Work Experience
Archive: 22 posts
I started my work experience today doing graphic design. ![]() Its pretty fun. I made a logo for an encrypted USB already and I think they are going to use it! Has anyone else done theirs? | 2009-07-06 23:30:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
Yeah, i did mine last year =] I got REALLY lucky though =] It just so happens that the creative director guy of an advertising design firm called RiechesBaird used to live here, went to the same school as my dad and they were best friends. So my dad called him and what do ya know? Next thing i know i am flying to LA to do 2 weeks work experience =] That was where i learnt all about photoshop/illustrator, among other things =] It was awesome =] AND i got to see LA Galaxy and the whichever baseball team is based in LA (Anaheim Angels or somthing?) So yeah, t'was awesome =] I also believe they used one of my bits of photoshop stuff in an actual thing they did for a company =] | 2009-07-06 23:42:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I did my work experience last year There isn't any decent graphicy type businesses around here so i had to settle for some photography/web design place. I was just messing about most of the time because they never had work for me to do, but i made some pretty cool website designs considering i barely ever used photoshop ![]() It was fun anyway, it was really small and relaxed studio and we were all being mean to the other guy who had work exp there ![]() Then some mentor guy at my school arranged for me to work somewhere else for the second week without asking me, and it was seriously the worst week of my life. It was some horrible businessy place and the work hours were something like 7am - 5pm. And what made it worse was they had NOTHING for me to do, i just had to sit there for about 10 hours staring at a grey wall o_o | 2009-07-07 00:43:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
I'm really confused... this must be an English thing... You make it seem like work experience is some program or something. Can someone explain for all us non-European people out there? ![]() | 2009-07-07 03:30:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
I'm really confused... this must be an English thing... You make it seem like work experience is some program or something. Can someone explain for all us non-European people out there? ![]() Basically in 4th year/Year 10 (so like when you're 15) you take 2 weeks out of school to go and work at a company. The aim is to give you experience of what it is like to have a job, and also equip you with skills taht you will find useful in the future. You can choose where to go normally, but sometimes, a teacher has to do it for you (the choosing of where you go, not the actual work lol) So basically it is what it is called - It gives you the experience of what it is like to work for 2 weeks. Of course, normally you only get small jobs, but somtimes you can get fun stuff to do, depends where you go. Where i went i got a lot of lessons on photoshop and i was shown exactly how they do everything. But my guys/Girls were awesome =] Actually, i think it is done in the holidays now? that probably sucks.. I missed school =] ---------------- Now playing: Metallica - Cyanide (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/metallica/track/cyanide) via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/) | 2009-07-07 03:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
That explains it - thank you. I get paid to do graphic design for a living and I can tell you it's a really fun career but depending on who you work for it can get a little stressful around deadline time and the hours can be irregular sometimes. Might just be on the advertising side of things as that's what I do. Fun career though. Usually means you get the coolest computer in the company too. ![]() | 2009-07-07 05:36:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
That explains it - thank you. I get paid to do graphic design for a living and I can tell you it's a really fun career but depending on who you work for it can get a little stressful around deadline time and the hours can be irregular sometimes. Might just be on the advertising side of things as that's what I do. Fun career though. Usually means you get the coolest computer in the company too. ![]() Advertising was where i was =] It was awesome, i'm seriously considering a career in it... | 2009-07-07 05:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It can be really rewarding depending on who you do it for and what they have you doing. Hardest thing for fresh out of school designers to adjust to is that when you get a graphics gig - you have to design for the client - not for yourself. If I had a nickel for ever time I heard a newly hired designer say they wouldn't do something the client wanted because it would look bad or they'd be embarrassed to say it was their work - I wouldn't have to work for a living. Don't get me wrong - every design has a part of you in it - but you have to give the client what they want or they don't pay. Best advice I can give aspiring designers - learn how to read a client/job. You start to get a feel for which clients want what based on their business and their goals. If you can get what they are looking for to them the first time around - they usually come back again and again. | 2009-07-07 05:48:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Just for the record i was working here: http://www.riechesbaird.com/ and the guy who my dad is best mates with is Ewan Pidgeon : http://www.riechesbaird.com/about-us/bios/ewan-pidgeon_bio.aspx =] | 2009-07-07 05:57:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Impressive firm. Much larger than the company I'm working for. Good connection to have in a creative director. They are the guys who usually have the hire/fire and creative control over almost all projects. Good to have on your side. | 2009-07-07 08:20:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Actually i'm gonna study game graphic and design, i was wondering how it was like, i;m asking since many here study(ied) Graphic and design. (yes i know its not the same thing, but its close enough ![]() | 2009-07-07 09:29:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Ahhhh. We do this in Canada in Grade 10 as well. It's called Job Shadowing. It's basically the same thing, but only for one day. I job shadowed a composer and it was possibly the most influencing day of my life. That same composer (a really nice guy!) now teaches me composition, and if all goes well I'll be on my way to a composition school in about a year! | 2009-07-07 16:19:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
I'm in year 9 now, so I still have a year before I have it. Hoo-ray. | 2009-07-07 16:33:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
I'm in year 9 now, so I still have a year before I have it. Hoo-ray. As long as you get a good place it's really fun. I get to learn HTML and CSS while I work now. ![]() ![]() | 2009-07-07 18:08:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
I'm in year 9 now, so I still have a year before I have it. Hoo-ray. ...uhh, what? I don't have to do it until next year, year 11. | 2009-07-07 18:12:00 Author: dawesbr ![]() Posts: 3280 |
I had to work at Sainsbury's for mine. Practically slave labour if you ask me ![]() Good to see you guys are having worthwhile experiences out of it. | 2009-07-07 18:53:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Oh, we have a similar thing as well in europe, but i had to do it 2 months instead of 2 weeks, but i learned a lot there. Graphic design in school and in real life is such a difference ![]() Seems like LBP attracts a lot of graphic designers, i'm a graphic designer as well, for about 10 years now. I'm working at a games-publisher, i do the advertising and box-art and i'm having a blast. The LBP editor is just fantastic if you're into this stuff, although i would like to see some basic stuff to take the editor even further (like a paintbucket/palette and maybe even some spline tools). Altough the sticker tool looks very interesting as well ![]() misty. | 2009-07-07 19:18:00 Author: Mother-Misty ![]() Posts: 574 |
I get paid to do graphic design for a living and I can tell you it's a really fun career but depending on who you work for it can get a little stressful around deadline time and the hours can be irregular sometimes. Might just be on the advertising side of things as that's what I do. Fun career though. Usually means you get the coolest computer in the company too. ![]() with some people you just see they are graphicians when you play their levels, you are one of them ![]() You always seem to create a really nice "atmosphere" i really like that. misty. | 2009-07-07 19:22:00 Author: Mother-Misty ![]() Posts: 574 |
Wait, isn't work experience just like being an intern? | 2009-07-08 01:21:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
Only if you do intern duties... | 2009-07-08 01:43:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
I worked in a music shop. Got to play with guitars and stuff all day ![]() Then i did more Work Experience in 6th Form when I worked at my old primary school for a few days, then the rest of the week I worked out Rolands (the instrument maker) Accountancy section. That was great! The accountancy bit was pretty boring, but one day I got to spend the whole day with the people who keep the computers running well. Basically I sat around on a laptop going on msn, and then whenever a problem occured (not often lol) i saw how they fixed it. Usually took about 1 min. They got an easy job ![]() | 2009-07-08 13:11:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
I finish 'work' in 20 mins | 2009-07-08 15:38:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
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