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Cookie Grab

Archive: 3 posts

I am working on multiple levels right now, but the one I am having the best time with is a puzzle level based on getting to and grabbing a cookie. There are multiple puzzles, starting out simple, and eventually getting progressively difficult.

So far things are going smoothly, but I have to ask some questions: Should I post a demo version of the level? It may be a little while before the puzzles are complete, and then I'll do additional detail/bug fixing, which would take a while longer. Also, if I do post a demo, how many of the puzzles should I put into it? I was think maybe the first three or four, but I would like opinions, as I don't want to spoil the level if it doesn't end up much longer (the thermometer might become a problem), but I don't want it to be too short. All feedback is appreciated.
2009-07-20 04:46:00

Posts: 19

Personally, i'd only post a demo if you think
A) Its going to gather more interest
B) You think it would be a good way to judge peoples reactions to the level.

If you're going to publish a demo, be sure to give the player enough to get the hang of the concept, and maybe leave them wanting more. The problem with a lot of puzzle levels is taht the thermo monster ends up eating up a lot of the ideas, so you may wish to keep them all secret until your release

either way, look forward to it.
2009-07-20 06:10:00

Posts: 3322

Well, thanks for the feedback. I'm usually okay at conserving the thermometer space, but it's half full, and there's not as much as I'd like in the level for a halfway point. I don't know if I'll post a demo, but if the actual level goes well, I may make a part two. Here's hoping no problems occur!

I'll notify you when I publish it.
2009-07-20 23:38:00

Posts: 19

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