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Free Fixed Glitches - Anti-Color, Checkpoint/Golfball Thickness, and Plasmified Block

Archive: 7 posts

I've put together a little level with 4 glitched materials where the glitch has been fixed. This includes Anti-Color, Checkpoint/Golfball thickness, and Plasmified material. I have made this copyable because Community Objects can't be edited, So feel free to use them in your levels whenever you want. I'm sorry this doesn't have cowed materials, I just wish TJapan made the Moo! Level copyable.
PSN: "tjb0607"
Level Name: "Copyable Glitched Object Museum" (I think)

I hope this helps!
2009-07-02 19:14:00

Posts: 1054

Sounds interesting, i'm interested to see what the checkpoint/golfball thickness is all about.

Looking forward to having a gander

Much appreciated
2009-07-02 19:38:00

Posts: 172

Thank you for this, the sponge-glass came in most helpful ... however, it would appear that I am not permitted to use the corner editor on the thin/thick material.2009-07-05 17:43:00

Posts: 1154

Thanks for making it copyable! Now I have WORKING sponge glass. The grabbable thin thick doesn't work for me...2009-07-05 18:46:00

Posts: 469

The grabbable thin thick doesn't work for me...

Ohh... Sorry about that... It can't be fixed.
2009-07-08 23:01:00

Posts: 1054

I'm going to check it out now, I'll get back to you with teh reviews.2009-07-13 21:27:00

Posts: 542

I'm really sorry, but I had to delete it. The Anti-Color was the only thing that worked and I got that from another level. Search "A Simple Anti-Color Race" for copyable Anti-Color shapes you can use in your levels.2009-07-13 21:43:00

Posts: 1054

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