Anti H4H Levels... Worse then H4H levels?
Archive: 46 posts
Yeah, it really seems as if all these "Anti H4H Levels!" are really more of a nuisance then the problem they try to solve... Like I don't play community levels much, but it seems to me that all these levels by people trying to "destroy" H4H, but are really just flooding the game servers with even more useless levels... Really, H4H is a problem... but is the solution really to flood the LittleBigPlanet with millions of cheap levels designed to combat cheap levels? >_> | 2009-07-09 19:07:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I agree with you, Rock. (Is that what they call you?) I've played a couple Anti-H4H levels, and they're usually just as annoying as H4H levels. It seems like the creators have good intentions, but I think the best thing people can do to try and squelch H4H is to just not do it. Eventually, I think, I'll just die out... We can hope so, anyway, right? | 2009-07-09 19:10:00 Author: dandygandy2704 ![]() Posts: 1002 |
I agree with you, Rock. (Is that what they call you?) I've played a couple Anti-H4H levels, and they're usually just as annoying as H4H levels. It seems like the creators have good intentions, but I think the best thing people can do to try and squelch H4H is to just not do it. Eventually, I think, I'll just die out... We can hope so, anyway, right? Actually, people call me Master... ... Anyway, um... Yeah, I never play them... but when I saw some new level by some guy saying he wanted 50 copies of his anti H4H level by the morning... I mean, really >_< | 2009-07-09 19:13:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Yeah, and some people do them just to geet hearts ironically. :/ There are just a few good inti-H4H levels, the rest are worse than H4H since they're pretty much some halway full of H4H signs.... And they manage to get to the top cool pages for it, which is even worse. So lets start making anti-anti-H4H levels! ![]() | 2009-07-09 19:14:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Yeah, and some people do them just to geet hearts ironically. :/ There are just a few good inti-H4H levels, the rest are worse than H4H since they're pretty much some halway full of H4H signs.... And they manage to get to the top cool pages for it, which is even worse. So lets start making anti-anti-H4H levels! ![]() If we did that, then we would invariably set off a string of anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-H4H levels, where every month or so, they just add another anti- to the front of the levels and every other one would end up being a pro-H4H level, anyway, what with the rules of double negatives and such... | 2009-07-09 19:16:00 Author: dandygandy2704 ![]() Posts: 1002 |
Yeah, it's like fighting fire with fire... These levels are usually just as crappy as H4H ones!!! Level Example: PSN: Dillksp6 Level Name: H4H Hater stickers This level sucks, why so many anti-H4H levels? | 2009-07-09 19:21:00 Author: tjb0607 ![]() Posts: 1054 |
If we start hating on the people who are hating on people who practice heart for heart, we will inevitably, as dandygandy2704 said, end up like people stuck between two mirrors, in an infinite tunnel of people hating on people for hating on people who hate on people that hate on people who practice heart for heart. At that point, it becomes too ridiculous. I think that any level that is fun is fine, but any level that people want you to copy and spread are the same virus. If you are trying to proliferate anything useless, it doesn't matter which side of the war you are on, you are still part of the problem. | 2009-07-09 19:26:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
Actually, people call me Master... No, they don't. In terms of quality, they're the same as the H4H, generally. Crap made level. But I do find them kind of useful, and I'm gonna explain you why: As far as I know, those levels aren't H4H compatible (if they were, now that would be really... low) wich is always good, because they bring something to the cool pages without using that vehicle called "H4H". Besides, how do you think that people started uing the H4H? Because of the H4H levels itself. They did spread. I hope that it will happen the same with the anti H4H; and I'm not refering to the levels; I'm refereing to the IDEA behind it. The idea that H4H rots LBP, that harms serious players and that it only produces garbage. If that idea spreads, we won't see H4H dissapear, but I'm sure about that it will decreasse. And, as the times passes, anti H4H level will dissapear from cool pages, because unlike the H4H ones they report nothing to the people who hearts them, so they'll get tired of it when this "fashion" ends. But as I said, I hope that the very idea behind will be left. In fact, there are many LBP players, mostly kids, that do completey ignore that H4H is harmful;mayb in those levels, where the dangers of it are explained will help them to realize what they're doing. So, even if I'd prefer to see REAL levels in the cool page, I still prefer anti H4H rather than H4H, for all the reasons above. And sorry for the unorganized paragraph >.< ...and play my incoming level, Lafarge's request! *whisper* | 2009-07-09 19:29:00 Author: Keldur ![]() Posts: 628 |
