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Red Dead Redemption

Archive: 701 posts

anyone else excited for this game. I really wasn't until i read this:
Read it, the idea is awesome and now i'm really excited!
2009-06-27 04:21:00

Posts: 1246

My friend was really into red dead 1 and when I told him we was really excited. I read about it in an OPM awhile back and it does sound a really cool game; with RD1 the missions were not really part of a solid world but with the new one they seem to be making a sandbox.2009-06-27 19:38:00

Posts: 1330

hey in case anyone cares i found another hands on, this game sounds even better now,this preview is much more in-depth

If your too lazy here:
Part 1
May 7, 2009 - They may share two of three words in their titles and be labeled as Western-themed games, but it doesn't seem like the upcoming Red Dead Redemption is going to be much like its predecessor, Red Dead Revolver. While the first game (which wasn't actually a Rockstar original but rather a project imported from Capcom and completed internally) was more of a stage-based affair with some mild platforming thrown in, it appears Rockstar is going all out with Redemption. The sequel is going to be set in an open world, which Rockstar claims is one of the largest it has created.

Rockstar San Diego is working on the game primarily, but also helping out are parts of Rockstar's GTA team, along with members from Rockstar's Leeds team. Thoughts about how an open world could be meshed with a Western-style game were being exchanged even as Rockstar acquired a few semi-completed levels of Red Dead Revolver, but the company had to wait until the appropriate technology came along to start up production. Redemption is being built on Rockstar San Diego's RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine), the same one used in titles like Grand Theft Auto IV and Table Tennis. For physics, Rockstar is using some of its own tech combined with Natural Motion's Euphoria, which makes for interesting post-impact character and object model reactions.

For this game you won't be playing as Red Harlow, the protagonist of Revolver. Instead, you're John Marston, a former outlaw who's since started a family and given up his previous life of traveling around, looting and causing problems. As the game begins, elements from Marston's past bubble up and force him away from his home and into the wild, where players will be free to move him through the sprawling game world to accept missions, engage in mini-games, ride horses, trains and stagecoaches, hunt wildlife and go on killing sprees.

Set around the turn of the 20th Century, a theme throughout the game world will be the encroachment of technology and structured society upon the open frontiers and lawlessness in the territories the game covers, which are broken up into three large sections. Initially you'll start out in what's being called the Frontier, filled with vast plains, broken up by ranges of low mountains and rocky hillocks, with stretches of low brush and desert grasses mixed in with towns of varying sizes and technological development. Next, the main story will direct you toward Mexico, a wilder land painted with more reddish sand which we only saw briefly. Finally, you'll head into the Northern territories for the later stages of the game. Progression across unlocked territories will be somewhat similar to GTA games of the past, meaning you won't be able to ride a horse all the way across the virtual space at the beginning.

As for its gameplay, Redemption will still be a third-person action game. You'll get an opportunity to wield a variety of pistols, rifles and shotguns, and we also saw a lasso and a kerosene lamp. It's only Marston you're going to be controlling in this game -- there aren't multiple playable characters for the single-player mode like there were in Revolver. Deadeye mode is still in the game, which slows time around Marston to allow for more accurate shooting, and two levels of it can be unlocked. Initially you'll get a simple, temporary slow-motion mode and then a little later on you'll meet up with a certain non-player character who'll show you a more advanced technique for firing pistols. In the latter mode you can paint multiple targets while the action is slowed. Once you flip back into real-time gameplay, the pistol's bullets are unloaded in rapid succession.

It seems four items can be set as active at a time, which in the demo we saw was generally a pistol, a rifle, a knife and then a special item like the lasso or kerosene lamp. Exactly how you manage your inventory wasn't revealed to us, though we were told you won't have a safe house or be able to own property. All Marston's equipped items will show up on his person, so you'll be able to see the lasso tied to his belt and rifle at the ready. For Redemption, Rockstar has decided to implement a regenerative health system, so there'll be no fretting about health packs or anything like that. The edges of the screen will flash red once you're struck and -- as should be familiar to most gamers out there -- if you avoid damage for a short while you'll return to full strength.

Once engaged in combat during missions or while wandering around the game world, you'll have a few options aside from simply standing, moving around and shooting. Against any environmental object of reasonable size you'll be able to pop into cover, blind fire, or move slightly out to try to line up a better shot. According to Rockstar, the guns in the game aren't going to be entirely accurate when fired to give them a more realistic feel and the uses and effectiveness of the weapons will differ depending on which model and type you're using.

Fighting and using Deadeye while riding a horse is also an option. Obtaining a steed can be done by snagging one from out in the wild and taming it to a degree or buying one from a vendor. The more you ride with a horse, the better it will behave. During battle if your foes happen to be galloping around on a horse, you can take out their ride with a few well aimed shots and -- because of Euphoria -- see an entertaining variety of death animations.

Part 2
During the hands-off demo we saw, the animals tumbled headfirst into the dirt, sending their riders flying. Some would simply slump over while some dismounts were more spectacular. We were told a rider can fall off and get his foot stuck in a stirrup on the way down and be dragged behind the horse if it's still moving forward, though this didn't happen during the demo. It'll also be possible to use the lasso on foot and from horseback for combat, but the animation wasn't finished in the demo so we didn't get to see how it really worked.

To navigate the game world you can walk, ride a horse, hop into a horse-drawn stagecoach, or catch a ride on a train. On either the train or stagecoach you can choose to take a nap on the way to a selected destination to speed up the process, which sounds similar to how cabs worked in GTA IV. And if you're worried about being able to catch up to a train, you should know that some of these machines move especially slowly and should be able to be overtaken on horseback. Locating mission givers and other points of interest is made easier through a GTA-style mini-map that sits in a corner of the screen.

As far as the ebb and flow of the open world is concerned, the game will feature a full day and night cycle, dynamic weather systems, traffic on roads in the form of single riders, stagecoaches and groups of riders occasionally dragging bodies and blasting bullets into the air. NPCs in town areas will follow day and night routines, so while they sun's out you can find them at work, and at night perhaps they'll head over to the local saloon or elsewhere. While wandering around in the world you'll encounter random NPCs that'll offer you tasks, such as someone by the side of the road who asks for help, though occasionally it might be a decoy. In one instance demoed by Rockstar, a gang of armed bandits emerged from behind a busted wagon after Marston was drawn in by a lady calling for assistance.

Plenty of townships big and small will litter the landscape and it's up to you whether you want to seek them all out or whether you'd rather stick to following along with the main story. Some of the larger townships will be built up and feature more advanced technology (such as telegraph wires), whereas the smaller ones will be more rustic. In case you're the type of person that doesn't like to play nice, you could wipe out one of these settlements, turning it into a ghost town for a while and watch as vultures descend upon the scene to pick apart the remains. The township won't stay empty forever -- you can't permanently eradicate the world's virtual residents -- but the townsfolk will take a while to respawn. There's also some plan to implement a kind of "character status system" related to your actions, though the specifics of this were not divulged during the demo.

As should be familiar to anyone who's played a Grand Theft Auto game, your actions have consequences. Obviously it won't be cop cars that come racing after you in Redemption, but there will be some sort of rough equivalent. There will be law enforcement around, as well as bounty hunters who'll give chase, though it'll function quite differently from Grand Theft Auto because these characters, obviously, don't have radios to call in backup. The game world isn't completely lawless but we'll have to wait a little longer to get more specifics on exactly how the game's notoriety system works.

Because this particular open world game isn't taking place in a dense urban sprawl with only city streets to navigate, there's going to be a lot of open space. Rockstar is encouraging players to explore, not only to find special scenarios such as the broken wagon example, but also to absorb the atmosphere by traveling over distant mountain ranges, as well as hunt wildlife, of which there will be varying types. While an actual hunting sequence was not shown, we were told you can engage in this sort of activity, bring the pelts back to towns and eventually receive rewards. The animals roaming the world will have their own AI, so as you're moving by on your horse you might see wolves hunting rabbits or a mountain lion randomly reaching out and attacking a human.

In towns, you'll have full freedom to walk around and enter into banks, saloons, offices and other types of establishments and there won't be any loads for transitioning from the outdoors to a building's interior. If you look through an open door or window of a saloon, you'll be able to see all the NPCs in there and what they're doing. Mini-games will be another diversion around towns, including one called five finger filet. In it you sit down at a wooden table with an NPC and engage in a timing game where you need to tap face buttons on your controller to match up with knife strikes onscreen. The goal is to quickly tap the table between your fingers with a knife without cutting into your hand and if you're successful, other NPCs will step in to try and challenge you.

Part 3
Another aspect Rockstar was not yet willing to show off was a dueling system, which will be in the game, but no specifics were really available. Multiplayer will be included as well, but again Rockstar wasn't saying much, aside from it sounding like the modes will be separate from the single-player game world. In other words, it doesn't seem like you can team up within the solo game experience and roll around in a posse, though perhaps some style of gameplay similar to that might be present in one of the separate modes. Things like cut-scenes, voice acting and other elements of presentation were not in the build we saw, so we can't really comment on cutscenes or voice acting beyond what was already shown in the debut trailer.

As for the game's missions, it seems there'll be plenty of different setups and there will be mid-mission checkpoints from which you can reload, though their implementation isn't finalized. One mission we saw involved a botched prisoner exchange, where Marston and some officers were handing someone over to a group of outlaws to rescue an officer's daughter. The bandits didn't cooperate and the situation escalated into an all-out gun fight in the middle of the small, dusty town. After taking cover and using Deadeye to wipe out a few enemies, a cutscene was triggered where a lady named Bonnie was strung up on a gallows. This introduced a timed element to the mission, as it was a goal to get to get her down before the life was choked out of her. To get through the mission, you can either battle all the way through the bandits to the gallows and cut Bonnie down, or you can actually just shoot the rope that's holding her up.

The next two missions were more escort-style quests, the first of which involved Marston defending the stagecoach of a snake oil merchant. As it charged forward, Marston shot at riders coming in from all sides, taking out riders or their horses to flip them to the ground. At one point an enemy stagecoach rolled in as well, as Marston was able to slow it down by wiping out a few of the horses who pulled it along, letting the snake oil merchant gradually increase the spacing between them. At various points there'd be blockades in the road and to take them out while riding along it'll be necessary to peg an explosive barrel and clear the debris.

Finally, we saw a mission set in Mexico where Marston rode on horseback to defend a train from inbound hostiles. To facilitate having to control your horse while aiming at the same time, there'll be a degree of intelligence built in so the animals won't get hung up on rocks and such when trying to peg an enemy with a rifle bullet. Though missions like this might take place with groups of friendly NPCs fighting alongside Marston, he won't have a regular group he rolls around with. He's generally a lone wolf.

While we didn't actually get to play, the game certainly looks to be promising so far. The style of the graphics is impressive, as it seems on track to nail the feel of the world. Furthermore, the ambient sounds of wind whipping over the plains, the trills of local wildlife and the crunch of dirt underfoot seems to reinforce a sense of place. It definitely looks to be a far more ambitious game than Revolver, so anyone who enjoyed that product will likely find a lot more to appreciate here. There's quite a bit of potential for some entertaining gameplay with the mix of gun fights, open world roaming, and dynamic elements of the open world in which Red Dead Redemption is set. Of course, we can't say anything for sure until we've seen much more of the game world; this is just a first impression. Check back with IGN for an extensive interview with Rockstar's Dan Houser digging into more details about Red Dead Redemption's world, gameplay, and style.

Red Dead Redemption is currently scheduled to be released this fall for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles.

Trailer (No language, just violence watch at own discretion)
<embed src='http://videomedia.ign.com/ev/ev.swf' flashvars='object_ID=748481&downloadURL=http://ps3movies.ign.com/ps3/video/article/979/979784/reddead_trl_wildwest_50509_flvlowwide.flv&allownetworking="all%"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='433' height='360'></embed><div style='width:433;'><a href='http://ps3.ign.com/objects/748/748481.html'>More Red Dead Redemption News & Previews</a>
2009-06-29 02:18:00

Posts: 1246

I cannot wait for this game to come out! I absolutely loved Red Dead Revolver on PS2, and this one is made on the GTA engine, and should be amazing! Anyone else looking forward to this?2009-07-18 20:30:00

Posts: 713

GTA engine? i'm in

edit: you mean it uses the Euphoria engine, right? 'cos that rules....
2009-07-18 20:39:00

Unknown User

sorry to sound annoying but here, there's a thread i made on it, https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=13173
(If your trying to revitalize emotion for it though, i'll delete this post)
2009-07-18 20:43:00

Posts: 1246

sorry to sound annoying but here, there's a thread i made on it, https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=13173
(If your trying to revitalize emotion for it though, i'll delete this post)

Lock or Delete please....

...or if you're way smarter than I am, Merge! HAHA
2009-07-19 02:48:00

Posts: 713

So yeah, this looks amazing! Too bad every time I fall in love with an upcoming game, it's guaranteed to be delayed.2009-07-19 02:53:00

Posts: 713

Instead of locking or deleting, I've merged the two threads together as they both hold people's opinions on the one topic.

