Monster Kit or Jon Burgerman Sticket Kit?
Archive: 11 posts
The title pretty much says it all, I have 5.01 on my account right now, and I'd like to get one of these. Yeah... Not much else to say. So what's your suggestion? Why or why not? | 2009-07-22 21:12:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
Monster pack in my opinion. Has a Level, new materials, new sounds, new music, new decorations, and a bunch of sticker. (like 70 i think) most of it is quite useful. While the burgerman's kit is just sticker, majority can only be used for coloring if stretched by a lot. So Monster pack beats it by a long shot if you ask me. | 2009-07-22 21:17:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
i have both, i use the JB stickers all the time because i think that they epic, but the decorations in the monster kit are awesome unless u mean monster kit costumes, ![]() | 2009-07-22 21:19:00 Author: springs86 ![]() Posts: 785 |
Definitely the Monster pack! Start LBP and search for "Monster DLC", you can find levels that show off everything you get, that should help you decide. For me the Monster pack has been very helpful. I don't generally use stickers "directly" very often, I am always stretching them to color things, combining/layering stickers to create other images, etc. I've gotten a lot of use out of the Monster pack 2d stickers, that in conjunction with the sounds, background, and interesting 3d stickers make it a great addition for create mode. | 2009-07-22 22:30:00 Author: fullofwin ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Um, yeah. Definitively monster pack. The music is semi useful, but the background could be used... in cave environments, maybe, but, uh... yah <_> | 2009-07-22 22:33:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Ugh I dunno, I'll almost rarely use any stickers from the Monster Kit, I checked the Burgerman sticker pack however, and the colorful stickers will definitely come in handy in part two of my series... I don't know though, interactive track and sound objects... | 2009-07-22 22:35:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
I have both and regret neither. But if forced to choose between them/ The Monster Pack all the way. more bang for the buck | 2009-07-22 23:30:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Monster pack - hands down. New materials that have texture to them. New sound effects (not all are screams and can be modified to sound like other stuff) And the stickers haeve more shape variation and color than the other one. You can use parts of them, not just make monsters, to shade things or add a particular color to an object. I also have both and I use the monster stuff WAY more than the sticker colllection. | 2009-07-23 01:29:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
don't have either (isacheapskate ![]() | 2009-07-23 01:33:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
Do you really need other people do make this decision for you? ![]() Monster Kit: - A Level - Materials - Decorations - Stickers - Music - Sound Effects - Background Burgerman: - Stickers | 2009-07-23 01:37:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
Yeah, I'll be getting the Monster kit, thanks everyone. | 2009-07-23 01:49:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
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