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Manufactured Madness

Archive: 85 posts

Manufactured Madnessmrsupercomputer
http://www.brentsimmons.com/lbp/mm5.jpgRobots at a nerby foundry have started to malfunction and are becoming increasingly hostile. Make your way across the hazardous wasteland, enter the foundry and aid the other robots in their escape!
Man, was this level was a chore to build! I had so many ideas going into this, but as I began to build, I found that many of them wouldn't work how I envisioned. In fact, I actually built this entire level twice. I was very unhappy with my original design, so I scrapped it and rebuilt it. The theme is basically the same, as are a lot of the ideas, I just rearranged them a bit. But even with the redesign, I still had to cut a lot of ideas, but I think it turned out okay.

Anyway, I would love to get some feedback on it. I've ran into a few oddities, but I've tried to iron out all the bugs as much as possible. I tried a few ideas that were a bit risky, so I apologize if something breaks on you while you're in the level. Hopefully there won't be too much left to fix, as I'm pretty tired of working on this thing!

As for F4F, I'll try and give as much as I can!






2009-07-13 03:06:00

Posts: 1335

I played it literally a few seconds after you published, and I have to saw it looks amazing (as with all your levels)!

Lots of detail, and an interesting story, but sadly I didn't get to finish...

I kept getting stuck at the part where the bridge/walkway is broken in two, and I fall into the valley/pit with the broken cars... I can't get passed that...

P.S. The fire ball that one robot shot at me looked awesome, and I'll be stealing that idea.


Alright! After pulling on everything and finally noticing the grab switch on the top car, I got past that part.

The level is amazing, great eerie atmosphere, and the boss/final battle was entertaining since I didn't feel like losing my new found robo-buddies.

What I loved the most was how you used the candle flames for the molten metals and the fireballs, never seen that before and I have to say it looked incredible!

I felt it was pretty short, but time flies when you're having fun.

:star::star::star::star::star: x 2 and a heart.
2009-07-13 03:35:00

Posts: 431

Yes! What a way to start off the week be back when I'm done.2009-07-13 03:40:00

Unknown User

I kept getting stuck at the part where the bridge/walkway is broken in two, and I fall into the valley/pit with the broken cars... I can't get passed that...

Yeah, I was a worried some people might get stuck here. I didn't really give a whole lot of clues and since that area is a bit foggy, it's kind of hard to see. You need to push the wrecked car in the back to the right, so that you can jump up into the crane.
2009-07-13 03:47:00

Posts: 1335

Great level! Another masterpiece from a great creator! The only thing that bugged me is the title, you didn't stick with your normal routine by having [Object] [Place] D:

Want me to film this? If so I can get it done by tomorrow!
2009-07-13 03:53:00

Posts: 2358

Great level! Another masterpiece from a great creator! The only thing that bugged me is the title, you didn't stick with your normal routine by having [Object] [Place] D:

Haha! You don't even know how I much I struggled with that! I just couldn't think of anything that I liked. I'm still not 100% satisfied with Manufactured Madness, but I'll probably stick with it.

Want me to film this? If so I can get it done by tomorrow!

Sure, that'd be great!
2009-07-13 03:56:00

Posts: 1335

Cool. I think you, geosautus, and jackofcourse are very similar. Comparable in that you both have only a few levels, but what is there is pound for pound great, memorable, and each experience is totally unique from the last with new ideas, eye popping effects and a world that feels totally it's own. They're also straight, good old fashioned fun.

Anyway... I loved the world of this level, I love the design, the balance of platforming and bits of puzzle solving (I didn't realize I had superhuman strength until I tried ), the effects, the robot design - very cartoony, but sticker to have life and complexity - I love all the industrial stylings, machines, and mood - great use of what is normally a terribly ugly cardboard material, to make things feel desolate and wasted. Great use of rocket smoke in the right places. Crashing through the window was great (wish there was a wee bit more of a ride right there, but still great), the bus ride was probably the best action sequence I've seen and a good challenge. I also like your rescue reward system. This reminds me alot of the 3000 A.D. era of Chrono Trigger and the Robo side missions - I like sci-fi alot when it's done right in LBP, and your few bits of dialogue perfectly set the stage for a quick story.

Little details, like what you had in Zephyr Valley to create depth and perspective in the background like telephone poles, window views of buildings - things like that don't get noticed much, but they should.

I like the way the robot seige on the bus was in the backplane, but you used an invisible hit box in the front plane for them to receive damage. Good use of the technique, and gave that section proper depth - probably the only way they could roll by on a higher platform that was actually open to fire too.

Although the quietness of the level seemed to add to the lifelessness of the world, I would have liked alot more sound on things... a whole bunch from the mechanical sound set, like squeaky metal, metal clank, mechanism engage, steam engine etc on elevators, robots, and conveyor belts... the presses - some sensor switches set to speed so that when you're approaching heavy machine areas you hear the noise progressively build towards the most active part of it. Slight squeaks when the molten tubs tip, and when the one you swing from sways side to side (switch dead center, and a key on either side, set to speed should give those the perfect sound). Some more present vehicle sounds etc It's hard to find a balance where sounds are ambient and help with immersion, but not deafening and annoying... so it's entirely up to you, as it's just my style to slather things with sounds. It's absolutely 5 stars, and I'm happy with it either way. Another good one for industrial stuff is chainsaw from monster pack, and the windmill and mechanism stop from SotC pack.

I also like how you did your cinematic intro with two small billboards that were in context with the level, and used the thermometer for what counts.
2009-07-13 04:07:00

Unknown User

Although the quietness of the level seemed to add to the lifelessness of the world, I would have liked alot more sound on things... a whole bunch from the mechanical sound set, like squeaky metal, metal clank, steam engine etc on elevators, robots, and conveyor belts... the presses - some sensor switches set to speed so that when you're approaching heavy machine areas you hear the noise progressively build towards the most active part of it. Some more present vehicle sounds etc It's hard to find a balance where sounds are ambient and help with immersion, but not deafening and annoying... so it's entirely up to you, as it's just my style to slather things with sounds. It's absolutely 5 stars, and I'm happy with it either way.
I second this.
2009-07-13 04:15:00

Posts: 431

Well, Ninja pretty much said everything that my head was too overwhelmed to formulate into words. You, sir, have managed to find yourself in the ranks of the all-time greats of LBP. You never cease to amaze me. Another 5 star level, and an automatic heart. This level is ripe with goodness, from the enemy designs, to the complicated mechanisms at work, to the fire effects, to the overall detail, and the fantastic scripted events. Kudos.

Now get this man a crown.

No need to do F4F, but if you want, check out my latest level, "Brain Chain Mini-Game". I have a contest going...
2009-07-13 04:44:00

Posts: 5338

After playing this masterpiece, I've come to the conclusion that I hate you. Every level you make is pure awesome wrapped up in a bow of extra coolness, and this one ups the ante. I demand that you stop making the background environment look just as good as the level itself, and I am quite peeved at how well everything else looked (great enemy designs, great level design, and the way you made the fire was brilliant). Then there's these cute and simple stories you put together that fit the levels so well, and it makes us normal creators look bad. These injustices must be stopped!

There's only one thing that actually bothered me and it was the lack of noises. I was expecting more crashes, squeaks, and rumblings, but the thermo has to give at some point, so it's okay.

