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Difficulty Selector

Archive: 21 posts

Hey party people,

Burnvictim42 inspired me to make a difficulty level selector, after seeing his in action. This is a combination of his design and the method used in Vortex's key room design. As of right now, it doesn't have any outputs - I would assume that anyone doing a level selector would know how to work out the logic (i.e. spawning the correct objects, whether they be different checkpoints or what-have-you). If not, PM me, and I will help you work it out. This is basically just the GUI of the device, if you will. Check out some pictures:

http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/6117/aphoto12.jpg http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/6502/aphoto10.jpg

Grabbing the floor of the blue pad causes a wheel to spin 1/3 of the way around, revealing the new difficulty. To set up outputs, just attach mag keys to the wheel, and put switches on the layer in front (all of different color, of course). The pull switch then dissolves the entire room after a slight delay (2-3 seconds), which allows you to set up the logic of your choice.

I have the level published in a locked, copyable level, but now that this is posted, I will go unlock it.

Since I know rtm is going to ask how it's done, I'll respond preemptively. It uses a directional switch on a 360 degree wobble bolt. I emit a small block with a key on it each time the pad is grabbed, behind the thin layer, which tells the wheel to spin. It dissolves after .7 seconds (I think), and the wheel wants to spin back the other way, but it can't. I have grooved the wheel so that it can only spin counter-clockwise. I know that this is not the very best method out there, but it works sufficiently well for it's purposes. I have not been able to break it.


(And yes, those are 3 different pictures - I just happened to line my guy back in the same spot every time, lol)
2009-07-05 23:16:00

Posts: 5338

Very cool, I had originally made one similar to this, but your design is much cleaner, and seemingly foolproof. This will be a great addition to the arsenal of someone who wants to expand the playability of their level, me included. 2009-07-06 01:28:00

Posts: 2325

Because you are destroying the whole room, you have to emit an activated checkpoint - I included one as a prize, and there is an emitter attached to the room that does it for you. This activated checkpoint has a thin piece of dark matter attached to it, out of sight, so it doesn't flip/roll over like some of them I've seen.

Edit: I also did take into account the possibility of a second person spinning the wheel while the first person pulls the switch, causing it to be out of line.... but I emit a small piece of dark matter for 3 seconds in place of the emitted block with the key on it. Hence, no emitted key, and no more spinning. Once you pull the switch, the selection is locked in.
2009-07-06 02:09:00

Posts: 5338

holy crap. you engineer types never cease to amaze me.2009-07-06 03:32:00

Posts: 730

I've been thinking about doing this but never get round to actually doing it. Your design looks nice...good job2009-08-17 16:39:00

Posts: 76

ooooh this is much nicer than the one i have on my level XD on my level you just grab the Difficulty you wish to play, which makes the difficulty buttons get pulled out of the room and at the same time a part of the floor retracts to reveal a staircase. i gotta try making something like this sometime.2009-08-17 17:42:00

Comet Wolf
Posts: 99

That's great. I tried making my own. I tried fixing a bug, but then the whole thing fell apart.2009-08-26 22:19:00

Posts: 392

nice, the one i made (not published) makes it so you grab a difficulty wich opens one of 3 paths to go through when the room disapears.2009-09-01 04:26:00

Posts: 255

Good Lord that's amazing.

How are you so good at this?
2009-09-01 13:58:00

Posts: 542

Good Lord that's amazing.

How are you so good at this?

Thanks! Looking back, I'm not too fond of how it looks, but it's sufficient for it's purposes.

How I make it look so good? I 'unno, this was made with grid mode firmly ON .
2009-09-01 14:13:00

Posts: 5338

Thanks! Looking back, I'm not too fond of how it looks, but it's sufficient for it's purposes.

I'm confused, what would you change about it if you could redo it? I think it works nicely, its kinda fun playing "decorate the selector" for TLAWR
2009-09-01 17:41:00

Posts: 3322

You guys are using this? I'm honored!

I guess it works fine, I'm just bothered by the little tiny ledges on either side. I don't think they are there for any particular reason. I suppose my OCD is to blame for my dislike, lol.
2009-09-01 18:13:00

Posts: 5338

Not to be in any way offensive, but I found this funny.
2009-09-05 19:37:00

Posts: 542


When I saw comphermc's Difficulty Selector, I tried to make my own.

Burnvictim42 inspired me to make a difficulty level selector, after seeing his in action.

I don't get it, who owned who exactly?

2009-09-05 20:04:00

Posts: 6497

I don't get it, who owned who exactly?


Probably nobody, I just thought it was funny.
2009-09-07 01:48:00

Posts: 542

In all fairness, BV had the first difficulty selector, I just made it easier to use. I haven't checked out the other one, but I assume it doesn't do anything that mine or BV's doesn't.2009-09-07 02:16:00

Posts: 5338

Hey I have a quick question. How do you get wheels to turn exactly 1/3, or 1/4, etc.? Can the same concept be used on pistons? Like every time they are activated they move exactly 10 units, no more no less.

Oh yeah and awesome job on the selector. Can be really useful for the variety aspect of a level.
2009-09-07 02:17:00

Posts: 41

Hey I have a quick question. How do you get wheels to turn exactly 1/3, or 1/4, etc.? Can the same concept be used on pistons? Like every time they are activated they move exactly 10 units, no more no less.

Oh yeah and awesome job on the selector. Can be really useful for the variety aspect of a level.

It's a little harder with pistons, but yes it can be done. It's all about timing it to go by either emitting a magnetic key over a magnetic key switch for a certain amount of time, or by using a piston to do the same thing. All you have to do is work out the math for how far it travels, how fast it travels, and how far you want it to go in each interval.
2009-09-07 02:31:00

Posts: 2325

Hey I have a quick question. How do you get wheels to turn exactly 1/3, or 1/4, etc.? Can the same concept be used on pistons? Like every time they are activated they move exactly 10 units, no more no less.

Oh yeah and awesome job on the selector. Can be really useful for the variety aspect of a level.

I didn't use a timing method to get it to turn part-way around. I used a notched wheel. The attached picture isn't the best, but I had it laying around. The input is a one shot button, and the piston is flipper in. When the piston flippers in, the wheel starts to turn. The pistons pops back out and stops the spinning. Clear?

About the pistons, it would be a nightmare to work out. What exactly are you trying to do with it? There might be an alternate method that involved winches combined with pistons. Care to learn more? I think I'll whip up a thread somewhere. I'll edit this with a link when I'm done.

2009-09-07 03:18:00

Posts: 5338

Ah, well I'm actually attempting to build a working version of Tetris.

None of that jet pack bull, but real controls. Left, right, rotate. Also with redundancies to protect against unstable piece configurations and accidentally breaking the game with ill-timed movements or rotations.

And did I mention the original Tetris Theme A will be playing?

I've actually got quite a lot of the logic done already, but I've been stuck on how to actually move the pieces back and forth exact amounts, lol

But still, thanks for the concept on the wheel there. I think I'll be able to use something like that or a variation of it at least in my level.
2009-09-07 03:36:00

Posts: 41

Sounds interesting - good luck! For info on setting a piston to multiple lengths, check this thread here:

2009-09-07 04:05:00

Posts: 5338

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