I just... I'll leave before I slap my forehead harder <_> Meyep
2009-07-28 02:41:00

Posts: 10882

Hmmm.. I think you guys might be being a bit harsh on J-B-E-A-R. Maybe I don't know all the details, but it seems to me that he's telling the truth and it's not his fault.

I read the paragraph, despite it's horrible formatting (maybe he was on the ps3 when he wrote it).
If someone with the apparently official MM_ in their name sent you a message telling you that this huge glitch that's very revolutionary and possibly damaging to levels is breaking the servers and costing thousands of dollars, would you take the risk of ignoring him? I think J-B-E-A-R did the right think locking his level. He clearly wasn't vying for hearts if he locked his level. I think he is genuinely worried that he was causing a problem, and removed his level. Not to mention, he then took the time to register here and explain this to us.

Frankly, I saw an incredible teaser for a level with outstanding visuals, using a groundbreaking glitch, and deserving in my book of page 1 cool levels. I also saw a level that was LOCKED by himself because someone told him he was costing thousands of dollars.
Is there anything wrong with this? Am I missing something? Should LBPC be lowering their defenses a bit?

Anyways, J-B-E-A-R, I think what you can get through this whole thread is that the person who told you that is definitely a fraud, and you can put your level back up.
2009-07-28 03:44:00

Posts: 1230

Yeah, I had no issue reading JBear's message at all... and it sounds like he was trying to do the right thing (or.. may HAVE done the right thing). At least one other level on page 1 right now (the "1st 3D level" level) is saying a similar thing half way through. I personally have no idea whether it's legit or not, but JBear is trying to do the right thing.

Regardless.... cool glitch!
2009-07-28 05:27:00

Posts: 4430

Yea I'd say it's probably just a guy going around to people's levels pretending to be MM.
After all, if it really was MM they would just lock it themselves probably. If you really want to be safe, wait a day and see if MM releases anything officially (via their website/twitter).

But yea, I say put your level back up!
2009-07-28 05:55:00

Posts: 1230

I think if this was true they wouldn't have gone through a third party and would've told all of us on their website/twitter and if necessary made a level themselves telling people about it. Why would they tell someone else this without informing everyone else about it?2009-07-28 06:56:00

Posts: 1318

I read the paragraph, despite it's horrible formatting (maybe he was on the ps3 when he wrote it).

Not possible.
There's no way you can fit all that in the PS3 textbox, its quite limited, at about 1/3 of that he would have to cut off and start a new post.

And i'm always in the PS3 browser and that doesn't make me type like that...

He still shouldn't have done that.
If Mm felt this was server-threatening they would surely done something at once.
And one shouldn't believe "important" statements from some random person right away.
One should investigate 1st before taking action.
And as i said before, if Mm was aware of this THEY would have taken care of it right away, specially if it was that important, so there was no need for him to act as some fake messenger from Mm, i'm quite sure they have the resources to tell the people if something is causig a major prioblem.
So no i still don't think it was right for him to do that.
2009-07-28 07:01:00

Posts: 6707

I am on ps3 , i did fit all those words in, & it is like texting with your eyes closed. Bear in mind ( no pun intended ) whilst u carry on with your opinions of me that these messages will look mighty silly if i'm right about this. its too late for me i'm past the point of no return but save yourselves people, lol . This is going to be a long week. sigh2009-07-28 07:15:00

Posts: 85

This is going to be a long week. sigh

That it is >.> Like i said before somewhere, too much drama on this new glitch... i think i need to stop going to this thread >.>
2009-07-28 07:37:00

Posts: 3322

all i know is that the glitch looks cool (when used properly)2009-07-28 07:58:00

Posts: 345

oh September I know some time ago Mm did talk about they use to be 50 layer but they cut right back and maybe now they see ppl useing the game in this way they going to add background making?

I dont think some ppl need to hold back from using this just to use it have a point to add it dont make level just to use this use it to add to your level only when you think it be useful
2009-07-28 08:25:00

Posts: 1014

I'd like to say a couple more things , forgive me but this is obviously on my mind, & i by no means want to start arguing , believe me, but.....
1. if it transpires mm wanted my lvl up spreading news like wild fire through word of mouth ( it is quicker than a news update that nobody checks & not everybody comes here u know ) which is looking like it is truly the case, & i took it down based on how i felt about things said about my character & integrity on these pages then....? Well, i hope we all learn some lessons as u won't have been any help to the cause & the complicated situation mm are in.
2. How the hell were people getting through the sealed door in my level to the other side ????????????????? glitchers ! grrrrrrrr u gotta love em
2009-07-28 08:27:00

