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im being treated as a person online!

Archive: 29 posts

I just am amazed at what has been happening today on xbox live.
Im playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2 terrorist hunt online with random partners with the mic on. And all of today not one of the people i have played with has made fun of voice :o. I mean ussauly on xbox or ps3 online all the older guys pick on everyone who doesn't have a deep voice.

I just find this so weird. and i have probaly played with at least 40 different people today with mics that were older than me with deeper voices.

And not one of them made fun of a voice crack.

I know this thread sounds stupid to most of you but i think its very different from the average internet days 0.o
2009-07-07 21:04:00

Posts: 6419

congrats! I don't play xbox so I have no point of reference but I think the bigger point is that older players need to be sensitive to younger players online about some things (like voices) 2009-07-07 21:10:00

Posts: 5983

Yeh and i saw this story on the xbox forums. I think the lady ( the person that is posting is definatly right)

Okay, so lately I've taken a stance against kids and multiplayer games, but after last night I think I'm shocked. I logged into CoD:WaW to play a few rounds with my friends, mind you I'm a 20 year old female. In the pregame lobby some of the guys were messing aroun, not uncommon, but what shocked me the most was the language used by a child no older then 10. I literally choked on a soda when I heard what he was saying, and I wanted to throw soap in his mouth on the spot. Now I won't lie, I trash talk and have a tendency to get really aggressive when I'm playing but I don't think I could've ever imagined a kid saying things like this (rascist terminology, swear words, threats etc.). So we played a couple of matches together and out of nowhere this kid calls me out, starts bashing and talking about me. I decided since he wanted to talk like an adult I'd treat him like the other adult players, and I laid into him with every indecency and bit of relentless iritation I could fathom. I don't regret what I said and I know it's immature, but what came next made me want to throw up. He started crying, and he said he didn't want to play anymore. I felt terrible, I wanted to apologize but before I could he said- "Go figure, the girls at school pick on me now some *** on xbox live picks on me." I sent him a message later apologizing for my conduct and explaining how angry he made me, I even offered to help him out in a few matches to improve his score and stuff a little bit. But instead of getting a reply from him I get a private chat with his mother, who cusses and yells at me! Totally flips out and tells me that her 'darling' son could've neer have said anything like I was accusing him of. Then she proceeds to harass me through messages, stalk my games and yell at me while in game, and basically tell me that she's going to have me kicked off live. I had to block communications wholly!
2009-07-07 21:15:00

Posts: 6419

I think the problem is that younger peoples voices sound very bad over the interwebs through the loss of quality. Also some kids go a bit over the top; I was playing Insurgency and a 12 yr old was acting really 'Army Commando' and yelling 'I'm under fire, I repeat am under fire' so that can get very annoying when all I'm saying is "Guys, there are some blokes here".

I've never been picked on for my voice ever! Since I'm 16 now I imagine I'm over the hurdle anyways.
2009-07-07 21:56:00

Posts: 1330

There's a thing called "voice pitch changing." I have a pretty deep voice but for some reason the headset makes it sound a lot higher pitch than it really is, just use that.2009-07-07 22:55:00

Posts: 1432

There's a thing called "voice pitch changing." I have a pretty deep voice but for some reason the headset makes it sound a lot higher pitch than it really is, just use that.

thats how it sort of is for me
2009-07-07 23:09:00

Posts: 6419

This is an injustice! /shouts insults2009-07-07 23:14:00

Posts: 3476

but for some reason the headset makes it sound a lot higher pitch than it really is

This happens to me too! :O
2009-07-07 23:26:00

Posts: 2068

I have had a deep voice for ages. Im 15. My dad tells me off when we are on COD together because when I talk I sound a lot older than I am. I'm not allowed to call him dad because it makes him sound like an old man. Just makes me do it more.

I only abuse people if they abuse me first. This guy thought he was really good so he was saying how bad me and my mates were. Of course, we thrashed him and his whole team and gave him abuse. He did sound like he hadn't quite hit puberty yet so one of my mates picked up on that. The guy left the game but then kept getting put back in our game. My mates went over the top but I just listened. I didn't want to say anything just in case he was someone who likes to report people.

