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Super jump!

Archive: 10 posts

Apologies if this is common knowledge, couldn't see it posted anywhere.

I was messing about in create yesterday when I noticed a small block of metal I'd left sitting on a platform kept falling off without me touching it. Was trying to figure out what was going on when I noticed my sackgirl was slowly sliding along the platform too but a couple of mm above the floor.

Basically the stationary piston that was holding up the platform from above, was set far too long and was forcing the platform into a layer of dark matter beneath it making everything above it hover sideways. When I shortened the piston just enough to stop the hovering I noticed my jumps had almost doubled in height!

I've managed to recreate it in an empty level, so it definitely wasn't a one off. Reckon it could be useful for easy conveyor belts too, although I haven't worked out what determines the direction the objects hover in yet.
2009-07-21 15:19:00

Posts: 545

Cool!! thanks for sharing!

Hmmmm... that could be kinda cool like for doing a cheapie moving sidewalk as well as superman jumps.

Do you have this published anywhere so we can take a look? If not.. not a biggie as I can play with it sometime on my own.

Thanks again!
2009-07-21 15:37:00

Posts: 11383

Sounds interesting, have you published it? 2009-07-21 15:38:00

Posts: 2100

making everything above it hover sideways

Good gracious! This has happened to me a few times - I thought it was something to do with my controller thumbstick sticking, so I bought a new one! :blush:
2009-07-21 15:43:00

Posts: 1492

lol, this sounds awesome, i'm gona try to replicate it, not to publish 2009-07-21 16:00:00

Posts: 785

Ok, just uploaded a super fast copyable demo on my other half's PSN, as it's really crap and I don't want it on my profile lol. Just made it to demonstrate to you guys. Feel free to 1 star and rubbish tag it lol.

PSN: Matsubishi2

Level: Super jump

The first platform is the jump, the second is the hover.

If anyone wants to make a proper demo go right ahead, I can't really be bothered.

@MrsSB I think the controllers do that anyway, I'm always finding my sackgirl back at the start gate when I'm creating lol.
2009-07-21 16:46:00

Posts: 545

lol, standing in the level, what is the tech setttings on that piston, mine failed 2009-07-21 17:13:00

Posts: 785

It's a stiff piston with equal min and max length. Just keep gradually increasing the minimum length to just before it breaks the platform.

The level's copyable anyway, so you could have a look in create.
2009-07-21 17:22:00

Posts: 545

Thanks, is it copyable? i went straight to play mode2009-07-21 17:45:00

Posts: 785

Maybe that's how you jump higher in Eustoma's "Phosphorescence" level...

Nice find.
2009-07-21 23:39:00

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