Posts: 85

Well I didn't have too much trouble reading that post you first made, but I think I know what you're trying to say. It sounds like you wasn't trying to lie, but you was tricked by some guy pretending to be part of the Mm staff. Next time, I'd reccomend being a bit more careful when getting messages like that, and you could even email Mm asking if the information is true the next time you recieve a message like that.2009-07-28 09:13:00

Posts: 1077

Well... 99.9% certain LBP_level_Critic is the person they claim to be. by all means send a msg as that was the idea. Actually a very nice person & has been extremely helpful &supportive. Waiting to be contacted any time between now & tomorrow by someone quite high up in mm in the Usa regarding the predicament i am now in & if the publicity behind my lvl is something they wish to use ? . Hopefully i won't need to create a new psn account & my conscience will be clear & i can enjoy playing & creating once again ( i might not share ). But just hold fire with the speculations , it doesn't achieve anything2009-07-28 09:38:00

Posts: 85

I think if this was true they wouldn't have gone through a third party and would've told all of us on their website/twitter and if necessary made a level themselves telling people about it. Why would they tell someone else this without informing everyone else about it?

Well MM have never bothered telling us anything directly for the last 9 months even though we've been pleading with them to do just that so why would they start now.

I assume Spaff_Molecule who posts regularly on here is an official MM employee ?? If so all he needs to do is put a few words up to say "Yes it was us" or "No it wasn't". How difficult is that ?

Oh and lk9988 you say
you could even email Mm asking if the information is true the next time you recieve a message like that.

LOL. Have you ever actually tried emailing MM. I have dozens of times. Guess how many times I've had a reply ???

I'll give you a clue. It's a number somewhere between -1 and 1.
2009-07-28 10:28:00

Posts: 2210

ok, 1st, 'livingston_tf. i find ur remarks v strange. i asked u how to publish because i wasnt getting any plays on my work & knew i was missing something. turned out i was as i knocked the infamous lvl together to test it. i managed pg 1 & it was gr8 but in hindsight i wished it was all my own work as i had a hundred people say i stole their lvl. v annoying. So, v eager to show my own work i published a trailer, shortly afterwards i noticed bakscratch's glitch ready to go from pg 3 after 7 days ( no prizes or tutorial just a look what i can do ) i thought others should have it imediately as he'd advertised it & mm would fix it. turns out him & some friends had sat on it a month. we sent msgs & i tried to make him see that if they fix it & there r 4 lvls made by him & his friends & the rest of us find out why he wont be popular. i thought it would be better to have 400 amazing lvls to play instead as i also doubted their creativy abilities. therefore i chose to use my lvl as a vehicle to tell people about the glitch & it being kept not shared. my argument being create play SHARE .people wanted it & forums talked( idk i just joined lbp central just now). i asked him to share it with everybody again & his msg was ' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' so on it went with his friends coming out of nowhere to insult me. after a while he could see ppl were playing my lvl v quickly & agreed to give prize & tutorial. gr8. until i realised this was designed to confuse & nobody could use it, then he vanished. sooo a friend of his thi766 came out of nowhere & gave decent workable tools & we promote it to get ppl using it quickly , i thought i was doing a gd thing idk. ppl r amazed at the glitch & it felt like history was being made in the game . then v convincing posts were left on thi766's lvl by LBP_level_Critic' about this new glitch & other releases coming soon etc. finding it hard to converse on a comments pg i took a chance on msging him. msgs were sent back, technical stuff about servers etc & how many thousands of dollars had been spent to fix servers the last 3 weeks. not wanting to be part of the problem i sugessted using my lvl to inform, they thought this was a gd idea. i asked the gist of what they would like me to write. & that is what is on the lvl. i just locked it after reading these posts. i am now praying this moderator was & is for real. ??? i will have to wait till morning i guess. at every point in this i was trying to do what i thought was best but maybe it wasn't , i might come through this ok, i might not. for now i guess we wait for news. i aapologise .mm ( apparently) dont blame anyone for the glitch as its kinda the ethos of the game to create. anyway, lets hope its all gd news & please dont be h8rs . c ya
I cant understand you...

Maybe you should fix up your grammar, I have no idea what you're saying.True.

Anyways i'll be continueing my secret cave series with this glitch.
2009-07-28 11:10:00

Posts: 744

Hey adam, i'm sure you could if you really tried and wanted to unless you've slapped yourself on the forehead too many times like Rocksauron ;2009-07-28 11:31:00

Posts: 85

LOL. Have you ever actually tried emailing MM. I have dozens of times. Guess how many times I've had a reply ???

I'll give you a clue. It's a number somewhere between -1 and 1.