No, they don't. I didn't think so, but I'm glad someone could clear that bit up for me. I also agree with all the other stuff you said [/feeble attempt to stay on-topic] | 2009-07-09 19:33:00 Author: dandygandy2704 ![]() Posts: 1002 |
Unfortunately, people will do ANYTHING for attention. If making a H4H, Anti-H4H, level that plays itself, level that doesn't-QUITE-play itself, bomb survival, poop survival, jump survival...etc... get's attention, there are a LOT of talentless people with no imagination that will try to grab a piece of the pie. I don't care either way, because even if those disappeared they would be replaced by another bad idea that was just as obnoxious. My feeling is the only thing that could be done to fix it is if MM changed the cool pages so that levels rise up through cool pages based on individual players instead of plays. Statistically that would balance things so that less obnoxious levels would be capable of rising. | 2009-07-09 19:40:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
If we did that, then we would invariably set off a string of anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-H4H levels, where every month or so, they just add another anti- to the front of the levels and every other one would end up being a pro-H4H level, anyway, what with the rules of double negatives and such... It was a joke... -_- Talk abut zero sense of humor. >_> | 2009-07-09 19:42:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I'm sure someone posted somewhere: "OMG!!! You hate H4H too!!! Heart my Anti-H4H level so it gets popular!" or something like that... Anti-H4H is becoming the new H4H... | 2009-07-09 19:46:00 Author: tjb0607 ![]() Posts: 1054 |
I'm sure someone posted somewhere: "OMG!!! You hate H4H too!!! Heart my Anti-H4H level so it gets popular!" or something like that... Anti-H4H is becoming the new H4H... People will try anything to gain attention/plays/hearts/affection from someone other than their mothers. But to hate on something that hates on something is simply ridiculous. The best way to combat it is to not engage in it. Same with H4H, don't make anti-H4H levels, just don't H4H and you are already part of the solution. | 2009-07-09 20:03:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
Ouch. I just tried reading all the above posts and immediately got a massive headache. Now I feel like making a level about hating threads that target Anti-H4H levels because they get as much attention as H4H levels. It will be called "In the Mind of an Anti-H4Hr-Hater" ![]() I'm kidding, of course. | 2009-07-09 20:05:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I'm kidding, of course. I'm never quite sure personally ![]() | 2009-07-09 20:28:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
They're better than H4H levels but I agree, they are becoming annoying. | 2009-07-09 20:31:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
If the level is any good then I don't really mind ![]() However it does seem that some players just put those levels up for attention and do actually participate in H4H. | 2009-07-09 20:32:00 Author: Leather-Monkey ![]() Posts: 2266 |
My favourite said right at the start, "Don't just make crappy anti H4H levels all the time or they'll become just as bad as H4H!" The rest of the level was a poorly made hallway filled with magic mouths saying "don't do H4H" over and over. Oh, irony! | 2009-07-09 20:54:00 Author: RadicalStan ![]() Posts: 99 |
All we need is Ramp 2 & Ninja Pro Awfsome MEGA MANN point fest by deboerdave, and 7 Days... and the commentary by Liquid Ocelot in MGS level pack Act 5. Jokes are usually only funny the first few times you hear them. | 2009-07-09 21:21:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Just dont look at the new levels and everyone stop making anti h4h levels..... And start making help with story mode for help with story mod HWSM4HWSM. | 2009-07-09 21:37:00 Author: Adam9001 ![]() Posts: 744 |
i like watching the community trying to fight h4h. its good ol' fashioned fun at others expense now if only a group of anti-everyone showed up, it would be really fun | 2009-07-09 23:05:00 Author: RickTheRipper ![]() Posts: 345 |