Overall, a well deserved :star::star::star::star::star: and a heart.
2009-07-13 07:54:00

Posts: 345

Awesome, a new level from one of my favorite creators! The pics look great, I'm so glad the thing in your sig saying "nothing for now, maybe something small" was a lie and now even better news you will be working on Zephyr Valley 2 . I'll check it out and give feedback as soon as I play it.2009-07-13 08:00:00

Posts: 1318

Dude i just turned off my Ps3...now i have to turn it back on again. I'm a big fan of your levels. Be back with some thoughts...2009-07-13 08:16:00

Posts: 84

Really top notch work again. Fantastic billboard title. Very subtle. Great ligthting and the molten metal crucibles look great! Thought the robot design was wonderful too. Nifty trick with the paintinator and the robots on the bus ride too. I'm not sure how the paintinator is triggered on the bus but with two people it didn't show up until the bus blew up the first time when I was playing 2x. Still working out how to get to some of your "hidden" in plain sight bubbles too.

Gave it 5 stars & hearted! Thanks for sharing yet another fun level!
2009-07-13 08:30:00

Posts: 5983

Wow. Another masterpiece. You always seem to pick unique themes and environments and this was no different. I love the whole junkyard, factory, desolate town environment. The obstacles were unique and very fluid. The amount of care, detail and polish that went into this level really shows.

I was expecting a boss battle, like against a giant robot or something, but the whole level was so awesome it didnt matter.

It seems like you can probably pull off any theme and make it epic. I kinda feel like we have that in common as creators, but you can probably pull off any theme way better than me. Anyway, outstanding job on this one.

I would really, greatly appreciate a quick thought or two on my wrestling level. "LBPC Wrestling Presents: Sack-A-Mania!" (PSN:amblaze) (its on cool pages 1, but just in case you don't check out cool pages)I don't have a level thread on it, but any opinion of yours would be nice.
2009-07-13 08:53:00

Posts: 84


Why does your signature say that you weren't working of anything if you actually were? D:

Anyways, who cares. When I saw this post, I immedediately jumped to the ps3.

First of all, lemme say, that I loved how you did such a little tittle sequence. Where everybody goes high n' epic -wich is no bad thing-, you did such a simple yet effective thing. I liked that!

The story, it's as always, effective. I mean, there's no need for you to put big plots in the level, because somehow the story it's just the excuse to free the good robots and kick the ***** of the bad ones. And I'm sure everybody loves that.

It's curious how on every differnt level, you go for a different theme; first mulberry, afterwards basilisk bog and zephyr valley. I have to admit that the aesthetics of this level... well, I didn't like them. But it's not that they were badly done; -in fact, it was polished in such an incredible way- it's just that generally, I don't like industrial looking and dark stuff. But that's nothing I can complain about.

Oh, and as always, amazing character design. Seriously. Just by putting some curves into the robots and not making them square looking, and going for wheels instead of robotics legs... I dunno when I saw that before, but those kind are probably my favorite kind of robots.

All in all, this level, is always top notch, specially coming from my favorite creator, who happens to be you (it made my day when trough zephyr valley I found out all of your stuff). So, I give you :star::star::star::star::star: and a heart, obviusly.

Ok, now for those little things that you might want to know if you ever decide to edit the level:

-I think that is after the first elevator when you find a robot that fires missiles to you, a robot wich is, I think inmobile, unless the 2nd one, and that you have to beat using the paintinator. What happened to me here is that the robot killed me, and I kept respawning at the checkpoint, with happened to be on the same layer as the missiles, so I kept respawning and instantly dying, without nothing I could do. I had to restart the level.
Ok, this was the serious thing, now for the lil' ones

-There's a part where you have to grab some containers and pass over flamethrowers, that keep stoping/throwingflames/stoping/throwing flames/stoping... (you get the idea; I didn't know how to explain it, unless your levels, my english isn't top notch). Just at the end, there's a flamethrower that's really near to the bottom of the container, onto you're grabbing, so you have high chances of dying. What I didn 't know is that you have to let go BEFORE that, so... if you want the level to prevent fools like me dying o there, maybe some kind of indication may do.

Thanks for making my day once again! I do really look up to you when it comes at making levels!

As for the feedback, I'd love you to leave it on my super very soon soon incoming level, Lafarge's Request. I shall PM you when the time comes. Thanks again!
2009-07-13 09:20:00

Posts: 628

Gotta say, I'm a tad disappointed. I'm sitting here at work, jump in to take a quick look at whats going on.... and mrsupercomputer has a new level out!

Now I have to drive all the way home during lunch, skip eating, and play this so it's existance doesn't drive me nuts all day!

This better be good or I'm hoppin' a plain to St. Louis with a stick!....
2009-07-13 13:32:00

Posts: 4430

Thanks for all the great feedback everyone!

Crashing through the window was great (wish there was a wee bit more of a ride right there, but still great), the bus ride was probably the best action sequence I've seen and a good challenge. I also like your rescue reward system.

The car crashing through the window was a section that I originally cut out of the original and then brought back when I rebuilt this version. That car was actually the first thing I built for this level and originally you were gonna ride on it at the end. Of course, once I made the bus, that all changed, but I still wanted to squeeze the car in there somehow, so that's why it's so short. I wish it were a bit longer as well.

I also had to scale back the bus ride as well, but I'm glad I left enough in for you to still enjoy it!

Although the quietness of the level seemed to add to the lifelessness of the world, I would have liked alot more sound on things..

Yeah, I hear you loud and clear. Adding sound effects is usually the last thing I do in the level and I usually like to hold off with some details to make sure I won't need the thermo for some kind of fix or something.

I also like how you did your cinematic intro with two small billboards that were in context with the level, and used the thermometer for what counts.
Yeah, those were both added at the very end, right before I published. I don't usually make title sequences, but I had the billboard idea and just couldn't resist!

After playing this masterpiece, I've come to the conclusion that I hate you. Every level you make is pure awesome wrapped up in a bow of extra coolness, and this one ups the ante. I demand that you stop making the background environment look just as good as the level itself, and I am quite peeved at how well everything else looked (great enemy designs, great level design, and the way you made the fire was brilliant). Then there's these cute and simple stories you put together that fit the levels so well, and it makes us normal creators look bad. These injustices must be stopped!

Really top notch work again. Fantastic billboard title. Very subtle. Great ligthting and the molten metal crucibles look great! Thought the robot design was wonderful too. Nifty trick with the paintinator and the robots on the bus ride too. I'm not sure how the paintinator is triggered on the bus but with two people it didn't show up until the bus blew up the first time when I was playing 2x. Still working out how to get to some of your "hidden" in plain sight bubbles too.

Ninja told me about the paintinator issue as well. I have a switch set on the bus to emit it and I'm thinking I might have set it to require all, so one player might jump down and block it before it emits. I'm off to fix that right now, thanks for letting me know!

I was expecting a boss battle, like against a giant robot or something, but the whole level was so awesome it didnt matter.

That was the plan originally, but sadly it just didn't fit and I liked trying something a bit different with the bus escape.

I would really, greatly appreciate a quick thought or two on my wrestling level. "LBPC Wrestling Presents: Sack-A-Mania!" (PSN:amblaze) (its on cool pages 1, but just in case you don't check out cool pages)I don't have a level thread on it, but any opinion of yours would be nice.

Man, I played that the other day and LOVED it! I searched for a thread to leave feedback on it! You should really make one, that level is hilarious!

Why does your signature say that you weren't working of anything if you actually were? D:

I get so wrapped up in creating the level that I often forget about updating my signature. I will do better in the future!

It's curious how on every differnt level, you go for a different theme; first mulberry, afterwards basilisk bog and zephyr valley. I have to admit that the aesthetics of this level... well, I didn't like them. But it's not that they were badly done; -in fact, it was polished in such an incredible way- it's just that generally, I don't like industrial looking and dark stuff. But that's nothing I can complain about.