As for myself, I find it hard to get interested in this game. Rockstar for me is just too contentious a developer for me to take any of their works seriously. That's a personal opinion, though. I realise that not all of their games are made to offend, but too often they rely on shock value to further promote what could be a good game without it.

But I do hope they make a good, interesting, and not shock for shock sake game with this.
2009-07-19 04:26:00

Posts: 1280

Elbee thank you very much for the merge, well done.

Back to the game though, as far as the original - it was all gameplay! That game was way more fun to me than the GTA series on PS2, even with the insane open ended free roaming aspect of GTA, Red Dead Revolver was absolutely amazing and fun from beginning to end... which I agree with you 100% I did not expect from RockStar
2009-07-19 07:46:00

Posts: 713

i'm personally so excited for this, it's all open world and i really want a good western game, honestly there are some alright games, but most are a let down in one area or another, here's to the hope that this game is amazing!2009-07-19 16:00:00

Posts: 1246

"As a deputy, Earp was known for using a long-barreled revolver to pistol-whip and disarm cowboys who resisted town ordinances against carrying of firearms." I'm getting two silver revolvers and then I'm going to kill everyone. I'll be known only as ******* Basket in the west. You'll see mothers calling for their children as I ride into town. I'll go in guns blazing and wtfpwn all the bars. Burn down town after town and leave for the next one.2010-01-28 21:10:00

Posts: 2391

hahah same? except for the whole basket part maybe....2010-01-29 02:29:00

Posts: 1246

http://www.rockstargames.com/reddeadredemption/screens this game is now my most wanted2010-02-02 22:37:00

Posts: 2391

Even though multiplayer hasn't been announced you can see from the achievment list that the game will have free roam. WOOOOOHOO.

2010-03-31 11:39:00

Posts: 2391

I've been looking forward to this for a while... but this video made it even more so:

2010-03-31 11:47:00

Posts: 10882

I've been following RDR for so long, I have been so excited about this game. I can't wait to take the Buffalo gun into a shoot out, having to keep moving from cover to cover due to the constant reloads just to pop out and decimate some poor bandit at close range.2010-03-31 19:40:00

Posts: 511

I'll walk in and start a fight in the first bar I see.2010-03-31 19:56:00

Posts: 2391

I was pretty excited about this game, the fact you could go out grab a horse, and tame it was awesome, but then when I saw there was public free roam, I KNEW I was going to get this. Me and my friends had a blast running around in GTA IV, and this looks like it has stuff you can actually do aside from just driving and killing like in GTA IV.2010-03-31 20:04:00

Posts: 2358

The fact that there are more things to do in the game outside of what was possible in GTA (taming horses, skinning animals and selling the pelts, random encounters) is making me more and more interested in the game.

I really got bored of GTA IV and never finished it... it always seemed to be drive from A to B, get mission, drive from B to C, shoot people, maybe die a few times and restart at B, complete mission. And the character performances just weren't entertaining enough (IMO... I found most of them really annoying) to justify the amount of downtime there was in the game. That and punishing you every time you were driving to get a mission and weren't bothered going to play pool with your idiot cousin.

At least in this game there might be more going on to keep you occupied apart from just driving... I mean the driving model is good but there's only so much fun to be had before driving becomes boring. I actually feel like I might be able to get lost in the world of RDR like I did with Oblivion and Fallout 3.

There actually seems to be a number of similarities between those games and this one. Whole dead-eye system seems a little like VATS and the whole killing animals and using their parts is in both F3 and Oblivion. Not saying they ripped it off at all, just saying I think it's great that they are including these things in the game so that there's always something to do beyond the story and starting a rampage. And horses, who doesn't love riding horses in open-world games!
2010-03-31 20:21:00

Posts: 1018

really looking forward to this, need to find some info about online though..

And the **** release date is like 10 days before my first As level >_>
2010-04-01 15:08:00

Unknown User

Theres actually things to do in this free roam. You can attack bandit camps, hunt animals, hopefully get drunk together (whilst getting drunk ) etc etc, I played so much GTA4 just messing around with friends, when theirs things you can do, it makes it all the better. I cant wait for it, it could be the western game I've always wanted since Outlaws, by Lucasarts, many many moons ago 2010-04-01 16:48:00

Posts: 1754

This game is gunna be amazing... cant wait.2010-04-04 03:05:00

Posts: 3767

Gametrailers has a Life in the West Part 2 up now. We finally get to see the Showdown in action! It seems you can be either the first or second to draw in a showdown. Go first and get the drop on your opponent at the sacrifice of your accuracy. Stay calm and draw second, you have less time, but you're more accurate.


EDIT: The Rain effect, which albeit was seen briefly did look very amazing! In fact, when you see Marston standing under a porch in a black trench coat, look at the end of it...it's blowing in the wind! Also, noticed that there is a person in a noose and on the bottom of the screen it says "Shoot the rope to free the victim!" Now I wonder if it's a story/sideline mission or one of the random events you can come across while roaming around. Either way, many people thought R* wouldn't do lynching do to it's gruesome history. Whether or not it is just one mission, it seems they did include it.

http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/3333/rdrhm.jpg (http://img340.imageshack.us/i/rdrhm.jpg/)
2010-04-04 03:43:00

Posts: 511

Multiplayer ;o


Looks awesome D:
2010-04-08 21:36:00

Posts: 10882

I will very likely get this game. The dragging with a horse part sealed the deal
GTA IV disapointed me as well. It was just...boring, but this one really seems fun!
2010-04-08 21:50:00

Posts: 234

I'm certainly getting this. can't wait.2010-04-09 17:19:00

Posts: 3767

I was gonna get this for the PC, but I noticed it's not coming out for it

Well, I guess I'm going to have to ride horses with my friend on the Xbawks.

Also; ridable donkey called El Senor, FTW?
2010-04-10 00:27:00

Posts: 2358

just release it already! ughh i hope it's as good as it looks!2010-04-10 00:34:00

Posts: 1246

Looks absolutely fantastic. I'd just like some people to confirm these rumors though:
I've heard you can get drunk in the game, but do you know if you'll start to fall and wave around (Like being drunk in GTA IV) when you're drunk?
Are there factions in the game (For example, *Shoot bandit group 1*= "You are now an enemy of bandit group 1")
2010-04-11 19:57:00

Posts: 61

I just preordered this from amazon... now I'll get a 10 dollar gift card from amazon! and release day shipping. For 63 bucks. Go me. Wonder what I'll use that gift card for, but meh, can't wait XD2010-04-11 20:01:00

Posts: 10882

I'm worried about the framerate. I don't want another gta2010-04-12 08:53:00

Posts: 2391

I'm worried about the framerate. I don't want another gta

Hmm that does get me thinking. I remember going from my PC version to the PS3 version and I was shocked at how poor the frame rate really was. Always playable, but just not as stable as it should have been. This is looking promising mind you. I think this could be GOTY for me... well actually maybe The Last Guardian instead if it lives up to my expectations
2010-04-13 02:34:00

Posts: 3767

Hmm that does get me thinking. I remember going from my PC version to the PS3 version and I was shocked at how poor the frame rate really was. Always playable, but just not as stable as it should have been. This is looking promising mind you. I think this could be GOTY for me... well actually maybe The Last Guardian instead if it lives up to my expectations

I never really had issues with the framerate on GTA IV, but i have it on 360, so maybe it's different....

THis would likely have been my game of they year, but F1 2010 is coming out... and F1 rules....
2010-04-13 08:00:00

Unknown User

Sorry to bump, but if you haven't seen the new multiplayer trailers... WATCH THEM!



Wanna roam the desert with a group of friends? Or hunt bears with them? Or play some capture the gold? Or get a golden gun? Or get a new horse? Well then RD:R multiplayer is for you!
2010-04-26 19:55:00

Posts: 2358

I preordered so I'm getting golden guns from the start hehe.2010-04-26 22:25:00

Posts: 2391

OK just pre-ordered this today. Looking forward to playing it but keeping my hype pretty low... was disappointed by GTAIV.

Wild West setting kind of interests me but not that much. So TBH I'm not sure I'll enjoy the game...
2010-05-16 00:30:00

Posts: 1018


riding that hype train now.
2010-05-16 22:24:00

Posts: 1361

real rare NY times raves about a videogame
2010-05-16 22:47:00

Posts: 1246

Ha! sniped.2010-05-16 23:58:00

Posts: 1361

Gamestop sent an SMS saying the game was delayed one week due to production problems. Rumors now is that it's not delayed after all. If I don't get it on friday I will be a bit disappointed.2010-05-17 21:21:00

Posts: 2391

For all of those who remember GTA: San Andreas - Biggest GTA Mapped Game to date!

Apparently, RDR's Map is twice the size :O !!
2010-05-17 21:32:00

Posts: 918

Can't wait till I get this tomorrow :kz:2010-05-17 22:42:00

Posts: 10882

I dont know yes are no for me 70% yes2010-05-18 06:14:00

Unknown User

Gamestop sent an SMS saying the game was delayed one week due to production problems. Rumors now is that it's not delayed after all. If I don't get it on friday I will be a bit disappointed.

It's not delayed, friend got it from Gamestop today. But I live in California sooo...
2010-05-18 21:49:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I'm in Norway but a few people called gamestop and asked and apparently it's not delayed afterall. I read it on a norwegian forum. We'll see. I intend to play coop with a real friend.2010-05-19 00:04:00

Posts: 2391

I'm in Norway but a few people called gamestop and asked and apparently it's not delayed afterall. I read it on a norwegian forum. We'll see. I intend to play coop with a real friend.

Oh, excuse my stupidity I thought your location was an actual location.
2010-05-19 00:15:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I got it today. From Amazon. Is fun. Playing it right now. <_< >_>2010-05-19 00:15:00

Posts: 10882

I got my copy today

There's just soooo much to do! Right now I'm just adventuring, killing any animal that doesn't look like one I've killed before, and searching for fights to be stopped.

I was outside the bar in Armadillo, and I hear screaming. So I run over and find a guy on top of a lady in front of the saloon. He's shouting at her, and he's got a knife. I didn't know if I should shoot, but I decided to, just a bit late. The guy stabs the lady, and then I kill him, and the game warns me I may get a bounty if I do that again. >_< That's what I get for trying to save someone, eh?
2010-05-19 01:18:00

Posts: 2358

******, we don't get it here for another 3 days at least.

What's the aiming and camera adjustment like anyway guys. That's my biggest concern as I suck at shooters. I tried the Uncharted2 playable demo today and hated it. I couldn't get on with moving the camera and aiming all at the same time. I was dead in seconds. I even killed myself because I didn't know I'd pressed something that selects a hand grenade and I'd dropped it at my feet and blew myself up lol.

Please tell me RDR is easier to use, otherwise I may aswell cancel it.
2010-05-19 01:24:00

Posts: 2210

I'll be on it a lot more later today, when my brothers go to sleep or something.
Add me.
2010-05-19 01:25:00

Posts: 3664

I REALLY want this game now... O_O
*drools over screens*
As soon as I have some free time, I'm DEFINITELY getting it. Then... I can be the "outlaw" I was BORN to be!!!
2010-05-19 01:26:00

Posts: 5757

******, we don't get it here for another 3 days at least.

What's the aiming and camera adjustment like anyway guys. That's my biggest concern as I suck at shooters. I tried the Uncharted2 playable demo today and hated it. I couldn't get on with moving the camera and aiming all at the same time. I was dead in seconds. I even killed myself because I didn't know I'd pressed something that selects a hand grenade and I'd dropped it at my feet and blew myself up lol.

Please tell me RDR is easier to use, otherwise I may aswell cancel it.

Really? I thought camera control in UC2 was phenomenal. Eh.

So yeah I gotta pick this up ASAP. Maybe this weekend. All my friends are getting it for xbox unfortunately. Not ripping on the xbox, I just don't have one
2010-05-19 01:28:00

Posts: 1361

got it, absolutely love it, also vista if you played GTA IV the aiming is almost the same but tweaked for the better, i think it's great. OHHHH man there is just so much to do i can't wait to keep playing it!!2010-05-19 01:45:00

Posts: 1246

The shooting mechanics are fantastic. The way enemies react to being shot is incredibly satisfying. It's one of the most dynamic games I've ever played. ****ing love it. Sorry sleep, your going to have to take a backseat tonight!

It doesn't seem like as many people know about this game as GTA4, which is a shame seeing as it's a vast improvement.

Anyone else here play Bully? For some reason, this game reminds me of Bully. The music does somehow, and so does the number of sidemissions.
2010-05-19 07:10:00

Posts: 3664

Sorry whale. My avatar is a sherrif in hillbilly backwoods america in two movies.2010-05-19 09:43:00

Posts: 2391

I should have my copy tomorrow or latest Friday and I am really excited to play. My wife and daughter will be going out of town for the weekend which means a marathon gaming session awaits

EDIT: lol, literally 2 minutes after the above post I found out my copy arrived. Copy is now in hand and the evening can't come soon enough!
2010-05-19 12:05:00

Posts: 1536

I stopped by gamestop and asked about the situation with the one week delay. There's a strike going on. He wasn't sure if he'd get it before friday. Ohnoes I'm going to die.2010-05-19 17:24:00

Posts: 2391

I stopped by gamestop and asked about the situation with the one week delay. There's a strike going on. He wasn't sure if he'd get it before friday. Ohnoes I'm going to die.

