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Looking for the best logic gates available in LBP

Archive: 18 posts

I'm looking for the best, most efficient, fastest, thermometer-friendly, smallest logic gates available in LBP. The logic gates I have made are kind of clunky.

If you guys don't know any..
I found rtm223's switches to be very good, and the piston/chain thing is very clever. rtm223, perhaps you could make basic switches like AND, OR, and XOR, but make the max allowed inputs somewhere around 16 or 8, and make it so that it doesn't matter how many inputs you connect, it would always work? And make it so that not one of your switches is one-shot (Permanent)? You can add that simply with a one-shot switch (P-switch). Then, publish a level containing all of these switches plus a tutorial on how to use each?
2009-07-15 17:31:00

Posts: 450

LOL - Ya got all that rtm?

Ya done yet?
2009-07-15 18:46:00

Posts: 1878

Try searching for deadeye49. Some of his logic mechanisms are so small I can hardly see the switches at all LOL.2009-07-15 18:53:00

Posts: 2210

Ooohhh, is it?

(that will make little sense to anyone who dind't grow up where I did, I just wanted to say it )

@mistavista: logic switches being small doesn't make them more efficient... it just makes them harder to use

LOL - Ya got all that rtm?

Ya done yet?
Well actually,

rtm223, perhaps you could make basic switches like AND, OR, and XOR, but make the max allowed inputs somewhere around 16 or 8, and make it so that it doesn't matter how many inputs you connect, it would always work?
done for AND and OR exactly to your specifications sir (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=10537&highlight=16%20input%20and%20gate). XOR, I have no idea how to make a multi-input XOR without it being clunky as hell, do you really need to detect an odd number of inputs ever? It's a very specific tool.

And make it so that not one of your switches is one-shot (Permanent)? You can add that simply with a one-shot switch (P-switch). Then, publish a level containing all of these switches plus a tutorial on how to use each? Not entirely sure what this means... I have a permenant switch which takes a directional OR one shot OR on/off input, and if you set it off accidentally you don't have to rewire it, if that tickles your fancy?

Toggle switches HAVE to take a 1-shot input realistically, but you can put a converter on the front of them.
2009-07-15 19:26:00

Posts: 6497

LOL - Ya got all that rtm?

Ya done yet?

Ah, sorry, i meant it as an idea, not as an assignment .

done for AND and OR exactly to your specifications sir. XOR, I have no idea how to make a multi-input XOR without it being clunky as hell, do you really need to detect an odd number of inputs ever? It's a very specific tool.

Thanks . You're right about the XOR. I remember you had a level where you could get all these switches, but it appears to be gone. Where can i get them?

Not entirely sure what this means... I have a permenant switch which takes a directional OR one shot OR on/off input, and if you set it off accidentally you don't have to rewire it, if that tickles your fancy?

Ah, i meant it would be nicer if the switches had an on and off option, not a permanent on. The permanent switch sounds really useful. May i have it, or instructions on how to make it?

Thanks for the reply
2009-07-15 19:46:00

Posts: 450

Ah, sorry, i meant it as an idea, not as an assignment .

Yeah - I know... Just havin' a little fun!

@rtm : I have a resettable permanent switch too. I'd like to see yours, or just a quick description to see if I could have done it more simply. I actually adapted it to make a staged permanent switch (one action occurs, but only once, and triggers the next one time only action, which triggers the next, etc. All resettable.
2009-07-15 20:02:00

Posts: 1878

@Vortex: Ah. Ok.

I found a nice set of switches that Incinerator22 made. Only problem is, he included poles with magic mouths sticked on them that give instructions. In his level he stated that you may always delete the instructions if you don't want them. However, since it is a community object, i may not delete them. How do i get rid of these, and capture the switch without the poles so i never have to do that again?

@rtm223: Please read the previous post by me.
2009-07-16 09:59:00

Posts: 450

Yeah that level existed, it got taken down because I was meaning to maintain it and couldn't be bothered. There are various reasons (secret reasons, shhhh!) why I'm not wanting to do something like that again right now. If you are after the stripped down multi-input AND, OR gates, that perm and the toggles and can put them back up.

Modifying community objects can be done by tweaking the materials to dissolve and then dissolving them. Other things can be crushed using big rocks if need be.


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| | ppppp | |
| S | | K |
|______| wwwww |______|


Piston inverted / weak
winch inverted /strong.
magentic switch is output (directional), connected to piston.
Input goes to the winch.

To reset just move the two blocks apart again. You can do it with a bit of glass and no piston, but it's just less reliable and less general purpose.
2009-07-16 10:40:00

Posts: 6497

Yeah that level existed, it got taken down because I was meaning to maintain it and couldn't be bothered. There are various reasons (secret reasons, shhhh!) why I'm not wanting to do something like that again right now. If you are after the stripped down multi-input AND, OR gates, that perm and the toggles and can put them back up.

If you would do that for me, great . But you don't have to.

Modifying community objects can be done by tweaking the materials to dissolve and then dissolving them. Other things can be crushed using big rocks if need be.

Yeah, but after that is done, how do i capture the object? (so i can put the switches in my levels without the instruction poles appearing every time.)
2009-07-16 11:11:00

Posts: 450

Can't you just recapture it? I don't really use community objects much tbh.

I'll upload something copyable tonight for you. Will let you know when it's done.
2009-07-16 11:33:00

Posts: 6497

Can't you just recapture it? I don't really use community objects much tbh.

Well, i've tried it when the poles were still there, i tried to capture the switch itself and not the poles. But it just made the capture sound, but didn't jump pack into popit and the captured object wasn't there.
I'll upload something copyable tonight for you. Will let you know when it's done.[/QUOTE]
Alright, thanks .
2009-07-16 13:19:00

Posts: 450

Incinerator22 has a whole showcase of them, about 20 I think. They are all very small, just enough so that you can attach wires to them.2009-07-16 15:58:00

Posts: 2325

Done. Search "@rtm223 stuffntings" - it's on the south pole and copyable2009-07-17 00:00:00

Posts: 6497

Done. Search "@rtm223 stuffntings" - it's on the south pole and copyable
I'll do that tomorrow, thanks for uploading it though . Right now, it's late in the night and i'm tired and going to bed.
2009-07-17 02:22:00

Posts: 450

EDIT: I've copied your level, and captured everything inside. Thanks for putting it online again. I'll credit you when i use them in my levels. Thanks

EDIT 2: .... I appear to have pressed reply instead of EDIT.
2009-07-17 09:53:00

Posts: 450

I'll credit you when i use them in my levels Nah, it's fine. Don't worry about it, it'll just clog up your level description if you do 2009-07-17 10:24:00

Posts: 6497

Nah, it's fine. Don't worry about it, it'll just clog up your level description if you do
Alright, thank you
2009-07-17 12:18:00

Posts: 450

Incinerator22 has a whole showcase of them, about 20 I think. They are all very small, just enough so that you can attach wires to them.
Yeah i've seen them and liked them, only the prizes there include instructions that are hard to remove. Using those would mean having to delete the instructions each time or leaving them in, cluttering the level.
2009-07-17 12:19:00

Posts: 450

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