Well, I guess I will admit that I also don't like the aesthetics! Working on this thing every day made me depressed! My next level or levels will be back to bright and colorful for sure!

-I think that is after the first elevator when you find a robot that fires missiles to you, a robot wich is, I think inmobile, unless the 2nd one, and that you have to beat using the paintinator. What happened to me here is that the robot killed me, and I kept respawning at the checkpoint, with happened to be on the same layer as the missiles, so I kept respawning and instantly dying, without nothing I could do. I had to restart the level.
Ok, this was the serious thing, now for the lil' ones

Ahh, good catch. I just fixed it. Thanks!

-There's a part where you have to grab some containers and pass over flamethrowers, that keep stoping/throwingflames/stoping/throwing flames/stoping... (you get the idea; I didn't know how to explain it, unless your levels, my english isn't top notch). Just at the end, there's a flamethrower that's really near to the bottom of the container, onto you're grabbing, so you have high chances of dying. What I didn 't know is that you have to let go BEFORE that, so... if you want the level to prevent fools like me dying o there, maybe some kind of indication may do.

Okay, I'll take a look. Maybe I'll add an arrow or something like that pointing to the platform.

As for the feedback, I'd love you to leave it on my super very soon soon incoming level, Lafarge's Request. I shall PM you when the time comes. Thanks again!
Will do!

Again, thanks to all for the great feedback and I'll be taking a look at all of your levels very soon!
2009-07-13 13:50:00

Posts: 1335

This better be good or I'm hoppin' a plain to St. Louis with a stick!....

:eek: *gulp*
2009-07-13 13:55:00

Posts: 1335

Another level from mrsupercomputer! This is definitely going to be a good level.

I'm going to be writing this as I play the level:

-First off the music and the scenery already give this level an eerie atmosphere which is good.

-I really like the billboard intro; it's simple yet very effective.

-I just got in the factory and usually I don't like the scenery of levels that are dark like this, but you did a very good job with it from the looks of it.

-Wow, the platforming may be simple, but feels so smooth, I like how you spaced the bubbles perfectly apart.

-Got on the conveyor belt and got a little confused at first (went the wrong way), but that's very minor.

-Just got passed the giant spinning cogs and I really liked it. Once again it felt really smooth and was also pretty original as well. The scenery also continues to be top notch despite me hating these types of dark levels.

-The enemy is pretty cool and I like whatever he fires at you. If he kills you though he can repeatedly kill you since he fires right past the checkpoint.

-I just got to the car part and got confused at first (didn't know if you could grab the car), maybe you could make more obvious for the player that you can.

-I loved the glass breaking effect these kind of details are really important.

-I like the conveyer belt part, I think that fire effect is pretty cool.

-Just got to the part where the giant... buckets pour fire on you, it was pretty good, but I couldn't really see the part you were supposed to land on. Maybe put some lights on it to make it more obvious to the player.

-Just got past the part where you grab on to that box and guide it past the fire. I thought it was cool and original. The only thing though I once again couldn't really see the platform you were supposed to land on, and that last fire part killed me a few times.

-The bus part is pretty fun, I didn't realize at first you had that invisible block that you were suppose to shoot so I didn't know what to really shoot at first, but it was a really cool and epic part. (Just to let you know, if a player loses all of his lives until he only has one left the bus doesn't reappear causing the player to commit suicide, so just make the bus emmit one more time.)

Just finished the level! It had a good length to it. I got 9th place, but I'm sure I won't be there to long, I'll probably end up playing this again trying to get a higher score.

Overall this is a phenomenal level, everything about it is epic! This maybe my favorite level of yours, and that's saying a lot considering how much I like all your levels.

I gave it :star::star::star::star::star: , hearted it, and tagged it Brilliant

I would really appreciate it if you could F4F my level The Unfair Platformer and let me know how I can improve the sequel.

2009-07-13 14:51:00

Posts: 134

I'm looking forward to checking this one out. From the screenshots alone it looks like its going to be a winner. 2009-07-13 14:53:00

Posts: 1904

Yeah I loved it. The intro was great and showed that you don`t need huge, scrolling lettering to make a good introduction.

Set design was amazing as always. Nice characters and the bus ride was good fun too.

My one small complaint was that I too on occasion wasn`t sure what I was to jump onto when swinging from hooks etc.

5 stars, hearted and 'brilliant'.
2009-07-13 15:46:00

Matt 82
Posts: 1096

-Got on the conveyor belt and got a little confused at first (went the wrong way), but that's very minor.

Yeah, I thought some players might, but even if it looks like there is nothing to the left, that space is actually used. If you fail to save the robot from falling, you can still save him by pushing him under the big pounding machine and onto that platform.

-The enemy is pretty cool and I like whatever he fires at you. If he kills you though he can repeatedly kill you since he fires right past the checkpoint.

Okay, I will tweak that some more.

-I just got to the car part and got confused at first (didn't know if you could grab the car), maybe you could make more obvious for the player that you can.

I've had a few people message me about this, so I think I will tweak it a bit.

-The bus part is pretty fun, I didn't realize at first you had that invisible block that you were suppose to shoot so I didn't know what to really shoot at first, but it was a really cool and epic part. (Just to let you know, if a player loses all of his lives until he only has one left the bus doesn't reappear causing the player to commit suicide, so just make the bus emmit one more time.)

Wow, thanks for this. I thought I had it set correctly, but I guess not. I will definitely fix this asap.

My one small complaint was that I too on occasion wasn`t sure what I was to jump onto when swinging from hooks etc.

Okay, it seems a few people are having issues with this. I will try and give a some subtle hints to help.

Thanks for the kind words guys! I'll be sure to check out The Unfair Platformer Vab. Matt, is there a particular level you'd like me to give feedback on?
2009-07-13 16:25:00

Posts: 1335

Nah dude feedback isn`t necessary.2009-07-13 16:35:00

Matt 82
Posts: 1096

I like it mainly because of the originality and the depth of the level. By that, I mean the creativity in having molten lava drop down from huge pots that reminds me of Star Wars (sounds nerdy, right? But it does lol). The environment is atmospheric and moody, and actually makes me feel like I'm amongst robots of some sorts.

Good action sequences, good puzzles, good replayability even, since it was so inviting and interesting to play. It may also be one of those levels where if you play it at a different pace a 2nd or 3rd time, you seem to notice more and different things.

2009-07-13 16:53:00

Posts: 134

Okay just played it and can't find any negatives so I'll just tell you how I feel about the level. I love the detail, the smoke at the beginning in the "presents" part, all the backgrounds, the crushing machine at the bottom of the factory (reminds me of one of my levels ), the whole factory is just awesome. This might be one of your best looking levels if not the best level IMO. All the effects (like when the robot threw a cog and when you ram a car into a window) were brilliant, made it feel like a movie. The bus ride was pretty challenging but I liked it, another movie-like part. I gave it :star::star::star::star::star: and have you hearted as an author.2009-07-13 16:58:00

Posts: 1318

Great level. As someone said (and you agreed with) I too am not a fan of the aesthetics really but there's no doubt that what is there is still done tremendously well. Similarly to what the other person said, I'm just not a fan of dark levels

I'm not really a fan of the whole 'presents' thing that's around at the minute, but I have to confess I loved yours. It's done so subtly and the camera angles looked really cool. I like that it's not a cut screen and doesn't actually interfere with the gameplay.

I too had a bit of problem with the bus, with not being on the same layer as the enemies it left me somewhat confused. I came on here and read that there's invisible things to shoot, but unfortunately, I read it on my last life and as someone else said, the bus didn't turn up when I needed it. (Always the way!!)

