Metal Gear Solid: VR Training
Archive: 5 posts
Metal Gear Solid: VR TrainingEldrazor http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/5123/aphotoy.jpgAn unique experience stuffed with original puzzles and challenges. Features original use of the paintinator, rewards for completing puzzles without the help feature, and more. all METAL GEAR SOLID VR Training Welcome to Virtual Reality... It's time to train your skills! Summary I made this level because I have just bought the MGS content pack, and I really want to do some stuff with it, mainly because I think most uses of the Paintinator aren't original. So, I bring you this level, where the MGS pack stands pretty central. So expect to see some original use of the paintinator and use of the searchlight, which is extremely underused in my opinion. Features This level features the paintinator, lots of sound effects (I ![]() Story No story so far... ![]() About da level Some of the features: 1. It's made by me... ![]() 2. It doesn't use the paintinator in the regular, that means some thing throws plasmaballs at you and you throw paint back, way. 3. It has searchlights. 4. It has puzzles. 5. It's harder than usual levels, but in a fair way, so no lame kills. Also, I don't use regular checkpoints, but infinite ones, so no restarting necessary. ![]() 6. It has a hint system. I'll explain. There's a star at every "challenge", and if you put the star sticker on that star, It'll activate a magic mouth, and that magic mouth will explain what to do. This may be how to solve a puzzle, tips on how to finish a hard part, maybe even deactivate something in an extremely difficult situation. But ofcourse, there's a but. Every time you use a star, something is deducted from your reward at the end of the level. That something can be prize bubbles or point bubbles. The value of the deducted something depends on the usefulness of the star. If it's really useful (i.e. show you how to solve a difficult puzzle) a lot will be deducted, but if it's quite useless (i.e. showing you how to do a very obvious thing (i.e. shoot a block)), it'll barely deduct anything. This way people won't get frustrated because they can't finish something, but the people who want no help will get rewarded for finishing the particular challenge. Everyone happy. Screenshots http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/5123/aphotoy.jpg http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/4140/aphoto1d.jpg http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6103/aphoto2.jpg | 2009-07-07 15:02:00 Author: Eldrazor ![]() Posts: 78 |
Sounds good, I will try it out and come back to give some feedback ![]() | 2009-07-07 21:07:00 Author: Godshelp ![]() Posts: 14 |
Sorry for double posting! Mods if this isn't allowed for this then delete this message and I will edit it Here is my feedback on this level! Pros: +Nice obstacles. +People can use this level to get hang of the paintanator Cons: -Lot of obstacles didn't work right -Spotlights are too lose together in the area of shooting one and moving into hole then the other... -The part where you shoot the wall with one bullet flipped on me as I shot and couldn't fix it, resorting in a restart... Suggestions: Fix some obstacles to work better! I gave it :star::star::star: | 2009-07-07 21:18:00 Author: Godshelp ![]() Posts: 14 |
Sorry for double posting! Mods if this isn't allowed for this then delete this message and I will edit it Here is my feedback on this level! Pros: +Nice obstacles. +People can use this level to get hang of the paintanator Cons: -Lot of obstacles didn't work right -Spotlights are too lose together in the area of shooting one and moving into hole then the other... -The part where you shoot the wall with one bullet flipped on me as I shot and couldn't fix it, resorting in a restart... Suggestions: Fix some obstacles to work better! I gave it :star::star::star: These replies are to the cons -What obstacles? Did you only have problems with the last of your cons? -Thanks a lot! I'll reduce the number of spotlights there to one, that'll make it easier. -I should put in another help sticker... If it gets stuck, you can pull it down and if you suicide then (through popit) the thing will fall down... I think it's better if I change it so that if you pull it down you can walk away from it instead of having to jump out... Thanks again! Thanks a lot for the feedback! Please try again tomorrow, when I will probably have fixed the bugs! | 2009-07-08 12:24:00 Author: Eldrazor ![]() Posts: 78 |
Alright I played this yesterday but here are my thoughts. It was a fun test of the paint ball gun and the puzzles were fairly easy which is why I didn't understand the help star since most of them were straight forward. Despite that though the help star was an interesting idea that would be good for a more difficult puzzle solving level. Anyway, the puzzles were solid and they all worked for me. One thing though is that with the paintball gun and having limited shots you know you can just go back to the gun and reload so it seemed somewhat pointless to say how much ammo when you really had unlimited ammo. Also with the first puzzle the block going up and down make that a tad slower because it was a bit more annoying to aim then it had to be also I ran out of ammo and I was stuck at the top of the block so I had to suicide which was a little annoying. All and all it was a fun level gave it :star::star::star::star: for good aesthetics. Good work. Also for the F4F you could give me Underground series a go if you want: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=10577 Thanks :3 | 2009-07-08 14:39:00 Author: m3p ![]() Posts: 58 |
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