I've never sent them an email before. I just suggested that because maybe you could be very lucky and actually get a reply.
2009-07-28 11:41:00

Posts: 1077

I've never sent them an email before. I just suggested that because maybe you could be very lucky and actually get a reply.


That's the best laugh I've had in ages. I love your optimism.
2009-07-28 11:49:00

Posts: 2210

So far it appears that we have been conned, J-B-E-A-R most of all.2009-07-28 12:00:00

Posts: 155

Well, I dunno. Just take into account the fact that this may be ******** and if it's true, I want official confirmation as well.2009-07-28 12:06:00

Posts: 1424

I don't think its a con, even thi667 (who made the first '3-d' level) is saying not to publish them and says he'll delete his levels soon. Now you would'nt delete a level with thousands of plays for a con would you?2009-07-28 12:18:00

Posts: 2266

I never believed the 'official' MM guy for a second.

Also, did the levels just disappear off Cool Levels? I can't find em anymore.
2009-07-28 12:19:00

Posts: 490

Now you would'nt delete a level with thousands of plays for a con would you?

If you were conned, then yes... yes you would. Just because he made the first of these levels doesn't automatically put him in a position of knowledge and "soon"... Hmmm, who says he is even telling the truth about this. If he believed it he would take the levels down NOW and replace the slots with messages.

Taking into account the dubious source of the information and the dubious technical accuracy of the information, I'd still be willing to bet money this is all a con. BTW, by dubious source, I don't mean that in any disrespect to you J-Bear, I think you got conned the same as everyone else, you just happened to be more visible.
2009-07-28 12:26:00

Posts: 6497

In all honesty, as a software developer and an ex-video game developer, if MM_Level_Critic IS actually legitimate and there's a problem with these published levels, I'm a bit surprised that they wouldn't simply add a bit of code to automatically moderate levels which contained the glitch.

I'm not going to argue whether he is legitimate or not because it sounds more like a "yes he is!" "no he isn't" "yes he is!" "no he isn't" "yes he is!" "no he isn't" "I know you are but what am I???" kind of discussion.
2009-07-28 13:37:00

Posts: 4430

Hey adam, i'm sure you could if you really tried and wanted to unless you've slapped yourself on the forehead too many times like Rocksauron ;

Slapped so many times i have 9 brain tumers.
2009-07-28 14:14:00

Posts: 744

In all honesty, as a software developer and an ex-video game developer, if MM_Level_Critic IS actually legitimate and there's a problem with these published levels, I'm a bit surprised that they wouldn't simply add a bit of code to automatically moderate levels which contained the glitch.

I'm not going to argue whether he is legitimate or not because it sounds more like a "yes he is!" "no he isn't" "yes he is!" "no he isn't" "yes he is!" "no he isn't" "I know you are but what am I???" kind of discussion.

From what I've read, their name doesn't even begin with MM_. It's actually LBP_Level_Critic, which is even sketchier.
2009-07-28 14:19:00

Posts: 2325

In all honesty, as a software developer and an ex-video game developer, if MM_Level_Critic IS actually legitimate and there's a problem with these published levels, I'm a bit surprised that they wouldn't simply add a bit of code to automatically moderate levels which contained the glitch.

I'm not going to argue whether he is legitimate or not because it sounds more like a "yes he is!" "no he isn't" "yes he is!" "no he isn't" "yes he is!" "no he isn't" "I know you are but what am I???" kind of discussion.

my dad can beat up your dad!

and if this guy (or girl) is legit, MM will probably have a news update (maybe just on their site) that says what the deal is in a few days. maybe they want to use big words and that's why it's taking so long
2009-07-28 14:31:00

Posts: 345

my dad can beat up your dad!

and if this guy (or girl) is legit, MM will probably have a news update (maybe just on their site) that says what the deal is in a few days. maybe they want to use big words and that's why it's taking so long
Most people can beat up my dad.....
2009-07-28 14:42:00

Posts: 4430

I think i'll just leave you all to talk it out between yourselves . i'm so over it , & u'll see .2009-07-28 15:02:00

Posts: 85

I think i'll just leave you all to talk it out between yourselves . i'm so over it , & u'll see .
In all honesty, I wouldn't worry too much about what we say on this forum.... in the end, we're just having fun waiting for the next interesting topic to pop up. Anyway, it was nice meeting you!

By the way, I'd love to see a 50-layer-glitch level where you could walk through the walls... which are hybrids between glass and metal (but look like burning/electric dark matter that floats).

Next project?
2009-07-28 15:28:00

Posts: 4430

Hmmm, I don't know how many of you monitor the LBP Workshop forums, but I think this situation needs to be "nipped in the bud", and fast.

I just noticed 2 threads pop up under the following preconceptions:

1) "I can't do ANYTHING right now until MM comment because I can't upload my levels because of rumour, I can't not upload my levels because of profile space, and I can't not create right now because of other rumour."