I will play it through again definitely, and I feel it is probably unfair to comment on it the bus part properly until I have done so. But my initial reaction, because of the confusion, left me a little unsure. It's a bit like having glass that you're supposed to grab...things in the game are consistent so the player knows how they work. Like I always know that I can only kill enemies when on the same layer as them. (I spent 3 of my lives running up and down attempting to block the paint hits haha )

But like I say it's probably unfair to judge this when I haven't tried it out knowing what I am doing though, so maybe my opinion would change

Overall, no doubt it is a fantastic level and a worthy addition to your collection.

5 stars!

If you wouldn't mind trying my Industrial Assistance [Two Player Only] level that would be great. Obviously, as the title suggests, you'll have to bring along a friend

Thanks a lot and great work!
2009-07-13 17:58:00

Posts: 1494

Hi MrSC! Just played your level, and here're my thoughts...

Well, you may not be a fan of aesthetics, but you definitely know how to produce the goods. The thematics on display here were thoroughly depressing and morbid - a kind of industrial cyberpunk with a bit of grease and grime thrown in. This isn't a criticism! Brilliant stuff.

I didn't find it too difficult to find my way around. There was one occasion where I did a leap of faith, but that was down to my impatience, not the design of the level. The pouring vats of hot metal stuff(?) looked great, very fitting in a steaming, sweating facility. My particular favourite was the small 'Out of Order' sign on one of the first lifts. Class!

I think I must've excelled myself, as I'm currently placed 2nd on the scoreboard. Woot!

+ Atmosphere - dirty, grimy, filthy
+ The staged action sequences were fun
+ Buckets and vats of hot stuff singhing my sackgirl's tush!
+ Great multilayered shooting action on top of the bus
+ No hiccups in the mechanics for me - obviously tested thoroughly.

- My only (very) slight disappointment, was that there wasn't very many of the nasty robots to blast inside the facility until the bus sequence. That said, there were more than enough other perils to keep me busy!

A superbly detailed meisterwork in design and delivery. You really do make me feel like a bumbling amateur. Very well done!

I gave this 5*, hearted, and tagged it with 'Ingenious'.

Thanks very much,
2009-07-13 19:26:00

Posts: 1492

Ok, you avoided the stick this time (although if I hopped on a "plain" you would have nothing to worry about. It would take me WEEKS traveling across the plains of Florida to get there. Now, if I hopped on a "plane" that would be a different story!)

Once again, awesome job. I, personally, loved the aesthetics. It reminded me of "Wall-E" on the earth segments.

Many of the gameplay areas were simply fantastic. Riding on hooks and pails, some great and innovative paintinator sections, hidden areas with additional point bubbles.

I thought the bus sequence was brilliant. I love how your levels aren't just "different" scenery, but you spend the time creating gameplay that feels fresh.

The only part that I got confused on was riding on the bottom of the pail. I didn't see the floor below me so I kept being carried into fire. Maybe a non-foggy spotlight shining down on the floor so you can see it a bit better.

There were also certain aspects of the level that I wanted MORE of - and thats a good thing. Like the robot you had to jump up on his arm to get him - more more robots above the bus to shoot.

5 stars, heart, ingenious.
2009-07-13 19:31:00

Posts: 4430

I'm not really a fan of the whole 'presents' thing that's around at the minute, but I have to confess I loved yours. It's done so subtly and the camera angles looked really cool. I like that it's not a cut screen and doesn't actually interfere with the gameplay.

Yeah, I'm not too big on the title sequences either (not that they aren't cool, but I usually need the thermo for other things). However, I just couldn't resist this after I thought of the idea. I'm glad to see that other people are digging it.

I will play it through again definitely, and I feel it is probably unfair to comment on it the bus part properly until I have done so. But my initial reaction, because of the confusion, left me a little unsure. It's a bit like having glass that you're supposed to grab...things in the game are consistent so the player knows how they work. Like I always know that I can only kill enemies when on the same layer as them. (I spent 3 of my lives running up and down attempting to block the paint hits haha )

I completely understand those feelings and I knew that this was somewhat risky. I figured that worst case scenario, I could just throw in a magic mouth explain that you shoot at the bots heads. Ultimately, I loved the idea so much that I had to take the risk that some people might not shoot at the robots since they are on another layer.

If you wouldn't mind trying my Industrial Assistance [Two Player Only] level that would be great. Obviously, as the title suggests, you'll have to bring along a friend

I've got a buddy of mine who loves 2 player LBP, but hasn't played in forever. This is just the level I need to get him back into it! I'll try and check it out!

The only part that I got confused on was riding on the bottom of the pail. I didn't see the floor below me so I kept being carried into fire. Maybe a non-foggy spotlight shining down on the floor so you can see it a bit better.

I moved the checkpoint over a bit, hoping players will see it, but it may be a bit dark. I'll see about adding a spotlight.

- My only (very) slight disappointment, was that there wasn't very many of the nasty robots to blast inside the facility until the bus sequence. That said, there were more than enough other perils to keep me busy!

There were also certain aspects of the level that I wanted MORE of - and thats a good thing. Like the robot you had to jump up on his arm to get him - more more robots above the bus to shoot.

Yeah, I'm right there with both of you. I was disappointed about this as well. The downside to creating cool looking enemies is that they often take up a lot of thermo and I just didn't have the space to place more throughout the level. Because I use so many at the end, I had to remove a few in the factory. For example, there was originally two flame bots at the end, not just one and they also attacked the bus.

I also debated with removing a few of the "cinematic" moments to free up the space, but I liked them so much that I decided to keep them. If I don't get any major complaints or find any major areas that need to be reworked, I've got a tiny bit of thermo left that I might use to through in one more bot somewhere.

Thanks for the feedback everyone... and for not beating me with a stick Cubbage!
2009-07-13 19:53:00

Posts: 1335

Whoever said anything about beating? Man... any mention of carrying a stick and people assume you're going to hit them with it. Maybe the stick was a walking stick for traveling across the plains....
2009-07-13 20:05:00

Posts: 4430

Hey, just had my son go through it to watch him and see if I spotted any other issues. Seeing as he's 7, it's a pretty good test.

He made it through pretty well. The only thing that initially made him pause was the car you have to pull. I think the issue is psychologically, people don't really think they can pull something that big (and seeing the R1 on the left bumper helped, but took him a while to see). Take this suggestion with a grain of salt, but it occurred to me that maybe either an R1 on the right bumper also, or some kind of pully on the front that made it a BIT more obvious that the car should be moved. (I like it the way it is, but I'm just thinking of the number of kiddies who play LBP...)

At the end when you have to fight off the robots - with my son this hits the same issue I had with Starship Troopers - he simply can't pull the trigger fast enough to kill the robots before they blow up the bus. One way I thought COULD kiddy-balance it a bit is to have the robots move slightly faster, but require less shots. That way it's more of a target-shooting than a fast-trigger area.

But, great the way it is! Just mentioning it from a 7-year-olds perspective.
2009-07-14 00:25:00

Posts: 4430

First of all, the opening was absolutely cinematic. It had a great air and feel of desolation to it, paired with a great choice of music and great scenery work, it was just a sight to behold. The use of rockets as dust worked very well. The platforming was basic and rock solid, and the scenery surrounding it was well done as well. I liked the meticulous arrangement of score bubbles that allowed for basic combos if the player chose to collect them. There was a great use of all three main layers and the 4 intermediate layers for decoration and scene enhancement. I'm not sure if it is important to you or if you know this, but on the fast moving cogs, the wobble bolts are visible. The path of the level was always great for flow and pacing was fine. The bridge breaking was a well done cinematic, though I would have liked the robot to be more animated, to bring it up to the high standard of the rest of this level. The car puzzle was basic but effective, and the subtle hint proved a great time-saver. The glass-shatter effect was done well, no surprise there. Elevators all worked without an issue, and jumping didn't cause it to go back down. The section where you hold onto the bottom of the bucket was good, though I lost my direction for a moment because I held onto the bucket too long, exposing the dark matter bits holding the chains up and taking the floor out of sight for me. I did find the bus section unmercifully harder than the rest of the level for the first couple tries, but for me it was welcomed, I liked it despite the very acute aim needed to hit the robots firing upon the bus. Overall, absolutely amazing level, :star::star::star::star::star: and heart.

