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Train locomotive templates

Archive: 4 posts

2009-07-12 03:51:00

Posts: 249

were these pictures useful to anyone?2009-07-13 23:26:00

Posts: 249

Not really (at least here), but it bears mentioning, however, that I did use something else from your "trainyard" in the thing I'm currently working on. It's been ah ... cannibalized ... but the feel of one of your train cars that bounced a bit up and down was spot on so I retrofitted it and am making use of it in an altered form ...

... so by all means don't stop doing what you do.
2009-07-14 03:20:00

Posts: 1154

Not really (at least here), but it bears mentioning, however, that I did use something else from your "trainyard" in the thing I'm currently working on. It's been ah ... cannibalized ... but the feel of one of your train cars that bounced a bit up and down was spot on so I retrofitted it and am making use of it in an altered form ...

... so by all means don't stop doing what you do.

cool cant wait to see what you made
2009-07-19 00:01:00

Posts: 249

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