i like watching the community trying to fight h4h. its good ol' fashioned fun at others expense now if only a group of anti-everyone showed up, it would be really fun Anti everyone?? Like even anti good levels?! Oh, lordy that would be something! | 2009-07-09 23:11:00 Author: RadicalStan ![]() Posts: 99 |
I find it funny how there is always a "Play my anti-h4h level!" on the popular h4h levels. ![]() What do you guys do with h4h comments? Reply, delete or ignore? | 2009-07-09 23:31:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
H4H is basically hated because they spam the Cool Levels and bury GOOD levels, but isn't this what ANTI-H4H does? | 2009-07-10 00:48:00 Author: TheMarvelousHat ![]() Posts: 542 |
I find it funny how there is always a "Play my anti-h4h level!" on the popular h4h levels. ![]() What do you guys do with h4h comments? Reply, delete or ignore? I delete them, then replace it with the message "Earn your hearts", or something along those lines. Sometimes I'll send them a message saying how pathetic they are, just for good measure. | 2009-07-10 01:29:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
What's really funny is if you make a simple anti-H4H level, you get thousands of plays and hearts ![]() | 2009-07-10 01:35:00 Author: Sunrise_Moon ![]() Posts: 469 |
I am guilty of making an anti H4H level. Personaly I don't see anything wrong with it.My wholelife ive been an artist. It is much easier for me to paint from my emotions then for any other reason. Using LBP as my new medium nothing has changed. I made a couple popular levels. The comments on those levels were teaming with H4Hers. Angry at the h4hrs I let my emotions get the best of me & published a anti H4H level. For me publishing that level was therapeutic. Im glad i published my levels before i joined lbpc. This site realy does make me second guess everything i do now. BTW i burned over 20,000 would be h4h jerks, HA! sry 4 getn a little off topic | 2009-07-10 01:41:00 Author: CENTURION24 ![]() Posts: 266 |
What do you guys do with h4h comments? Reply, delete or ignore? if i have a small amount of comments, i delete them. but if i start getting alot, i ignore them and might leave a comment saying "no h4h" | 2009-07-10 04:42:00 Author: RickTheRipper ![]() Posts: 345 |
Angry at the h4hrs I let my emotions get the best of me & published a anti H4H level. For me publishing that level was therapeutic. Im glad i published my levels before i joined lbpc. This site realy does make me second guess everything i do now. I am very much in the same boat. Reading through this thread, I can't help thinking that peoples ideas have changed. I went back through my thread on the level showcase and it was all positive (except one person said this type of level was just as bad, which is fair enough) Now everybody seems to be ganging up on this. In my opinion its the same thing with bomb survival levels. I played one of the first, if not the original bomb survival level and really enjoyed it as I think a lot of people here did to. Now just because a lot of people have published very similar levels doesn't mean that kind of level is bad. It just means that theres is a temporary glut of them, and basic economics will take hold and people will naturally tire of playing them and they will fade away. There are far less H4H levels out there now then there was, and yes there are a glut of anti-H4H levels out there, but this will also die down naturally. I've actually thought about locking my "inside the mind of a H4H'er" level due to the amount of messeges I STILL get from kids wanting me to join "anti-H4H" clan or whatever. I think its just turned into a bit of a fad at the moment and wouldn't really pay it a whole lot of attention. I think that this will be an ongoing trend though to see one persons level set a trend that others like to imitate. It happens all the time in the real world with music, film, television. Some people lead, most follow. one day its H4H level, the next its bomb levels. You want people to stop building a certain type of level, build something completely different but awsome and those people will then follow that style in stead because one thing is for sure, your never going to have thousands of kids all publishing original ideas. | 2009-07-10 09:56:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
