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Digital Code Lock

Archive: 14 posts

I have just made a digital code lock that uses lights for numbers and is very simple to use but is actually quite complex. And well it takes up half the thermometer...

I will be uploading a video of it in action soon but camera wont seem to transfer to computer
2009-07-25 14:34:00

Posts: 41

Woah, this is like SeniorGhost13's padlock.
Also it looks 2x more confusing.

What's the code?
2009-07-25 15:02:00

Unknown User

That looks totally awesome, but half the thermo, wow2009-07-25 15:04:00

Posts: 785

Nice work!

Yeah, it is the same concept as seniorghost, but that one took up nearly a full thermo for 3 digits. Me and NinjaMicWz had a go at this a couple of weeks back. I have a copyable level up with the 3 digits and only 5 bars of thermo and I managed to squeeze it down to 4 bars, but never got around to republishing it - my LED clock level has the optimised counter device in it and that's copyable as well.

Ninjas level (I believe) is copyable as well. As all three of us came up with very different designs you might want to compare them.
2009-07-25 15:17:00

Posts: 6497

Well, the most classical thing for a pad lock is using a sticker switch and put numbers on there. It'll take like 10% or 5% of the space..2009-07-25 15:21:00

Unknown User

I REALLY Need one of these for something to lock up beta keys. I have my level set up but don't have the lock because 1. I'm not that top-notch with switches and 2. All of the ones I've gotten from other levels are so complex that I have no idea how to edit them to my liking.

So if you could make a copyable one that would be great. Plus a tutorial would be nice

(Look at me asking for stuff. )
2009-07-27 06:07:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Hey guys! new to this forum and this will be my first post here. just so happens ive been thinking about creating a digital key lock as well. So i went searching around for some ideas and found this thread. Well it inspired me to get to work and i finished it up yesterday. I took some design ideas from Dan_Westy and created an unlimited number lock. right now its setup for 4 digits and i published it last night. its called "digital key lock tutorial" i put prize bubbles in there will almost all the necessary pieces to buid your own. and a small tutorial as well. My PSN name is chazme99, give it a try and let me know what you think. Later2009-07-29 17:14:00

Unknown User

Hmmm...I've found one before that used 5 digits, takes up less thermo, and is pretty easy to modify by using AND Switches. It's also full of cool number lights It's in my Beta-Level Key Level now.

But hey, if it's easy to modify, I might try it out...
2009-07-30 01:36:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Excuse me for being lost, but what are all of these beta keys you speak of? Are they for the online create beta? 2009-07-30 02:32:00

Posts: 151

Excuse me for being lost, but what are all of these beta keys you speak of? Are they for the online create beta?

Keys are used to unlock locked levels, correct? Well, if you keep a bunch of keys in an open level and use a LOCK to trap the keys in there, you can be in control of who plays your Locked Levels. If you give the code to a person, he/she can then use that code to enter it in the lock and then gain access to all of your previously trapped keys.

By locking levels for "beta-testing," or selective playing, meaning that certain people can only play your locked levels, you can let a few people test out your levels and give you some feedback so you can make changes before publically publishing it. This way, your level would be cleaner, have less "mistakes" or "bugs" in it, and overall more polished!

I hope that cleared things up!
2009-07-30 02:42:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Very conclusively, thanks for the reply! It sounds like a great idea, I've always thought the lock levels were for passing level pieces back and forth to create levels between groups of people. Perhaps I'll have to devise a lock of my own and F4F some of my future levels.2009-07-30 03:16:00

Posts: 151

For a lock I made, I just put a circular thing with numbers 1-8 (I couldn't fit any others on)
and put magnetic keys on the number used for the code and hooked up some simple logic to eventually dissolve a door when you get the code right.

Not too hard to make, but VERY secure. Pretty easy to switch codes too.
2009-07-30 04:40:00

Posts: 1063

For a lock I made, I just put a circular thing with numbers 1-8 (I couldn't fit any others on)
and put magnetic keys on the number used for the code and hooked up some simple logic to eventually dissolve a door when you get the code right.

Not too hard to make, but VERY secure. Pretty easy to switch codes too.

Yeah, I created something like that before. User-friendly and very low on thermo.
2009-07-31 05:11:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

That's a very original lock chazme99, I've never seen one put together like that before.

I've just finished tossing together my own lockroom. It's in the level Digital Lockroom - Shredder25. I've also included one of the locks, which may be duplicated to however many numbers you'd like your lock to be, as well as a short tutorial on how to use it. Free for all LBPC members!

The code is 792465, feel free to drop by and pick it up if you're interested. It lags a bit, unfortunately, but doesn't with fewer numbers in the lock.
2009-07-31 21:21:00

Posts: 151

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