Extremely annoying bug...
Archive: 7 posts
When I set a piston with a large range (min40 max275, actually kinda small) to flipper, it breaks........ It's really really really annoying, if there is ANY possible fix or replacement, please let me know! | 2009-07-17 01:01:00 Author: crazymario ![]() Posts: 657 |
Nope. Don't think so. The physics engine just takes it as an extreme force and breaks the object. Actully this behaviour has been partially patched recently. Not entirely sure when but I was finding it rather useful so it's annoyed me. Why exactly do you need to flipper that far? | 2009-07-17 01:08:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/blog.php?b=523 Looping... | 2009-07-17 01:10:00 Author: crazymario ![]() Posts: 657 |
Thought it might be. Assuming your piston has keys on, you could re-emmit it. Have a grab switch setting it to directional and just emit at regular intervals... It's far from perfect I know, but off the top of my head I'm a little stumped. | 2009-07-17 01:17:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Tried that, and...it didn't quite work out. Whenever you emit something with a piston it doesn't start up automatically. =| | 2009-07-17 01:21:00 Author: crazymario ![]() Posts: 657 |
Emit it on a piece of dark matter, add a grab switch to the dark matter, set to inverted and directional. Capture it in pause at it's smallest size and it should just move at constant speed when emitted. | 2009-07-17 01:25:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Make a car to run along the length of it at a fast pace. When it gets to the end, destroy it and emit a new one at the beginning. If that isn't fast enough, you can try rockets, but they aren't very linear at high speeds. | 2009-07-17 01:36:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
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