For F4F, if you are still doing it, please play my LittleBigMemory level: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=13198
2009-07-14 00:44:00

Posts: 2325

I have work in 5 hours, but I had to turn on my ps3 when I heard you published it.

Aaaaaannnnnnddd, words fail.

I'll try though.

I think all I can say is that I spent a good 30 minutes just walking around in this world.

I wanted to make sure that even the most miniscule details didn't go unnoticed. I LOVED the fact that I could do this.

It's embarrassing that my latest level had a good deal more plays than any of yours. Absolutely astonishing.

I know you probably don't like the tedious procedure of republishing to rise to page 1, but for all of our sakes, PLEASE do it. I want to see you getting plays equivalent to the greatest creators in LBP, because that's what you are.

EDIT: I challenge ANYONE to beat my score. I aced it, got all the secrets, and only missed a couple small combos.
2009-07-14 07:21:00

Posts: 282

Oh man...once again you make me feel like a complete and utter failure! I just want to go to my moon and blow it up after seeing yet another great level by mrsupercomputer. Well, anyway, as you know, you have an amazing level. The robots looked very cool and the whole factory was greatly detailed. It did take me awhile to notice the R1 symbol on the broken car that needed to be moved, but we can label that as a "fail on me." I dare not soil the name that is mrsupercomputer. I also thought it was really cool how you could shoot the robots on one plane while you are on another. i had not seen this until now, it could come in very handy one day for me...well except for the fact that my moon is on the verge of destruction as I mentioned at the beginning. Well, i look forward to hearing your feelings about any of my levels. Oh, and of course this level got :star::star::star::star::star: and a heart from me!2009-07-14 07:39:00

Posts: 1090

At the end when you have to fight off the robots - with my son this hits the same issue I had with Starship Troopers - he simply can't pull the trigger fast enough to kill the robots before they blow up the bus. One way I thought COULD kiddy-balance it a bit is to have the robots move slightly faster, but require less shots. That way it's more of a target-shooting than a fast-trigger area.

Thanks for this feedback and thank your son for giving it a go! I have edited the bus sequence so that the robots only take 3 hits instead of 5 now. Hopefully that will help.

The section where you hold onto the bottom of the bucket was good, though I lost my direction for a moment because I held onto the bucket too long, exposing the dark matter bits holding the chains up and taking the floor out of sight for me.

Okay, I have made a few more adjustments to that section to prevent the player from holding on to long. Now, it the player doesn't drop, the bottom of the ladle dissolves and forces them to drop on the platform.

I did find the bus section unmercifully harder than the rest of the level for the first couple tries, but for me it was welcomed, I liked it despite the very acute aim needed to hit the robots firing upon the bus.

You're not the only one! I've got a lot of messages about this, so I've dropped the hit count for the robots.

I know you probably don't like the tedious procedure of republishing to rise to page 1, but for all of our sakes, PLEASE do it. I want to see you getting plays equivalent to the greatest creators in LBP, because that's what you are.

EDIT: I challenge ANYONE to beat my score. I aced it, got all the secrets, and only missed a couple small combos.

The number of plays doesn't really bug me, but I'll try republishing it a bit more. Also, I noticed that you had the high score when I made some changes earlier. Nice job!

EDIT: I just saw that you've been beat by 400 pts!

It did take me awhile to notice the R1 symbol on the broken car that needed to be moved, but we can label that as a "fail on me."

Yeah, a lot of people have had trouble with that. I'll work on added some more hints or a different object to move.

As always, thanks for the feedback and kind words everyone!
2009-07-14 15:46:00

Posts: 1335

The number of plays doesn't really bug me, but I'll try republishing it a bit more. Also, I noticed that you had the high score when I made some changes earlier. Nice job!

EDIT: I just saw that you've been beat by 400 pts!

Hmmmmmm....I will see to this after work...I don't know if I could do much better than I did though. Somebody's insane.

And about the republishing, I'd do it for you if that was possible. I'm just so tired of seeing these piece of crap levels on page one. I logged on yesterday and there were 3 different bomb survival levels on page 1 getting 100+ plays constantly. This has to stop!
2009-07-14 16:48:00

Posts: 282

Just played this the other night, and I was blown away!
Incredible look and just as incredible gameplay. I thought the car bit was a great little puzzle, too!

I also really loved how you had the city on fire in the background near tot he beginning. That was super cool, and really well done.

You know you're an awesome and dedicated creator when you build a level once, and then rebuild the whole thing again, succesfully no less!

You're levels are one amazing feat after another.
2009-07-14 20:44:00

Posts: 1230

more more robots above the bus

No, no, not more robots above the bus!! If you put more robots above the bus I shall shoot myself with the paintinator!!! It's me or the bus I'm afraid and I am afraid, because at the moment the bus has got me just where it wants me!!! Ah well, if at first you don't succeed.........get Rhy to do it.

Ahem! Up until the bus I love it, I love it, I love it.

Visuals just blew me away. I drove through a window in a car for goodness sake! Haven't done anything like that since I drove through a telegraph pole on a petrol station forecourt.

The buckets of molten metal were genius, the hooks were genius, everything, yes everything was genius, and did I mention I love this level!

Congratulations mrsupercomputer, a masterpiece!

2009-07-15 08:49:00

Posts: 1057

I just got done playing it.

+ I loved the intro, not as flashly as some, but it did the job perfectly and fit exactly with the theme of the level and opening scenery
+ The feeling of perspective at the start was very well done
+ Nice choice of music
+ The detail is second to none, the amount of things going on and detail to look at makes your eyes bleed
+ Like the enemies and the attacks.
+ Nice Half-Life 2 looking car
+ I loved the pots tipping molten metal down
+ I was wondering where you got the chain detail from till I realised you had made it your self
+ Awesome bus ride at the end!!

- I thought the bridge section was under detailed, it looked very out of place with the rest of the level.

Another great level from a great creator! That was a blast from start to finish, the design and visuals were top notch and there were some very cool materials.

*****, brilliant and hearted, no problems
2009-07-15 08:52:00

Posts: 1754

+ Nice Half-Life 2 looking car

I wondered if anyone would notice that!
2009-07-15 13:24:00

Posts: 1335

hi mrsupercomputer,

just finished playing your level
+ love how you've made the intro sign a part of the scenery instead of putting a big disolving thin layer
above the whole screen like many people seem to do.
+ although i'm not really a fan of dark levels this one was pretty cool. I especially liked the whole part after the car wrecks, that part is beautiful!
+ love the details in this level, like the subtle intro sign which fits perfectly in the scenery, the jammed elevator, buckets with molted metal... The hanging chains on the ceiling were fantastic aswell I saw something similar in Candyk's starcruiser level (black cables) and was amazed as well how effective such things can be to add depth.
+ bus ride was pretty cool

- wasn't really sure what to do at the car wrecks, i've played this level before but got stuck there, after i closed the shutters on my window (it's a beautiful sunny day ) i finally saw the R1 sticker, didn't really thought my sackgirl could move such a big car
- you've forgot to put 2 bolts invisible on the big cogs (the ones in the background)

gave it 5 stars and hearted it

2009-07-15 17:52:00

Posts: 574

Alright, I managed to beat the high score by 3,000 points somehow haha.

