Painraiser - Red Sun Series
Archive: 1 post
I recently found this level on the second page of cool pages. It doesn't have that many plays however, as it didn't stay there long. So far there are two levels in the series, and it's really great! The guy who made them, painraiser, has a really great sense for dialogue, characters, and music. It's a story-driven level and does a really great job of having both drama and comedy. There were some sections that really really amazed me, mostly due to the great atmosphere he created. Check the series out by searching @painraiser He's got a bunch of levels but these ones are off on the other side of his name on the globe - look for Red Sun Introduction and Red Sun Chapter 1. Now go play them! | 2009-07-13 02:57:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
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