Wait, are you Norwegian or what?
Anyways, atleast I am, so I know what your going through! >.<
2010-05-19 19:55:00

Posts: 342

Just two more weeks. Two more weeks, you can do it Alex!

I can't do it :'(

**** you exams and by extension the British education system.
2010-05-19 23:47:00

Unknown User

Alright, I should be getting this tomorrow, my friends are all really into it.

I really need to fight some bears right now.
2010-05-20 00:21:00

Posts: 1361

Just two more weeks. Two more weeks, you can do it Alex!

I can't do it :'(

**** you exams and by extension the British education system.

lols. You think thats hard? I pre-ordered the game as I wanted limited edition (and my local game was out) so it's being delivered to my house... and it was dispatched yesterday D:

The bad part? I have a 5 maths exams... sat, tues, wed, thur, fri.
Majority of them a pretty hard. One is impossible (well, close to. With a name like Hydrodynamics it's certainly not the nice one).


I go to uni every day from ~12 till ~7. Hopefully I'll stick to this lol.
2010-05-20 02:07:00

Posts: 3767

I killed a skunk lol2010-05-20 06:20:00

Posts: 3664


Now I need to play it.... riiiight after I get "school" out of the way first. :
2010-05-20 07:35:00

Posts: 5757

lols. You think thats hard? I pre-ordered the game as I wanted limited edition (and my local game was out) so it's being delivered to my house... and it was dispatched yesterday D:

The bad part? I have a 5 maths exams... sat, tues, wed, thur, fri.
Majority of them a pretty hard. One is impossible (well, close to. With a name like Hydrodynamics it's certainly not the nice one).


I go to uni every day from ~12 till ~7. Hopefully I'll stick to this lol.

Don't worry, we can cry together.... D:
2010-05-20 10:09:00

Unknown User

Don't worry, we can cry together.... D:

Oh god it arrived today! But when it did I went straight to the library I'll give it a blast tonight only for a bit maybe...
2010-05-20 11:14:00

Posts: 3767

Generally I'm not all that bothered by differences between the 360 and PS3 versions of games. They're usually pretty insignificant. However, I cancelled my RDR order when I saw the differences between them. It really is quite a big difference. Blurred and 640p instead of 720p. While graphics aren't everything, I do really think I would enjoy the 360 version quite a bit more than the PS3 version. I'm going to wait until E3 and if there's a price-cut or a slim 360 or something I've decided I'm going to buy one. I'm sick of getting the short end of the stick when it comes to multi-platform titles.2010-05-20 11:56:00

Posts: 1018

Generally I'm not all that bothered by differences between the 360 and PS3 versions of games. They're usually pretty insignificant. However, I cancelled my RDR order when I saw the differences between them. It really is quite a big difference. Blurred and 640p instead of 720p. While graphics aren't everything, I do really think I would enjoy the 360 version quite a bit more than the PS3 version. I'm going to wait until E3 and if there's a price-cut or a slim 360 or something I've decided I'm going to buy one. I'm sick of getting the short end of the stick when it comes to multi-platform titles.

I've seen the articles you're on about. Honestly the difference will be barely noticable, if at all. GTA IV had the same differences and after playing both I can say there was no difference. And I'm very keen on how my games look too, my PC can run anything I throw at it lol. I've read a review which said the two versions are identical. Technically they're not, but when playing the game you won't notice a difference. It'd be silly to let an article on such small differences have you wait to play such a great game.
2010-05-20 12:48:00

Posts: 3767

I've seen the articles you're on about. Honestly the difference will be barely noticable, if at all. GTA IV had the same differences and after playing both I can say there was no difference. And I'm very keen on how my games look too, my PC can run anything I throw at it lol. I've read a review which said the two versions are identical. Technically they're not, but when playing the game you won't notice a difference. It'd be silly to let an article on such small differences have you wait to play such a great game.

I would have to agree with this. I played both and did not see a real difference. Plus, the PS3 version got exclusive stuff, so that's cool.

Oh, and you guys should add me if you want to play online, because online is too fun!
2010-05-20 16:48:00

Posts: 1090

I would have to agree with this. I played both and did not see a real difference. Plus, the PS3 version got exclusive stuff, so that's cool.

Oh, and you guys should add me if you want to play online, because online is too fun!

What exclusive stuff?

Not that it matters, i only use my PS3 for youtube at the moment. And Blu-rays. 360 FTW. And soon, PC also FTW. And so by extension Microsoft FTW.
2010-05-20 16:52:00

Unknown User

I own both the ps3 and xbox. I don't care about which version I'm getting. I'm getting it on ps3 because I like the dualshock 3 controller more and because I need to replug some wires every time I go online with the Xbox.2010-05-20 17:43:00

Posts: 2391

i'm getting it on ps3 because i have a ps3 and i don't have an xbox.

if i had an xbox and a ps3 i would probs get the xbox one just because my friends have it. the differences don't matter to me, the TV i play it on is kinda cruddy so it's nbd
2010-05-20 19:46:00

Posts: 1361

Generally I'm not all that bothered by differences between the 360 and PS3 versions of games. They're usually pretty insignificant. However, I cancelled my RDR order when I saw the differences between them. It really is quite a big difference. Blurred and 640p instead of 720p. While graphics aren't everything, I do really think I would enjoy the 360 version quite a bit more than the PS3 version. I'm going to wait until E3 and if there's a price-cut or a slim 360 or something I've decided I'm going to buy one. I'm sick of getting the short end of the stick when it comes to multi-platform titles.

I saw the pictures. I'm not a fanboy or anything, but I honestly could not tell the difference. It's such an amazing game. You must have some discipline if you'd really wait to get a 360 for this.
2010-05-20 20:25:00

Posts: 3664

I saw them and Xbox was waay sharper and the grass wasn't all effed up.

also, the ending is...shocking.
2010-05-20 20:30:00

Posts: 2824

Oh right, when I said I was 'getting it', that is kind of inaccurate because I have already acquired it.

I'll play it later tonight, after going out to dinner with Dad and having a Fringe finale party. READY TO FIGHT SOME BEARS
2010-05-20 20:31:00

Posts: 1361

i have both xbox and ps3 i only got it on xbox because my friends have one and i wanted to play with them. Let's see three days in i have only one word to say, OBSESSED! today i saw a bunch of articles bashing it for bugs, but honestly? any game will have some bugs it's still new give it time, the game is amazing. Burrich i understand where you are coming from, but i saw my one friend playing it on his ps3 and it still looked great. Some textures are a little muddy, but it's almost identical on xbox, game is great so in love with it i even bought the game guide, it's great play it!2010-05-20 20:34:00

Posts: 1246

i have both xbox and ps3 i only got it on xbox because my friends have one and i wanted to play with them. Let's see three days in i have only one word to say, OBSESSED! today i saw a bunch of articles bashing it for bugs, but honestly? any game will have some bugs it's still new give it time, the game is amazing. Burrich i understand where you are coming from, but i saw my one friend playing it on his ps3 and it still looked great. Some textures are a little muddy, but it's almost identical on xbox, game is great so in love with it i even bought the game guide, it's great play it!

I agree completely. It's one of the best games this gen easily. The whole world is so enthralling it makes the hours playing it all blur together.
2010-05-21 02:36:00

Posts: 3664

One word... YEEHAW!!

This game is absolutely AMAZING!!! The animations, the side missions, the fauna and locals- just plain AWESOME! It's so integrating and engaging, I just can't believe that Western video games can even be like that... and I've only played the game for a few hours. And so far... I've killed over 20 guys, almost have all of the pieces for the Waston Gang costume and saved, I think, 3-4 random people from ambient dangers.

But... that ain't gonna stay there for long... :kz:

Overall, I love this game (it's kinda obvious), I recommend anyone to play it (or try it at least once), and I dare you to get lost in the awe of the Wild West... just like I am.
2010-05-21 03:40:00

Posts: 5757

I'll be heading to Asda to get this game as soon as I finish my night shift. Sounds awesome!2010-05-21 04:50:00

Posts: 2130

Well, apparently there are some pretty big glitches in RDR. There's a spot where unlimited horses spawn...


Isn't it a bit strange that nobody wrote that the game had glitches such like these?

source: http://attackofthefanboy.com/news/red-dead-redemption-reason-trust-review-scores/
2010-05-21 07:06:00

Posts: 342

Called gamestop - ps3 edition delayed. Only two xbox copies left. I asked and even though I preordered the ps3 version I get the limited edition on xbox. Nice. I'll be playing with a friend on xbox. Can't wait.2010-05-21 09:01:00

Posts: 2391

Well, apparently there are some pretty big glitches in RDR. There's a spot where unlimited horses spawn...


Isn't it a bit strange that nobody wrote that the game had glitches such like these? haters gonna hate though.

source: http://attackofthefanboy.com/news/red-dead-redemption-reason-trust-review-scores/

probably because a) most people have not encountered them and b) the game is way too **** awesome to really care

and wow, just read the article. videogame review scores are one thing, but an article about videogame review scores? the coolest thing ever
2010-05-21 11:19:00

Posts: 1361

My dad just bought it for me... Sometimes working hard really is worth it, **** exam scores i get RDR free tonight. I wish he'd hurry up and finish his ****ed work

Looks awesome. And as for the horse thing, it probably doesn't happen too everyone, everyone gets random glitches, doesn't mean others will...

Some people on my friends list got it yesterday, along with the Americans, can't wait to do some free roam with 'em.

I hear there is co-op DLC in June?
2010-05-21 14:14:00

Unknown User

Yeehaw !! It just arrived by 'Pony Express' ( well Royal Mail actually but that doen't sound as good ) and I'll be moseying on down to the corral and roping me a mustang pretty darn soon pardners.2010-05-21 15:26:00

Posts: 2210

I love this game, I stayed up 24 hours playing this game just to get to mexico. I loved meeting the old gunslinger and doing all the train based missions. I found one spot in Tall Trees with bear up the wazoo. I kill one and skin it only to find another bear charging at me. I racked up seven bear before two flanked and killed me. Anyone else having trouble with the treasure hunting?

Also, I agree with oldage, the ending was shocking. The last few seconds had my heart pumping when you see all of those soldiers waiting.
2010-05-21 16:32:00

Posts: 511

I am really interested in this game I'm not sure if I can cough up the $60 for it brand new though... but it's at the top of my list followed by MNR and 3D dot game heroes2010-05-21 16:54:00

Posts: 2278

Mine just arrived a few hours ago. Obviously not done much yet but I'm regretting it already. I just can't read the on-screen writing at all. I've never seen such bad text in my life. Even if I could it goes off far too quick to read anyway. I can't find any option to alter it either. Even the journal is really difficult to read. When I was doing the horse race with Bonnie there was tons of text coming up that was impossible to read and went off in a couple of seconds. How the hell are you supposed to read that while racing anyway, even if it was legible?

Before you ask I haven't got an HD TV and no chance of ever having one unless I win the lottery. It shouldn't matter what TV you have anyway, the text should be much more clear to start with.
2010-05-21 18:23:00

Posts: 2210

Mine just arrived a few hours ago. Obviously not done much yet but I'm regretting it already. I just can't read the on-screen writing at all. I've never seen such bad text in my life. Even if I could it goes off far too quick to read anyway. I can't find any option to alter it either. Even the journal is really difficult to read. When I was doing the horse race with Bonnie there was tons of text coming up that was impossible to read and went off in a couple of seconds. How the hell are you supposed to read that while racing anyway, even if it was legible?

Before you ask I haven't got an HD TV and no chance of ever having one unless I win the lottery. It shouldn't matter what TV you have anyway, the text should be much more clear to start with.

Are you sure you don't need glasses? Perhaps your eye sight is starting to deteriorate as you get older, or you've been pressing your eyes to see stars, or you choked the chicken once too often...or something?
2010-05-21 18:38:00

Posts: 2130

Are you sure you don't need glasses? Perhaps your eye sight is starting to deteriorate as you get older?

Well obviously they aren't as good as when I was younger but they aren't bad. mrsv stood right up to the TV screen and she could hardly read it either. I can't believe anyone finds that easy to read. If you do then I must have a duff copy.
2010-05-21 22:00:00

Posts: 2210

does antbody got a pose i need to join one 2010-05-21 22:13:00

Unknown User

I also am having a bit of trouble with the subtitles, I wish they didn't use that font2010-05-21 22:22:00

Posts: 1361


Yeah, it' fun. I also got that Red Dead Trophy... for doing absolutely nothing. Go me!

