A Horse
Archive: 6 posts
I am working on a level and need to have a realistic horse. The thing is that I have no idea how I would do that with creature legs and am not sure how I would implament a hidden wheel based movement without compramising the natrual look of the level. I need to be able to drop a sackboy onto the horse, have the horse run along when grabbed. Any ideas? Oh, and I have to have anything that sackboy would fallon to on one big layer. Think Takelow's Intro Sequance where you jump forward. | 2009-07-17 17:40:00 Author: ValinKrai ![]() Posts: 21 |
why not use invisible winches to pull the horse left or right depending on where sackboy is? You could put a player proximity switch on the horse set for directional. Hook the prox switch up to the left and right winch. Then the right winch should be set for inverse (if you want it go to right when sackboy is on/near the horse. - I think it would be the right one - you'll have to test it).Then when sackboy is near the horse (make the radius a little bigger than the horse) it should follow him or move in whatever direction you want. When he isn't it will go back to the start point. To make it more "natural" looking you can have the horse supported by an invisible rod on a support platform (off screen) with wheels. I'm sure there are a number of solutions to this problem but that's the first one I could think of. I know I've seen it done on other levels - anyone else have a more elegant solution than the sort of hacky idea I had? | 2009-07-17 18:07:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
As long as the terrain is relatively flat and you don't need to be able to reverse it's possible make something run just using legs attached using wobble bolts. I have a triceratops on my LittleBigMesozoic level that runs on his own when you grab behind the neck plate...don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for but it might give you an idea, he's towards the end (the level is extremely easy platforming and not very long). Might be difficult to balance/control a horse this way... There is also a brontosaur on this same level that uses wheels attached underneath (on the back plane), the front legs are attached to wobble bolts and move freely to make it look like he's walking. It's easy to hide the wheels in this case because he's very big and walking through a swamp (gas). Another option would be to fake it and just attach the horse to an invisible piston attached to dark matter, the grab switch triggers the piston and also wobble bolts to make the legs look like they are moving, if you want more control over things this might be the way to go. This is the approach I took for Appa in my kinda crappy Avatar level (he's flying not running however). I have a little grey horse in the beginning of Beware the Jabberwock, if I wanted him to walk I'd probably go the piston route...I think the most important thing will be to add a good "gallop" sound when your horse is moving... | 2009-07-17 18:21:00 Author: fullofwin ![]() Posts: 1214 |
That's amazing. I've just spent the last 2 or 3 hours making a horse for a new idea I've got although the legs aren't moving on this one. I do have another horse which has legs with a realistic movement and correct gait. You can get that as a prize in my Sheriff Sack level and then just hook it up whichever way you choose from Morgana and fullofwin's suggestions. | 2009-07-17 18:46:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
I was going to remake the train level I designed back in the beta days. I wanted to level to start out with a small horse chase section. Here's what I planned on doing... First, create the horse of course of course. I was going to use wobble bolts to get the legs to move as if it were actually running. I had this done until my ps3 locked up and lost all that hard work. ARG! Secondly, I planned to have a thin layer, invisible piece of rubber come form the backside of the horse down below the playing level. I was going to have the tracks elevated so this would work. Below the tracks and "ground" i was going to have a car of sorts. The invisible rubber was going to be attached to yet another wobble bolt that would produce the actual Up-and-down motion of the horse as its running. The "car" would have been twice the width of the horse to make sure it didn't fall over. The motors on wheels of the "car" would be attached to a grab switch on the horses harness. This would have created a pretty cool effect since no pistons or chains would be visible. The same setup worked on another unfinished helicopter level so I'm certain it'll work for you if you plan to have the actual playing area above the natural "ground" of the map. | 2009-07-19 00:33:00 Author: docpac ![]() Posts: 601 |
Well, i got it going using bipedal motion, though it doesn't allow for the speed control I would have hoped for. | 2009-07-19 20:35:00 Author: ValinKrai ![]() Posts: 21 |
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