Aye, wex... I can't speak for anyone else, but I assure you my opinion's not that fickle - I'm too old for player hatin'. I just rarely vocalize any negativity openly and honestly until it's applicable to the topic at hand. The joke's been old for me since before the new year, with or without a general consensus... same goes for alot of staples in people's levels, that I'm tired of or never liked much in the first place. I can tell you guys now, that the next thing people tire of is levels like Future Warzone II trailer and Media Molecule's Next Level Pack, and by extension cinematic intros in general (something that's been a waste of thermo in many levels for a long time, tasteful and brilliant in some cases, ridiculous and pointless in others)... not because of those levels, but because it's going to get beaten into the ground, by poor imitations, until people hate it. Already, your multi-plane sliding door mechanic is popping up all over the place. Another facet that makes reiteration tiresome to me, is that the originators and first few pioneers of a style who really do creative and fresh things with it, while it's still fresh... never get credited, or recognized by newer and newer players every iteration who have no sense of context for it. 90% of the time, a derivative concept that really IS done incredibly well and feels fresh again, is ignored or lumped in in terms of quality with the poor imitations - giving this whole base of vocal critics even less credibility... especially in this niche medium where nothing is of any substantial value in most people's eyes to begin with. Don't ever let anyone make you guys question your decisions or motivations, though... I do it as well, looking for validation, but in the end, I know full well what I'm capable of, how to distinguish wolves from sheeps, and who my legitimate peers an friends are... as well as how much I value my own craftsmanship in anything, with or without others to support it. The both of you are extremely successful in this game, with or without this site, and the opinions here are often much more critical down to microscopic minutia than they are anywhere else, and often times from people who give the work of others much more scrutiny than they seem to give their own. In the end, you can't please everyone, and most of the time, you can't please anyone. | 2009-07-10 11:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
In the end, you can't please everyone, and most of the time, you can't please anyone. I'm finding it hard to please myself at the moment | 2009-07-10 16:33:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
I'm finding it hard to please myself at the moment Geez man, don't let the wife catch you! | 2009-07-10 16:36:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
Anti-H4H levels are even worse than the Michael Jackson levels. I'm just saying that every Michael Jackson tribute or music level to come out recently has sucked really really bad and they just do well because it's Michael Jackson and he's dead now. Same with all those 9/11 country songs, and, to some extent, Anti-H4H levels. I'm gonna go throw together a crappy Michael Jackson level with a song that sounds like a chimpanzee sporadically hitting drums and a blind, deaf five year old born without the part of your brain that gives you rhythm and playing the keyboard with the side of his head. My MJ level will also include some kind of stick man with a jacket moving around his stick arms. And he has a glove. Look for it on Cool Levels. ![]() | 2009-07-10 17:02:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
Will do ![]() | 2009-07-10 17:15:00 Author: Sunrise_Moon ![]() Posts: 469 |
I agree but i think there should be maybe one or 2 good ones that are fun so H4hers realize nobody wants the spam so just quit but they do become annoying | 2009-07-10 19:20:00 Author: WCF7__ ![]() Posts: 63 |
I acturally think these anti h4h levels are made by H4Hers. They're using reverse phycology!!!! (if i spelt that right) But like everyone here said they are pretty pointless levels. And H4Hers seem to ignore the message all together. All i see in the comments are "Play my level! heart me!" or "kill H4h!" I think a more effective way is to add in a No H4H sign at the end of your level. That way you have good levels, and your comments don't get filled up with crap. | 2009-07-11 01:07:00 Author: snowyjoe ![]() Posts: 509 |
If your Anti-H4H level is funny, or a full-blown level, and not just a stupid logo, then that's fine, you are fighting ignorance with light. H4H levels are just wasted space and spam, basic anti H4H levels aren't much better. I laughed playing Centurion24's H4H level, and wexfordian's "Inside the mind of a H4Her" was spectacular. | 2009-07-11 12:21:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
