actual images into lbp
Archive: 7 posts
i have seen peoples levels with images (that i assume) couldn't be accurately created in the game. Is there a way to import images other than with the eye? | 2009-06-24 02:49:00 Author: lurch_fon ![]() Posts: 5 |
right now, only with the eye. Apparrently, inporting images IS coming, but now you need an Eye. | 2009-06-24 02:55:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Yep, the only way to get images from outside the game right now is by using the PSEye, at least as far as i know. | 2009-06-24 02:57:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
and the idea with that is just hold up your image in front of the camera and take the pic? does it produce a fair enough quality image to use? | 2009-06-24 03:00:00 Author: lurch_fon ![]() Posts: 5 |
It does produce a fair enough image. I believe they turn out a little more faded than the original, but as i haven't really used my eyetoy that much i can't say. | 2009-06-24 05:31:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
From what ive seen yes it does come out a bit faded/ pastelly | 2009-06-24 07:04:00 Author: redmagus ![]() Posts: 667 |
and the idea with that is just hold up your image in front of the camera and take the pic? does it produce a fair enough quality image to use? In my opinion it's horrible quality. It's worse than a picture you take yourself with the tool in-game. Also, what is really annoying is that you absolutely need to respect the choice of canvas they give you and most are useless. You'd probably only use the square canvas without borders. . | 2009-06-24 08:43:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
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