... yeah. /runs
2010-05-21 22:22:00

Posts: 10882

Would anyone be interested in starting a gang anytime soon?

My trigger finger's itchin' for more...
2010-05-22 00:27:00

Posts: 5757

I love this game.

We had a group of 8 of us in free roam online (X360). We spent about 3 hours wandering around hunting, then had a massive shootout with random law guys.

We did some mission with a mine cart, and after it, we found a stage coach. I died right at the end, so they all got in it, and i was sprinting to get there before they left. Of course, there was no room in the back, and the guy driving it wanted to leave. So i did the honorable thing, and grabbed him, throwing him to the floor, stealing the stage coach in the process. That would have been mildly amusing with randoms, but as we all knew each other it turned into a hilarious chase through the mountains, 7 of us in a stage coach and him on horseback. It ended after about 20 minutes when he shot one of the horses, i looked back and accidently rode us off a cliff.

Epic times.
2010-05-22 01:25:00

Unknown User

I wouldn't mind starting a posse. For the Ps3. Yes. Me and Outlaw foshoo. :kz:2010-05-22 01:48:00

Posts: 10882

i may be getting it soon heard its great2010-05-22 01:57:00

Posts: 1924

I wouldn't mind starting a posse. For the Ps3. Yes. Me and Outlaw foshoo. :kz:

I join
2010-05-22 02:25:00

Unknown User

I'm willing to free roam and do some hunts and other insanity online, just send a friend request. MH4wheel.2010-05-22 02:57:00

Posts: 511

Might join once I buy this one. But hey, is the Ps3 version as watered down as people say? Rockstar doesn't seem too good with multi-platform games. Same thing was with GTA IV but that was a sucky game anyway. So, anyone wanna give their oppinion of this game?2010-05-22 10:42:00

Posts: 234

Today, I followed a woman 'round back the bar at Armadillo, lasso'd her, and decided to carry her to my room. Just then I hear screaming out front. I quickly dispatch a man who is threatening a kind lady with a knife, then go back to carrying my own back to my room.

I'm so devious.

also got ambushed by someone wanting help by the side of the road. I think I would've been okay but I crashed my horse into the broken wagon and got shot to hell while standing up and brushing myself off.
2010-05-22 18:18:00

Posts: 1361

I want to join a posse. Me and two of my friends have already started one. We made some little kids get mad on free roam. We went over to Bearclaw and they told us to leave, so we shot them...several times.2010-05-22 19:16:00

Posts: 1090

I wouldn't mind starting a posse. For the Ps3. Yes. Me and Outlaw foshoo. :kz:

I'm in too! just add me
2010-05-22 19:19:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

Oh this games seems epic!

I'm totally buying this, perhaps!
2010-05-22 19:21:00

Posts: 3871

Hmm... just had a look at the GT comparison and while I can see the difference between the two versions I don't think the difference is a big as I first though. It's a still a little annoying but I don't think I would notice all that much unless they were side by side. Will be picking this up as soon as possible... might be a while though.2010-05-22 20:40:00

Posts: 1018

Dahh... I stayed up until 4:40 in the morning playing RDR online... so EPIC.

I find it funny how you start off with a mule (which always scurries off if you don't mount it soon enough), and that you start off with a lame pistol (which is horrible in terms of killing power... trying to shoot off a pack of wolves isn't a smart idea when riding your a**). BUT, as soon as I got my hands on a repeater, boy, was I HOOKED. I'm talkin' about single-man raids on hideouts, killing whole teams with only two people, and shooting random things that get in my way (including the sheriff ). Some of the kills I made (and was in) were honestly regal and hilarious (shooting someone's horse and watching the rider fly off a cliff side is SO worth it).

Then I got my hands on the Mauser Pistol. Now I know it's more of a Nazi-style sort of thing, but gunning down 7 guys with one clip (all at once) makes this easily one of my favorite guns. Not only does it deliver the firepower, but it's frequency and reload times is top-dollar (15 rounds in 3 seconds and a reload time of 1.5 seconds can mean the difference between pumping in lead or getting stuffed with it). Also, the Winchester and Evans repeaters are also really good when it comes to nailing guys at a distance and hitting them hard. I mean, sure, the Bolt-Action Rifle has high power, but it's frequency is just too slow for my tastes. Speed and power are what it takes to survive out in areas like Fort Mercer or Pike's Basin (with other posses trying to steal your kills in the process).

Finally, there's the sniper rifles (Yes, there's more than one!). It's range is superior when it comes to nailing foes from a ways, and it's power guarantees one-shot kills (whether in the head or in the chest). And when you pair that with good sniping areas (like in Tall Trees or Gaptooth Gulch), it's a force to reckon with. Plus... it's good to have one when fending off 4-man posses all by yourself (that's happened to me... 3-4 times, last night). Helps to have a good eye too; ammo for these guns are scarce and rare.

Oh, and that "posse" I proposed... as soon as I get online, I'll send out friend requests to anyone interested so we can get it started ASAP.
2010-05-23 00:37:00

Posts: 5757

SO, this is massively multiplayer? so you can fight other gangs in real life without going to a lobby or anything? if so, it sounds SICK!2010-05-23 00:46:00

Posts: 1990

SO, this is massively multiplayer? so you can fight other gangs in real life without going to a lobby or anything? if so, it sounds SICK!

Oh yeah, you definitely can. Hence why I'm startin' one... :kz:
2010-05-23 00:53:00

Posts: 5757

This game sounds so awesome... why the hell didn't I buy it!!! Ugh...

EDIT: Right if GAME is open 2moro, definitely buying it.
2010-05-23 01:04:00

Posts: 1018

OMG!! Why didnt i see this game earlier, sadly, my parents probobly wont let me have it, as it is rated M for a good reason!2010-05-23 01:13:00

Posts: 1990

OMG!! Why didnt i see this game earlier, sadly, my parents probobly wont let me have it, as it is rated M for a good reason!

Actually, I'd agree with this. There's a mission in the game where you go inside a barn and there's a naked man hanging dead inside. So, out of perverted curiosity, I go around to the other side of him to see his genitalia. Surely you can understand my curiosity, this being a video game and showing genitalia in a video game being so controversial these days. Instead of a penis, however, there was a bloody hole. Rockstar has found a way to make censorship make something even more brutal and disturbing. It totally exposes America's double standards on violence and sex. You're not allowed to show a penis, but you are allowed to show a horrific gap where it should be. And all this because some Catholics in the 1500s said they are bad.
2010-05-23 04:44:00

Posts: 3664

Actually, I'd agree with this. There's a mission in the game where you go inside a barn and there's a naked man hanging dead inside. So, out of perverted curiosity, I go around to the other side of him to see his genitalia. Surely you can understand my curiosity, this being a video game and showing genitalia in a video game being so controversial these days. Instead of a penis, however, there was a bloody hole. Rockstar has found a way to make censorship make something even more brutal and disturbing. It totally exposes America's double standards on violence and sex. You're not allowed to show a penis, but you are allowed to show a horrific gap where it should be. And all this because some Catholics in the 1500s said they are bad.

Just did that mission. Was kinda disturbing really....
2010-05-23 10:01:00

Unknown User

Just did that mission. Was kinda disturbing really....

You find thath disturbing?
who are you and what did you do with Alex?

Hunting FTW
2010-05-23 11:07:00

Unknown User

You find thath disturbing?
who are you and what did you do with Alex?

Hunting FTW

Fair point, you got me.

I lied, i loved it really.
2010-05-23 11:30:00

Unknown User

This game is epic.

I just got killed by 3 boars XD how awesome
2010-05-23 13:06:00

Posts: 570

Ack, this game looks great though really, ive had dead space, and im pretty sure that a little more gory right? But i do have to remember that it also has sexual stuff like in GTA right?2010-05-23 13:23:00

Posts: 1990

Just got it, starting now .2010-05-23 13:29:00

Posts: 1018

Well, there are prostitutes hanging around, sure..

But the only experience i have had with one was tying her up. Then dragging her behind my horse. Then throwing her off a cliff.

She called me small :'(
2010-05-23 13:29:00

Unknown User

Oh yeah, you definitely can. Hence why I'm startin' one... :kz:

Make sure the Posse name you choose isn't on the Registered List (http://reddead.wikia.com/wiki/Categoryosses)

As for me, I think I'm going out there as a Lone Outlaw.
But I may join some Gangs once in awhile...
2010-05-23 13:44:00

Posts: 918

I don't get it. Some random stranger flags me down asking for a ride into town, but when I stop to help he pulls me off my horse and then tries to ride away on it. I pull him off again and get back on my horse, but then the guy starts shooting at me, so I shoot him back. Then the game tells me I've done bad, that the town's people won't approve of my actions and I get points taken away from my honour level.

WTF? I mean, what was the morally right choice there? To passively sit by while another man steals my horse? To let him fill my butt with lead and not return fire? If that's how it works then I might just say screw the idea of redemption and shoot all these stupid town's people to hell! Yee-haw!

So any GMT players out there wanna start a hell raisin' posse with ol' Ungreth here?
2010-05-23 13:52:00

Posts: 2130

Would love to... if you buy it on 360 2010-05-23 14:54:00

Unknown User

So far my experiences online have been pretty ******. Public servers are terrible. I got on for the first time and I kept getting killed within seconds of my respawn, hollowed by horrendously high-pitched giggles. I switched my character to a girl and I stopped getting shot. Haha, 12-year-olds...2010-05-23 15:05:00

Posts: 1361

Excellent game. Haven't played MP yet, but single player is awesome!2010-05-23 16:10:00

Posts: 1018

i know a good way to get money
Hunt wolves they are mutch in packs of 6 and you get 12 from a Hide and 12 from the meat
2010-05-23 17:05:00

Unknown User

I don't get it. Some random stranger flags me down asking for a ride into town, but when I stop to help he pulls me off my horse and then tries to ride away on it. I pull him off again and get back on my horse, but then the guy starts shooting at me, so I shoot him back. Then the game tells me I've done bad, that the town's people won't approve of my actions and I get points taken away from my honour level.

WTF? I mean, what was the morally right choice there? To passively sit by while another man steals my horse? To let him fill my butt with lead and not return fire? If that's how it works then I might just say screw the idea of redemption and shoot all these stupid town's people to hell! Yee-haw!

So any GMT players out there wanna start a hell raisin' posse with ol' Ungreth here?

Killing anyone is Generally considered a bad Dead (Except for Banidts & such..)
Should of just Lassoed him & Dragged him to the Sherrif
2010-05-23 20:31:00

Posts: 918

If you tie up a lady, don't just take her to your room do this; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eAhmu6I2UE

Also, I've discovered how I can unlock my Buffalo mount in multiplayer! I've gotta get to level 50, do a thing like prestiging in MW2, called 'Legend Mode' go back to level 50, and I get a buffalo, go into Legend Mode again, then level 50, and I get an ALBINO BUFFALO, then again; a Super Bull, then again; a Zebra Donkey

Anyways, what level are you guys in MP? I'm 27 gonna play some competitive as I was really only going challenges and gang hideouts.
2010-05-23 20:34:00

Posts: 2358

So far my experiences online have been pretty ******. Public servers are terrible. I got on for the first time and I kept getting killed within seconds of my respawn, hollowed by horrendously high-pitched giggles. I switched my character to a girl and I stopped getting shot. Haha, 12-year-olds...

LOL yeah that's hilarious, it was like that on GTAIV too.
go in a match as a male character, get shot at and leave that game. rejoin it as a female character and people will start honking with their car for you to get it.

bloody hilarious.
2010-05-23 21:57:00

Posts: 2824

Hmm i renting Splinter Cell next but after Splinter cell i am definatly getting this game!!2010-05-23 23:18:00

Posts: 6419


I laughed so hard I cried.
2010-05-24 00:35:00

Posts: 2824

Me too. Can't wait to hunt these creatures.2010-05-24 02:47:00

Posts: 2391

Oh god. That made my day. xD2010-05-24 04:31:00

Posts: 5757

This game looks great.

Is there a demo?

Are the bugs really as bad as critics complain?

Actually, flying deer, donkey-woman, and cougar-man are positive glitches to me (), but are there any common game-breaking glitches?
2010-05-24 05:04:00

Posts: 3251

This game looks great.

Is there a demo?

Are the bugs really as bad as critics complain?

Actually, flying deer, donkey-woman, and cougar-man are positive glitches to me (), but are there any common game-breaking glitches?

The only bad glitch I've encountered was randomly flying 100 feet up in the air, landing and dying. This has just happened once though
2010-05-24 05:20:00

Posts: 1361

Only glitch I find is that other players disappear after a set distance.

Other than that... nothing to really complain about.
2010-05-24 05:32:00

Posts: 5757

Only glitch I find is that other players disappear after a set distance.

