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Power ups

Archive: 21 posts

Did anyone else notice in cam 4 of the pax 2008 walkthrough 45 seconds into the video there is a section called character enhancements. The item in that section in the video is the jet pack but since it has its own section I assume they have a few more enhancements in game anyone hear anything about it?2008-09-04 07:31:00

Posts: 234

Yeah, I noticed that too. I'd also spotted in about three seperate interviews that Alex and Mark have mentioned the possibility of upgrades/powers but they've always been quite vague about it. I'm not sure it's something that'll be rolling out in version one, but I think it's definitely going to be a V2 addition. Possibly DLC.2008-09-04 10:11:00

Posts: 304

What do you mean version 1 VS. Version 2? Have they stated that there will be two different versions?2008-09-04 14:17:00

Posts: 101

No, I mean when they do the first round of patches/DLC, this'll probably be one of the elements they tweak. There's certainly enough interest in upgrades from the fan point of view.2008-09-04 14:20:00

Posts: 304

I really hope there aren't. I think LBP will get ruined by Upgrades and such..2008-09-04 14:33:00

Posts: 2758

I really hope there aren't. I think LBP will get ruined by Upgrades and such..

It will if you can put them on whenever you want, But I think its used for level creation, where you can place jetpacks down wherever you want and have the string on them..

This is fun and great for some puzzles. Pretty necessary in my opinion.

Can't speculate any more enhancements though. Maybe things like spiked boots that make you walk on ice, not slide on it. That would be handy.
2008-09-04 15:17:00

Posts: 2073

Like every aspect of LBP, it's the users that will enhance of spoil the feel of the game, not additional elements introduced by MM. Just as a user can choose to produce an absolutely pointless level (as no doubt some people will) they can choose to introduce new elements into their gameplay, or not!2008-09-04 15:37:00

Posts: 304

It will if you can put them on whenever you want, But I think its used for level creation, where you can place jetpacks down wherever you want and have the string on them..

This is fun and great for some puzzles. Pretty necessary in my opinion.

Can't speculate any more enhancements though. Maybe things like spiked boots that make you walk on ice, not slide on it. That would be handy.

Lol, I was already expecting that to be in there @_@
2008-09-04 16:25:00

Posts: 2758

Lol, I was already expecting that to be in there @_@

Yeah, but I think thats what this is, isnt it...

Its very unlikely that you can bring a jetpack out of the pop-it when your playing in somebody elses level.
2008-09-04 16:28:00

Posts: 2073

Ahh don't worry, I've probably just confused my self ;/

What I meant by power ups, is like "Temporary Invincibility", or "Run Faster Temp." etc etc. I think those would ruin the game lol.
2008-09-04 16:30:00

Posts: 2758

yeah i remember awhile back when i brought up the idea of powerups in levels, most didn't think that it would be a good idea. From what this sounds like though it s more of a batman utility belt of items like the jet pack and spike-boots(if possible) which could be fun.2008-09-04 16:35:00

Posts: 873

Ahh don't worry, I've probably just confused my self ;/

What I meant by power ups, is like "Temporary Invincibility", or "Run Faster Temp." etc etc. I think those would ruin the game lol.

Its all about how they're used really, you could give temp invinciblity with a section that would kill you normally and the chalenge is to clear it before the invincibility runs out and you die.
2008-09-04 22:22:00

Posts: 6728

I hope they keep things realistic, though, with powerups and all. Like, Dark Matter kinda ruins the "REAL MATERIALZ" thing.2008-09-05 01:16:00

Posts: 1153

I hope they keep things realistic, though, with powerups and all. Like, Dark Matter kinda ruins the "REAL MATERIALZ" thing.
Yeah. I mean who wants floating platforms anyway? *cough*
2008-09-05 02:08:00

Posts: 117

Power ups would be pretty cool, and I think MM can think up a way of implementing them w/o ruining the game.2008-09-07 04:22:00

Posts: 143

Simple. Just make them part of the level, just like jetpacks. I see no problem with it. Don't like power-ups, then don't make/play a level with them.2008-09-07 06:31:00

Posts: 1603

Simple. Just make them part of the level, just like jetpacks. I see no problem with it. Don't like power-ups, then don't make/play a level with them.

yeah, if they put them in the right spots, just say on top of a few platforms that you have to jump on, then it wouldn't really ruin the game except it would change it a little. Most people wouldn't go after it since it is up high and you don't have to get it.
2008-09-07 06:41:00

Unknown User

I hope they keep things realistic, though, with powerups and all. Like, Dark Matter kinda ruins the "REAL MATERIALZ" thing.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter Its currently hypothetical but may be found one day, don't know if its the same as LBP's interpretation.
2008-09-07 10:13:00

Posts: 6728

Dark matter doesn't ruin it. It allows the user to create a Mario type level; that type of thing is really important in a platformer.2008-09-07 13:29:00

Posts: 1374

I think Dark matter's fine. As long as the platforms work within the level then I see no reason why you can't have all manner of floating objects. It basically comes down to the story aspect of your level. You define the qualities of the world/environment.2008-09-07 15:45:00

Posts: 304

If they do have power ups, it will probably be things like Speed, Higher Jumps and Invincibility. These might ruin some aspects of the game....

I mean, imagine if someone who created a level just spammed power ups everywhere. It might have been a good level beforehand.
No-one will end up playing those.
2008-09-07 18:14:00

Posts: 1100

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