2) "I hear we can't upload ANY levels until September"

The rumor/problem/situation seems to show signs of evolving.
2009-07-28 16:13:00

Posts: 1154

Hmmm, I don't know how many of you monitor the LBP Workshop forums, but I think this situation needs to be "nipped in the bud", and fast.

I just noticed 2 threads pop up under the following preconceptions:

1) "I can't do ANYTHING right now until MM comment because I can't upload my levels because of rumour, I can't not upload my levels because of profile space, and I can't not create right now because of other rumour."

2) "I hear we can't upload ANY levels until September"

The rumor/problem/situation seems to show signs of evolving.

dawkins never shuts up about evolution does he?

on topic, I think this has reached a stage where Mm need to make a statement about this glitch and rating thing. and also to make it very clear that any future announcements come from Mm directly and not via a pm.
2009-07-28 16:31:00

Matt 82
Posts: 1096

Be da Jebas a man!

Right thats it! I'm off to live in a cave down in Kerry until this blows over.

By the way I just heard from a reliable source that this glitch can wipe your game save data if you have a disc with a serial code beginning with "BOLLKS"

Also, my toaster hasn't been working ever since I published a level with this glitch in it........
Coincidence..... I think not.
2009-07-28 16:32:00

Posts: 1904

Ha ha, wex. Now that you mention it, my toast has been a bit darker than usual...2009-07-28 16:37:00

Posts: 5338

My toaster died in a power surge. 2009-07-28 16:38:00

Posts: 657

dawkins never shuts up about evolution does he?

Couldn't resist, could you?

on topic, I think this has reached a stage where Mm need to make a statement about this glitch and rating thing. and also to make it very clear that any future announcements come from Mm directly and not via a pm.

I agree. I'd copy my exact sentiments from LBP Workshop, but I think I used the phrasing "relying on private revelation", and I don't want to give you any more ammo.
2009-07-28 16:41:00

Posts: 1154

From Spaff:

Hi guys,

I just wanted to pop in here to say that we haven't said anything so far about this glitch, or what will happen with it - we only saw it for the first time yesterday!

We're looking into it, and I'd say it will more than likely be considered to be a bug, and then be 'fixed' and removed some time in the future.

I'm not sure what this whole September thing is all about - would someone care to enlighten me? :smileyhappy:
2009-07-28 16:57:00

Posts: 1154

Good. This means it's time to use it a plenty!!

Also, they are crazy if they don't make a background mod feature with that feature. They probably don't think about creative stuff like that and will probable continue making costumes instead.

2009-07-28 17:00:00

Posts: 3901

If it's causing problems then I suppose that's that. I was thinking about starting my new level from scratch again anyway.

I do hope however that Mm have seen the reaction from creators about this glitch and take notes. Perhaps we could see a proper background creation tool one day. Perhaps.
2009-07-28 17:06:00

Posts: 155

Now, did anyone think to ask spaff about the rating issues? That's what I'm most concerned about.2009-07-28 17:09:00

Posts: 5338

Now, did anyone think to ask spaff about the rating issues? That's what I'm most concerned about.

Well he's probably still online on the LittleBigWorkshop forums since he just posted a few minutes ago. It's the thread in General Discussion with "September" in the name.
2009-07-28 17:13:00

Posts: 1154

What's those other problems you guys have like ratings and with publishing?

I have zero problem on my american copy. I see all the rating, I can publish levels, no problems at all. Is that just a region thing??

2009-07-28 17:55:00

Posts: 3901

What's those other problems you guys have like ratings and with publishing?

I have zero problem on my american copy. I see all the rating, I can publish levels, no problems at all. Is that just a region thing??

New levels don't have visible ratings for some reason.
It may be random. Who knows. :kz:
2009-07-28 18:40:00

Posts: 657

What's those other problems you guys have like ratings and with publishing?

I have zero problem on my american copy. I see all the rating, I can publish levels, no problems at all. Is that just a region thing??


Apparently not...I thought it was only Americans with that problem...
2009-07-28 18:45:00

Posts: 4291

Well, I am on the lastest version and I have ratings and everything. This bug doesn't happen to everybody it seems.

2009-07-28 20:13:00

Posts: 3901

Well, I am on the lastest version and I have ratings and everything. This bug doesn't happen to everybody it seems.

My existing levels have ratings, and all the levels on cool pages that were published before a certain date do.... but I have noticed levels such as Pom's new one and a bunch of other ones that have been published recently that have NO rating at all. Not sure what it is yet.....
2009-07-28 20:21:00

Posts: 4430

My existing levels have ratings, and all the levels on cool pages that were published before a certain date do.... but I have noticed levels such as Pom's new one and a bunch of other ones that have been published recently that have NO rating at all. Not sure what it is yet.....

