How to take a screenie?
Archive: 3 posts
How do you take a screenshot in LBP? | 2009-07-24 23:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Press square to open up pop-it, then select the stickers and decorations option. Scroll to the right using R1 until you see 2 symbols at the top. The tadpole looking thing is a sticker selection tool and the icon next to it takes screenshots. Once you have taken a screenshot you can push square a choose 'export to HDD'. This exports it to your ps3's hard drive, where you can put it on a memory stick and upload it to your computer! I hope that made sense ![]() | 2009-07-24 23:24:00 Author: Leather-Monkey ![]() Posts: 2266 |
Press square to open up pop-it, then select the stickers and decorations option. Scroll to the right using R1 until you see 2 symbols at the top. The tadpole looking thing is a sticker selection tool and the icon next to it takes screenshots. Once you have taken a screenshot you can push square a choose 'export to HDD'. This exports it to your ps3's hard drive, where you can put it on a memory stick and upload it to your computer! I hope that made sense ![]() Thanks man, we should play sometime! | 2009-07-25 00:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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