I really doubt that will be beaten.
2009-07-15 18:41:00

Posts: 282

Alright, I managed to beat the high score by 3,000 points somehow haha.

I really doubt that will be beaten.
...unless mrsupercomputer throws in some more point bubbles.
2009-07-15 18:45:00

Posts: 4430

...unless mrsupercomputer throws in some more point bubbles.

Nope, no more point bubbles! I've done that in the past with my levels, but no more!
2009-07-15 18:50:00

Posts: 1335

so THATS how my high score in Zephyr Valley was beat. I was positive that I did that level absolutely perfect and somehow I was beaten.2009-07-16 05:00:00

Posts: 282

I just played this a bit ago..

first impressions...

Nope.. that big blank space was intentional just like the look on my face when I played it.

That was amazingly tasty and fun. Incredible scenery as always.

Loved the intro and finally see that funky cardboard material used for good!!

I loved it all.. the catwalks, the fun blown out air ducts.. the conveyors as well as all the robots. The metal pouring was drop down and bow awe inspiring. I loved how they and the hooks worked.

The junk cars took me a bit.. not sure why I didn't see the R1 and thought I broke something and tried pulling the top car to the left down for a bit, but finally figured it out. (fyi - HL2 was a huge favorite of mine too!)

Loved the car smashing throught the window and then later the bus ride?... wow.

I've never seen gears, flames and rusty metal be so yummy and tasty before!!

5 stars and hearted. ... though I think we need a new scale as I think you broke it once again.
2009-07-16 05:39:00

Posts: 11383

I just played this a bit ago..

first impressions...

Nope.. that big blank space was intentional just like the look on my face when I played it.

Ha ha, I laughed out loud. Great review and a great level...
2009-07-16 05:40:00

Posts: 5338

so THATS how my high score in Zephyr Valley was beat. I was positive that I did that level absolutely perfect and somehow I was beaten.

Actually, that wasn't the case. If you remember I had a fail to load error on that level, so I had to rebuild it. During the rebuild things didn't line up exactly right so I had to fill in the holes. This resulted in a few more point bubbles.

But you got the high score after I did that and then I beat it. Now, since I built the level and had an advantage of knowing where the bubbles and combos were, I added a few more, so that someone could dethrone me.
2009-07-16 14:01:00

Posts: 1335

I haven't played LBP in like two weeks, and this was the first level I played when I came back from my little break. And what a level it was. I have no idea what to say about this level, except that it was absolutely excellent. Great work!2009-07-18 04:22:00

Posts: 2569


You sure aren't getting worse at making levels, you simply keeps getting better. There's so much to like in there I don't know where to begin. I really feel I don't have much useful feedback because I don't have negatives for you. I enjoyed every second of this level.

-Nice ennemies! The flame throwing is well done and looking good.

-The buckets. I said "wow". It really felt like some lava getting out of them. This is superb looking and i've never seen something like that. This is why i'm still playing this game.

-The bus ride. Totally unexpected. This was super cool. The vehicule uses in this level IS attractive and makes the level feel great. It doesn't feel tacked on like in 80% of any level with a vehicule out there. I LOVE it.

-In all honestly, nothing is more boring to me now than a level announcing its name at the beginning. It's a tired trend and I know how to read when I click on your level. But here, what I am telling you is a positive: You made it with class. It felt ok. It wasn't too huge or out of place. Even the LBPC sticker didn't look annoying at all. Superb use of a bad clich? here again.

2009-07-18 05:27:00

Posts: 3901

WOOOOOWWWWW awesome!!! xD

seriously all your levels are awesome! :O

here are just some things that you could maybe improve:

- When you encounter the first fire shooting robot, it just doesn't hit me O_o... He just shot those fire balls right above my head. So.... i don't know if this is intentional btw.

- After the first elevator i walked to the right i pulled a trigger but i couldn't notice what I just did, after pulling that trigger like 20 times i noticed a little block hanging on a chain, but..... why!?!!! why is there a little block hanging over there? i don't get it xD

- At the point where there is molten metal being poored down, you have to pull this trigger, but again there was no sign at all of what you just did. (or i'm just stupid >_<)

.... so now for the awesome stuff! :3

+ ... the little puzzle kinda thing with the car, was really awesome. Then crasing with the car into the glass, yeah that's amazing!

+ Everything with flamethrowers was FULLY AWESOME!

+ Those big chains hanging around the level just look really cool! :O

+ Well.... overall look is just WOW!

+ You amazed me again! All your levels are amazing!

and a heart (your other levels too! xD)

EDIT: oh yeah, the bus ride was also REALLY awesome! :hero:
2009-07-18 08:51:00

Posts: 3036

Oh, one thing that I wanted to let you know, and I completely forgot about this because I was absolutely floored and amazed by the level. At the part where the gears went from rotating slowly to rotating quickly, I fell through the floor and to the bottom of the level. I'm sure it was a totally fluke thing that can only happen to someone like me, but I just wanted to make you aware of it.2009-07-18 12:57:00

Posts: 2569

- When you encounter the first fire shooting robot, it just doesn't hit me O_o... He just shot those fire balls right above my head. So.... i don't know if this is intentional btw.

Yikes, I had no idea! Okay, I will fix that, thanks!

- After the first elevator i walked to the right i pulled a trigger but i couldn't notice what I just did, after pulling that trigger like 20 times i noticed a little block hanging on a chain, but..... why!?!!! why is there a little block hanging over there? i don't get it xD

That was the hook that the hostage robot was hanging from. If you shoot the other robot before he shoots the hook, you can raise the robot and get a few extra points.

- At the point where there is molten metal being poored down, you have to pull this trigger, but again there was no sign at all of what you just did. (or i'm just stupid >_<)

The hook that is in the middle is lowered when you hit the switch. Maybe I should add a sound effect there so the player knows that they have done something.

Oh, one thing that I wanted to let you know, and I completely forgot about this because I was absolutely floored and amazed by the level. At the part where the gears went from rotating slowly to rotating quickly, I fell through the floor and to the bottom of the level. I'm sure it was a totally fluke thing that can only happen to someone like me, but I just wanted to make you aware of it.

I actually knew about this possibility and completely forgot before I published! Thanks for reminding me about it! I will fix it immediately.
2009-07-18 14:24:00

Posts: 1335

I'm not brilliant at writing long reviews so i'll put it simply: AMAZING!!!

This has everything a good level needs. After playing Zephyr Valley and this, you're now my favourite creator!

:star::star::star::star::star: and one for luck!:star:
2009-07-18 16:31:00

Posts: 2266

Yet another brilliant level with ingenious ideas from you, MSC. The level design gave a great sense of freedom and I absolutely loved the visuals, the enemies were awesome too. I have no suggestions, I didn't encounter any glitches, all in all just a brilliant level.

:star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star: (well, I could only give five...), plus a heart. Great stuff.
2009-07-19 10:28:00

Posts: 1424

My son ended up in this level playing with 3 other players..... they got up to the bus part and while trying to fight off the baddies the bus exploded... they all ended up back where it was supposed to spawn another bus, but the bus exploded again coming out of the entrance.

I'm not sure what you're using for the mechanics on this (such as an emitted magnetic key that blows up the bus), but I think it ended up near the spawn point of the bus after the first explosion.
2009-07-20 14:10:00

Posts: 4430

My son ended up in this level playing with 3 other players..... they got up to the bus part and while trying to fight off the baddies the bus exploded... they all ended up back where it was supposed to spawn another bus, but the bus exploded again coming out of the entrance.

