Traverse <Onward> (beta)
Archive: 6 posts
Traverse <Onward> (beta)DarkFray Play as an adventurous sack with wander-lust and a decaying hometown in need of rescue. Scour the land for treasure and make a few friends on the way as you jump, hang and climb through an ever changing world. all Although currently a work in progress, I DO plan on finishing this level. Originally, I intended it on being a 2 or 3 part series, each with its own new sub-name. IE Traverse <Beyond>, or Traverse <Backwards>. But the catch is, I'll only make it if I know people would want to play it. So all you out there, go show your support! | 2009-07-13 06:18:00 Author: DarkFray ![]() Posts: 100 |
*Update* I am currently moving the level forward. The problems mentioned by people in the comments during the first beta have been corrected. My only concern is that the thermo is getting a little high and there's still a lot left I want to put into the level. I am stuck at a point however. I need to make an automatic Crane to raise the lift to a higher rail that will take you to another station... But I can't get the crane to work, as it becomes either too heavy or it doesn't move when I set it up. Can anyone get me some aid on that? | 2009-07-14 03:40:00 Author: DarkFray ![]() Posts: 100 |
I liked this level and the general idea, but it could be refined. By the way, the lift at the lodge didn't work. | 2009-07-14 06:14:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
Seems like a very good idea so far, I am intriuged to see how it plays when it is all complete. I got the waterfall gem, but could not get back up, So either I missed something or that is a cheap death. I could see a yellow speaker on the tree, so I figured I would tell you so you could make it invisible if you wanted. The bridge is good, except for the ropes going from the poles on either side to each plank of the bridge...it does not really look right. You could always make a flat material on the most forward plane of the bridge and make it look like a rope going across with ropes going down to each plank or something. Other than that I enjoy the potential of this level. | 2009-07-14 07:18:00 Author: Spider-Jew ![]() Posts: 1090 |
I liked this level and the general idea, but it could be refined. By the way, the lift at the lodge didn't work. Really!? Everyone keeps saying that, but when I played it, it worked just fine! O.o;; Are you standing in the middle like you should be? Because the way I have it moving, it's a Sensor Switch attached to the motor on the wheel, set to Directional. You gotta stand in the middle, or else it wont go. Oh well. After I get this next update in, I KNOW it'll be fixed. If I can atleast get the lift I have planned working, I'll republish it and try putting it into Beta 2.0 Seems like a very good idea so far, I am intriuged to see how it plays when it is all complete. I got the waterfall gem, but could not get back up, So either I missed something or that is a cheap death. I could see a yellow speaker on the tree, so I figured I would tell you so you could make it invisible if you wanted. The bridge is good, except for the ropes going from the poles on either side to each plank of the bridge...it does not really look right. You could always make a flat material on the most forward plane of the bridge and make it look like a rope going across with ropes going down to each plank or something. Other than that I enjoy the potential of this level. Well, the only way I see you wouldn't live is if you let go of the Leaf too soon, or you jumped down there without taking it at all xD I ran into that problem a couple times too, but dying or not, its still okay. Adds a little treachery into the adventure, you know what I mean? As for the sound, yeah xD I'll fix that soon. But for the Bridge. I had a ton of problems making that bridge ( I don't know why either! They're so easy to make...) but those ropes are there to keep the bridge from going nuts. I can turn them invisible if that'll make you feel better about it o.o; And thank you very much ^^ That means a lot :3 | 2009-07-14 23:06:00 Author: DarkFray ![]() Posts: 100 |
Added some more jewels to the level. Still snagged on that Crane-lift part. I think it would be a good idea to change the idea. Any suggestions? | 2009-07-20 04:52:00 Author: DarkFray ![]() Posts: 100 |
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