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Advanced keypad

Archive: 15 posts

So let's say you have a secret area for your friends in one of your levels and you don't want anyone else messing around in there, or you have a level where your sackperson for some reason needs to enter in a code. I present to you the Advanced Keypad (generic name yes, been done before, probably, still awesome definately )

I've made this set up for my beta but instead of publishing a level and clogging the community levels more than they already have been this seems like a nice touch.

Now for some circuit pr0n

That's the whole set up. It is possible to have a 10 button sequence but I haven't tried that so far, just up to 4.


It is set up with a basic key and lock design, to program just invert the pistons (or switch; pistons make it easier to troubleshoot trust me) and for the sequence just add dissolve blocks in the input fields below (I have labeled what each input field [those little holes where the stuff emits] is all you have to do is remove the black sticker that covers it) in the order you want it to be done in then. In this case if you wanted the code to be 1357 put the dissolve material in the slots 3 5 and 7. You would then attach the sticker wires to 1 3 and 5 so in a nut shell

1 puts an input in slot 1 to raise the piston on keyslot 1 and dissolves the material in slot 3 so now slot 3 can emit an input in slot 3 to raise piston on keyslot 3 and dissolves the maertial in slot 5 and so on and so forth.

This is what it looks like cleaned up and in the level, I made the switches visible but they don't have to be

Best part about it, If you screw up in any way there is a reset button. If the commands get stuck somehow on the inputs the keypad will reset itself and re-emit. You can even set the lifetime to several seconds as well if your that cautious overall it's not bad for one layer and I'm suprised it doesn't devour thermo for what it does.

So you may be wondering where to find this little wonder?
There it is!

I'll be extra generous and even give you the pass word (even if it is obvious once you know how the whole thing works)
The password is: 1924, and while your at it since you unlocked my beta level as well, try it! https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=13134

As always just tell me if anything goes wrong. Something must be fishy considering it only took a day and a half to make and is in between me finalizing my beta and improving on my current showcase
2009-06-27 07:34:00

Posts: 108

Is the set up you show capable of 10 inputs, or would you have to extend the device to achieve that? Also, can it handle duplicate numbers in the code, i.e 1213 or 1122?

It's interesting how whenever these things come up, there's a completely different design than the last. You might be interested in the various other similar devices that are knocking around the object showcase (including my own ) to see how different the designs are.
2009-06-28 17:35:00

Posts: 6497

Maybe you might get some ideas from my Memory level, it uses a similar mechanism of writing its own passcode and then getting user input. It allows for 20+ entries, and can accept duplicate numbers.2009-06-28 17:42:00

Posts: 2325

Maybe you might get some ideas from my Memory level, it uses a similar mechanism of writing its own passcode and then getting user input. It allows for 20+ entries, and can accept duplicate numbers.

SHOW ME! I saw the bottom I want to see the rest of it

and thanks for the suggestion rtm I'll have to look into it. Does yours reset as well, and does it enable another switch to work if failure occurs? I haven't played with a duplicate mechanism before but it is possible to do a 10 button sequence. but for duplicates things could get a little complicated.

interesting I just came up with an idea that could work.

It would involve doubling the input field already used with the same exact wiring as the original and having the key notches set up on AND switches. That could be done SEVERAL times and by doing so that would raise the maximum password to 20 numbers just by the first initial doubling. By doing so I could possibly do this as much as I want till thermo runs out that is and have a set up to go even higher. Then again who in their right minds would put a 30 or 40 number password in a level. I could even make a whole keyboard with a modified setup now that i think about it programming would be a nightmare and I'm sure there is a simpler way
2009-06-29 04:52:00

Posts: 108

I'm not sure what you mean by "another switch to work if failure occurs", but it does reset and all sorts of extra stuff. From my original thread:

Features list:

Supports codes from 1 - 30 stages long*
Add or remove stages from the code in less than 1 minute**
Handles duplicate keypresses correctly (i.e if your code goes 1,2,2,3).
No time limits on each keypress or on the code in full***.
Very fast switching (I?m gonna say 0.2s, but it might be 0.1)
Thermo usage is minimal as number of stages goes up.
Latches into final stage ? input and reset signals are disabled.
Can output a signal at each stage, for progress lights etc (optional).
Can output a directional signal on incorrect input (optional).
Automatic reset to initial stage on incorrect input (optional).
External / manual reset (optional).

* There is no reason why this can?t be extended further, I just thought 30 stages was more than enough
** Probably, if you know what you are doing.
*** I?m pretty sure time limits can be incorporated as a timer looping back into the external reset without too much fuss.

Link to the original thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=227950#post227950) with instructions of how to get hold of my device.

