attatching things to sackboy
Archive: 22 posts
i think this was origanally discovered by jump_button but i experimented with it. Did you know that its possible to attatch string,pistons,winchs,elastic ,rods and springs to sackboy in create mode? 1.get a block of dark matter and stick one of the six things to it 2. press X in the air somewhere so that the other end is in mid-air 3. using the popit cursor, press X on the end of it. 4. you should have the end selected and be able to move it around 5. attatch it to sackboy and there you go. you can now hang yourself if sacklife gets to much by usin string and jumping off a cliff ![]() | 2009-07-26 12:30:00 Author: theamilien ![]() Posts: 485 |
okay okay, this is hilarious. So I did attach it first, yeah, pretty fun swinging around, anyway. Anyway, I removed the rope and this happened: http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/7432/ettkort6.jpg Original: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/6244/ettkort7.jpg (sorry for the outfit lol) I bet you could make real cool outfits this way, I can't wait to experiment. | 2009-07-26 12:46:00 Author: ll_ye ![]() Posts: 236 |
lol what are the floaty things? | 2009-07-26 12:50:00 Author: theamilien ![]() Posts: 485 |
lol what are the floaty things? Bunny ears and pipes. Also I managed to make the thing hang.. how odd. It was like the physics engine was turned off and sackboy didn't move, very odd. Not even the ps button would work eh. Edit: Ah it has to do with rewinding and such, it really doesn't take kindly to that. hrm. | 2009-07-26 12:56:00 Author: ll_ye ![]() Posts: 236 |
Wow, this can open up a whole world of glitches. For example, I attached a piston, and then hit down on the D-Pad to float. I then detached the piston from me, and the front of it was in a non-existent layer, the layer sackboy floats in that is in front of all other objects. The piston moved around in the layer, but I couldn't attach it to regular objects. If people play around with this, we might learn some new layer glitches and such. | 2009-07-26 13:42:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
I tried this earlier. I set the string's length to 0, and turned the dark matter into metal. The result is a sideways sackboy. | 2009-07-27 00:25:00 Author: crazymario ![]() Posts: 657 |
Hehe, sounds cool. I'm gonna go try it right now.. | 2009-07-29 07:55:00 Author: LittleBigIan ![]() Posts: 27 |
Darn... so the secret's out then eh...? Sigh.. was fun while it lasted, but now Mm is sure to patch it seeing as it can be a pretty bad glitch if manuvered wrong... Trust me, i've been using it for a looong time, almost since the game was out, so i know much if not all that can be done with this one, and believe me, a lot of it can get pretty ugly... (Game freeze and such) And i doubt this will stay under Mm's radar as people will be sure to make a fuss about it... Oh well. ![]() Wouldn't reccomend to play around too much with this one as it can randomly freeze the game (amongst other things) if used in certain ways, or by simply using it, just a little advice from the person who has lost his data due to this glitch multiple times... (Good thing i back up my data regularly. ![]() @ BSprague: Indeed it is a world of glitches with this, like 90% are bad glitches or game (data) killers, but yeah a lot of glitches... | 2009-07-29 07:58:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
LOL I got it now. Get a piston and make the time 0.1, then make the maximum length 100. It breaks the piston, HAHA! | 2009-07-29 08:00:00 Author: LittleBigIan ![]() Posts: 27 |
Yes Please Please PLEASE!! Do not post a tutorial level about this.... | 2009-07-29 23:17:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
Get a piston and make the time 0.1, then make the maximum length 100. It breaks the piston, HAHA! Not only that, it kills Sackboy. He respawns on the spot with a *thunk* sound, but that's only because it's Create Mode. | 2009-07-30 02:09:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
Everyone PLEASE stop posting! Some random guy browsing this will get the idea to post this as a tutorial and make it to cool levels, and EVERYONE will make a big deal about it, and someone will come out with a fake announcement from MM and eventually MM will patch it out. Do you want to keep it or not! EDIT: This thread has been viewed 128 times already! A person like thi (the person that made the fake MM announcement level about the layer glitch) could want to get the create trophy by posting this as a tutorial on LBP! | 2009-07-30 03:10:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