I have had great conversations with people online though. We often end up singing to eachother. Normally making up COD related lyrics to popular songs. One time I had a homo conversation with a straight guy. That was fun. Great people, great times.
2009-07-07 23:35:00

Posts: 2914

you have an awesome dad! 2009-07-08 10:49:00

Posts: 3036

The high pitch can be annoying, depending on the player. I've had young players I absolutely hated having in my game because all they did was scream and yell - that high pitch just sounds horrible when it's loud and being pumped directly in your ear. When that happens, I usually do one of two things: deal with it, or mute the player.

Still, the biggest issue for me is maturity. Most kids with voices that haven't deepened to the point of being bearable are also immature and hard to relate to. I like playing with people that I can relate to at some level, and I don't like having to play with someone who I have nothing in common with.

I hate the fact that some people make the kid feel bad about it, as if it's something they have control over. That's just mean, and I think that has a lot more to do with a bully complex than plain irritation or annoyance.
2009-07-08 10:57:00

Posts: 3729

i seem to find english 12-year-old kids very annoying (like really) (usually)

no offence to 12 year old kids who are not annoying :3


i don't know what my voice sounds like. Every time i hear it somewhere recorded, i'm like O_o ... that's me?!
2009-07-08 12:23:00

Posts: 3036

yeah im 15 but some guy on socom said i souded like i was 30 which me and my friends dont get.
but yeah there are kids that play that are 10-13 and they get too into it and start yelling and screaming and it does get annoying
2009-07-08 22:05:00

Posts: 25

I find it funny sometimes when teh other players brag on about themselves, especially when ethnecity is involved:
"I'm not black, I'm Indian."
"Oh yea? Well I'm Native Canadian."
"Dude, turn friendly fire on."
"That guy just flew into the ocean!!!... I can do that."
"Seriously, turn it on; I promise to behave."
And the one I get a-lot...
What I hate about mic users is when they try testin' out there mics (stop copying the Verizon commercials people!) or when they pick on you when you don't have or use one. I've been kicked out of sessions numerous times for that. Also, when they try to tell you something, it sounds all fuzzy and blurry. Gosh, that's annoying. They can be so annoying sometimes... especially when the mic is busted up. I mean, srsly?! I have to hear BZztztztzZBZtbzt while I try to get a headshot in COD4?! Or "LOLZ, u gotz pwndz!!" in a high-pitch Mickey Mouse voice?! Or even worse yet, hear deep, creepy breathing coming from one of the players around the corner? Mics can get pretty mezzd up if u ask me.
2009-07-09 06:53:00

Posts: 5757

i seem to find english 12-year-old kids very annoying (like really) (usually)

Phew, I'm 13. Get in!

I have to agree there are a lot of problems with mics. Playing Battlefield, it's funny at first but gets really annoying when some 10/11 year old with a really high pitched voice starts SINGING absent-mindedly, and, as he's the only one with a mic, NO ONE CAN TELL HIM TO STOP SINGING.
2009-07-09 21:32:00

Posts: 3280

Phew, I'm 13. Get in!

I have to agree there are a lot of problems with mics. Playing Battlefield, it's funny at first but gets really annoying when some 10/11 year old with a really high pitched voice starts SINGING absent-mindedly, and, as he's the only one with a mic, NO ONE CAN TELL HIM TO STOP SINGING.
You could just mute him you know.

Magic, I know.
2009-07-09 21:47:00

Posts: 1432

You could just mute him you know.

Magic, I know.

I looked everywhere, but couldn't find the option.
2009-07-09 21:49:00

Posts: 3280

I don't have this problem on xbox live anymore - i have a group of friends, about 30 of us, so we are always in party chat when there are more than 2 of us and less than 9... It makes things a lot easier and you cna work together easier because you are all friends =]2009-07-09 22:12:00

Unknown User

The only game I've ever really used a headset in was R6V2, and thats only becuase I've had good experiences with the game.

although there was one time when I grouped with 3 people (american girl, american kid, british guy) in halo3 and played for hours, those 3 were with out a doubt the best people I've played with on live.

