sticker limitations?
Archive: 6 posts
right now I'm making a new level (sequel to my latest) and I'm using lots of stickers (on enemies and environment) and I wanted to know what the limitations are. I'm seeing some of my walls change stickers and sometimes a sticker will disappear. how much thermo do stickers take up and am I already hitting the limit? | 2009-07-18 00:10:00 Author: RickTheRipper ![]() Posts: 345 |
I think it's individual objects can only have so many stickers. Like... 5. Then whenever you add one after that it replaces the 1st one. | 2009-07-18 00:14:00 Author: Trap_T ![]() Posts: 431 |
Stickers and decoration is having a limit just like seperate objects. Also, the more you put around the same place, the more glitchy it will become and at some point they simply won't appear in play mode. You'll have to find a balance or tricks to use less stickers maybe. . | 2009-07-18 00:16:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
I'm thinking around 20. Can't be sure. It's enough to work with. If you plan to sticker the background as well, build your level in compartmentalized sections, so that your flat empty-spaces are smaller. Sticker's can only be so big, and if you wanted to make your entire background white, for example, you can only get so much of the surface area covered before it just stops displaying. It also cuts down on the stickers clipping effects, where you're walking along in a laggy level, and the stickers aren't quite visible yet... leaving the naked material underneath bare. A trick I use sometimes, at least for decorations, is to mount them on triangles of dark matter, that obviously shrink to invisible... you can place them easier with the grid this way, control their sizes more, and can have much more decorations in one spot this way. Also, a good thing to do, is to make a sticker mural as you want it to look, then snap a pic of that in good lighting, and have what is effectively ONE sticker that looks like 20 stickers - less thermo, and even more flexible. Getting the look of it right can be tough though. The lighting must be just right, and the resolution can sometimes be lower than it originally was - making the picture look a little hazy. Getting these pics to blend in with surrounding stickers and materials, is where your gradient and shadow stickers will come into play. You can sometimes soften it up with a black gradient, or blend it with a navy blue one, or brighten it up a little with a white gradient. ...and, one of starcruiser's tricks - making complex shapes using materials, and then snapping a pic of that, for a nice custom sticker that shows tons of detail and looks like you used endless stickers. | 2009-07-18 00:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
i was thinking of trying that multiple stickers in one pic idea, but i never got around to it (slipped my mind). for a few parts of my level, it might not work (too thin), but for my bigger areas, it should work. and if that doesn't work, i'll just start a new wall instead of continuing it. thanks for the quick replies | 2009-07-18 00:39:00 Author: RickTheRipper ![]() Posts: 345 |
Just to clarify, there isn't just a limit of stickers per-object. I hit this issue where stickers (and particularly decoration) in completely unrelated areas were vanishing as I was working on a new area adding stickers. I'm now working on the theory that being frugal with your stickers is best, so I'm also doing the following where possible: making complex shapes using materials, and then snapping a pic of that, for a nice custom sticker that shows tons of detail and looks like you used endless stickers. Bear in mind you can further customise these stickers using the lighting effects etc. as well. | 2009-07-18 10:11:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
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