Archive: 1 post
Well not much info on it but it seems to be an amazing game in the making. http://www.brinkthegame.com/#/teaser/ It's being made by Splash Damage (Wolfenstein ET etc.) and here is some cool stuff from OPM who got the first exclusive with them: The Ark was built to develop advanced sciences such as sustainable ecosystems, green energy; basically an Eden. However after funding goes down they then start moving to other things like a 5* hotel and less legal research. At the time of the game the Ark has been moved into international waters and no contact has been made with them for 20 years. The outside world is falling apart and people seek the Ark for refuge. Gameplay now, it's a shooter (they compare it to Cod, hah!). Weapons seem to be Killzoney i.e realistic but slightly futuristic. The game modes are singleplayer and online co-op campaign where players can join either the rebels or security forces with a customised character with EXP galore. You can join an online game seamlessly and just replace an AI. Each level gives you missions which you can then select from a wheel to say 'I'll do this' and then friends can then get the option to set their mission to 'ok I'll back you up'. There's also wide manouverablity; with a single button you can traverse over obstacles; the way it is worked out is camera angles. If you see a bar for instance looking above it will make you jump and below will make you slide. It's basically a subconscious doing work for you. There's also 8v8 competitive but not much info on that other than each side has a class system. Looks, it has a bright colour scheme. Rebels are bright (orange in a picture) whereas security as a light blue. Discuss and ask questions! | 2009-07-02 13:20:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
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