Other than that... nothing to really complain about.
I dunno if that's a glitch as much as it is part of the graphics system. They have to have some amount of pop-in if you want the game to run smoothly on such a massive scale.
2010-05-24 05:41:00

Posts: 1361

When I started the race against Miss Farlane there was a haystack floating mid air right when I started. That's the first bug I encountered so far. My first experience with the game was aiming at a citizen in town and that frightened everyone around me. Very awesome. My first kill shortly after recovering from the gunshot wound at the beginning was killing a chicken at the farm. I kicked it several times until it died. Roar. Xbox version looks great and since I have little problems mastering the controls I'll stick with it. Awesome game.2010-05-24 15:17:00

Posts: 2391

My beyond rich extremly super rich friend said he might buy this for me so we can play together :O2010-05-24 20:50:00

Posts: 6419

Epic- One word explanation of this game. Who knew rounding up cattle could be so fun! ( Hope I wasn't the only one that let dozens of cattle fall off a cliff for funzies )2010-05-24 21:30:00

Posts: 1758

After playing a few rounds of multiplayer I think it was TERRIBLE at least with auto aim. You respawn on top of each other and it takes two seconds for you to die. Autoaim in MP is absolutely horrible. I never want to play it again. I'm playing free roam with a friend to get to rank 20 or 25 or so and I'll probably try again on the hardcore expert modes where everyone's forced to aim themselves. I entered a free roam server and this one player in the middle of Armadillo kept riding from A to B where I spawned and killed me several times over and over again. My god, it was the most terrible experience ever.

The rest of it is ace.
2010-05-24 21:45:00

Posts: 2391

After playing a few rounds of multiplayer I think it was TERRIBLE at least with auto aim. You respawn on top of each other and it takes two seconds for you to die. Autoaim in MP is absolutely horrible. I never want to play it again. I'm playing free roam with a friend to get to rank 20 or 25 or so and I'll probably try again on the hardcore expert modes where everyone's forced to aim themselves. I entered a free roam server and this one player in the middle of Armadillo kept riding from A to B where I spawned and killed me several times over and over again. My god, it was the most terrible experience ever.

The rest of it is ace.

at 20 you unock hardcore team matches
no auto aim
Same damage as what you do to NPC's at free mode
and Taking Cover Works better then run and Gunning
2010-05-24 21:53:00

Unknown User

After playing a few rounds of multiplayer I think it was TERRIBLE at least with auto aim. You respawn on top of each other and it takes two seconds for you to die. Autoaim in MP is absolutely horrible. I never want to play it again. I'm playing free roam with a friend to get to rank 20 or 25 or so and I'll probably try again on the hardcore expert modes where everyone's forced to aim themselves. I entered a free roam server and this one player in the middle of Armadillo kept riding from A to B where I spawned and killed me several times over and over again. My god, it was the most terrible experience ever.

The rest of it is ace.


Maybe it's because I tend to just form posses as soon as I get in a free roam game and then just do Gang Hideouts, which are indescribably fun, but I don't think the MP is that flawed. I liked going around and killing people in free roam, though sometimes it does get really unfair. I remember one game that a friend invited me to, he refused to just transport to me when we formed a posse and these other two, who had actual horses mind you, not my sickly green horse (which I've gotten past thank god) just kept riding up to where I spawned and kept killing me. Eventually I killed both of them, which made me feel awesome. I then continued to kill them a couple times until I escaped to the safety of Tall Trees, I guess they didn't feel like following me all the way over there. Then I killed a bear and left the game to join another game where me and my posse did a bunch of gang hideouts and all around raped. I love the way the MP is set up. Each time I play I feel torn between the X and Square buttons.

Seriously, I don't think you should rule out the MP just because of one bad experience.
2010-05-24 22:16:00

Posts: 3664

I played capture the bag and team deathmatch for about an hour and due to the auto aiming it was absolutely horrible. That's why I enjoy playing alone with just my real life buddy. Eventually I'll get into the multiplayer modes with expert aim. Coop is always fun, I'm specifically talking about TDM type games with autoaim. It wasn't even a tiny bit fun. Basically when you round a corner the person who press the aim trigger first gets the kill. Or at least pretty close. I get zero satisfaction out of it. Took me like 20 bullets to kill my first deer and it was a blast because I didn't use auto aim.2010-05-24 22:27:00

Posts: 2391

Is there a downloadable playstation demo though?2010-05-24 22:47:00

Posts: 3251

R* rarely do demos, especially not for GTA and RDR...

And i enjoy free roam, nothing like owning someone with auto aim when you have it off... It does tell them you have it off... 'x player expertly killed you' = auto aim off...

Hardcore will be better though.
2010-05-24 22:51:00

Unknown User

when some one got a bounty on there head then i always go snipe them for the 200exp points2010-05-25 06:16:00

Unknown User

25+ hours into the single player and I feel more then comfortable saying this deserves GOTY (LBP2 will be the best game ever created so I don't think it should even be considered for GOTY lol). This has made it onto my all time top 10 list and trust me, that is saying a lot. I will try to post some more thoughts during my lunch break 2010-05-25 10:16:00

Posts: 1536

GOTY? It's an amazing game and surely will be in the top five of the year, but I'm not sure if it takes the crown over Super Mario Galaxy 2..2010-05-25 11:42:00

Posts: 1361

GOTY? It's an amazing game and surely will be in the top five of the year, but I'm not sure if it takes the crown over Super Mario Galaxy 2..

Galaxy 2. The 2 says it all. It's one of the least hyped Nintendo games in recent memory. I don't really care about that game tbh. I still haven't beaten Galaxy.

Anyway, yes. It's definitely GOTY material. So far, this is my big GOTY contender. That said, I haven't really gotten many games this year. I still need to get GOW3, I want to get 3D Dot Game Heroes some time, and of course, LBP2 hasn't come out yet.

However, my interest in this game has declined greatly. Maybe I'm just not in the mood. I just beat the Thieves Guild in Oblivion, how could I care about this game? I also still have to beat AC2, which I think is awesome.
2010-05-26 01:16:00

Posts: 3664

Just sending mine back for a refund. Can't get on with it at all.

Can't read the text on screen or decipher what controls it's telling me to use which is useless.
Keep dying every few minutes and having to start again.
Can't find out how to auto-aim for the life of me, there's nothing in the manual about it at all. I've tried all the settings,casual,normal,expert and they all seem exactly the same.
Couldn't get that medicine seller guy back to town at all,he died before I got anywhere near every time.
After setting up camp and then waking up I got on my horse, walked 5 yards and got attacked by a bunch of wolves which I couldn't shoot because they were right round the horses legs so I got off and tried to use my knife and ended up skinning my horse instead and then getting mauled to death.
Restarted and quickly galloped off in the opposite direction, actually shot a small dot in the distance and when I found it it was a skunk which I skinned. Rode half way across the map to a lake with a cabin. I went in and there was a bed but it wouldn't let me use it so I walked outside and up to the edge of the lake. Yeah I fell in and drowned instantly. How ridiculous is that. Surely he could have scrambled out even if he couldn't swim. Anyway once again all progress lost and back to the start yet again.

I've now given up and it's going back. I really wanted to like this game because I love westerns but I ended up hating it.
2010-05-26 01:20:00

Posts: 2210

Galaxy 2. The 2 says it all. It's one of the least hyped Nintendo games in recent memory. I don't really care about that game tbh. I still haven't beaten Galaxy.

Anyway, yes. It's definitely GOTY material. So far, this is my big GOTY contender. That said, I haven't really gotten many games this year. I still need to get GOW3, I want to get 3D Dot Game Heroes some time, and of course, LBP2 hasn't come out yet.

However, my interest in this game has declined greatly. Maybe I'm just not in the mood. I just beat the Thieves Guild in Oblivion, how could I care about this game? I also still have to beat AC2, which I think is awesome.

The 2 says what? Red Dead is GTA V after all

2010-05-26 03:29:00

Posts: 1361

F1 2010 will be my personal game of the year, everyone knows that CoD will be GotY because it's CoD, regardless of how **** it is. This should be GotY2010-05-26 11:21:00

Unknown User

GOTY? It's an amazing game and surely will be in the top five of the year, but I'm not sure if it takes the crown over Super Mario Galaxy 2..

First off, I do not have a Wii so I can't compare it to SMG2 (which I would love to play). Marriage and fatherhood leave me only enough time for one console and my PS3 keeps me more then busy. Second, this is simply MY OPINION, nothing more, nothing less. I am comparing my overall experience with RDR to the following games I have bough this year (and also putting into consideration the hundreds of games I have played in my 20+ years of gaming): Bayonetta, Darksiders, Bioshock 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, FFXIII, God of War 3, Yakuza 3 (my previous vote for GOTY), Blazblue, Super Street Fighter 4, Nier and MNR. Some more thoughts on RDR:

The setting - Although the wild west isn't a radically original setting it can't be said to be a popular one either. This is the first time I have played a game in this time period and the world R* has created is truly special. It all feels authentic and unlike anything I have played before. It really is a breath of fresh air with something new waiting around every corner. The world is teeming with wildlife, the landscape is breathtaking, the transition from day to night and back again really feels magical. I honestly don't think I have seen the same sky twice! One day it's a tangerine dream with wisps of white cloud, the next it's clear blue. I have seen shades of purple struck with gold, cotton candy pinks, star studded deep blues and everything in between. Riding across the desert on your trusty steed and literally watching the sun come up is one of those gaming moments you will not soon forget. Sometimes after a storm the sun will cut through the clouds in such a way that I have had to put down my controller and just stare at the screen in awe. You really get to care about this world and the people in it and you often feel like you are there. When I asked a PSN friend of mine how he was enjoying it he summed up my thoughts very succinctly: "I want to buy a horse now..." In short, the level of immersion is unparalleled. Very few games have made me forget I was playing a videogame but RDR has done that on multiple occasions.

Story/Characters - Great cutscenes, well written (and often hilarious) conversations and original characters are R* hallmarks. With RDR I feel they have truly outdone themselves. John Marston is one of the most believable, likable and engaging characters I have seen in a loooong time. R* could not have picked a better voice actor, everything just clicks. You truly care about this character and sympathize with everything he must do throughout the course of the epic story. But John is just one of many stand out performances. Some of these characters...man, it's like playing/watching a "Best of Tarantino" special, they really have that unique quality that Tarantino gives his characters and the dialog is NEVER boring. This is quite possibly the best overall voice acting I have heard in a videogame. The story works, John's motivations make sense and I eagerly anticipate every cutscene to see what is going to happen next.

Music - The music in RDR is simply sublime, there just isn't any other word for it. Whether it's haunting piano notes or a Spanish guitar the music really makes RDR what it is and adds that extra layer of authenticity to make the world truly feel alive. The first time you enter Mexico this track starts to play and it's...profound. It ranks as one of the greatest moments I have ever had in a videogame and it proves why videogames - when at their best - can truly be considered art. I really can't praise the music enough, it is sheer perfection.

Animation/Dead-Eye - I am absolutely in love with the new Euphoria animation engine R* created for this game. This engine was created from the ground up and it all but guarantees that you will not see the same death animation twice. Enemies bodies react based on precisely where you shoot them and it what context. For example, shoot an enemy in the leg who is standing still versus shooting an enemy in the leg who is running will be very very different (also depends on whether the enemy is running toward you or away from you). Shoot that leg with a shotgun versus a pistol and again you have something different. The variations are endless but where it really gets special is when you combine it with your Ded-Eye ability. Now, slowing down/stopping time has been done to death in videogames but never has it felt so satisfying. When your Dead-Eye reaches level three you can manually mark your target(s) for some truly brutal gun-play. Example 1: I flank an enemy hiding in a barn and enter DE while behind him. With my semi-auto shotgun I mark him 5 times, from leg to head in a nice little line. 5 shells unload in quick succession, red mist fills the air, a large splatter of blood paints the wall, his body twitches/contorts/reacts to every shot. This is violence at it's most glorious! Example 2: I am on the second floor of the saloon and begin killing people, soon the law comes looking for me. A lawman runs up the stairwell and I enter DE. With my pistol I mark his left shoulder and then his head. The first shot spins him around, the second slams his head into the wall, cherry pie to decorate the saloon. After 25 hours I am STILL finding unique and creative ways to kill things and trust me, it never gets old!

Treasure/Hunting/Questing - One of my favorite aspects of RDR is the treasure hunting. You have this hand drawn map/clue on yellow parchment paper which I imagine is exactly as it was back then. With that you set off into the wide world searching for the treasure. Find the treasure and a new map is made available. Some of these are tough (I have been stuck on one for a while now) but finally finding the treasure gives you a sense of accomplishment that I have rarely felt in videogames. It really is satisfying to keep looking at that little map and trying to figure out where in this massive world the treasure could be and then finding it.

Hunting is another fun diversion. With over 40 species of animal there is a lot to take in. The skinning animation looks cool and you can sell the meat/hide for money so it all actually serves a purpose. Some quests will actaully require you to bring X amount of skins/meat ect to a particular person and it's a journey unto itself seraching the vast landscape for these various animals. The sound design must also be commended here. You will often hear a coyote before you see it and the rattle of a rattlesnake will give you fair warning that your standing a bit too close for comfort!

