Some questions, make holes etc.
Archive: 10 posts
Hi finally I've started to make a level in LBP. Of courser I ran into problems at once, so here are some questions from me to you. 1. How can I make a hole or a tunnel in material? I've tried to but it removes everything around as well. Like when you make eyes etc. it works perfect but I want to make them the other way like tunnels. 2. I can't get the material all the way to the wall on the left, missing a little bit, which make it start to lean when I unpause. 3. I don't understand how I can rotate the sensitivity area when I cahnged its degrees. 4. Using the grid is very nice but when I for example put it on with next item the grid is not in the same place as it was before so it's hard to get it to fit, is there some way to make the grid always to be at the same location? 5. Is there no way to avoid gravity so you can place things were you want without attaching them to the ground? | 2009-07-25 08:16:00 Author: LittleJohn ![]() Posts: 4 |
hope these help. 1) To cut a hole in a material, use the triangle button while holding a material. The problem is, the top part of the "tunnel" will fall down if you cut all the way through. If you want to cut all the way through, be sure to support the top piece by either gluing it to a back layer which holds it up, or attatching some dark matter to it. 2) I've had this issue as well... i'm not entirely sure how to solve it, sorry =/ 3)my guess is you're referring to some sort of switch? can you be more specific, i'm not sure i get what you're asking. 4)The grid mode is always in the same place (as far as i know D ![]() 5)The only way to avoid gravity aside from attatching them to the ground is to attatch dark matter material to it in some way (gluing, pistons, rods, string, etc). You can also pause the game by pressing up on the d-pad, this will keep things suspended and "paused", but as soon as the game is put back in play mode gravity will kick in. | 2009-07-25 08:45:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
the #2) is always like that you cant put material sticked to the wall tho. its normal ![]() and in the #3) he means 1 of the woble bolts idk but yeah just make sure the degrees are ok and then rotate. if you could yeah tell us more specific we could help you with the 3# and i agree with the other #1 #4 and #5 answer of burnvictim42 | 2009-07-25 08:54:00 Author: Joey ![]() Posts: 758 |
Thanks for the replies. #1 The triangle I know about but the problem is that I just want to make a tunnel in the middle. For example I take wood and stretch it out to cover all the 3 lanes. and after that I make it to cover only one lane so I can remove the middle one but it removes the wood on the other lanes as well. I guess this is not possible. #3 What I mean is when I specify a specific angle to notice a player. It is always aimed up wards I don't get it how to rotate it. For example I tried with the trigger that notice when a player get close and I don't want a whole circle to be trigger only a specific angle but when I change it, it is only pointing upwards. Ok maybe I was just in bad luck with the grid but when I put some material out and after that was going to remove it after a while it left a small piece. | 2009-07-25 09:39:00 Author: LittleJohn ![]() Posts: 4 |
#1 The triangle I know about but the problem is that I just want to make a tunnel in the middle. For example I take wood and stretch it out to cover all the 3 lanes. and after that I make it to cover only one lane so I can remove the middle one but it removes the wood on the other lanes as well. I guess this is not possible. #3 What I mean is when I specify a specific angle to notice a player. It is always aimed up wards I don't get it how to rotate it. For example I tried with the trigger that notice when a player get close and I don't want a whole circle to be trigger only a specific angle but when I change it, it is only pointing upwards. Ok maybe I was just in bad luck with the grid but when I put some material out and after that was going to remove it after a while it left a small piece. #1. For that you'd have to make 3 (or 2) "1-layer" walls so you can just delete one and still gives the "cave" illution. #3 You have to rotate the switch for that. ![]() | 2009-07-25 10:05:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Ah I tried to rotate it but I failed, now I tried again and it works like a charm. Thanks for the help! Oh and one last question, hrrm at least for some hours ![]() | 2009-07-25 10:57:00 Author: LittleJohn ![]() Posts: 4 |
Err, the grid is bugged guys. It DOES disalign itself for no good reason. The only way to never disalign it is to simply never turn it off (so all your stuff is created on that grid that is opened right now). . | 2009-07-25 12:13:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
is there a guide how far the little one can jump? for example how many "small grids" horisontal and 2 vertical up and he can jump that many horisontal. Units Small Grid - 2.5 units Medium Grid - 5 units Big Grid - 10 units Measurements Sackboy Height - 10 units Squeeze Height - 5 units (area he can squeeze in, might be smaller) Standing Jump Height - 12.5 units Standing Jump Distance - 25 units Running Jump Distance - 50 units (I occasionally managed 55 units rarely) Although I wouldnt' base you jumps on measurements. If you pt the jumps at the extremities of his ability it's just gonna be awkward. Best bet with jumps IMO is to map your platforms with dark matter and the ust try them till they feel right. Err, the grid is bugged guys. It DOES disalign itself for no good reason. The only way to never disalign it is to simply never turn it off (so all your stuff is created on that grid that is opened right now). . Very true. And it sucks. | 2009-07-25 13:28:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Although I wouldnt' base you jumps on measurements. If you pt the jumps at the extremities of his ability it's just gonna be awkward. Best bet with jumps IMO is to map your platforms with dark matter and the ust try them till they feel right. True true and thanks, just to have something to go after at least. | 2009-07-25 14:37:00 Author: LittleJohn ![]() Posts: 4 |
oops, my mistake. thanks for the correction rangerzero. | 2009-07-25 21:07:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
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