Thundersmacker's Rides
Archive: 14 posts
Hello Fellow Sacks! I have pictures of my creations here.![]() Here is my Thundersmacker Monster Truck.:arg: http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii268/ryan_bigdawg/APhoto_4.jpg It's quite a wheely king, The speed is at max so it's a fast truck. The truck body is 1 layer wide but the wheels go out 3 layers. So it's not good for multiplayer, But...it looks cool.:arg: Here is my 3 layer wide Trophy Truck. ![]() http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii268/ryan_bigdawg/APhoto_7.jpg I have experimented with the suspension alot and I think I got it right, But sometimes the axles bend into the truck. Besides that it is one good truck. It can go forwards and backwards without a 3-way switch. I'm happy with it. ![]() There are just some of my potential so tell me what you think of these two great LittleBigOffroaders, And I should have more soon. ![]() | 2009-06-24 13:56:00 Author: Thundersmacker ![]() Posts: 21 |
They both look really cool, suspension looks much better than most vechiles I see on LBP too so well done. | 2009-06-24 17:12:00 Author: mehmeh8 ![]() Posts: 25 |
They look brilliant. Can you tell me how you fasten the set of wheels on that are on the back layer so they rotate because they look dead in line. Whenever I try to attach 4 wheels I always have to offset them slightly because you can't fasten a bolt directly on top of another bolt can you ? | 2009-06-24 17:19:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
I think the use of stickers on the second truck there is incredible, very nice work there. | 2009-06-24 20:15:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
I think the use of stickers on the second truck there is incredible, very nice work there. I agree, it looks very clean and professional. Same goes for the actual vehicle design, of course I won't know exactly how it rides until I try it for myself though. Can anyone else smell a demolition derby? ![]() | 2009-06-24 20:37:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
The artwork on both trucks is awesome, good job, a lot better than most vehicles. | 2009-06-24 20:46:00 Author: Code1337 ![]() Posts: 3476 |
Thanks Guys! I'm Glad You Like Them. And..About those back layer wheels..putting them on without them wobbling is hard..and it takes trial and error. The best trick to prevent this using the front view. It gives you a better view to center it up. I hope that helps..![]() And I'm glad you guys like the paint jobs or "sticker jobs" I took alot of thought into them. ![]() The Demolition Derby level is an idea that was in my head for a bit but then I thought about how I would do it, And it exited my mind.. ![]() Oh, And I had a question..Should I make a showcase level of sorts? Like have a gallery of my vehicles and fellow sacks can look at them up close. What do you think? | 2009-06-25 16:03:00 Author: Thundersmacker ![]() Posts: 21 |
Thanks Guys! I'm Glad You Like Them. And..About those back layer wheels..putting them on without them wobbling is hard..and it takes trial and error. The best trick to prevent this using the front view. It gives you a better view to center it up. I hope that helps..![]() And I'm glad you guys like the paint jobs or "sticker jobs" I took alot of thought into them. ![]() The Demolition Derby level is an idea that was in my head for a bit but then I thought about how I would do it, And it exited my mind.. ![]() Oh, And I had a question..Should I make a showcase level of sorts? Like have a gallery of my vehicles and fellow sacks can look at them up close. What do you think? use the grid to make the wheels. and then attach the bolt using the grid it will make it perfectly center. After that detach the wheels make them the size you need retach. Also once I'm done with my new action level I'll be asking for those trucks I just got an amazing idea and I think you'll love what I do for those trucks ![]() | 2009-06-25 20:10:00 Author: Waldo ![]() Posts: 108 |
Yeah, I never thought of using a grid.:blush: But, I would love have my creations in someones awesome level.![]() | 2009-06-26 14:30:00 Author: Thundersmacker ![]() Posts: 21 |