I was astonished last night when after 25 hours I came upon a random event that I had not encontered up until that point. Throughout the course of the game you will see blue dots appear on your map which are random world events (and they truly are random). It is then your choice to get involved or not. This can be anything from giving someone a ride into town to going head-to-head in a bird shooting competition with some hunter. There are a ton of different quests and I always do one when I find one (or usually when it finds ME lol). So last night I met two guys beside a wagon rigged with TNT, this was the first event of it's kind. I jumped off my horse and noticed a little treasure box which I decided to open. The two men thought I was stealing from them and things got ugly. Needless to say, I will never know exactly what they wanted me to do with that wagon (unless I encounter a similar random event). This sort of variety really makes RDR shine and could keep you occupied for hours.

There is a lot more I can write (I haven't even touched upon the minigames, poker is fantastic!) but I think I have written enough. It has been over a year since I have written such a long post on these boards so that should speak volumes about how strongly I feel about the game lol. I realize the year is not over and there will be a handful of great games this holiday season but I largely know what to expect and do not anticipate any surprises. Those that think RDR is just GTA in the Wild West are REALLY fooling themselves. I have owned and enjoyed every GTA game but none nearly as much as this, I hope R* focuses on RDR as a new franchise. So once again, my pick for GOTY. Three parting words: BUY. THE. GAME!


lol, I did not even comment on multiplayer I will save that for a later post.
2010-05-26 13:01:00

Posts: 1536

Good post, full of truths. I don't think it was but I hope that all wasn't in an effort to argue with me, seeing as I agree with you.2010-05-26 21:47:00

Posts: 1361

Just sending mine back for a refund. Can't get on with it at all.

Can't read the text on screen or decipher what controls it's telling me to use which is useless.
Keep dying every few minutes and having to start again.
Can't find out how to auto-aim for the life of me, there's nothing in the manual about it at all. I've tried all the settings,casual,normal,expert and they all seem exactly the same.
Couldn't get that medicine seller guy back to town at all,he died before I got anywhere near every time.
After setting up camp and then waking up I got on my horse, walked 5 yards and got attacked by a bunch of wolves which I couldn't shoot because they were right round the horses legs so I got off and tried to use my knife and ended up skinning my horse instead and then getting mauled to death.
Restarted and quickly galloped off in the opposite direction, actually shot a small dot in the distance and when I found it it was a skunk which I skinned. Rode half way across the map to a lake with a cabin. I went in and there was a bed but it wouldn't let me use it so I walked outside and up to the edge of the lake. Yeah I fell in and drowned instantly. How ridiculous is that. Surely he could have scrambled out even if he couldn't swim. Anyway once again all progress lost and back to the start yet again.

I've now given up and it's going back. I really wanted to like this game because I love westerns but I ended up hating it.

1. Auto-aim is automatically on.
2. If stuck in a tight situation with wolves, whip out dead-eye.
3. Practise a bit.
4. With west dickens, stick to the road and it's super easy.
5. Give games a chance.
6. So far my rating is 9.7 out of ten. near perfect.
7. lolz
2010-05-26 22:18:00

Posts: 1758

Good post, full of truths. I don't think it was but I hope that all wasn't in an effort to argue with me, seeing as I agree with you.

lol, I stated in my first post that I would leave some thoughts on the game (before you made your post in response) so no, I am not arguing (did it seem that way? lol). I am expressing why it is my pick for GOTY and I am happy you appreciate what I wrote
2010-05-26 22:35:00

Posts: 1536

lose myself gaming with this, with my school year drawing to an end and nights getting longer i find myself playing longer. This weekend i found myself looking at the clock and seeing 4:47 A.M. CRAP! this game is awesome, never do i actually fully finish what i start out trying to do when i turn the game on, theres just TOO much to do, it's crazy and has finally once again addicted me to a video game, last game to successfully do that TESIV: Oblivion, and that was years ago.2010-05-26 22:45:00

Posts: 1246

1. Auto-aim is automatically on.
4. With west dickens, stick to the road and it's super easy.

It can't be because every time I tried the dickens mission and the outlaws started shooting him, whenever I got my gun out it was facing forwards and took me ages to swing it around to look behind by which time they'd shot the crap out of him. I did stick to the road too. I tried taking a short cut once but he died in seconds. The other 4 or 5 times I stuck to the road but never even saw the finish at all. Either he died or the horses just stopped running.

Well it's academic now anyway because it's gone.
2010-05-27 00:41:00

Posts: 2210

Ah, well, auto aim is definitely already on. If you had the game still, you could notice that if you look at a target before popping out of cover, your reticle will automatically be aimed toward said target.

And wait, is this the first West Dickens mission? Yeah if you're having difficulty with that it's probably just not your style of game. No offense.
2010-05-27 01:31:00

Posts: 1361

I've just completed the "knife two cougars" challenge and I can offer a few words of advice if anyone needs it.

Cougars can be commonly found in the grasslands North of Hennigan's Stead where you can see a picture of a boar on the map, and in Rio Bravo around the area where the words Rio Bravo are actually written on the map. Hennigan's Stead is probably your best bet to complete the challenge though, since the Rio Bravo cougars tend to hunt in packs of 3 or 4, while the Hennigan's Stead cougars usually hunt alone.

First advice...get off your horse. Cougars will kill a horse in the blink of an eye, but if you keep a distance from it then they won't attack it.

Second, to kill a cougar you should let it run at you and then roll sideways as it leaps. Don't worry if you're too slow and it still claws you though, because John can normally take two consecutive hits from a cougar before he dies. Now turn to face it and crouch down. For some reason this seems to fool the cougar. It will most likely ignore you now and begin to walk away, allowing you to creep forward and stalk it from behind where you can take it down with a couple of knife slashes once you get close enough.

Once you've skinned your two cougars to complete the challenge, get the hell outta there and save before another one creeps up on you and takes you by surprise, because these things are fast, deadly and come out of nowhere.

Anyway, I hope that somebody finds my advice useful to complete this frustrating challenge
2010-05-28 22:52:00

Posts: 2130

You think the Cougars are tough, wait till you have to knife fight a Bear.

Now then...the Bears. When you see one Bear it's usually a setup (It sounds weird I know). The Bear cavalry is actually a real thing in RDR...many times after or during the killing of one Bear sometimes 1-3 more will come out and face you. Bears will strike once and will sometimes combo with a second strike (or Coup de grace) if you fly back far enough for there attack animation to end while your still on the ground.

The best thing about this challenge is that as long as the kill strike is with a knife you're good. So I advise you to put that Semi-auto shotgun to great use. Two shots just past the ribs or in his rear will weaken it for your knife (Usually four to six strikes).

How you strike with the knife, I'll let you figure out.
2010-05-29 01:44:00

Posts: 511

youknow what we should all join togetther as a pose and hunt and make fun 2010-05-29 23:16:00

Unknown User

Where can I find a bear? Also I'm wondering what animals I'm missing. These are what I've heard of:
misc birds
2010-05-30 10:21:00

Posts: 1758

Rabbit. 2010-05-30 10:33:00

Posts: 3701

I've moved onto hardcore modes online and it's a hundred times more fun than those stupid auto-aim modes. I just wish free-roam would have it's own hardcore lobbies too.2010-05-30 10:52:00

Posts: 2391

Where can I find a bear? Also I'm wondering what animals I'm missing. These are what I've heard of:
misc birds

Bears are at the snowy areas at the north west of the area where black water is
2010-05-30 12:59:00

Unknown User

Where can I find a bear? Also I'm wondering what animals I'm missing. These are what I've heard of:
misc birds

Check Tall Trees. Dunno if it's different from single but I got mauled by bears there in multiplayer.
2010-05-30 16:05:00

Posts: 1361

@killzonequinn07: Yeah, check around Tall Trees. If you head into Bearclaw Camp, you're bound to find some.

Oh, and you're missing the donkey, pig, goat, fox, elk, domesticated dog, boar and human (<-- if you hunt those, that is...)
2010-05-30 20:50:00

Posts: 5757

and the rattlesnake.2010-05-30 22:46:00

Posts: 2824

But cougars... I searched all places where you say they are: Hennigans stead, rio bravo and rathskeller fork.2010-05-30 22:52:00

Posts: 1758

They mostly find you, just trot your horse along the wild (As in not on roads and horse trails) You'll either hear it roar or your horse will mysteriously die within 5 minutes of leaving the road.

Oh, if that doesn't turn 'em up lay some bait on the ground and move away from it. Either coyotes, boars, wolves, deer, or a Cougar will show up. You can buy bait from gunsmiths and some general stores.
2010-05-30 23:18:00

Posts: 511

For those wanting to know what to hunt and where to find them;

•Armadillo: You can find these in the Frontier and in Mexico.
•Bears: You can find these in the Tall Trees area in the North.
•Beavers: These are in the Tall Trees area in the North.
•Bighorn: You can find this in the mountains in the Frontier and Mexico, and in abundance in the Tall Trees area of the North.
•Boars: You can find these in Pike's Basin and the Tall Trees area.
•Bobcats: You can find these in Mexico and the Tall Trees area.
•Buffalo: As you first enter the Great Plains from Thieves' Landing.
•Cougars: In the mountains and hills on the Frontier and Mexico.
•Coyote: On the Frontier and Mexico, listen for their whiny howls.
•Crows: All three areas, listen for their caws.
•Deer: All three areas
•Ducks: On the Great Plains near the edges where the water meets the land.
•Eagles: Tall Trees and Nikoti Rock areas of the North.
•Elk: Tall Trees area.
•Foxes: Near Riley's Charge on the Frontier and in the Tall Trees area in the North.
•Hawks: The Frontier and Mexico.
•Wild Horses: Any horse roaming any map that does not have a saddle on its back.
•Owls: All three maps, only at night.
•Rabbits: All three maps.
•Raccoons: All three maps.
•Seagulls: Blackwater near the water.
•Skunks: Around MacFarlane Ranch on the Frontier.
•Snakes: All three maps, listen for snake hissing or rattling while you are riding then check around on the ground.
•Songbirds: Near the twons on all three maps.
•Vultures: All three maps, usually near death.
•Wolves: All three maps, but in abundance in Mexico and the Tall Trees area.

I also HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend this guide if you are going for the tropies: http://www.ps3trophies.com/forums/trophy-guides/27546-red-dead-redemption-trophy-guide.html
2010-05-31 00:17:00

Posts: 2358

I knew I heard ducks and gulls around, I was just too busy to look for them.2010-05-31 04:26:00

Posts: 511

Are bobcats vicious?2010-05-31 12:16:00

Posts: 1758

The new trophies for the upcoming, FREE DLC co-op missions are up! Simply check your RDR trophies and you will see them at the bottom of the list 2010-05-31 16:22:00

Posts: 1536

Are bobcats vicious?

They usually remain docile around me, but I (and a few NPCs) have been attacked by them before. It might be because I'm usually on my horse that they don't bother me. Or maybe it was just starving so it threw caution out the window.
2010-05-31 21:02:00

Posts: 511

They usually remain docile around me, but I (and a few NPCs) have been attacked by them before. It might be because I'm usually on my horse that they don't bother me. Or maybe it was just starving so it threw caution out the window.

I've never had a problem with bobcats. Sure, they're a pain to shoot, but they've never bothered me.

In most cases, I accidentally run them over (along with coyotes, foxes, armadillos, rabbits, dogs, people and the occasional cougar... how I managed to run over THAT is beyond me).
2010-06-01 00:42:00

Posts: 5757

I've come across a lone rather weakened coyote before. It looked half dead when it saw me and it suddenly attacked. That's only happened once though, I chalked it up as a coyote mad with hunger so it attacked when usually a whole pack wouldn't even bother me if I sat next to 'em. Same with a fox once too, it suddenly came from behind and latched on my arm. Once I shook it off it started to back up while yipping at me. Might be a random thing R* added to add more immersion. I could've sworn in one of the old previews there was something mentioned about animals that might attack out of hunger (might have been one of the Houser interviews).2010-06-01 08:39:00

Posts: 511

For anyone who've FULLY beaten the story mode...

How did you finish off Edgar? For me, I took my Mauser and shot all 15 bullets into his groin, shouting; "FOR DAAAAAAAD!!"

After that when I tried to loot the body that fell in the river I just died, because of the SMALLEST possible change in the depth of the water. One step, I'm alive, second step, I'm dead.
2010-06-01 19:13:00

Posts: 2358

9 days to mah Birthday and I'll get this 2010-06-01 19:22:00

Posts: 3871

Le Mat Revolver, (Love that gun, pity it's little surprise wasn't added to the game) two rounds in the head. I searched 'his' body too, thankfully 'he' didn't roll into the river on me. Wish the epilogue wasn't just a stranger encounter though...makes it feel non-canon.(Odds are, part of that probably should have been in spoiler tags. What I bring up next though, definitely needs to be in spoiler tags.)