I also had a hilarious encounter with an american tweenager in left for dead when I was playing with my female housemate, the little guy literally wouldn't stop talking. he asked about the weather, if she had a boy friend, what we studied at university.
2009-07-11 01:08:00

Posts: 223

I used to play HL2 quite a bit with a headset using Ventrillo on a clan's site. They were pretty cool actually.. Very cooperative and team minded as well as scary good at the game. I loved doing the CTF style maps and other team vs team maps. The death maps were fun, but sorta mindless as you shot anything that flinched.

When I switched over to playing BF2 and then BF2142, I only had one person I would chat with and never used the in game as the folks on there just drove me nuts with their screaming and yelling at each other. It started getting easier to play the game without the headset at all as my buddy would just keep talking even when I was telling him info of someone behind him. ..actually I think the ventrillo lag is what was the real issue. Became easier to type at him!
2009-07-11 05:04:00

Posts: 11383

I'm being treated like Cthulhu online.

2009-07-13 06:28:00

Posts: 3664

Back when i had my Xbox 360 I found that the online was very annoying and that the kids online were extremely abusive and loud. Now this wouldn't usually annoy me but it became frequent in every online game i played. Eventually i began to play online with just my friends and this problem pretty much went away.

Now i have noticed that this is starting to happen on the PS3 with games such as COD4. Back last year i used to go round to my mates and we would go online on COD4 on the PS3 and have a great time online. We returned to this the other week to find 80% of games we joined full of screaming abusive children.

I have nothing against playing with younger kids online (I'm only 18 after all) but it just isn't on. We should be able to play online with a headset and not recieve abuse from some child just because he wants to 'Pwn me' or he kills me and 'Owns me'.
2009-07-13 10:23:00

Posts: 158

People have to release their pent up agression somehow, but I don't think doing it on other people with vocal abuse is very healthy.
But I guess trash talking and cussing out people in anger is the norm, eh?
2009-07-13 16:15:00

Posts: 236

Little American kids really pee me off. Those squeaky annoying-as-hell accents.
No offense to Americans kids, but you sound retarded online. Don't play games.

Then there's the ones that are way too nice. Like 'oh my god you're the best I love you be my friend forever'.

For some reason I get more of the first.
2009-07-13 19:51:00

Posts: 4291

Really? That's really amazing, I get people like that every, oh, 5 games?

And you said you have Rainbow Six Vegas 2? Me too, dewd!
GT: Shadowman235
INvite meh sometime!
2009-07-13 21:17:00

Posts: 542

man kids with sqweaky voices are annoying as hell

ok lets say im playin burnout paridice and thers a kid with a sqweaky voice. its road rage mode and heas the closest to me so im raming him destroying him like im suposed to and he ther screaming into the mic "stop it your being an ***" so i say ok i run dow the streat to let him start getting away then i start chasing him again a then"STOP FOLLOWING ME YOU BIG****HEA********ER" all i can say is kid watch your language and im suposed to chase you.

srsly there annouying as hell
2009-07-13 22:16:00

Posts: 212

Hey guys there's this magical thing called the mute option.2009-07-13 22:42:00

Posts: 1432

Hey guys there's this magical thing called the mute option.

My most used button
2009-07-13 22:58:00

Posts: 3767

Little American kids really pee me off. Those squeaky annoying-as-hell accents.
No offense to Americans kids, but you sound retarded online. Don't play games.

Then there's the ones that are way too nice. Like 'oh my god you're the best I love you be my friend forever'.

For some reason I get more of the first.


The only thing I hate more than American kids are British kids, the ones with incredibly thick annoying British accents who sound like they're trying to win a competition on who can shove the most cotton balls in their mouth.

No offense to British kids, but don't play games. Actually, British people shouldn't play games at all. All they do is run away or hide in a corner somewhere until I get an enemy in a last stand at which point they pop out of their hiding spot and steal my kill. That's what happen when you play around with France so often. Actually, the only people who should be able to play games are the Americans. We are the masters of the universe. We are all secretly psychic and have otherworldly powers. You know how Kim Jong Il pointed those bombs at us on July 4th? There's a reason Kim Jong Il has cancer now...

The fact that we can read your minds so easily just kind of ruins the games for us. Please, strengthen your will or stop playing games.

2009-07-14 06:30:00

Posts: 3664

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