I'm gonna look more closely tonight.

2009-07-28 20:22:00

Posts: 3901

I am on ps3 , i did fit all those words in, & it is like texting with your eyes closed.

That can't be, just quoted your post and when i tried to writte the textbox stopped in the 9th line where it says: " therefore i chose to use my lvl as a vehicle".
So unless you upgraded your PS3 and added that stuff for better internet browsing it is quite impossible to do that.

And yes it is quite more difficult writting here than on a CPU, but that doesn't stop you from being ablr to separate your paragraphs.
For line break press "Shift+Enter" (Says so in the text box when you're typing but still you might not know of it, so just in case.)

So did you like add linux or something?
Or what kind of PS3 do you have.

Anywho, back on topic.

For those still thinking/ saying this might be true/false, he already said it was a lie...So yeah, you can stop debating it.
2009-07-29 02:50:00

Posts: 6707

For those still thinking/ saying this might be true/false, he already said it was a lie...So yeah, you can stop debating it.

It's all lies. but... they're entertaining lies. and in the end, is that not the real truth?

The answer... is no.
2009-07-29 03:26:00

Posts: 10882

... And I'll be sitting back eating popcorn watching the drama! W00T!2009-07-29 04:10:00

Posts: 1063

I am soooo confused... O_o

Can we use the layer glitch or not?

I am just wondering this because I am just after completing my "Shadow Of Perdition" level that took me days to make but I have used the glitch in some parts and am wondering if I should publish it or not...
2009-07-29 04:40:00

Unknown User

no..... The levels says we shouldn't publish levels that have this until late september.... BUT THAT MAY NOT BE WHAT MM REALLY SAYS, IT IS THI SAYING MM SAYS SO!!!!2009-07-29 05:02:00

Posts: 1063

Sigh... I remember the rumor that paintballs don't work anymore spreading like wildfire, and that was extremely small.

Do you guys realize this is just JBear trying to get plays off of the glitch popularity, and convince people not to use the layers so that he doesn't have any competition until september?

Someone needs to make a level called the OFFICIAL statement from MM about the layer glitch. In it will be a transcript of Spaff's post (toldja I saw him play it for the first time lol), a giant cut out logo of the url for the post, a small disclaimer saying J-B-E-A-R is confused, and that LBP_Level_Critic is just a regular guy who does not work for MM.

I had LBP_Level_Critic comment on my old Super Jump demo level saying his friend was making a Track and field level, and that I should check it out. He's no one.
2009-07-29 05:05:00

Unknown User

I am soooo confused... O_o

Can we use the layer glitch or not?

I am just wondering this because I am just after completing my "Shadow Of Perdition" level that took me days to make but I have used the glitch in some parts and am wondering if I should publish it or not...

Yeah, of course, go right ahead.
Altho if you had read back you'd see he already admited it being fake, or if you'd read just 3 posts posts above your post (the one i wrotte before this one) you'd see me explaining how it was all a lie and that he already admitted it being a lie.

But yeah, the answer to your main question is: Yes you can use/ publish your level with the glitch, there's no problem with that.
2009-07-29 05:08:00

Posts: 6707

Publish whatever you want... the '3D' glitch is likely to be categorized a bug and be raided upon by Mm. Thank goodness. End of Drama... I mean it doesn't even look like LBP... and while it really blows you away upon first look... it is so utterly pointless and unplayable... The shiny-shiny has worn off for me.

Now that' not to say I hope Mm didn't take note of how further and future creating tools are very much craved by the creating community... a background tool would be swweeet!
2009-07-29 05:15:00

Posts: 1308

Rumors? Truth? Pranks? GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACIES? Well It's always fun to watch the arguments that ensure NOT ON LBPC, but in the comments on levels and published levels...

The cow glitch all over again.
2009-07-29 05:21:00

Posts: 1063

I don't think MM ever intentionally targets bugs... the bugs happen because of coding problems and are indirectly linked to unwanted loopholes that allow them to happen... so code fixes probably inadvertantly fix the problems that allow these kinds of bugs.2009-07-29 05:32:00

Unknown User

Hi there - the original message about September and spreading the world is not from us, so please disregard it completely.

2009-07-29 11:21:00

Posts: 421

Is this going to be patched?2009-07-29 11:22:00

Posts: 4291

Is this going to be patched?
As far as I've heard, it will be patched only if it has potential to cause other problems. Mm seems to think that the glitch is actually really cool, but they don't want to keep it around if it's going to cause more issues.