Mistavista: you can't place a bolt on tom of another bolt directly but it can be done. Place the bolt connecting the axle and the back plane wheel as you normally would. Then place the front plane wheel somewhere out of the way and put a bolt on that. Make sure both bolts are tweaked to the right settings and wires etc are connected, then move the front plane wheel into position and it should just bolt on automatically. Thundersmacker - I'm not really one for LBP vehicles but these do look really good, and as everyone has said, your stickering is brilliant! | 2009-06-26 18:46:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
They both look very nice. Better then most of the other LBP vehicles I've seen. A very good use of stickers too. | 2009-06-27 19:21:00 Author: lk9988 ![]() Posts: 1077 |
Yeah, I never thought of using a grid.:blush: But, I would love have my creations in someones awesome level.![]() Yeah I learned that while making my new level, if the wheels were too off then I would end up with a 20 car pileup. As awesome as that sounds that isn't good when the cars are your platforms ![]() And you have several ways you can go about giving away items. You could add my PSN and send them while in create mode. You can add them to an existing level and hide them REAL good or use a crazy puzzle or you could actually do what I did, refer to this thread https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=13176 and just use the keypad I made | 2009-06-28 00:07:00 Author: Waldo ![]() Posts: 108 |
I'm Back! Sorry for my absence in this thread but i've been busy with my Motorstorm level....Speaking of Motorstorm..I am going to show you the vehicles that were in the level and then some. Forget the chatter let's see them.. 1. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii268/ryan_bigdawg/APhoto_23.jpg This bad boy is called the Wasabi Wasp. The Wasp is one fast sucker and isn't bad on off-road either but it shows its potential more on-road. The Wasp was designed by me and it took forever to get it looking sharp. 2. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii268/ryan_bigdawg/APhoto_32.jpg This is the Patriot Surger it is a rally (muscle) car and is the second fastest of the bunch. Unforunatly it is poor off-road and can get stuck easily. The design was based of a actual car in Motorstorm and so is the paint job. 3. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii268/ryan_bigdawg/APhoto_72.jpg (This car is not from the level) This is the Otsuzu Ronin. Like the Patriot Surger this rally car is poor off-road. But when you grab the steering wheel this car is a rocket! This car is my own design but the name is from an actual Motorstorm car. 4. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii268/ryan_bigdawg/APhoto3.jpg (this truck is not from the level) This Small Powerhouse is the Castro Robusto. It is a racing truck which means it can handle off-road very well and still be fast. The design is based of a 50's Chevy Pick-up with side exshauts and the paint job is also supposed to be retro. (And notice the LBPC logo and Anti H4H sticker) 5. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii268/ryan_bigdawg/APhoto_13-1.jpg This is the Springbok Kalihari. It is based on my favorite vehicle from Motorstorm. Like the Castro Robusto it is a racing truck so its performance has no difference to the Robusto. (notice the giant helghan logo on the side) That is only half of the vehicles so I will have those on soon. Feedback is appriciated. | 2009-08-09 00:24:00 Author: Thundersmacker ![]() Posts: 21 |
Now! It's time for the rest of the motorstorm vehicles. Next is..... http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii268/ryan_bigdawg/APhoto_6.jpg This is the Atlas Governor (yes it's a hummer) This tuff truck is no speed demon but can tackle almost any terrain. Then there's the...... http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii268/ryan_bigdawg/APhoto_53.jpg Castro Veradero. What this Semi lacks in speed it makes up for in brute force! The Veradero can even give the monster truck a run for its money in strength. Of course...Finally... http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii268/ryan_bigdawg/APhoto_43.jpg The Lunar-Tec Punisher! (fitting name huh?) If you like speed and off-road power this monster is for you! But......(literally) The acceleration sucks because of its weight. (play my level and you'll see) So..There you go! There's My Motorstorm Vehicle Highlight. Hope you liked them and if you haven't already Play my Motorstorm Pacific Rift Level to get behind the grab switch of these awesome vehicles. Again Feedback is much appriciated, Thanks | 2009-08-14 21:28:00 Author: Thundersmacker ![]() Posts: 21 |
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