Yeah, I think Wex handled it the best. Instead of attacking H4H people directly, he designed a quality level with a positive message. In fact, forgetting about the Anti-H4H message I must have played this level 10 times simply because it was fun. If more talented authors come up with great content that at the same time creates a negative connotation to H4H, I'm all 4 it! | 2009-07-11 19:39:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I agree that the quality of a level can make all the difference in how a message is perceived.![]() I don't think these levels actually impact the majority of H4H'ers, and should therefore be directed at the balance of players who might be considering using the H4H technique, and the new LBP community members that don't quite understand the concept of H4H, and how these levels clutter Cool and Newest Pages, to the extent that it is frustrating sifting through garbage to find a twinkie still in it's wrapper ![]() Simply put, if someone is going to create a level, they should do so with quality in mind, while considering who their audience will be. ![]() Rick | 2009-07-11 22:31:00 Author: RickRock_777 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
In fairness my opinion is that the genre, or aim, or purpose, or whatever you want to call it, of a level doesn't really matter. Take wex's "inside the mind of a H4Her" as an example. It was an anti H4H level, but he used anti h4h as a jumping point, rather than the entire focus of the level. If you strip the H4H references out of his level, it stands as a well constructed level on it's own. A sloppily created level attacking H4H is, of course, going to be rubbish. But a sloppy level based upon anything is going to be rubbish. It's not the genre of "ani-H4H" that is at fault, it's the implementation of the vast majority of levels in that genre that are rubbish. | 2009-07-11 23:47:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Agreed. Its kinda like a reverse Psycology H4H. You notice how many hearts and plays they get? And I find it a little scary how violent they get toward H4H Creators. Did anyone play that Anti-h4h (guild/clan/club?) level, where the creator practically tells players to really hate on them, like... threaten and insult, practically telling people to literally "KILL H4H!" ..? | 2009-07-13 06:57:00 Author: DarkFray ![]() Posts: 100 |
Unfortunately, people will do ANYTHING for attention. If making a H4H, Anti-H4H, level that plays itself, level that doesn't-QUITE-play itself, bomb survival, poop survival, jump survival...etc... get's attention, there are a LOT of talentless people with no imagination that will try to grab a piece of the pie. I don't care either way, because even if those disappeared they would be replaced by another bad idea that was just as obnoxious. My feeling is the only thing that could be done to fix it is if MM changed the cool pages so that levels rise up through cool pages based on individual players instead of plays. Statistically that would balance things so that less obnoxious levels would be capable of rising. Sh_t, I was just working on that. | 2009-07-13 07:11:00 Author: Trap_T ![]() Posts: 431 |
A sloppily created level attacking H4H is, of course, going to be rubbish. But a sloppy level based upon anything is going to be rubbish. It's not the genre of "ani-H4H" that is at fault, it's the implementation of the vast majority of levels in that genre that are rubbish. agreed. pirates, spaceships, temples and caves have all been done a million times too but I will still enjoy the level if it's well made. the theme changes very little for me. | 2009-07-13 12:45:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
Quality is quality. If I play an absolutely amazing level, and then see "H4H" at the end of it, I'm going to be disappointed and probably send them a message telling them how great their level is and that they don't need H4H and all of the other things that I say daily, but I'm still going to give the level 4 stars probably. This is all because it doesn't really matter the theme of a level, as long as it is a good level, it exhibits genuine effort and should be rewarded as such. This doesn't apply to blatantly repulsive levels, because I don't care how good a level about 9/11, Holocaust, etc. is, that is getting 1 star and a report. | 2009-07-13 14:00:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
Simple- Ignore them all. it'll take almost the WHOLE community, but just having a ton of people ignore Anti-H4H and H4H will make people stop making such a deal out of it. The H4Hers will stop getting attention and everyone will stop. Probability Factor: 0.001% | 2009-07-14 19:21:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
I really don't give a flying carp about anti-h4h or h4h. I do laugh at the h4h ?bounty hunters?. Anyone who spends all of thier time posting h4h= epic fail on h4h levels is a true fail as a person. I mean really, if people just ignore it, it`ll go away. H4Hers dont really care about LBP and they laugh at the kids who, on some self rightous mission, try to destroy h4h with stickers and annoying comments. | 2009-08-30 22:32:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
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