However, no official decision has been made, so don't take my word as law just yet.
2009-07-29 12:01:00

Posts: 3729

As far as I've heard, it will be patched only if it has potential to cause other problems. Mm seems to think that the glitch is actually really cool, but they don't want to keep it around if it's going to cause more issues.

However, no official decision has been made, so don't take my word as law just yet.

In that case I hope it doesn't cause problems. I didn't want people to find out about the glitch because it could get patched. I haven't had a proper play with it for a while...maybe now is a good time to try using it again.
2009-07-29 12:06:00

Posts: 4291

Hi there - the original message about September and spreading the world is not from us, so please disregard it completely.


So we can continue publishing levels that contain the glitch?
2009-07-29 13:02:00

Posts: 2266

As far as I've heard, it will be patched only if it has potential to cause other problems. Mm seems to think that the glitch is actually really cool, but they don't want to keep it around if it's going to cause more issues.

However, no official decision has been made, so don't take my word as law just yet.

I just hope that kids don't use it too much to make spectacular 3D H4H levels. I can just imagine...Ugh...

If you mean more technical problems, well, I hope it doesn't cause any.
2009-07-29 13:41:00

Posts: 1424

It's quite hard to work with those extra layers.... I don't think any little kid will make something grand and spectacular with it, maybe just grass that goes far back.2009-07-29 16:23:00

Posts: 1063

Hey, guys, I just wanted to pop in apologize for causing so much trouble over something that was wrong anyway. So, yeah, sorry for that, and I'm glad we've finally gotten this whole thing worked out.2009-07-29 16:31:00

Posts: 1002

Well, glad u have all decided on a 'truth' you are comfortable with
Thanks for not bothering to investigate or contact me on this Spaff & ignoring my urgent pleas for you to do so. Since the majority of you that post on this sight have been assuming much i will assume Spaff doesn't work alongside the dedicated lbp team & department in the Usa that are working on the servers . ? Hence no MM prefix at the beginning of their psn names. This team were the ones that i was in contact with & it seems major server issues are not going to be fixed by the pencilled in release date of August 16th of some major lbp game changing content. Jobs i am told are on the line & i dont't how much communication is taking place between these departments . i know i got mixed up in something i wish i hadn't but hey, 'LBP_level_Critic was originally part of a new team of 4 who were asked to answer questions in the game of current issues , 2 were taken off that team for something else & the other was an overseer so LBP_level_Critic ended up alone as the 'glitch' arrived. The team requested an id or prefix or colour to identify them as staff . This was said to be under advisement ?? i dont know if this was some covert opperation due to the nature of the problem??
So, LBP_level_Critic may have lost her job after what has happened but she never stood a chance with the name allocated to her anyway. A few errors of judgement & the community has slaughtered us both whilst mm weren't really paying attention. There is more to this & i by no means have the full story but i was picking up that the glitch is working almost like a virus . idk i'm not technical its what i was told. They may have used me i'm not sure but i know they are worried. I would expect things to start going very very wrong . They seem to have internally within the company . please comment, well, of course you will, it's what you do best . peace
2009-07-29 18:47:00

Posts: 85

please comment, well, of course you will, it's what you do best . peace

Man I'm with you, I absolutely hate how everyone on this forum has something to say. Can't you all just shut up. This place would be a lot quieter and peacful if you did.[/sarcasm]

Thank you.

I for one would expect nothing to be going wrong at all. Let happy times continue.

edit - I don't actually want people to not talk on the forum - forums need people to talk and discuss, that's what a forum is. If you don't have that it's not a forum. I'm honestly not that stupid. [Sarcasm] tag added to avoid further confusion
2009-07-29 18:52:00

Posts: 6497

Well, glad u have all decided on a 'truth' you are comfortable with
Thanks for not bothering to investigate or contact me on this Spaff & ignoring my urgent pleas for you to do so. Since the majority of you that post on this sight have been assuming much i will assume Spaff doesn't work alongside the dedicated lbp team & department in the Usa that are working on the servers . ? Hence no MM prefix at the beginning of their psn names. This team were the ones that i was in contact with & it seems major server issues are not going to be fixed by the pencilled in release date of August 16th of some major lbp game changing content. Jobs i am told are on the line & i dont't how much communication is taking place between these departments . i know i got mixed up in something i wish i hadn't but hey, 'LBP_level_Critic was originally part of a new team of 4 who were asked to answer questions in the game of current issues , 2 were taken off that team for something else & the other was an overseer so LBP_level_Critic ended up alone as the 'glitch' arrived. The team requested an id or prefix or colour to identify them as staff . This was said to be under advisement ?? i dont know if this was some covert opperation due to the nature of the problem??
So, LBP_level_Critic may have lost her job after what has happened but she never stood a chance with the name allocated to her anyway. A few errors of judgement & the community has slaughtered us both whilst mm weren't really paying attention. There is more to this & i by no means have the full story but i was picking up that the glitch is working almost like a virus . idk i'm not technical its what i was told. They may have used me i'm not sure but i know they are worried. I would expect things to start going very very wrong . They seem to have internally within the company . please comment, well, of course you will, it's what you do best . peace
I'm sorry you got wrapped up in something, however keep in mind some objective facts:

