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SNIPER! Crosshairs of doom

Archive: 16 posts

I recently made a tracker for a level and had been goofing around thinking of a better spaceship design. Thats when it hit me. my spaceship could move all directions why not make an enemy that could "fly" using both of those concepts. I made the first prototype a while back and have been meaning to expand on the idea. and now I present to you...


The funny thing about it is it only takes about 20 minutes maximum to make. That is a super polished version~

Here is the whole setup, vertical adjustments are easy its all dependent on the piston length, while horizontal adjustments are done by making more track.

here is a close up of the main mechanisms, The crosshair will fire upon you but its delayed for an added effect. I also came up with the bright idea of using mag switches to make safe zones.

The best part about all of this,

You'll just have to survive my gauntlet first hehehe:arg:


It is in my level, "How to make better machines". It's probably easier to use my psn V V A I D O (no spaces)

I got sick of the h4h'ers and practically did all the work for them for a lot of good mechanisms that i've worked out or reproduced through experimentation. I figure if you go for that you might as well have fun looking at all my other stuff in there. BTW the sniper part is at the top go either left or right (right is safer) and follow up with the jetpack. It will be published in lets say 15 minutes see how you like it
2009-06-23 18:56:00

Posts: 108

Cool it looks gigity goo goo goo goo2009-06-23 19:00:00

Posts: 2662

Cool I'll have to check this out, it looks like it has some pretty useful contraptions in it.2009-06-23 19:31:00

Posts: 2325

Hey there, nice work.

Some ideas for fine-tuning for you:

1, try using winches pulling directly to the 3-way switch, rather than the pushing pistons, will reduce the number of objects.

2, for the vertical section you can create a linear tracker without a 3-way switch, see my post in this thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=12191) for details on how to achieve that.

The safe zones are a very nice touch by the way
2009-06-23 19:41:00

Posts: 6497

try using winches pulling directly to the 3-way switch, rather than the pushing pistons, will reduce the number of objects.

Sometimes its hard to fine-tune the winches to work with the 3-way switch and one won't always work. I've seen it implemented perfectly before, but for some people (including myself), other ways just work better. But yes, for efficiency's sake, winches would reduce the number of needed objects, because those blocks of rubber would be unnecessary.
2009-06-23 19:48:00

Posts: 2325

That looks awesome mate. I'll check it out later for sure.

BTW I haven't seen you around before so welcome to you and good to have you around.
2009-06-23 20:00:00

Posts: 2210

Looks cool, tho i'm sorry to say that i already had it as some other people already made it long ago, still cool tho. 2009-06-23 20:13:00

Posts: 6707

Ha I figured it was done before but I've never seen it implemented like this before.

Your winch idea sounds like a clean way to reduce thermo but is it possible that could break the switch as well? I originally had it positioned on pistons but when I had it set to the high speeds it went awol on me, if I can fine tune it that would be a huge help and less clutter. The cart premise is actually for the control scheme that is on the ground floor of my level. Which I plan on using for lets say

A 20 foot space battleship (new idea lol)
2009-06-23 21:12:00

Posts: 108

Your winch idea sounds like a clean way to reduce thermo but is it possible that could break the switch as well? I originally had it positioned on pistons but when I had it set to the high speeds it went awol on me, if I can fine tune it that would be a huge help and less clutter.

You re probably more likey break the pistons than the switch IMO - the switches etc are actually very strong. I messed around with flippers on the switches that pull them waay too far and it didn't break, and flippers can normally break anything. If you are worried, then tweak the winches to only pull to the natural extent of the switch and reduce the strength to 5ish. Pistons are less useful for this because they cannot go loose like chains so the two will always be fighting each other.

As for the cart, it's a fine solution because it gives much more stability to the system.

Edit - didn't see this:

Sometimes its hard to fine-tune the winches to work with the 3-way switch and one won't always work. Really? I must have created this set up around 30 times from scratch and never had it go wong.... Just connect the chain to the ground and the yellow handle (so it pulls diagonally down) and tweak the lengths so that it pulls in to the extremity of the handle, and extends far enough that the chain will have no effect on the handle when extended. Works 100% of the time. Chains FTW.
2009-06-23 21:31:00

Posts: 6497

hahaha i love the level name. It just might get me to play it ^.^. And, after all, it would not hurt to go in and end up learning something new. I am going to go check it out. Thanks mate.

2009-06-23 22:10:00

Posts: 1101

Well I tried the winch idea and there is one drawback... Mr. Sniper is insanely accurate :eek:. I had to decrease the speed of everything by 20% to even get to the door of the maze! That is a drawback if you want my design , but its already outdated go figure. Anyways now that I've polished the crosshairs a bit I'm already inspired to make a counter-sniper level similar to one of the first russian missions on COD:WaW (and I still haven't finished my other one as well).2009-06-23 22:46:00

Posts: 108

Really? I must have created this set up around 30 times from scratch and never had it go wong.... Just connect the chain to the ground and the yellow handle (so it pulls diagonally down) and tweak the lengths so that it pulls in to the extremity of the handle, and extends far enough that the chain will have no effect on the handle when extended. Works 100% of the time. Chains FTW.

I've done it before, but I just hate leaving my beloved grid-mode, everything just seems so inaccurate.
2009-06-24 00:49:00

Posts: 2325

I've done it before, but I just hate leaving my beloved grid-mode, everything just seems so inaccurate.

I <3 grid mode, and I make these in grid too! I only venture out of the sanctuary of grid for the corner editor.
2009-06-24 01:09:00

Posts: 6497

I <3 grid mode, and I make these in grid too! I only venture out of the sanctuary of grid for the corner editor.


Do you enlarge the 3-way switch in grid mode, attach the winches, then shrink it down to normal size? Every time I try to do it in grid mode, one winch lands on the side of the sponge, which I want, and the other one sticks at an awkward angle. I can't stand dis-symmetry.
2009-06-24 01:24:00

Posts: 2325

Oh yeah, that happens. I forgot. In fact last time I did it they actually linked up in perfect symmetry and I remember thinking it was odd... Nah I attach them to the ground in grid and to the sponge in no-grid normally. It does still work fine with them wonky though...2009-06-24 14:34:00

Posts: 6497

Oh yeah, that happens. I forgot. In fact last time I did it they actually linked up in perfect symmetry and I remember thinking it was odd... Nah I attach them to the ground in grid and to the sponge in no-grid normally. It does still work fine with them wonky though...

If I can get over my terrible OCD of having to use grid mode to ensure perfect symmetry, I'll try to set up systems that way. It's frustrating though, because everything lines up with the grid except MediaMolecule's own objects.
2009-06-24 14:47:00

Posts: 2325

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