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M2 Abrams Tank and HT-1 Full Track (With Pictures).

Archive: 13 posts

These are my 2 latest vehicles the M2 Abrams Tank which took about 2 days to make and HT-1 Full Track which i made in about 45 minuites.

I will be starting a level for the both of them soon.

2009-07-23 22:47:00

Posts: 41

the HT-1 looks awesome! prize?
also, I don't want to sound rude, but tanks are done over and over...I bet there are billions of tanks from the community... why not try something else?
such as

that'd look *******, two sackboys in it
2009-07-23 22:54:00

Posts: 2824

Lol, that would be awesome to have a second sackperson in the sidecar...2009-07-23 23:35:00

Posts: 5338

LoL these look awesome, i would like to build a tracked vehicle but have no idea how to build the tracks 2009-07-23 23:43:00

Posts: 785

They look cool, tho awfully much like the Mighty Mite Tank, the truck also looks like the truck that same guy made...
I really hope you're not just taking his creation and disguising them as yours...
But if they're not, they're pretty good.
2009-07-23 23:45:00

Posts: 6707

Lol, that would be awesome to have a second sackperson in the sidecar...

With a Gun.

It's true that tanks are done over and over. But that abrams does look fantastic. I'm pretty sure some of the software I wrote in the last year (and some I'm writing now) is going into the SBCs on the abrams at some point

Are you planning on publishing these as a tech demo, or do we have to wait for the level proper?

@silver. They are based on real world machines, so it is likely some other people made ones similar. If anything they are just copying GDLS and whoever makes the HT-1 thing. Plus, if this si the guy I think it is, he has created quite a few awesome vehicles in his time. Do we need to start implying everyone is copying just because they produce somat cool?
2009-07-23 23:45:00

Posts: 6497

Great looking vehicles Dan. I'm looking forward to seeing them in action in the level.

They look cool, tho awfully much like the Mighty Mite Tank, the truck also looks like the truck that same guy made...
I really hope you're not just taking his creation and disguising them as yours...
But if they're not, they're pretty good.

I can assure you Silverleon that I believe Dan makes all his own vehicles. The half track in Rz22g's tank level was a totally different one and that was made by MrJoeyman.
2009-07-24 01:07:00

Posts: 2210

well both mrjoeyman rz22g have made a half track although mine is a full track as it only has treads no open wheels and i have not seen any abrams like mine i have only seen ones without a cabin2009-07-24 10:52:00

Posts: 41

Fait enough.
In which case...
They look great m8!
Really well made indeed.
Srry about the wholw copy thing, its just too many people copying and stealing things from others and claimiong them as their own these days,its starting to get difficult to sparate originals and fakers...
2009-07-24 11:00:00

Posts: 6707

ok i think i am going to make this next! and i dont think anybody has made this before

i will try to make it just like it is with the bars that come down on the side to stop it from moving when the crane goes up, the crane will be activated with a toggle switch so grab to unfold it and grab again to lock back into place then a swtch to control it

what do u think?
2009-07-24 11:01:00

Posts: 41

ok i think i am going to make this next! and i dont think anybody has made this before

i will try to make it just like it is with the bars that come down on the side to stop it from moving when the crane goes up, the crane will be activated with a toggle switch so grab to unfold it and grab again to lock back into place then a swtch to control it

what do u think?

that'd be sweet.
I'm gonna try make the myself, it gave me an idea...
2009-07-24 12:00:00

Posts: 2824

That looks pretty cool too. I'd be interested to see that if you made it and to see some clever ways of using it in a level.2009-07-24 12:04:00

Posts: 2210

Whoa those look awesome! I look forward to the level with them in it and also the next vehicle.2009-07-25 18:01:00

Posts: 1318

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