Super Burgerman Land
Archive: 3 posts
Super Burgerman Landrhansen2 Help find Zed Boy in the wacky world of Burgerman! Thanks Jon! all My newest level utilizes a bunch of stickers from the new Jon Burgerman sticker kit (as you can probably tell). It's my best level to-date, although it's a tad short because of the thermometer. It's inspired by the trailer for the sticker kit and there are hidden cutouts of a bunch of Burgerman stickers all over the place because I heard people complaining that they didn't want to take the time to cut them out themselves. Have fun and please heart! Thanks! | 2009-07-11 19:39:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
I like the lighthearted feel of this level. A bit easy for my taste though. I felt like there was a lot more you could do with the level. Nice use of stickers on the portraits to make the faces. I gave this level :star::star::star: and an 'easy' tag. F4F: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=237268&posted=1#post237268 | 2009-07-12 02:36:00 Author: MrTran ![]() Posts: 216 |
This isn't F4F, but thanks for the feedback! | 2009-07-12 15:03:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
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