Phosphorescence by Eustoma
Archive: 13 posts
Check out Phosphorescence by Eustoma This is a great level! It's got a really nice, clean art style, and has some interesting gameplay. It's reasonably short, but well worth checking out. Furthermore, all the great creators out there NEED to take a look at this, because he does two very wacky things, only briefly, that I've never seen or heard of before. The first thing is that he SHRINKS your sackboy in one spot. Just in that one little spot of the ground, your sackboy actually shrinks. Now, I think I figured out how he did it but it's still quite amazing. If I'm not mistaken, I think he used a light to cast an extreme shadow so that when you go in that spot, he blocks you but allows your shadow to be seen. Whether or not I'm right, it is very interesting and must be seen! Also, at one section I'm 99% sure that he somehow makes your Sackboy jump higher than it usually can. No, not a double jump or anything like that which we've seen already (although why hasn't that been used in any levels yet??), but you actually jump higher! And as far as I can tell it's not that he just made the whole level move to make it seem like you do. Anyways, if you guys can puzzle those things out that could be interesting. Another amazing thing about this level, is that the bosses (yes there's a boss, and a couple mini-bosses) actually seem like they're moving naturally. They don't have the look of being on string or pistons or anything like that (although I'm sure they are on strings or something). The final boss also has some really cool effects that make him seem that much more 'real', emersing you more. Anyways, it's a great little experience so PLEASE check it out! It seems like whenever I recommend a level nobody responds/plays it, but you're missing out if you don't! ...And go play the other levels I recommended also, because amazing levels need to be seen and played!! ![]() | 2009-07-15 07:57:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
Sounds awesome, and I am excited to see that trick. I'll check it out first thing tomorrow. | 2009-07-15 08:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'll check that out when I'm on later today. That all sounds very intriguing as I always like to see new tricks even though I can never figure out how they're done or recreate it myself. Thanks. | 2009-07-15 12:22:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
So have you guys figured out his secrets yet? ![]() | 2009-07-16 01:36:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
lol no. I just played it though... absolutely incredible level. 101% satisfied. That whole mirror section was unreal, the use of Jaeyden-style gassed fairy lights was killer, and the boss was a work of art. Thank you so much for recommending it. I unstickered the mirror... red glass. Has to be using the good old shift through thin walls trick, and I did notice some lasers shining in that final vertical jump section. Other than that, I'm stumped. I'd love to know how, but I kind of hope no one ever figures it out, so that we don't see 8 million rip off levels ala Anti-Color. | 2009-07-16 02:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Haha yea true. But it would be nice if awesome creators like you found out. ...You guys need like a creator's guild or something ![]() Glad you liked it! Now go check out my other recommendation that nobody seems to have noticed! ![]() | 2009-07-16 02:24:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
Wow, played it and loved it. It was reminiscent of Ancient Castle, by Oil_ which is definitely a good thing. The mirror that "shrinks" the sackboy reminds my of the invisible/walkthrough-able rock from Project Genesis, and I'm thinking he just used glass instead of rock to create the illusion. The super-jump section is most definitely him moving the level, but it happens so smoothly... You can tell if you jump in place on one of the ledges - the camera jerks a bit right as you land. I'm thinking he used prox switches, but tweaked them very well. What added to the illusion was the custom background that was attached to the walls - it made the walls look motionless. Also, he didn't overdo it - the movement was pretty small... I was most impressed by the balls of light that tracked you in the jetpack section. It just seemed so seemless. Wow. Just wow. I'm like a giddy little school-girl... what does that say about me? Seriously, though, thank you for pointing out this level. Much appreciated. Edit: you can gas fairy lights? Why don't I know these things!? | 2009-07-16 05:36:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
I'm dumb perhaps, but I didn't saw the point where the sackboy shrinks. The boss battle was great, as the boat part. The jet pack session was really difficult since the globes fire too soon since they're a bit over sensitive. Anyway great Japanese stuff. That's a pity that there isn't any connection with those creators. BTW Isn't OCK Japanese? He could be the messanger between two worlds. | 2009-07-16 08:43:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
I was just going to start a new thread about this level, but glad this one popped up. I thoroughly enjoyed this. New tricks, but not gimmicky. I wasn't sure whether the balls of light were an extension of the Player Tracking Devices we've seen before, but I've not seen anything move so freely before. Quite tricky in places, though worthwhile. Top marks from me. Incidentally, the creator of this level (PSN: eustoma), has a few levels of interest. The Emitter Engine is in another thread somewhere, but check out the 'Run After The Present' level. It's premise is simple: chase after a Christmas Present, if you can catch it, you can have it! NOTE: Play this one first BEFORE playing the Emitter Engine (which explains how the Christmas present moves, and could therefore spoil your enjoyment a bit). | 2009-07-20 13:44:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
Yes, the movement of the light is controlled by an extension of the player tracker, but it's just so well done, isn't it? I believe there's already been a thread for the 'emitter engine' level, but this guy's a genius, ha ha. | 2009-07-20 15:34:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
The super-jump section is most definitely him moving the level, but it happens so smoothly... You can tell if you jump in place on one of the ledges - the camera jerks a bit right as you land. I'm thinking he used prox switches, but tweaked them very well. What added to the illusion was the custom background that was attached to the walls - it made the walls look motionless. Also, he didn't overdo it - the movement was pretty small... I'm not sure about this... it doesn't work 100% of the times, and the sackboy keeps on going to the right while doing a sort of "floating" animation... could this be the same method that was used in up & away in sky town for the fans? Also, am i the only one noticing something strange with the gate at the beginning (the one that goes up and you need to jump down to go trough it) and the doors of the elevators? they are made in the thin layers, but they overlap with other materials, but not with the sackboy | 2009-07-28 15:37:00 Author: Shadowheaven ![]() Posts: 378 |
In my experience, the simplest solution is generally the correct solution. The whole level moving would also explain the camera jerk when you land. "Blowing" material wouldn't alter the camera at all... Really, it doesn't matter though, it was very well done. | 2009-07-28 16:43:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
I think it's done with the trick someone posted in Everything Else awhile back and about vibrating the floor to near breaking point with a moving piston block. ' ...the reflection is definitely a giant milk bottle, like wex said, and the red glass is there for a walk-through glitch. | 2009-07-28 23:06:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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