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Are You Dead Switch (RUDS)

Archive: 2 posts

Just a simple switch which senses when sackboy has entered an area and can tell if sackboy stays long enough in that area or dies in that area (effectively leaving) then take action based on that. Basic demo is a simple survival challenge, if you last 15 seconds you can see how the switch works and win it as a prize. Can also be developed to give sackboy a number of 'lives' or 'chances' in that area but I haven't show that in the demo. Possible uses: Survival challenge mini game within a level, boss fights which change due to your amount of deaths, adaptive difficulty.
Why cant you just use a checkpoint like all other survival games? More control over the amount of tries maybe? Didn't really think of that one but I'm sure someone can think of some way to use it.
Anyway its over Peru (South America) and called Are You Dead Switch (RUDS) Demo.
2009-06-30 16:42:00

Posts: 321

sounds good ill have to try it out2009-06-30 16:56:00

Posts: 485

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