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bendable/breakable wood

Archive: 25 posts

hey wou guys
so i was messin around and started making interlocking blocks of wood

wat i cameout with is a long peice of wood that bent and snapes

if made with more than one layer into a bridge and you drop somthin heavy youl start a earthquake

feal free to use this consept just all i ask is for some credit for the idea
2009-07-21 16:25:00

Posts: 212


If you drop a heavy thing on it, it'll just break.. meaning disappear.
Only way to make it break or bend or collapse is by making small peices of that
object then push it and it'll fall.
2009-07-21 16:28:00

Unknown User

What about a bunch of square-shaped material, bundled up to make smooth land, and then a dark matter base under it with a little bit of dissolve material striking the middle of it. Make the dissolve disapear and if the squares are unstable, they could fall through the dissolve hole, causing the entire surface to open. In other words, like a certain type of earthquake. Someone should go try that. 2009-07-21 16:41:00

Posts: 306


i think he said he's already done it.
also consider that your definition of heavy may be different than his.
it is a relative term after all.
I know that i built a bridge once while messing around, that if you run across it, the force of your little sack feet start it jittering, then bucking, then exploding to pieces.
2009-07-21 16:48:00

Posts: 730

yeah iv already done and its prity cool i would have pics or a vid but i dont have a camera at the moment

il set upu a tech demo lvl to show what imean

ps good job thinking with thoughs other ways
2009-07-21 17:12:00

Posts: 212

tech demo lvl is up

its called:bendable/breakable woodtech demo

its probobly qwicker to search my psn:blanb
2009-07-21 17:47:00

Posts: 212

Wow, that looked really cool at first. Then it turned into a big mess. The interlocking wood actually works surprisingly well. Nice find.

You should try making it smaller and having it act as a bridge, then see how that works. Or, better yet, make the level copyable, and I can play around with it for myself.

EDIT: I made it myself, but I'm sure that other's would still like to use it.
2009-07-21 18:00:00

Posts: 2325

Woah, I was wrong.
It is possible.
I was sick, it looked like Jenga for some reason. XD
2009-07-22 00:53:00

Unknown User

It acts very strangely. It will always vibrate back and forth in an increasing amplitude until it becomes too much and breaks, assuming you start it off static and remove the blocker, which is placed in the center.2009-07-22 01:30:00

Posts: 2325

now theres one big problem
i made a bridge and without the disolve suport it would go nuts

for some reson if i set a flat bridge ith it and then paused and played it would start to shake and basicly kill itself

il make the levle copyable so you guys can screw around with it
2009-07-22 23:14:00

Posts: 212

When you pause it, then play it, it supposed to reset it back to what it was.
Just instead rewind.
2009-07-23 03:41:00

Unknown User

It acts very strangely. It will always vibrate back and forth in an increasing amplitude until it becomes too much and breaks,

That always happens with my bridges!

Whether i make them with ropes, bolts or whatever else they all seem to do that if i make them past a certain length
2009-07-23 04:21:00

Posts: 2100

i think he said he's already done it.
also consider that your definition of heavy may be different than his.
it is a relative term after all.
I know that i built a bridge once while messing around, that if you run across it, the force of your little sack feet start it jittering, then bucking, then exploding to pieces.
Oh my poor little sackfeet.
2009-07-23 10:13:00

Posts: 744

Sounds like a cool concept. I'll probably check the level out.

EDIT: I played the level and this bridge is pretty cool. A bridge like this has a lot of potential in LBP. Nice work.
2009-07-23 15:43:00

Posts: 1077

I will look at this. Sounds cool.

EDIT: Just checked it out, I had thought it would be a design like this. Still, i thought it was cool and fun to mess around with. Maybe with super short rope (at 0.01 length possibly?) to keep it together and stop it from breaking.
2009-07-26 01:57:00

Posts: 542

Yeah, Umm, the whole point is to make it breakable!

2009-08-02 20:31:00

Posts: 67

I was thinking of making something a bit like this for vine to swing on. I just got tired of sponge on a string.

I'll go look at yours but I thought of it my head first!
2009-08-03 11:40:00

Posts: 710

I took the liberty of making a clip of your demo. nice concept!:

YouTube - lbp falling bridge tec demo
2009-08-05 20:36:00

Posts: 898

I took the liberty of making a clip of your demo. nice concept!:

YouTube - lbp falling bridge tec demo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBhNKYajiTc)

Very considerate of you to do that for him. Maybe someone will see the video and think of a creative way to implement this in a level.
2009-08-06 02:04:00

Posts: 2325

I took the liberty of making a clip of your demo. nice concept!:

YouTube - lbp falling bridge tec demo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBhNKYajiTc)

thats really cool itd now add idk a civilization like cars and then wam! everythin falls apart along with yourself
2009-08-06 02:22:00

Posts: 103

yeah. kuz La rasa BLARGGHH! oatmeal all over!

And one of the coolest things is it never seems to break the same way twice.
2009-08-06 07:08:00

Posts: 898

At first, I had low expectations, but after watching the video, I'm very impressed. That's incredible.2009-08-06 07:14:00

Posts: 466

have you tried putting this together and then sandwiching between two solid objects?
i use this method with peach floaty material to create collapsing bridges.
i was planning on trying this, but havent got around to it.
it could have some great consequences....or none.
2009-08-07 16:59:00

Posts: 730

The outcome is exactly the same if you have a piece of dark-matter attatched to both ends.

It works and looks good when you only use 5-6 segments. Add a 7th and the whole thing starts to sway like on the video.

Which is very strange, since it shouldnt be possible for them to move at all when they sit as tight as they do.

Weird physics, indeed.
2009-08-07 18:07:00

Posts: 84

dude, put a peice of dark matter over the bridge, and attach it to a piece of wood under it with a piston, and tadaaa! combusting bridge!2009-08-08 03:22:00

Posts: 281

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