Everyone PLEASE stop posting! Some random guy browsing this will get the idea to post this as a tutorial and make it to cool levels, and EVERYONE will make a big deal about it, and someone will come out with a fake announcement from MM and eventually MM will patch it out. Do you want to keep it or not! EDIT: This thread has been viewed 128 times already! A person like thi (the person that made the fake MM announcement level about the layer glitch) could want to get the create trophy by posting this as a tutorial on LBP! First of all, that wasn't thi, that was J-B-E-A-R, and he had a source, whether it was credible or not is a different story. They both already have their create trophy as well, so I wouldn't worry about that either. This glitch can't be used for anything outside of Create Mode, and no one has been able to do anything with it so far anyway. It's a novelty, not a serious thing. It won't spawn 1,000s of new levels based on it. | 2009-07-30 13:13:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
It can still be a pretty dangerous glitch that can corrupt a save file. (Sometimes can cause certain errors that will indeed cause this.) I'm just giving a warning so people don't complain if they loose their data because of this. | 2009-07-30 13:47:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Stop posting! | 2009-07-31 15:42:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
Stop posting! Then why you post? xD all well, i wont use this glitch, cause i dont want to get my save files corupted ![]() | 2009-08-03 10:07:00 Author: Dexist ![]() Posts: 570 |
Then why you post? xD all well, i wont use this glitch, cause i dont want to get my save files corupted ![]() to stop people posting! | 2009-08-10 12:18:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
I posted! Ha!![]() | 2009-08-10 23:31:00 Author: darth621 ![]() Posts: 43 |
I posted! Ha!![]() If you want to lose a good thing then fine. Finally a good glitch and people have to ruin it. This is my first and final post Hopefully. | 2009-08-11 22:47:00 Author: LittlePlanetBig ![]() Posts: 12 |
Everyone PLEASE stop posting! Some random guy browsing this will get the idea to post this as a tutorial and make it to cool levels, and EVERYONE will make a big deal about it, and someone will come out with a fake announcement from MM and eventually MM will patch it out. Do you want to keep it or not! EDIT: This thread has been viewed 128 times already! A person like thi (the person that made the fake MM announcement level about the layer glitch) could want to get the create trophy by posting this as a tutorial on LBP! Welcome to the club. I just told everyone not to post in the 50-layer glitch, but oh well. SPILL THE BEANS IS AWSIM. :kz: -Edit- All people above me are spamming, shame. CAUTION: Read me. Okay, I just did it and this is what happened. 1. I did the steps. 2. I attached the string to the Sackboy's neck. 3. Whatever you do, do not float, or use try again, try leaving the Moon instead. If not, then your game will froze and you have to restart your PS3. 4. You should see the string disappear, but when you select the Dark Matter, then boom, you're frozen. -Just reset your PS3, no data has been lost on me, only the level I made- | 2009-08-11 22:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
So the choices here are: 1- share info, so many people can know about a neat little trick, and be aware of a possible culprit of data loss for a short time before it gets repaired. 2- try to keep it a secret, so that only a few elite know about it. Well, I vote for #1 and will conduct my-self accordingly No, I'm not some starving hacker, that thinks all information should be free. But if there's something you could do, just messing around that could schmutz up your system. I think Those in the know would feel obliged to share this info freely and widely. I know I feel obliged to. If it comes down to a choice between keeping my data, or keeping the ability to do some little trick that has no effect outside edit except to lock-up your machine... I'll take my data, thank you. P.S. Plus-- The idea of one member of this forum trying to tell another member where they can post and what about, rankles me more than a little. | 2009-08-15 16:21:00 Author: swanbrown ![]() Posts: 898 |
It didn't work for me, but I love the concept! | 2009-08-28 00:54:00 Author: PSN:AAM2730 ![]() Posts: 128 |
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