I'm not sure what you're using for the mechanics on this (such as an emitted magnetic key that blows up the bus), but I think it ended up near the spawn point of the bus after the first explosion.

Yeah, I've had some reports of this with multiple players. What I think is happening is this: I have a large piece of metal material hanging above the track. It's molded to match the track and when the bus explodes, and you spawn, the metal piece "stomps" the ground to remove any debris from the previous bus explosion.

I think what's happening is that with multiple players, when one person comes through the checkpoint, the metal hits, and the bus spawns. However, when the next player spawns, the bus get's smashed by the big piece of metal and explodes.

I've got some ideas on how to work it out, I just haven't had time to sit down with it this weekend.
2009-07-20 14:19:00

Posts: 1335

Make another FULLY AWESOME level ...

2009-07-20 14:54:00

Posts: 3036

Yeah, I've had some reports of this with multiple players. What I think is happening is this: I have a large piece of metal material hanging above the track. It's molded to match the track and when the bus explodes, and you spawn, the metal piece "stomps" the ground to remove any debris from the previous bus explosion.

I think what's happening is that with multiple players, when one person comes through the checkpoint, the metal hits, and the bus spawns. However, when the next player spawns, the bus get's smashed by the big piece of metal and explodes.

I've got some ideas on how to work it out, I just haven't had time to sit down with it this weekend.
Kind of a cool reset solution, though! Smash logic!

I'm almost tempted to say the result was cool enough to watch that it warrants leaving it the way it is....
2009-07-20 14:54:00

Posts: 4430

Kind of a cool reset solution, though! Smash logic!

I'm almost tempted to say the result was cool enough to watch that it warrants leaving it the way it is....

Haha, well, if it only happen every once in a while, I'd leave it, but I've been getting more and more complaints. I'm thinking that if I just change the sensor radius to cover the entire platform and change it to require all, that should solve the problem right?
2009-07-20 15:03:00

Posts: 1335

Sounds good to me. It actually was pretty funny to watch, though. Everyone was standing on the platform with some broken wheels around them for about a minute. Then a message pops up that says "What now?...."2009-07-20 15:44:00

Posts: 4430

Hey supercomputer,

I just found this level yesterday, so I had the benefit of all the fiddly bits that have been fixed so far not being a problem.

I had to register, as I wasn't a member yet, so I could say thanks.

Your levels are really fantastic. My 9 year old was sure MM had put out a new level pack when she walked in on this level in particular -- but they're all great stuff.

I appreciate all the work you put in to these levels, and thank you for the fun I've had playing them.

2009-07-21 05:16:00

Unknown User

:star::star::star::star::star:2009-07-21 05:23:00

Posts: 564

First of all, I have to say how absolutely excited I was to receive your feedback on my level...it still blows my mind that a creator as amazing and talented as you has not just played, but thought about and left comments on a level that I made.

Anyway, this is all just a way of me telling you that there is no way that I can play and give feedback on your new level in any objective way, or without being completely influenced by immense respect I have for you as a creator or by the expectations I have about the quality of your levels.

So, having said all that...I really like Manufactured Madness, but I don't love it. Not in the same way that I love Zephyr Valley, Mulberry Woods and Basilisk Bog. There are things about it I love (it displays that same incredible skill at creating mood and atmosphere that you've shown in all your levels, and is quietly understated and beautiful in a way only a handful of level have ever achieved) but at the same time there is nothing absolutely revolutionary or just flat-out unexpected.

As usual, the character design is terrific, and the opening introduction to the level is expertly done. But overall it left me wanting so much more. As far as the average LBP level goes, this level is completely off the charts. But as far as mrsupercomputer levels go, it just doesn't feel as bold and pioneering as I've come to expect.

In any case, as I said I'm incapable of being objective about this level. You're my favourite creator in LBP and it's too much of a burden for each of your levels to bear. I hope that you can ignore my whole post and just keep creating the incredible levels that you seem to produce so effortlessly. I think I speak for everyone in the LBP community when I say that we're looking forward to what comes next!
2009-07-21 15:40:00

Posts: 211

Please forgive me if this sounds ridiculous, Clich?, or if i posted here before.

First i gotta say that i love the fact that i can't find a single negative comment about this level, and that's because there aren't any, i played it, it's Impeccable everything about the level is awesome, my favourite parts are the minor details eg the signs at the start of the levels that say "mrsupercomputer Presents" lol, and where one robot is standing over another shooting it, also like the fact that there are backup statagies for people like me who press R1 on a hook lift and left go, the checkpoint that is activated on top of the lift so u can't get stuck (does that make sense??????) i really enjoyed playing this level and just plain looking at it the level of detail is epic, obviously 5 stars and hearted
2009-07-21 15:43:00

Posts: 785

First i gotta say that i love the fact that i can't find a single negative comment about this level, and that's because there aren't any,

Actually the comment right above you would be considered negative.

I don't agree with it at all though, so I guess it can be disregarded?

Just joking, but seriously? You think there's nothing revolutionary or unexpected?

That is crazy talk.
2009-07-23 06:55:00

Posts: 282

I always feel silly posting in a showcase thread by Mr.Supercomputer, it's so predictable.

The words awesome, excellent, fantastic, superb, perfect, brilliant, beautiful, mindblowing, ingenious, ect..., get thrown around so much in here that I really don't feel like I can add something to that list.... but I will try anyways.

Here it goes: I found your level to be quite Supercalifragilisticexpialidoceous.

...and in case you haven't heard, well done.
2009-07-23 09:37:00

Posts: 2173

I always feel silly posting in a showcase thread by Mr.Supercomputer, it's so predictable.

The words awesome, excellent, fantastic, superb, perfect, brilliant, beautiful, mindblowing, ingenious, ect..., get thrown around so much in here that I really don't feel like I can add something to that list.... but I will try anyways.

Here it goes: I found your level to be quite Supercalifragilisticexpialidoceous.

...and in case you haven't heard, well done.
Wow.... quoting from Mary Poppins - I'm surprised it wasn't immediately followed by a post from Matt_82 - he LOVES Mary Poppins.

Also, I gotta make mention of the post from CheesyMcFly.... I agree the level is darker than MrSuperComputers other levels, but there's quite a bit of platforming innovation here - riding under the buckets, the bus ride, riding on the conveyor - when I'm personally creating I try to do EVERYTHING as different as I can (not that it's always good), and it's definately getting difficult to do things that no one has ever seen.... but the platforming here is impeccable, and even though there are platforming similarities it FELT innovative. The thing I appreciate the most is that I can almost picture MrSuperComputer sitting there thinking "Ok... how can I be COMPLETELY different in my next level".

Obviously you can't argue with "opinion", but I've played this one 4 times now and each time I play it I appreciate it a little more.
2009-07-23 13:19:00

Posts: 4430

Well, as soon as I noticed this level was by MrSuperComputer, I played it nearly immediately. And your talent is still showing in each and every one of your creations.

The intro, well it worked and was a good start, but I just think it could be a little more fancy. Maybe having more lighting and stuff in that area will do? Either way it still works pretty well. Another one of things I noticed near the start of the level was that you used that rarely used newspaper material, in a really good way. So kudos for that. The character design again looks outstanding, and it looks really professional, along with the visuals for the level itself. I preferred the visuals of Zephyr Valley much more, but that's because I preferred the style, this level still looks really good in visual terms, but not exactly my sort of thing, but I guess a visual style can't please everyone.

