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A.S Victorian Sky, a Flying battle-ship

Archive: 10 posts

Alright so at the moment I've been having a creative block that has prevented me from finishing my car chase level so I decided the best way to break a block is to just do something else for a change so... without further ado I give you my first battle-ship.

Slightly inspired by TSFRJ's ship found here https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=13152 I took an old platform I used for a level and went from there, it is essentially a giant car with the boat being a massive platform (think cherry picker) but when the pistons are invisible the boat really does look as if it is floating in the air.

I have to give myself some applause on this one though, it's the best looking thing I've made so far

There is the cannon, it fires a barrage of electrified paintballs. The magitek core needs time to recharge though after each shot. (The light dims and then brightens as it recharges)


It even has a real working telescope, at the moment it has a fixed zoom but it is possible to have multiple magnifications in the future.

The ship even has an interior complete with galley, sleeping quarters, and small kitchen.


I'm making a small showcase level for it atm so that is when you have your sackboys and sackgirls sailing the wild blue yonder
2009-06-30 23:42:00

Posts: 108

I did get a first hand view of this, and I must say it functions very smoothly. The only thing that would make it better is if you could zoom the camera out all the way so people could work on all decks. For example, you could have one person work the cannon, another work the telescope, other control the wheel, and the other control the thing that raises the entire mast up and down. But that is out of your control, because MediaMolecule had to set the cap on the camera zoom somewhere. 2009-06-30 23:50:00

Posts: 2325

I did get a first hand view of this, and I must say it functions very smoothly. The only thing that would make it better is if you could zoom the camera out all the way so people could work on all decks. For example, you could have one person work the cannon, another work the telescope, other control the wheel, and the other control the thing that raises the entire mast up and down. But that is out of your control, because MediaMolecule had to set the cap on the camera zoom somewhere.

I know i hate that . They could of at least given the option to let us run around split screen or give us more control with camera zones.

I was playing with a friend and the best we could do was the crow's nest and the wheel.

btw how's ur fix with memory going?
2009-06-30 23:54:00

Posts: 108

btw how's ur fix with memory going?
Done and posted. I fixed one problem and made 10 more though, I think.

And what is that ship going to be used in? I can see a pretty insane level on the horizon.
2009-07-01 00:05:00

Posts: 2325

I got to admit that the title dragged me instantly to this thread.

Victorian skies? Flying ships? God, I love steampunkish sounding things!
I haven't played the showcase level yet, but I've got to tell that, well, HELL, this looks outstandingly outstanding just by the screenshoots.

And I love the idea of having a telescope, a driving wheel a cannon, wich takes time to recharge... now I can wait to get to the PS3, I wanna see it by myself now!
2009-07-06 22:58:00

Posts: 628

WOW, I guess i need to make a flying train XD

Glad i was able to inspire you.
cant wait to play it.

If MM gave each player their own camera we could have ship battles lol
2009-07-06 23:25:00

Posts: 249

^yeah, seriously. On the exact same note, I was just saying to my friend debo yesterday that if the camera would split up, you could make a Battle Ship board game when he was trying to think of what other games he could make besides chess, checkers, GO etc

btw, this air ship looks really awesome.
2009-07-07 00:24:00

Unknown User

That is absolutely beautiful! I love steampunk stuff. (I actually have a steampunk level come to think of it... I should get that up here.)
This ship is amazing best one I've ever seen. Ever play Little Big Sky Pirates?
Well that level was my favourite before I saw this:arg:
2009-07-09 05:45:00

Posts: 99

Here's the showcase level have at it, It's been out for a while I guess I forgot to link it lol


Btw I renamed the ship the A.S Argo Navis, reason why is because the Victorian Sky will be much grander, and hopefully thermo friendly
and one other note.

It seems I'm not the only one for a steam-punk penchant so I present you with another beauty. I call her the Iron Cross

She's a Hell of a lot faster than the Argo, has a fixed gun and a movable cannon as well, a telescope that can zoom in and out, view sights to navigate better all at the expense of being less durable. I have a REALLY good idea of what I want to do with her.

Also another bonus, this may be one of the foes you encounter

2009-07-09 18:55:00

Posts: 108

That bottom picture is new to me, it looks like something you might see in Bioshock. 2009-07-09 19:30:00

Posts: 2325

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