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What do you like most about Littlebigplanet?

Archive: 15 posts

I'm just curious to see what makes this such a great game, for example the things i like most at the moment (in no particular order) are:

The corner edit tool
Making costumes
Playing online

To make it more fun try and limit urself to 3 things
2009-07-20 16:22:00

Posts: 785

I think its the creativity that the game invokes. You can do whatever you want, and make whatever you want in LittleBigPlanet. People love showing off something new - and littlebigplanet helps that. The online community is (on the whole) pretty good. And a nice bunch of people.
This game isn't all about the trophies (which seem to have ruined the game really) to most people. Recognition in video games is also something people always want - and lbp really lets you become a known creator.
2009-07-20 16:47:00

Posts: 2645

Well, playing with other people is hella fun, whether it's playing with some friends online, or attaching rockets to everything with one of your best buds locally in create mode, the game just becomes about 100x more fun when someone else pops into your pod for some reason. Also, I like Sackboy, he managed to get my mum to play LBP with me, so I have to give him MAD PROPS for getting her interested in a game that's not Burnout Paradise.

-Multiplayer (On or offline doesn't matter)
2009-07-20 16:51:00

Posts: 1002

Creating. More specifically creating whatever I want.

And the overall design/style. I like it very much.
2009-07-20 16:56:00

Posts: 3193

I like when sackboys burst into dust2009-07-20 17:13:00

Posts: 5112

What I like the most is how accessible yet deep is the creation mode. It's genuine work.

2009-07-20 17:17:00

Posts: 3901

That inspires so many people to express themselves creatively and it's deep enough that you want to get better at what you do. I'm really loving the community that's built up around it too.2009-07-20 20:12:00

Posts: 5983

-The community here at LBPC
-The awesomeness of create mode
-The fact that LBP is always evolving as someone finds a new way to do things, and if you find the right levels, its very hard to get bored
2009-07-20 20:34:00

Posts: 3322

I like the fact that it allows you to make creations that are distinctly your own. It's as simple as that, and that is why I bought it in the first place.2009-07-20 20:40:00

Posts: 2325

what I like best is the versatility of the create mode. The possibilities are virtually endless. I love the fact that you can create a just about anything that you can dream up.2009-07-21 00:00:00

Posts: 641

I love it as a creative outlet for great minds. I love to play other people's ingenuity

I also love it as a social experience with friends/online.

And I love the community
2009-07-22 06:25:00

Posts: 1230

-Playing the AWESOME levels these amazing people make
-Creating detailed costumes
-Creating whatever level I can think of

There are a lot more that I just can't think of ATM. I think LBP could be the best game I've ever played.
2009-07-22 06:51:00

Posts: 1318

It's a creative outlet for me. I've always wanted to be a game designer, just haven't got around to it yet.

But when I heard and bought LBP, I instantly knew I was going to spend countless hours on it. Before it came out I would write down any idea I had for a game, ...now I mostly write down ideas that I can actually make and design right then and there. It's gratifying to have a way to express all the **** ideas that go through my head every day.
2009-07-23 09:53:00

Posts: 490

Love creating objects and stickers to go in my levels , especially when they turn out the way I wanted them to.2009-07-23 10:44:00

Posts: 2210

. The near limitless create mode
. The graphics/art style
. You get to play other people's brilliant creations.
2009-07-23 14:26:00

Posts: 1077

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