Capturing Video and Screens of LBP
Archive: 5 posts
Hiya all, I need a little help, I want to capture some of my levels in video format and image format to post on this site and also for my own site. I have a PS3 and a HDTV (of course) and I have an iMac, I have editing software also. I just want to know what equipment I would need to do this, any help? I live in the UK not sure if this info is needed. Many thanks odiumsolo | 2009-07-24 14:04:00 Author: odiumsolo ![]() Posts: 13 |
You'd need a capture card, or take a look at something called 'Hauppauge HD PVR.' | 2009-07-24 14:37:00 Author: DanC ![]() Posts: 433 |
u can use capture card. or just get a cam and record it looking at the tv hehe not a good idea..![]() ![]() | 2009-07-24 23:50:00 Author: Joey ![]() Posts: 758 |
http://www.blackmagic-design.com/products/intensity/ | 2009-07-25 00:14:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
You could use EasyCap. Its basically the easiest and cheapest way to capture your levels. (In My Opinion) ALTHOUGH, and one very big ALTHOUGH, it doesn't capture in HD. You have to use the Composite cables (the Red - Yellow - White cables) to capture. Or, I could capture it for you. (Although it won't be in HD) (I have an EasyCap) If you want to take up this offer, PM me.) http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p3907.m38.l1313&_nkw=EasyCap&_sacat=See-All-Categories | 2009-07-27 12:07:00 Author: BlackHairedGoon ![]() Posts: 160 |
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