So...how about that Strange man from the "I know you" stranger mission? Satan, God, Death? Taking all bets! I liked how when John last talks to him he's standing in the spot John is later buried at. Anyone else see him behind the firing squad in John's final mission?
2010-06-01 19:47:00

Posts: 511

how do you hunt in multiplaye, if at all? All i can seem to do in free roam is find the animals, and gang hideouts! Other than that, there really isint ver much else to do!

P.S: what does the money you earn in multiplayer do? There doesnt seem to be a store in any town that i can use my money in 0.o
2010-06-01 21:16:00

Posts: 1990

@4wheel I think the strange man is God. Because when you talk to him you say "Dang you!" and he says: "Many have." Which could relate to people saying "God Dang it."

@grayspence At the end of gang hideouts, your money becomes a bonus towards XP. So really: Money = XP.
2010-06-02 00:17:00

Posts: 2358

It always give me this message when I try to go to Multiplayer:


Online Service is disabled on your Playstation Network account
due to parental control restrictions.

...what the? I can go online in other M-rated games. No one has ever edited any parental restrictions on my PS3.
2010-06-02 00:39:00

Posts: 3251

Maybe bad luck? ...

I rented RDR on saturday and I have to give it back tomorrow, but i'm playing all night!...so if you're interested, drop a friend request my way
Edit:If you do, please have a headset...
2010-06-02 00:44:00

Posts: 837

It always give me this message when I try to go to Multiplayer:


...what the? I can go online in other M-rated games. No one has ever edited any parental restrictions on my PS3.


Basically the only solution I found was to use a different account. Unless you have the time to waste calling Sony
2010-06-02 19:22:00

Posts: 4291

@grayspence At the end of gang hideouts, your money becomes a bonus towards XP. So really: Money = XP.

Oh... really? 'Cause the only money I've managed to earn was a bounty on my head.
2010-06-03 03:51:00

Posts: 5757

Running people over in a stagecoach is fun.2010-06-03 04:14:00

Posts: 3664

What's the highest campaign bounties any of you have gotten? I'm at about $3,500 :arg:

To outrun them, I jam the x button on my horse, then turn around while the stamina bar is reloading to shoot. If you need to outrun them quickly, just use horse pills to increase your horse's stamina.

Running people over in a stagecoach is fun.

Even better is running into other stagecoaches with your stagecoach. The game has really good programming for collisions. They'll tumble to their sides and any surface will smoothly interfere with them. The funnest thing is to push other stagecoaches off cliffs.
2010-06-03 04:24:00

Posts: 3251

The funnest thing is to push other stagecoaches off cliffs.

Or filling up a stagecoach with your friends and riding in a circle around the Solomon's Folly gang hideout. 1910 drive by FTW!

As for the highest bounty I got, I think it was $2,700.
2010-06-03 05:52:00

Posts: 511

I'm currently on 7400$ bounty, if I use my pardon letter now I'll get the trophy but I'm going for as high as possible :kz:2010-06-03 16:11:00

Posts: 2824

I'm currently on 7400$ bounty, if I use my pardon letter now I'll get the trophy but I'm going for as high as possible :kz:

When does it stop giving you bonuses? At around $2000, shops lower their prices in fear, and at around $3000, bystanders don't report any crimes less deadly than murder. Or... do those bonuses have to do with low honor?
2010-06-03 21:41:00

Posts: 3251

@Incinerator22 That's actually honor. It has nothing to do with bounty. 2010-06-03 23:27:00

Posts: 2358

Free DLC if you havent heard!!!

2010-06-04 00:02:00

Posts: 6419

@SNRM You're a bit late ;P2010-06-04 00:06:00

Posts: 2358

I thought details for it just got released today?2010-06-04 00:23:00

Posts: 6419

@Snrm, nope. They've been out since before the game was released 2010-06-04 00:56:00

Posts: 2358

Well the DLC is coming June 22nd did ya know that 2010-06-04 00:58:00

Posts: 6419

@Snrm No, lol.2010-06-04 01:18:00

Posts: 2358

Add me if you want to start a posse. Already got choggus, anyone else? Yuri Delpee has RDR too, so we are up to 3 if we are all online. 2010-06-04 01:44:00

Posts: 2914

I bet most of you already have the dark horse, but just in case you happen to be a good guy (Yeah right...) here is the dark horse.


I have another 2 RDR videos on my channel, but I don't know if the names are appropriate for this site.
2010-06-04 01:50:00

Posts: 2914

So... you shot innocent people so you could become Evil, so you could whistle for a horse that you just wanted to shoot in the head, then chop up and sell. Wow. You are a great person.

.......That made my day
2010-06-04 04:16:00

Posts: 3251

.......That made my day

Haha... Cog is a beast.
2010-06-04 10:10:00

Posts: 2914

Question: You know the horses you can "buy" from the general store?

If I buy one, will I never be able to whistle for my evil black horse again?
The three purchasable horses' speeds are slow, medium, and fast. How does that compare to the evil black horse?
Is it a one time only deal, meaning if the horse I bought dies, I'll have to buy a new one?
Is there any internet or game guide that has pictures of the colors of all the different purchasable horses?
2010-06-04 22:40:00

Posts: 3251


is that what you need?
2010-06-04 22:45:00

Posts: 2824

@Incinerator22 It's true though!2010-06-04 23:41:00

Posts: 2358

.......That made my day

I read that same thing it was hilarious!!!
2010-06-05 01:14:00

Posts: 6419

As I said before my Birthday is on wednesday, and I'll (Hopefully) gonna get RDR, so i wonder if anyone want to play with me online in a posse or something?:blush: lol2010-06-05 22:38:00

Posts: 3871

As I said before my Birthday is on wednesday, and I'll (Hopefully) gonna get RDR, so i wonder if anyone want to play with me online in a posse or something?:blush: lol
Of course i want to play with you!
2010-06-05 22:52:00

Posts: 172

Of course i want to play with you!

so I can add you on PSN?
2010-06-05 22:59:00

Posts: 3871

so I can add you on PSN?
Yessss!!! and it will be usefull for the world project
2010-06-05 23:01:00

Posts: 172


So I'm riding along a train track, when suddenly, I hear the blood-curdling cougar roar. I pressed R3 and saw that it was charging at me from behind. I turned around and started galloping and trying to shoot it, but then my horse fell off a cliff. I landed on a smaller sub-cliff. I survived, barely, but the horse didn't. I look over my head and the cougar pounces over both cliffs to his death. It was hilarious.
2010-06-05 23:01:00

Posts: 3251


So I'm riding along a train track, when suddenly, I hear the blood-curdling cougar roar. I pressed R3 and saw that it was charging at me from behind. I turned around and started galloping and trying to shoot it, but then my horse fell off a cliff. I landed on a smaller sub-cliff. I survived, barely, but the horse didn't. I look over my head and the cougar pounces over both cliffs to his death. It was hilarious.

lol, I would like to see that! http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46/kxWolf/LBPCentral%20Smilies/XDsacksmiley.png
I wish it was recorded, but I can almost imagine how it looked
2010-06-05 23:07:00

Posts: 3871

Its hilarious watching a mule plummet into pikes basin on it's own.2010-06-05 23:26:00

Posts: 1758

I have one more cougar story but it's not as epic and doesn't have a happy ending. Cougars are unfair! I was trotting my horse through a forest, and then a cougar killed my horse with no roar or warning whatsoever. I slowly got up. I couldn't pull out a gun or press select to use medicine because of the game's unfairness with falling over... Then, the cougar attacked me and I went rolling down a slightly sloped hill, that somehow limited my ability to get up, for about 30 seconds. When I was getting up, and I actually though I was gonna make it, the cougar clawed me.


I'm sure the rest of you have had similar experiences with unfair cougars.
2010-06-05 23:47:00

Posts: 3251

In this episode we discuss some of the reasons why we both agree that this is a game on top of our favorite all time games list. An immersive world like none other, Red Dead Redemption is a must own game for anyone wanting to play through an open world set in the west, complete with showdowns, hunting, horseback riding through the countryside and so much more. There's really too much to talk about in one 10 minute video but hopefully, if you haven't played this game, this video will help give some insight as to why you need to go get it now


Thanks to this guys now I feel like getting this game it looks cool
2010-06-06 00:01:00

Posts: 1843

@Incinerator: I've had some good entertaining hunting stories myself. During my attempt to knife 2 Cougars I'd lay bait on the roads of Rio Bravo, after my fourth bait turning up yet another group of wolves I finally get 2 Cougars back to back and knife the life out of them. Now as I'm leaving I see a man riding his horse down the trail and something moves from the bushes. I take out my Winchester, get off the road, and slowly walk around the bushes. I spot a Cougar hugging the ground, ready to pounce on the man. I stand up from my crouch and go into dead eye. It's as I'm getting ready to fire on the Cougar that it looks right at me from it's pounce stance and you can see the expression on it's face was one of shock. An absolute "...Oh S--t.." moment as the Cougar realizes it's time has come.

Bang! By far, the best way I've killed a Cougar so far.
2010-06-06 03:12:00

Posts: 511

@4wheel: Oooh! I love huntin' stories.

Alright, I was playing online with two other guys (doing the Master Hunter side quest) and I rode up to Tanner's Reach so I could go and kill some cougars (one of which required killing it with the melee knife. Whoopee -_-). I run into the cabin situated up there, and then... I wait... and wait.... aaand wait... for about 15-20 minutes. It was getting ridiculous. Eventually, the two other guys in my posse rode up to the cabin... only to see me running around in circles like a complete idiot (Why was I doing that?... I think I was bored xD). After taking a quick look around, they decided to look around the area just to see if any cougars show up. So, I decided to open up the windows in the cabin. I first started shooting at them with my shotgun. It worked on one, but it wasted too much ammo for my liking. So, I go with my "Mr. Fix-It" tool; dynamite. As I proceeded to take out my dynamite, the other two guys told me that they're gonna try somewhere else since we weren't getting anything up here, and started trotting away. I light the fuse and start aiming. The walls obscured the trajectory path so it was a bit difficult to aim. But, after I got a pretty clear shot, I threw it... the freakin' stick of dynamite misses the window and embeds itself into the wall. O_o

The other two were about a few good yards away when suddenly... *BOOOOM!!!* The dynamite blows up in my face, the cabin catches itself on fire, and about every animal in a 20-ft radius drops dead. The explosion echoed through our mics and throughout the wilderness. I'm blown back to the wall, face-down in the floor, my character screaming its head off. The other two immediately high-tailed back to the cabin... only to find me, acting like an idiot, lying down in a pool of blood. Ironically, I didn't die. But hey! It opened the window!

Only after I run out of the cabin and inspect the damage do the cougars pop out, and maul me and my posse. -_-
2010-06-06 03:31:00

Posts: 5757

Isn't it slightly creepy when 10+ of any animal is on your screen at one time? Deer hunting X-treme!2010-06-06 17:03:00

Posts: 1758

Me and Cog were being chased by 2 bears and we were trying to kill one with our fists. So hard! He threw a dynamite and it hit the bear in the face and killed it before it even exploded. xD

Also, I found a retarded goat that was pretty funny!
2010-06-06 22:59:00

Posts: 2914

I havnt been able to play the multilayer. It keeps failing on me....2010-06-07 05:04:00

Posts: 123

17 grizzly bears chasing me at once! Awesomesauce! I stood in a lgo cabin in bearclaw camp after running in and out of the area spawning more and more!2010-06-07 20:13:00

Posts: 1758

Does anybody have good tips for hunting buffalo? Whenever I see a huge herd, I can only kill a few before they scramble and seemingly disappear. Then, I won't be able to find anymore in the Great Plains area.

Also, is the Great Plains area the only place to find buffalo?

Lastly, I have a theory that you could make extra money from selling buffalo in Mexico
2010-06-07 22:41:00

Posts: 3251

Nghe i', thinking on buying this, i may buy it either today or tomorrow, buuut i've heard it has some pretty bad online multiplayer bugs, such as not being able to fins anyone on any public server or not being able to join friends, the 1st one can be fixed if you join a friend, but what if both happen at once... :/

I'm inclining mpore and more into buying it, but i don't want it to be another MAG (Seemed really good but ended up sucking)
Aye, nay, yes, no, no se, talves, alomejor, no creo, pero mejor si, Hai, oui, non...?

Oh decisions decisions...
2010-06-08 01:12:00

Posts: 6707

Nghe i', thinking on buying this, i may buy it either today or tomorrow, buuut i've heard it has some pretty bad online multiplayer bugs, such as not being able to fins anyone on any public server or not being able to join friends, the 1st one can be fixed if you join a friend, but what if both happen at once... :/

I'm inclining mpore and more into buying it, but i don't want it to be another MAG (Seemed really good but ended up sucking)
Aye, nay, yes, no, no se, talves, alomejor, no creo, pero mejor si, Hai, oui, non...?

Oh decisions decisions...