1. We don't know if LBP_Level_Critic ACTUALLY works for MM. We DO know Spaff does. So to us he is, and always has been, the source for accurate information.
2. This is a FORUM. That's what we do - we discuss things. Are they always important? No. Are they always accurate? No. Is it fun? YES!
3. There are some VERY technical folks here in the discussion that have a deep knowledge of servers, development, and have even worked in the video game industry. This whole "virus", "servers unstable" thing sounds VERY fishy to us, so of course we're going to discuss it. And you're welcome to discuss alongside us - just don't take it too seriously because it could give you a headache.

Man I'm with you, I absolutely hate how everyone on this forum has something to say. Can't you all just shut up. This place would be a lot quieter and peacful if you did.

Hmmmm..... if we shut up there would be no forum, and therefore nothing for me to do in-between software builds.... sounds boring.
2009-07-29 18:55:00

Posts: 4430

Man I'm with you, I absolutely hate how everyone on this forum has something to say. Can't you all just shut up. This place would be a lot quieter and peacful if you did.

I'm hoping that was sarcasm? Forums are for discussing things so of course everyone is going to say how they feel.

I've come to the conclusion that this whole mess is just someone messing about, acting as an Mm/sony employee and trying to remove the '3-d' levels.

2009-07-29 18:59:00

Posts: 2266

I'll use my [/sarcasm] tags next time 2009-07-29 19:05:00

Posts: 6497

Hi, it was sarcasm yes just trying to stay light hearted after everything. U have valid points & its important to keep an objective view on things yes. its been a difficult week is all . 2009-07-29 19:08:00

Posts: 85

Yeah, of course, go right ahead.
Altho if you had read back you'd see he already admited it being fake, or if you'd read just 3 posts posts above your post (the one i wrotte before this one) you'd see me explaining how it was all a lie and that he already admitted it being a lie.

But yeah, the answer to your main question is: Yes you can use/ publish your level with the glitch, there's no problem with that.

Thank God....

Making that level definitely wasnt easy....Thanks for the help.
2009-07-29 20:05:00

Unknown User

To me it's pretty simple:

1- This thing is bull until MM talks in the medias about it.

2- If it was THAT BAD they would move extremely fast. It would already be in the news.

3- Anybody can go and make up that story yada yada I receive an message from MM, yada yada I work for MM, etc. This is bull.

4- According my knowledge and experience in software devellopement (6 years Ubisoft Montreal) I can't really imagine a logical link between the server state, this glitch and the ratings.

5- Spaff said "no worry".

All in all, this all converge into one direction: bull.

2009-07-29 22:09:00

Posts: 3901

Any videos or pics of this glitch anywhere? I've been away from my PS3, and am really curious as to what this is all about.2009-07-29 22:56:00

Posts: 713

Ranger zero, i hear you about anybody can make up a story because i have seen them sprout out of nowhere this week based upon absolutely nothing . i'm sure u would say the same regarding my information source & of course i'm going to be regretful if that is the case. BUT , you are implying i have fabricated a story for my own means or benefit without a reason why i would do this .
i am not a child seeking hearts or plays , my level made page 1 what seems like a month ago & hearts stars & plays have been inconsequential to me . admittedly a rubbish tag would have hurt , i am hoping on late Friday GMT i will be able to prove i was dealing with mm , but as likely as this is for me it is equally as unlikely i have had & do not have an agenda here other than now clearing my name. Persoaly i feel let down by media molecule for not knowing what was going on on page 1 for a week & if this is balloney they could have told me. So, i do love lbp as much as everybody & i hope all is well, & i hope i can make 'the ZONE' lol knowing people wont hate me . .. i just ask that u think is all , for a minute, why would i do this to myself ??? & if u quickly have an answer in your mind then you have no idea how horrible this has been for me . MM could have said something on the 1st day if they knew what was going on on ground level planet 1 but they didn't & i feel very let down by the company as a whole because this my reputation
2009-07-30 00:33:00

Posts: 85

i used the glitch just recently. this the first I heard of it causeing problems. but my stars wont show.2009-07-30 01:22:00

Posts: 349

This glitch doesn't effect the star ratings. That's something entirely different.