The platforming was great too. It had some really unique and fun elements, and although some areas were a bit too dark for me to see well, the platforming was still outstanding. The part with the cars looked pretty nice. The cars were well designed and fit the theme of the level, but I think the R1 sticker for the car you have to drag should be bigger, as I didn't exactly notice it for the first time.

The part with the bus was very unique, and a great and refreshing twist on your average LBP gameplay, and I can safetly say that it's one of the most unique boss battles I've played on LBP. The angle you must point your Paintinator at to shoot the robots is really acute though, and makes it quite hard, nethertheless it's still fun.

Overall in my opinion not as good as Zephyr Valley, I still thought it was another brilliant level by you and gave it :star::star::star::star::star: and a heart. Looking forward for your next level!
2009-07-23 16:35:00

Posts: 1077

Awesome stuff.

Great intro, i laughed loud at the tiny 'mrsupercomputer' sign because its so opposite of what most cinematic intros are doing.

Its full of the touches that make your levels so great, brilliant design as usual and the persecuted robots especially gave the level some personality and quirk amid all the doom and gloom. Lovely platforming stuff too, all that fire was a good call! I probably didn't even see everything going on the background, such is the huge amount of detail you have going on. Yet another top quality level!
2009-07-23 21:20:00

Posts: 1156

thanks for stopping by my little f4f utility advert!

I just looked up your levels to return the favor and...oh, THAT Mrsupercomputer..

Hmm...not sure what help I an be for this level. I love it. My friends love it. My sister's cat loves it.

I realize this is not the most useful feed-back, So, I'll just say that I'm happy you found my utility useful.
2009-08-02 16:10:00

Posts: 898

Sometimes when you have to write something about some creators around here, no words are needed, and you have always to face the fact that you're trying to reach their levels, but no matter what, you're always miles away.

They got the vision, they got the skills and the taste to make wonderful levels.
mrsupercomputer here deserves his ID.

Wonderful level, and another hit from LBPC.
2009-08-02 20:48:00

Posts: 5112

Was awesome, only bad part was when it glitched on the winch part at the end but it slill allowed me to continue through the level.

:star::star::star::star::star: + heart.
2009-08-03 02:55:00

Posts: 1606

Was awesome, only bad part was when it glitched on the winch part at the end but it slill allowed me to continue through the level.

:star::star::star::star::star: + heart.

Thanks, but could you explain the glitch a little bit more?
2009-08-03 03:02:00

Posts: 1335

I played this last week and loved a lot of it. I can't remember if there was anything I disliked, but if you want I could be really fussy and play it again to find something.

I loved the flame throwers. First time I have seen fire used like that in a level.

I definately gave it 5 stars and 20 hearts. Or that might have been one heart. O_o

More feedback might be along soon if I find anything wrong. I doubt there will be anything thought.
2009-08-03 03:09:00

Posts: 2914

Thanks, but could you explain the glitch a little bit more?

When I grabbed onto the winch near the end I was blown up straight away almost but I still respawned at an active checkpoint above. I played through again and it was just a one-off though.
2009-08-03 03:23:00

Posts: 1606

I loved the flame throwers. First time I have seen fire used like that in a level.

Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I must give credit to Johnee for the flamethrower effect though, his warzone and mechsuit levels are where I first saw it used.

When I grabbed onto the winch near the end I was blown up straight away almost but I still respawned at an active checkpoint above. I played through again and it was just a one-off though.

Ah! I know the area now. That's not a glitch, although it may seem like it! Since I blow the place up, I knew that Sackboy might get blown up in the process, so I have the checkpoint move to the top just in case. Thanks for the feedback!
2009-08-03 04:03:00

Posts: 1335

[QUOTE=mrsupercomputer;252354]Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I must give credit to Johnee for the flamethrower effect though, he's warzone and mechsuit levels are where I first saw it used.

thank you very very much
2009-08-03 19:20:00

Posts: 78

I played it again. I found nothing. Even though I was playing with my cousin and he had only played two levels before. (One of mine and zephyr valley!)

I thought that playing with a noob might show something wrong, but it didn't. Except I was telling him what to do. -_-

Actually, thinking back, the bit where you pull the car was a little bit hard to see, but it isn't too bad. I am just trying to think of something that could be improved. TOO HARD TO FIND A NEGATIVE!!!

Anyways, :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
2009-08-04 01:32:00

Posts: 2914

This is in my top 3 levels - loved this one! The polish on the level is amazing, the pacing is fantastic, and who doesn't appreciate a bus ride on a beat-up Blue-Bird (http://www.blue-bird.com/)? The robot with the bomb was worth the price of admission. From creator to creator, you've got a lot of talent!

Any minor feedback has already been mentioned - just wanted to give you some kudos
2009-09-01 06:40:00

Posts: 62

I never posted here, because amazingly I never played this until last night.


I don't know what else to say. This is just about the perfect level. Amazingly clever never-before-seen concepts, gorgeous imagery, cool story, great pace, and consistently fun gameplay.

The wasteland, the molten metal pots pouring out their payloads, the BUS! Everything was incredible.

it's funny that I never fully realized that it was YOU that had made all of these. I had played Zephyr, Basilisk, and Mulberry before and was blown away 3 out of 3 times. Never really connected that it was the same guy, and all this time "MrSuperComputer" on these forums, to me, has basically been "that guy like me who's exactly my age and generation". Go figure.

Anyway, incredible work, easily one of my favorite creators.
2009-09-20 00:33:00

Posts: 1937

Thanks Teebonsey! Your comments on my all levels gave me a chuckle, especially the one about Zephyr Valley being your favorite level that deals with wind!2009-09-20 05:10:00

Posts: 1335

Thanks Teebonsey! Your comments on my all levels gave me a chuckle, especially the one about Zephyr Valley being your favorite level that deals with wind!

You're welcome, and thank you.

It's quite true. Zephyr Valley is my favorite wind-based level (at least, out of all the wind-based levels that feature boss battles at huge windmills, it's my favorite, or at the very least, like twelfth favorite).
2009-09-21 12:08:00

Posts: 1937

Here we go again, Great level! Liked it even more than Zephyr Valley

The good:
+ Graphics outstanding, lovely "fallout" postapocalytic feeling intro
+ Good difficulty, a challenge yet not frustrating, also good checkpoint placement
+ Some machines and obsticles are terrific. Innovative and fun. Loved the sequence that you had to hang from the bucket and avoid the fire
+ Nice chase sequence
+ Scared me out of my seat with the surprise from the elevator, you know which. Sequence after that looked great too

The bad (still not near terrible):
- Walked the wrong way a couple of times, the travel direction wasn't always clear
- Gut feeling of not knowing why I'm actually traversing this, I did notice the story but you tend to 'forget' halfway there... not a continuous feeling of purpose I guess

- Elevators are a bit on the enthusiastic side, they tend to leave when you're hardly on them, not a gameplay issue but it feels a bit weird. Maybe solved by lowering the strength of the piston?
- Bit silent for a factory, does feel more desolate that way.. can't decide whether this is good or bad...
2010-01-07 13:59:00

Posts: 263

Hi, I played your level some time I ago and I got amazed. Good gameplay, good graphics, great atmosphere... I especially loved the bus, it's an original way of ending a level without a boss. Well, the problem is that I don't know anything bad to say. Just to make some constructive criticism, there several times that I got lost, and had no idea how I had to continue to find the exit. There are also too few evil robots that you have to face. In a factory taken by evil robots, one expects to find lots of dangerous machines willing to atack you.

Well, that's all. I think it's a great level. I have played it several times, and in fact I have used it extensively to get inspiration to my level "The tanks factory". If you play it you will know what I mean. I hope you don't mind
2010-04-14 09:51:00

Posts: 138

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