Nine Inch Nails - Adrift And At Peace
Archive: 10 posts
Nine Inch Nails - Adrift And At Peacenin_4_nin This is a music level of the Nine Inch Nails song "Adrift and at Peace." If music levels, Nine Inch Nails, or piano songs are in your list of interests, you should give this level a try. I ran into problems about halfway through the song, so it isn't decorated as much as I'd like. The song itself, though, sounds quite close to the actual song. all About halfway through the song's creation, The music blocks and the vehicle randomly started falling to pieces in play mode. So I had to replace the vehicle with the current design, and turn the music blocks and most everything to dark matter. ![]() I don't have a limit for return feedback, I play a lot and always enjoy new levels, but beware: I may give lengthy feedback. You have been warned ![]() Thanks ahead of time! | 2009-07-21 00:12:00 Author: cid_incognitus ![]() Posts: 19 |
This is one of my favourite songs and I think you did a great job on it. I just wish you had made the whole thing. I'll definitely play it again when you add some nice visuals to it. Are you going to do any more songs? | 2009-07-21 05:24:00 Author: Godzillionaire ![]() Posts: 20 |
Of course I'll do more songs. Yeah, it's one of my favorites. I'd like to work on Something I Can Never Have or The Fragile next, if my next level's a NIN song. As much as some people may say that music levels can be difficult, I have quite a bit of patience, which for me, makes them enjoyable. When I worked on Adrift And At Peace, I finished it in two sittings. My eyes got sore after staring at all the dark matter after a while, though. Yes, I will update the level, with additional detail, and I can PM you when I do. I'll most likely add the ending to the song, too, but at the time, I wasn't sure how high the piano notes could go, and whether or not it would sound right if I had to go a bit lower to fix that. I do have one question, though: Is the bit after the song ends annoying, with the picture and original test vehicle? I want to know, because I can edit that stuff out when I redetail. Thanks for the play. ![]() | 2009-07-22 00:24:00 Author: cid_incognitus ![]() Posts: 19 |
It doesn't annoy me, but it will probably be better without those things in the final version, just to make things cleaner. I wish I knew how to make music because I'd love to do a music level. | 2009-07-24 05:40:00 Author: Godzillionaire ![]() Posts: 20 |
I played the level and thought it was pretty good. I dont know how things went in the workshop for you but the 2 rockets dont usually need to be there do they? They make a "shhhhhhhhhhhh" noise through the song. You said the test buggie wobbled? couldnt you make it have a wider bottom. So that it shouldnt wobble? just an idea. Also adding in detail to the backgrund could be good. It's be easy (i think) to just as a thin layer in front and decorate it. Unless you want to show all the sounds and swithes. Either way it was a :star::star::star::star: level. Nice work! Would like it if you gave my The Artists World level a go for F4F. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=14025 Thanks Black-Toof:arg: | 2009-07-24 13:33:00 Author: BlackToof ![]() Posts: 172 |
@ Godzillionaire, Yeah, I'll probably take it out in the revised addition. Also, when Online Create Mode is available to everyone, I'd gladly add you as a friend and help you out with one. Once you learn the process, it will probably be easy for you. @ BlackToof, Thanks for the feedback and :star::star::star::star:! Yeah, I don't know what was up with the original vehicle. It worked great at first, and I thought I might decorate it and keep it like that, but later on I changed the speed so it would be closer to the actual song speed (It was originally quite slow), and it was never the same after that. The rockets kept the current one completely stable, because it's a lightweight vehicle. By the way, I'm quite sure that I actually played The Artists World and loved it, but I'm going to give it another play and come back with some feedback for you. To make this post even longer, I had an idea about detail, but I want to know how it sounds to you. If the vehicle was a cloud that was floating through a night sky (Or day, it may become an option), would that be better than having a vehicle on a road, or would it be too much? Thanks again. | 2009-07-25 00:40:00 Author: cid_incognitus ![]() Posts: 19 |
A cloud would make yours stand out alot more than others. because all the music levels i have played are vehicles. Also skylines can allow for breath-taking visuals. Speaking of your current vehicle, i cant remember but you could change the material to stone or metal to make it heavier without the rockets. | 2009-07-25 01:32:00 Author: BlackToof ![]() Posts: 172 |
Yeah, I was thinking about what would allow for good visuals when I thought of making it a cloud. That, and I would like my music level to be different then most. Speaking of which, I got a highly interesting idea from someone for a music level. Anyway, I don't know why I didn't use stone. I might fix it, and update it with a stone vehicle while I make the cloud version. Hopefully everything turns out okay in the end. I'm off to leave feedback at The Artists World thread. By the way, Godzillionaire, I've played some of your levels. Would you like feedback on one or more of them? The only reason I ask is because I don't think you openly requested feedback. Sorry if you did, though. | 2009-07-26 02:18:00 Author: cid_incognitus ![]() Posts: 19 |
The cloud is a great idea. Sure I'd love some feedback on my levels. Here is my thread: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=12071 Thanks. | 2009-07-26 22:06:00 Author: Godzillionaire ![]() Posts: 20 |
Okay, I'll definitely leave some, then. I'm in a hurry at the moment, though, so if I don't get to it now, I surely will tomorrow. I have officially started progress on the cloud version. Thanks for your opinions on the idea, I really appreciate them. | 2009-07-26 23:26:00 Author: cid_incognitus ![]() Posts: 19 |
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