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Launchable Fireworks for FREE!

Archive: 13 posts

In honor of this Independence Day I am offering a free fireworks kit to the community. You may have seen other fireworks in LBP but these are the FIRST (I made these in January) & ONLY launchable fireworks that that you can launch manually that I know of. They are fun & work great. Every piece is included in the kit so feel free to tweak, optimize and make your own colorful explosions for them. Please give me credit if you use/modify my fireworks & it'd be nice if you mention the level that you use them in. Enjoy! Thanks.

PSN: Jre
Level: Free Launchable Fireworks Kit
Location: U.S.A.
2009-07-01 09:05:00

Posts: 43

I will be checking these out later on today Cheers mate!2009-07-01 11:03:00

Posts: 158

This sounds fairly interesting. Have you played devilicious's Fireworks level? I think it had been overwritten by another level, but they had some pretty dazzling effects.

EDIT:I checked it out, its really nicely done, but every effect but the first one seems to freeze up then explode. I think the problem with the fireworks being "launchable" is that you have to adjust the camera to be on them. I would prefer those fireworks just being attached to a button that made them burst, rather than be launched out. I liked the Boom Boom Pow reference, it fit in very well. It's nice and patriotic, but you don't really get the full effect because of the nature of the system.
2009-07-01 13:02:00

Posts: 2325

This sounds fairly interesting. Have you played devilicious's Fireworks level? I think it had been overwritten by another level, but they had some pretty dazzling effects.

EDIT:I checked it out, its really nicely done, but every effect but the first one seems to freeze up then explode. I think the problem with the fireworks being "launchable" is that you have to adjust the camera to be on them. I would prefer those fireworks just being attached to a button that made them burst, rather than be launched out. I liked the Boom Boom Pow reference, it fit in very well. It's nice and patriotic, but you don't really get the full effect because of the nature of the system.

Thanks. I experimented for awhile on how to do these and the only thing that looked good was tracking it. Currently the only way to track it is with a speech bubble (so take the opportunity to give the firework a name in that bubble). I like the tracking anyways cause it adds a dramatic yet realistic effect to the launch. Anywho there are definitely small tweaks to be made as far as timing and emit positions to make these perfect for each custom effect but it becomes a bit frustrating recapturing 3-5 things in sequence for each small tweak. But they're available for all to play around with and see what you can do with them! Oh and if something goes wrong or doesn't work in the demo level think of it as a firework dud (I'll be probably be testing it and updating all week)
2009-07-01 18:55:00

Posts: 43

Thanks. I experimented for awhile on how to do these and the only thing that looked good was tracking it. Currently the only way to track it is with a speech bubble (so take the opportunity to give the firework a name in that bubble). I like the tracking anyways cause it adds a dramatic yet realistic effect to the launch. Anywho there are definitely small tweaks to be made as far as timing and emit positions to make these perfect for each custom effect but it becomes a bit frustrating recapturing 3-5 things in sequence for each small tweak. But they're available for all to play around with and see what you can do with them! Oh and if something goes wrong or doesn't work in the demo level think of it as a firework dud (I'll be probably be testing it and updating all week)

You don't have to use speech bubbles, you can use a camera attached to it.
2009-07-01 20:22:00

Posts: 2325

You don't have to use speech bubbles, you can use a camera attached to it.

The camera does not follow the firework because sackboy/sackgirl is grounded and away from the firework being launched. The reason the speech bubble works is because of the cutscene option which the camera does not currently have. When I was making these I also tested using a preplaced camera on the launch pad but it simply does not zoom out nearly enough.
2009-07-01 20:35:00

Posts: 43

Correct me if I'm wrong, but cant you attach a switch to the normal camera? I hope so because I was planning on using this in my new level.

If you can, putting the camera on dissolve, then attaching a timer to the dissolve to trigger when the show is over should return the camera to the player?

If it does'nt work I'm gonna have to rethink most of my level!!!!
2009-07-02 10:56:00

Posts: 1754

Correct me if I'm wrong, but cant you attach a switch to the normal camera? I hope so because I was planning on using this in my new level.

If you can, putting the camera on dissolve, then attaching a timer to the dissolve to trigger when the show is over should return the camera to the player?

If it does'nt work I'm gonna have to rethink most of my level!!!!

The only way the camera angle will change beyond showing sackboy on-screen is with a speech bubble cutscene & the radius set as high as possible.
2009-07-02 17:37:00

Posts: 43

Is there a video by any chance ?

I'm really interested in it, but I know I'll forget next time I'm on.
2009-07-02 19:01:00

Posts: 2758

These have been taken out of the beta stage & level is now updated with a free ground spinner firework. Thanks.2009-07-03 05:30:00

Posts: 43

Added in 4 roman candles to play with. Thanks again.2009-07-04 01:56:00

Posts: 43

I'll try and check it out!2009-07-04 05:26:00

Posts: 469

The only way the camera angle will change beyond showing sackboy on-screen is with a speech bubble cutscene & the radius set as high as possible.

Not even, you can add a switch to your MMouths, so where ever you need a camera to look at there you go I actually use this in my flying battleship, I have a working telescope in the crow's nest so for the "zoom" to happen I have a piece of dark matter with a magic mouth and an inverted grab switch attached to it so every time you use the telescope you are really emitting a camera, amazingly it works just fine.

Grantos, I tried that a while back I'm not convinced it works. I think it only works if sack boy is in the appropriate zone so it may be possible to do so if you make the player zone HUGE and place player tracking to zero. This may work for small "zooms" I imagine but that's about it
2009-07-04 06:20:00

Posts: 108

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