I warn you though, it's not that complex, but the method I've used to construct it is rather unconventional, so it's not that easy to understand.
2009-06-29 09:38:00

Posts: 6497

I can think of quite a simple keypad that would allow duplicate numbers off the top of my head, but it would only allow 8 different numbers
Doubt it would work though, i'm terrible at logic xD

Basically you have an empty column with 8 emitters at the top.
Then you would have each of the 8 numbers hooked up to their own emitter which each has their own coloured magnetic key, so depending on which number you press a different key is emitted.
That key would be emitted into the empty column and fall to the bottom to where the first magnetic key is, if it's the right colour then it will activate part of and AND switch. And you'd have different coloured magnetic keys going up the column to form the combination that you want

If you wanted you could even reserve one of the magnetic keys for a reset switch and have that dissolve everything else when emitted

Kind of like this
Would that work?
2009-06-29 10:58:00

Posts: 2100

Nice pic Yeah, that'd work fine but you are going to have difficulty doing the "reset on wrong keypress". It can be achieved by having each block have its own colour key and a red key on the other side. Reset would be

(redKeyLeft) AND NOT(correctKeyRight) => reset.

You are looking at 8 2 input AND gates feeding into an 8 input OR gate to achieve that effect, along with your 8-input AND to achieve the detection. which is moderately complex for what it is. Good for shorter codes but your thermo is going to rise quite heavilly as you add in more symbols. Oh, and it's a simple design, which is always a bonus
2009-06-29 11:23:00

Posts: 6497

Well i've just made my keypad in LBP, it's as simple as that pic i drew
The and gate works well too, didn't take up much thermo for me

The reset switch wouldn't be complex either, you'd just have to sacrifice one of your magnetic key colours and use it to destroy all of the dissolve blocks,
and then a different key colour could be used at the base of the column to destroy the 'reset' block

I've published the one that i've just made anyway if anyone wants it, i forgot to include the reset switch but i think this is ok for my first attempt at logic stuff

- Oh sorry misread your post, i never intended to have a 'reset on wrong keypress', although it can be convenient it isn't necessary
2009-06-29 11:54:00

Posts: 2100

SHOW ME! I saw the bottom I want to see the rest of it
Next time we are both online I'll invite you into my "tour" level. It has jetpacks and comments and pictures to explain how the entire system works.
2009-06-29 12:39:00

Posts: 2325

Dex, yep I got that you weren't aiming for that. It's a neat little design and will do the trick. Not to mention a good effort as your first piece of logic It's not a scary as people think, see

The reset on wrong keypress is something that a few people were asking for on threads like these. I managed to work it into mine as a 2-input AND gate plus and extra mag switch and a winch. That does wrong keypress reset for the entire system, no matter how long the sequence. I normally make simpler systems and then when I try to retro-fit features they start expanding massively, so with this I designed all the features I could think of and can just take them out as required.
2009-06-29 13:08:00

Posts: 6497

Actually i've just remembered, my first logic thingy was my "solid light" idea.
A beam of light that acted solid when turned on and you could pass through it when turned off

I kind of overcomplicated it though because i can think of a much better way of doing it now

I really think i should get into the whole mechanics thing a lot more though, it might help with my programming
2009-06-29 13:24:00

Posts: 2100

Actually i've just remembered, my first logic thingy was
I really think i should get into the whole mechanics thing a lot more though, it might help with my programming

I'd imagine as oversimplified as this may sound the whole system is really just glorified math. Btw I checked out SeniorGhost's keypad and that has been the most impressive one so far, I think I'm going to borrow his concept and modify it to my needs specifically cutting it down to two layers and making it reset itself if the wrong code is used, if 30 seconds passes, or by manually pressing the button. A hybrid of mine and his design should do and I won't need to recapture to reset.

If I go as far as to make a failure switch I can also let that set up for a failure sequence. For example if I made a stealth level similar to the mgs ones where you had to follow soildiers than interrogate them for the one of the numbers in the code and include the keypad as the final block. So if you were to fail in the input of the pad you would trigger the ALERT phase
2009-06-29 23:55:00

Posts: 108

I'd imagine as oversimplified as this may sound the whole system is really just glorified math.

Not really oversimplified. Don't know if you know this, but Boolean algebra (the maths of logic) is simpler than regular algebra.

And dex, whilst mechanical, logic systems and programming won't help each other directly, they will train you mind to think in certain ways so you will find improving one will certainly help improve the others.
2009-06-30 00:09:00

Posts: 6497

Dexiro's lock idea is very similar to mine, however, Ive put 2 mag keys on each emitted desolve block allowing allowing numbers 0-9.. and more if you want random symbols aswell up to 39 other symbols

i dont see the point of a reset on wrong keypress .. oh wait.. now i get it . on my Key Vault level I put a reset switch instead and it fits nicely with the keypad feel
2009-08-27 01:32:00

Posts: 15

Same exact thing can be done with a "VIP sticker" that only you and your friends have, and a sticker switch.
Even if the sticker switches' activation noise is FREAKING ANNOYING...

But this is a really awesome object. This could be used in many, many puzzles.
2009-08-28 15:35:00

Posts: 17

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