Deja Boom (Work in progress)
Archive: 7 posts
Ok, so I'm finally done with the majority of my masterpiece time traveling crazy mid game story driven level Check it out and let me know what you think... Part 2 is just the boss fight and will be out as soon as possible, and then I'll remove the Beta tag. Level: Deja Boom Beta - F4F PSN: LuckyShot Located in New York, Giant explosion Icon. Cheers guys, and thanks for helping name the level! I love this community! | 2009-07-01 00:12:00 Author: LuckyShot ![]() Posts: 713 |
It had a really cool intro, but the creature brain sound made it seem a little sloppy. I don't care so much about receiving points, but I would try and move the creature brain farther away, like on a rod or something so that the sound won't be audible. I liked the background, it was interesting and very detailed, as were the cars. The "smog" was a nice hazard, and nothing really seemed out of place. At the part where the father is in the cop car, one of the father's speech bubbles were censored, I think it was the fifth one. The large robot was very cool, and very well done, it was a nice quick change of pace. I'm looking forward to seeing how the whole ordeal ends. It's not often that a movie concept is pulled off so well in a LittleBigPlanet level. No major gripes, :star::star::star::star::star: and a heart from me. ![]() For F4F please check out my LittleBigMemory level: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=13198 | 2009-07-01 00:36:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
I posted a comment on your level, but this is such a great idea. The deja-vu aspects were very well done (with the lamp - you should make it automatically tip over, though, as I missed it the 3rd time -I went back and knocked it over for fun-zies). The traffic was very well done, as was the explosion, and the underground section. The mushroom cloud seemed really small... I'm sure there were issues with being able to see it though. I would've made it very big - like taller than the house, but that's just me. In the tunnel with the chase, I was confused by what happened. I managed to get blown up the first time, and had to re-do it. Great concept though - will make for a very fun level when it's done. | 2009-07-01 15:23:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
I'm going to write this as I'm playing the level. -I really like the attention to detail at the house at the beginning, the electrical cord is a nice touch, and I like how the light turns off and makes a glass breaking sound when you knock it over. -I like the shaking camera effect and the lighting effect a lot after you pass the telephone. -I like how you set the clocks to the correct time, it's these little details that really help a level. -The cars look great, you may could add a little more to the background here, maybe just a few flowers and trees here and there. That black smog killed me the first time through, I wasn't really expecting it. -After you make it to the double life checkpoint with the hazard sign on it, it's kind of hard to land on a car because the checkpoint is in the way. Maybe you could put it more on the side of the platform instead of in the middle. -The story is looking pretty good right now (at the part where you first talk to your dad), I'm sure how your thermometer looks, but I think it would be really cool to start the level where you see the bomb destroy the city, and then you wake up from that. -The enemies look pretty good and are pretty effective, I like how they shoot different colors. -The mini boss was cool, I beat him pretty easy though although you should probably keep it that way for the casual players. I like how he had two diffent forms. -I'm really liking the story right now (just left house for the third time), it's really original! -I liked the driving the car part, maybe you could add some explosions here and there to make it seem more epic. -Just finished the level, it came sort of suddenly, but that's okay because I got the number one score! ![]() Overall I really liked this level, it had a great story and was really original. Most of this level looked really good (maybe add some more decoration during the traffic and ending area), and this enemies were really good as well. I gave this level :star::star::star::star::star: and a heart and that's saying something since it takes a lot for me to heart a level! ![]() Also thanks again for the incredible feedback on my level! ![]() | 2009-07-12 17:58:00 Author: Dr_Vab ![]() Posts: 134 |
Hey Dr Vab, no problem, thanks for playing! I'm going to make a contest with the launch of this level with the second part which finishes it off. Anyone have any ideas on what structure I should have to the competition? Like high score? Maybe hide some stickers, and first to get them all wins, or what? I have no idea how to promote the launch of this saga, and I've spent a month and a half working on it. | 2009-07-13 01:47:00 Author: LuckyShot ![]() Posts: 713 |
This was a great level. At beginning I love how you worked out the nuclear explosion, and started to rattle the entire level! that was an awesome effect, and I'm still wigging out about it! onto the next part. For the yellow taxi, you might want to change the perspective. When i saw the message about the car crash I thought, okay lets see how this pans out, then I got sent to my death. I didn't have enough time to react. The second obstacle where you have to open the grate to get up, I bypassed the first time by jumping off the taxi. (had to play the level twice more to come on this) After bypassing the drones and the snipers I faced the tree boss, which was wonderfully hidden and fun. The only part I didn't like was that often when I would grab the rocket pack the game would automatically send me into the electricity, giving me 1-2 good chances of actually defeating the boss. This caused me to have to play the level a second time, which after understanding the boss I easily beat. You might want to have the boss drop the rocket pack, or have it a little lower so players don't get auto electrified. The story was well thought out and presented and made me want to save the city. The final bit i would like to add, is I liked your use of timing and light in the level. At the end you may want to block off the light. Me and my son ran by the ending thinking there was extra goodies. Since we both crossed the finish at different times the level continued. So i got to run all the way back to beneath the last house and look up at my bedroom again before figuring out there were no additional goodies. :star::star::star::star::star: ( (/ ted - because I want to play the final version and also I am looking forward to the next installment. If you could get a chance and provide me some feedback for my level 'towers of patheon' I would appreciate it. I got a new version I am going to launch just after I finish typing up this review. So you might want to give it at least half an hour. ![]() | 2009-07-16 21:09:00 Author: nartules ![]() Posts: 38 |
If you are talking about awarding a prize to the first one who collects everything? You might want to make a bunch of stickers that form a puzzle and the first person to collect all the pieces and put the puzzle together, take a screen shot and send it to you, either in email, or in the game. Wins the prize? The puzzle could be of the main villain laughing manically in his final boss vehicle?:kz: just an idea | 2009-07-16 21:14:00 Author: nartules ![]() Posts: 38 |
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