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Chain Dissolve.

Archive: 5 posts

I just made a chain dissolve system.

Its a rectangle of dark matter, then on the floor at magnetic key switches attached to dissolve material blocks in a line, then a magnetic key being pulled along by a winch, when the winch drags the switch along, it comes intact with the magnetic key switch and dissolves dissolve material, 1 by 1 instead of all at once.

And a button, the button is attached to the winch so when you press the button, the winch moves along dissolveing dissolve blocks.
Theres many ways of useing this i can imagen,
If anyone wants the basics of it add me as a freind and i will send the item, or make a level on all the other constaptions i have made.

Sorry if this is in the wrong place
2009-07-14 21:50:00

Posts: 744

Sounds quite cool. Are all the dissolved attached to the dark matter? Personally I would have just made a line of them attached by stiff rods then everything would be gone.2009-07-14 22:26:00

Posts: 321

Sounds quite cool. Are all the dissolved attached to the dark matter? Personally I would have just made a line of them attached by stiff rods then everything would be gone.

No the dissolve is attached to the ground, Just basic of what it can do.

It could do many things like, a dissolve floor with many layers could keep dissolveing as your sackboy goes down.
2009-07-14 22:57:00

Posts: 744

This is just one of the few basics of logic in LBP. It is amazing that you found it out yourself. Once you learn more about this device you can create many that you never thought were possible!

Here's a tip: Use a piston instead of a winch. That way it's more stable.

EDIT: Excuse me if i misread
2009-07-15 00:43:00

Posts: 657

That sounds awesome! That will be really useful for people in the future 2009-07-15 01:56:00

Posts: 224

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