I wish this thread would just fade out of existence already. It's fostering mass confusion due to the speculation and opinions everyone decides to share up.

Here's what you need to know:

The glitch in questions allows creators to build outside the normal 7 planes (3 thick and 4 thin).
The glitch was discovered by Bakscratch, who is not a member here.
MM knows about the glitch and they think it's kind of cool, but they don't know if it causes other problems, so they will not comment on future patches yet.
This glitch doesn't effect the absence of star ratings. That is something entirely different, for which there has been no official announcement.
MM will never contact you personally through PSN in order to spread news via word of mouth. If news needs to be released, it will be done so officially.
You can still build and publish levels using the additional (extra) layers.
How to do the glitch can be found in other threads on this site, just use the reliable search function (or ask someone who seems like they can point you in the right direction).

I hope that helps to clear up confusion, and that's what I know so far about this whole deal. Please don't speculate wildly, as it just causes greater confusion.

Edit: I agree with Silverleon below. Can the community request a lock, not just the OP?
2009-07-30 01:40:00

Posts: 5338

May i suggest closing this thread?
I mean, its almost sure that any following post will only be confused people too lazy to read a couple of posts up to see the previous explanations, thus they ask if the rumor is its true or not and then someone explaining the situation.
i mean, there's really nothing else to discuss since its all been clarified..
So wouldn't it be best just to close it down so other people stop thinking its true?
2009-07-30 01:56:00

Posts: 6707

hi Comphermc, i agree with several things u posted but wish to respond to a few of them. I liked your authoritative stance on every point u made & u seem to be in no doubt about anything. People will listen to you .
The glitch planes r huge not 7 & 3 as you state (i know)
MM knows & they think its kl is remarkably from my breaking news level
The glitch doesn't affect star ratings - this is actually true & i think it was the update etc but i was advised to write this as it was current & a visible problem to discourage publishing glitch levels
MM will never contact you, well, thats that sorted out then . lol
you can publish levels - this is the biggy, some part of MM somewhere in the Usa doesn't want you to publish these levels until they have worked out what the hell they r doing to the game ( i know nothing more )
i am speaking on what i currently have been told & sorry people but what i also believe .
2009-07-30 02:35:00

Posts: 85

hi Comphermc, i agree with several things u posted but wish to respond to a few of them. I liked your authoritative stance on every point u made & u seem to be in no doubt about anything. People will listen to you .
The glitch planes r huge not 7 & 3 as you state (i know)
MM knows & they think its kl is remarkably from my breaking news level
The glitch doesn't affect star ratings - this is actually true & i think it was the update etc but i was advised to write this as it was current & a visible problem to discourage publishing glitch levels
MM will never contact you, well, thats that sorted out then . lol
you can publish levels - this is the biggy, some part of MM somewhere in the Usa doesn't want you to publish these levels until they have worked out what the hell they r doing to the game ( i know nothing more )
i am speaking on what i currently have been told & sorry people but what i also believe .
So..... who DID shoot Kennedy then?

I don't think we should lock this thread. It's fun.

Oh, and we don't listen to Comphermc.... the cake is a lie!
2009-07-30 02:45:00

Posts: 4430

This glitch doesn't effect the star ratings. That's something entirely different.

I wish this thread would just fade out of existence already. It's fostering mass confusion due to the speculation and opinions everyone decides to share up.

Here's what you need to know:

The glitch in questions allows creators to build outside the normal 7 planes (3 thick and 4 thin).
The glitch was discovered by Bakscratch, who is not a member here.
MM knows about the glitch and they think it's kind of cool, but they don't know if it causes other problems, so they will not comment on future patches yet.
This glitch doesn't effect the absence of star ratings. That is something entirely different, for which there has been no official announcement.
MM will never contact you personally through PSN in order to spread news via word of mouth. If news needs to be released, it will be done so officially.
You can still build and publish levels using the additional (extra) layers.
How to do the glitch can be found in other threads on this site, just use the reliable search function (or ask someone who seems like they can point you in the right direction).

I hope that helps to clear up confusion, and that's what I know so far about this whole deal. Please don't speculate wildly, as it just causes greater confusion.

Edit: I agree with Silverleon below. Can the community request a lock, not just the OP?

I've been thinking about it for a while, and I do agree that this is just adding more confusion then anything.

Spaff has said that they haven't stated anything about the glitch, you are allowed to publish the levels. As of now they are not hurting the servers.


EDIT: Sorry CCubbage.
2009-07-30 02:46:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

And, let me just add, LBP_Level_Critic does not work for Sony or Mm. They are just a person, and Mm is actually annoyed at all of the confusion they're causing.2009-07-30 04:13:00

Posts: 3729

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