1942 joint strike
Archive: 5 posts
hey all you lbp lovers out there iv just found a great levle 1942 joint strike its a 2d shoter with atchual planes ands enamys and a helth bar power ups everything. id say go check it out ![]() ps: i did not make levle | 2009-06-27 00:57:00 Author: solid-snake ![]() Posts: 212 |
Moved to Recommendations. | 2009-06-27 01:04:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
Yeah, I played this earlier. It looks great, but the backgrounds are a bit out of place. The planes (both yours and the enemy) look fantastic. The problem I had with it was that it was very easy. I believe he is working on expanding it to be longer, asking for community support in making backgrounds and such, but it was just too simple as is. It deserves a playthrough though, and it's a brilliant use for the player tracking mechanism. | 2009-06-27 01:25:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
How does the plane you pilot stay facing the same direction??? i would love to know so i can give a level like this ago myself but no one wants to share there techniques for this type of level... Not very friendly really | 2009-06-27 02:10:00 Author: second--smile-- ![]() Posts: 57 |
How does the plane you pilot stay facing the same direction??? i would love to know so i can give a level like this ago myself but no one wants to share there techniques for this type of level... Not very friendly really well an easy way would to have a box that fits the screen behind the backround, (im assuming you already know to attach the "plane" to a box or sphere behind the thin layer with a jetpack) this "screen box" has the camera on it and is what force the character to move with the screen You attach the plane's box to to the screens box via unpowered pistons, the max and min for these are set so it can go anywhere within the box, but sense the pistons power is set to zero the player can easily move them with the jetpack. be sure they are set to stiff. hope this helps | 2009-06-27 03:07:00 Author: redmagus ![]() Posts: 667 |
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