Yes, s?, oui, ja, sim, ken, t?, jes, hai, ndiyo, haa'n, 是, baleh, na'am, j?, ho, hufi, Да, evet, tak, aye, taip, avunu!
2010-06-08 01:25:00

Posts: 3251

@Incinerator22 Buffalo are ONLY found in the great plains. Using dead-eye and a powerful gun is also good to take down a bunch, (Be sure to skin everyone, as they get you lots of monies) but if some get away, just leave the area, make a tent somewhere (Macfarlane Ranch area?) then return. They don't appear often, which does suck. Also, yes, go to Mexico and sell the buffalo stuff in Escalera. I got around $1000 for all of it

@Yarudark I've played MP a LOT, and haven't had many bugs. When I first bought it there was an invisibility glitch, but that's gone now. Theres only an awkward Outfitter (Which forces you to leave your posse if you enter it >_> ) and I have never had problems joining people or getting people to join me. There's also more DLC coming soon, and definitely some patches to fix the weird stuff. So it is definitely worth the money you pay for it.
2010-06-08 01:26:00

Posts: 2358

@Incinerator22 Buffalo are ONLY found in the great plains. Using dead-eye and a powerful gun is also good to take down a bunch, (Be sure to skin everyone, as they get you lots of monies) but if some get away, just leave the area, make a tent somewhere (Macfarlane Ranch area?) then return. They don't appear often, which does suck. Also, yes, go to Mexico and sell the buffalo stuff in Escalera. I got around $1000 for all of it

Very helpful, thank you
2010-06-08 01:27:00

Posts: 3251

Yeah, I want this game... now! 2010-06-08 01:29:00

Posts: 2979

Mye, i've been checking stuff about it online and stuff (avoiding the spoilers of course which is a pain ) i think i am buying it!

I've seen way more pros than cons.

If i can i'll get it today if not tomorrow!

This better not be dissapointint... :kz:

So anyone who has it feel free to add me if yer not in my list yet.
2010-06-08 01:31:00

Posts: 6707

Mye, i've been checking stuff about it online and stuff (avoiding the spoilers of course which is a pain ) i think i am buying it!

I've seen way more pros than cons.

If i can i'll get it today if not tomorrow!

This better not be dissapointint... :kz:

So anyone who has it feel free to add me if yer not in my list yet.

If I get the game, I'll add ya! If you'd like :]
2010-06-08 01:45:00

Posts: 2979

i haven't played online yet but im feelign an urge to do it probably tomorrow, Outlaw-Jack warns me at first ill look like an *** and ride one too oh joy anyway when i do hop online is there anyone who would like to join me? also should i get a separate PSN for online? i feel like this psn would get some chuckles before they put a bullet in me 2010-06-08 04:39:00

Posts: 1924

i haven't played online yet but im feelign an urge to do it probably tomorrow, anyway when i do hop online is there anyone who would like to join me? also should i get a separate PSN for online? i feel like this psn would get some chuckles before they put a bullet in me

Well, i'll join ya, it seems as i'll probably be gietting the game tomorrow anyways, so we shall be 2 newbs on the road to pro-ness!

And about the name, that's why people should think of a good solid name.

A lot never think about what they'll be doing and just place random names based on a game or a series they've just played/ seen or something they think its funny then, which is why oh so many people keep changing theirs, after they stop thinking that's funny or the game's/ series' influence is off and they think "Ugh, why did i pick this" or "Shouldn't have picked that one" .

That's why its better to think of a good solid original name you KNOW you'll stick with.
2010-06-08 04:48:00

Posts: 6707

@littlebigdude805: Well, don't worry 'bout it too much. Once you unlock some stuff (or steal... depends on your point of view ), you'll be riding around taking names in no-time! Besides, if I'm in your posse, it's almost a guarantee that I'll find a way to tick off the other gangs and draw their attention to me, thus leaving you safe (or they might go after you... depends on how many there ar- OOH!! A n00b!! *BOOOM!! -Headshot-*).

Oh, and the whole name thing... if you are going to make a new account, I recommend using a name that 1.) is easy to memorize, and 2.) does not contain any numbers, underscores or any bracket/border thingies (i.e. "--", "()", or "oOOo" -_-). It makes it feel more original and memorable (which is why most people either call me Outlaw, Jack, OJ, Pacific or Rebel).

Perhaps Incinerator would like to have a say in this...
2010-06-08 06:29:00

Posts: 5757

The ending almost made me cry, the credits song is at fault...2010-06-08 10:12:00

Posts: 752

New develpment, it seems me getting this game has been delayed, i'll have to wait 'till saturday for it, but for a good cause, i'll be able to play it in HD! 2010-06-08 21:01:00

Posts: 6707

New develpment, it seems me getting this game has been delayed, i'll have to wait 'till saturday for it, but for a good cause, i'll be able to play it in HD!

I swear I had you on psn before! I might have delted you in one of myregular sweeps. Sorry! (If I did!)
2010-06-08 21:16:00

Posts: 2914

ok any name suggestions? this PSN will be strictly for RDR online so go wild my names Will so if you could sneak that in go ahead, i considered One-Eyed Willy but ide like to see what you guys can come up with XD2010-06-09 04:27:00

Posts: 1924

I swear I had you on psn before! I might have delted you in one of myregular sweeps. Sorry! (If I did!)

lol, you probably deleted me during that 10 months of internetlessness i had, most people i knew did.
I'll just send ya an invite later.

ok any name suggestions? this PSN will be strictly for RDR online so go wild my names Will so if you could sneak that in go ahead, i considered One-Eyed Willy but ide like to see what you guys can come up with XD

Oh oh, Cowboy Bebop!
Or or Death The Kid!
How about Desert Ghost/ Phantom of the Desert?
Oh i know, Outlaw Jack! (Nah that won't do)
How about Sunabozu?

(If ye don't get the references, then nvm )
2010-06-09 05:33:00

Posts: 6707

Available for posse invites :eek: bored of not having an loyal posse 2010-06-09 06:47:00

Posts: 12

ok any name suggestions? this PSN will be strictly for RDR online so go wild my names Will so if you could sneak that in go ahead, i considered One-Eyed Willy but ide like to see what you guys can come up with XD

Ahem! I am the only one eyed thing around here.. humph!
2010-06-09 08:39:00

Posts: 1370

I got my copy yesterday a day after i ordered it

I can't play it until about 5:00pm though, after my last AS exam (Media Studies), I'm using it as a reward after a year of hard work.

really looking forward to it
2010-06-09 09:48:00

Posts: 777


2010-06-09 17:20:00

Posts: 3701

I've gotten it, and if you want, add me, I would love some more people to play Red Dead Redemption with!

It's my second favourite game (LBP's first of course), and it is just awesome! I am a little dazed though, by how far I have gotten into the story, but I still just have been in a 10-20% of the game already. Maybe just 5% It's amazing.
I am trying to figure out how I will manage to get the trophy for clearing all hideouts in one free-roam session. That's gonna take some time. Can't wait until summer vacation! I will join up with someone, and then we can ride through everything! I would love that.
2010-06-09 17:55:00

Posts: 1627


Quote for new page

I so want this game, but I'm holding off buying it till exams are over and done with. :l
2010-06-09 18:07:00

Posts: 3701

I bought this game shortly after it was released, but I haven't had any enjoyment out of it.
All because of it lacking the option to invert the X-axis, which makes it 100% unplayable to me.
If it ever gets patched in, I'll probably enjoy it, but untill then, it will be collecting dust.
2010-06-09 18:15:00

Posts: 99

@Laina Wow, they don't even have that? I bet they could whip it up in 5 minutes, then add it with the next patch. That surprises me, almost all games I play have an invert x/y axis.

If it isn't ever added, you should still try playing it. The game is too awesome to collect dust!
2010-06-09 19:34:00

Posts: 2358

I bought this game shortly after it was released, but I haven't had any enjoyment out of it.
All because of it lacking the option to invert the X-axis, which makes it 100% unplayable to me.
If it ever gets patched in, I'll probably enjoy it, but untill then, it will be collecting dust.

Strangely for me, I always ALWAYS have to invert the Y, but I'm "ambidextrous" on X, can shift between the two no problem. Maybe just with some practice you'll get used to it.

I'm overall amazed and impressed by the game, having beaten it last night. Throughout most of it, the writing and characters annoyed the bejeezus out of me. I hope someone cuts together a montage of GTA games and Red Dead and Bully and whatever else Rockstar has made that Dan Houser and the usual writers put together, so we can see how nearly identical they all are. The same characters over and over, the same missions, the same motion capture animation, the same protagonist, over and over and over. And it's so friggin annoying. By the end of Red Dead I hated John Marston and everyone around him.

But then something happened - the final string of missions. I won't spoil it, but just know that they turned me around 180 degrees with the final handful of missions, and I went from being annoyed and hating everyone to being emotionally compelled and loving the main characters. Why, oh why, oh WHY didn't they just make the whole game like this? Missions that MATTER and have relevance to the story and characters? instead of a bunch of totally arbitrary throw-away crap? Scenes and character interactions that actually help your knowledge of the characters and get you emotionally invested in them? Why did they only use this "trick" of being really good at the very end of the game? The beginning was pretty good too, the ending was incredible, and everything in between was close to crap.

Well, it's a fitting title, they certainly redeemed themselves completely for me at the end. One of the greatest endgame sequences I've ever played, and such an inversion of what you've come to expect from this GTA style game.
2010-06-09 20:06:00

Posts: 1937

Just finished story mode... so sad i don't even wanna continue playing in story mode T-T just not comfortable anymore ....TO ONLINE2010-06-10 00:47:00

Posts: 1924

I hate John Marston

He kills Mexican Rebels in one mission and joins them in others. His stupid crusade to catch Bill Williamson & company is so narrow-minded. The storyline, so far, has been like LBP's.

Marston: Mexican Government! Can you help me find Bill Willamson?

Mexican government: Sure thing, right after you kill < insert random outlaw here >, because he is somehow the key to catching Bill Williamson. By the way, be sure to get involved in this war and get to know our meaningless characters who will constantly beg you for help in their meaningless activities!

Teeb, I hope you're right about the story getting better! I'd have finished, but I spend more time hunting and messing around.
2010-06-10 01:11:00

Posts: 3251

Just 2 and a half more days for Red Dead Redemtion!
I wonder, should i try the full story 1st, or should i go online along the ways?
I hear the 1st half of the game isn't really that relevent to the story, but i don't care, never really have ^_^
Tbh, i prefer to have non-story related missions than pure story ones, it gives longer gameplay, allows for more indept knowledge of characters, and let you home yer skills for the later more difficult area of the game.
Don't take non-story so serious, i know i never had, and i've enjoyed those games way more than what people usually say.

Anywho, have you decided on yer new PSN for online?
What about Vash the Stampede?
(Just "Vash" works too XD)
2010-06-10 01:14:00

Posts: 6707

ehhhhh i just popped online with this PSN, did pikes basin and unlocked everything, so i may just stick with it lol. anyway tomorrows a half day and the next is only an hour or two long, then SUMMER!!! im feeling so lonely in this huge free roam though :O so please do add me so we can posse up

EDIT: oh and the story actually gets REALLY good after you storm that base for esquela, before that its just "oh yea ill help you! *one mission later* haha i lied!" "ill put a bullet in your head " "nono OK i do know where he is" rinse and repeat lol
2010-06-10 01:39:00

Posts: 1924

I hate John Marston

He kills Mexican Rebels in one mission and joins them in others. His stupid crusade to catch Bill Williamson & company is so narrow-minded. The storyline, so far, has been like LBP's.

Marston: Mexican Government! Can you help me find Bill Willamson?

Mexican government: Sure thing, right after you kill < insert random outlaw here >, because he is somehow the key to catching Bill Williamson. By the way, be sure to get involved in this war and get to know our meaningless characters who will constantly beg you for help in their meaningless activities!

Teeb, I hope you're right about the story getting better! I'd have finished, but I spend more time hunting and messing around.

Dude, you have hit the nail on the head with John Marston. He's EXACTLY like Niko Bellic, even the story is a rehash of GTA 4. "I have to find this man, and I need your help." "Sure, sure. but first I need you to ______." *ride/drive to destination while characters argue ideologies with really on-the-nose dialogue, you arrive, have a shoot-out and the mission ends.*

Marston's just a total tool. He just does WHATEVER. Someone tells him to do something, okay, yessuh, he does it. He's a total ****** the entire time, it's like the motion capture artists confused "bad-***" with "obnoxious shirtless jerk standing outside the 7-11". After a while I just hated him, he comes across as such a spineless ninny who gets taken advantage of over and over, and it's all so cheap and exploitative to get you to hate the bad guys. I was having severe GTA4 flashbacks.

But yes, rest assured, they are going to pull a big u-turn on you when the story and characterizations get flat out amazing at the end. I mean several people now have said that they cried at the end of the game. Can you even IMAGINE crying for this game and ANY of its obnoxious hateful characters? I know I couldn't through most of it, but then I guess they hired some completely new writers who actually have some talent just to write the endgame. I was touched, I won't lie to you, it was one of the most touching sequences I think I've ever seen in a videogame.
2010-06-10 06:38:00

Posts: 1937

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