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Tram Concept

Archive: 10 posts

So, eh, I got bored on an off day and this bit of inane stuff is what I came up with during part of that day. Its your basic, simple tram (Or is it a gondola? well, who cares.) but i think i can make it into a right interesting little level if I put my lack of a mind to it.

The level its displayed on is called, cleverly enough, tram concept. Still needs scenery and i still haven't got the thing working like I want it, but its in show-able condition now.

Here's a bit from create mode with the lights turned up so you can see stuff better. Then again all the shots are uploaded from the game so they suck to begin with.


Any suggestions as to what I could do to improve it would be greatly appreciated.
2009-06-23 12:17:00

Posts: 879

I thought it was a sky-lift...

Anyways, looks interesting, but a whole level? Well, first, how fast does it go? Slow? Fast? In-Between? Cuz if it's the first or last, then people may get bored. Hmm... how about a shooting gallery? Sorta like a Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters thing, where you'd shoot as many targets as possible to get the highest score. Yes... that could work out. Perhpas make the tram stop at one point for a boss fight or something. That way, you can keep things fresh, and grab the public's attention. I mean, the basic mechanics are there; just spruce it up a bit with some creativity.
2009-06-23 18:37:00

Posts: 5757

Looks interesting, as a leading train builder in LBP community I most go ride yours then come back and file an officiail LBP transportation bearu report.

I see your tram and counter with my recreation of the collector's tram, remodel after the tram you ride into the final battlee story mode level.


will report back on yours after i get home and play it. but yours looks good
2009-06-24 03:01:00

Posts: 249

So, eh, I got bored on an off day and this bit of inane stuff is what I came up with during part of that day. Its your basic, simple tram (Or is it a gondola? well, who cares.) but i think i can make it into a right interesting little level if I put my lack of a mind to it.

The level its displayed on is called, cleverly enough, tram concept. Still needs scenery and i still haven't got the thing working like I want it, but its in show-able condition now.

Here's a bit from create mode with the lights turned up so you can see stuff better. Then again all the shots are uploaded from the game so they suck to begin with.


Any suggestions as to what I could do to improve it would be greatly appreciated.

Global lighting to dark, and suffers same problem some of train levels do. Needs more station and things to do.

5 stars
handles like a dream come true.
2009-06-24 04:38:00

Posts: 249

Wow. coming from mr.conductor thats a ginormous compliment!

Yea. still need me some...i dunno...eye candy. and a gimmick of some sort to keep the thing from boring me to tears. but all it was was a display of mechanics at the time i made it. i'm gonna probably work on this one for a while, adding who knows what to it by the time i'm done.

I'd like to have it to where you only rode the thing during the first and last 3rd's of it, with some sort of island in the middle with puzzles/obstacles/ a game.

was thinking i could make it a tram to a small theme park with a ferris wheel or something and another tram at the end to take you to the station.
2009-06-24 06:31:00

Posts: 879

search author EUTSFRJ and play playstation home level from my europe account it has a never stopping tram2009-06-25 00:53:00

Posts: 249


This is the current logic boards for my tram. I took out everything i possibly could including pistons in favor of wobble bolts. was havin trouble getting the piston to not break whenever i tweaked something. this also does a couple of things which i'll get to later.

Anyway, a (painfully detailed yet still confusing) explination!

the very left of the three boards is my 8 input OR switch. all inputs in this case are grab switches and they are set to directional.

There is one magnetic switch on each "stack" of round cardboard discs, and it it is set to have a radius that is slightly larger than the disc it is sitting on Its trigger angle range is set to 330.

The stack of discs that the magnetic key sits on is actually four round pieces of cardboard bolted one on top of the other. They only move 45 degrees, so that even if all four switches are tripped, the thing will still work right instead of spinning around completely and effectively turning it's self off. The magnetic key is directly under (or in this case, to the side of) each of the stacks, in the switches "blind spot".

there are two stacks linked to grab switches, giving 8 possible inputs total, and those two stacks are attached to another stack that is only two discs high, but otherwise does the same thing.

Moving on to the second loathsome part:

this is the actual movement logic for the trams. it is nothing more than a cardboard disc and two mag switches. (req'd a lot of tweaking i'm sad to say, if the piston version hadn't kept crapping out on me when i fiddled with it i would have just kept it.)

the switch that is on the dark matter instead of the disc is set to speed, and the trigger radius is set to cover all but the top of the disc. it is connected to all the motor bolts on the wheels of the tram, as well as the subway sound-effect.

The wobble bolt on the disc is set to take 10 seconds. It only moves 165 degrees (I told you about the tweaking, didn't I?) and for some reason which i forget is set to backwards. Also on the disk is another mag switch. its a different color and is set with a fairly tight trigger radius of 25. It is set to directional and is connected to the tram's doors. it effectively opens them when the tram isn't moving and closes them as it starts to move.

One left! the tram's safety system! It's really just an r/s latch. nothing special about it but i'll 'splain anyways.

there are three discs on this piece of dark matter with wobble bolts on 'em. the bottom most has one magnetic key on it. it's set to 90 degrees.

the one above that, has two magnetic switches on it. the first one is the same color as the key on the disc below it. its radius is so that it is just out of range of the key while its in the off state. it is set to directional and is connected to the wobble bolt on the same disc.

the other magnetic switch on the disc is of a different color than the other one on the disc and is set to directional. it is connected to the wobble bolt on the train's throttle that i explained earlier.

the third and final disc has 2 mag keys on it, one for each color on the disc that has the switches on it. the wobble bolt is set to 180 and faces the switches normally. its basically set up as the reset.

I hope to put a chart that shows how it works since someone probably died from an aneurysm reading this mess.... if I do it'll be the last post on this thread from me since this has already moved to a "oh look, its a level!" stage.

Thank you, and good....afternoon!
2009-07-01 17:59:00

Posts: 879

Someone's muscling in on your patch TSFRJ!!!! 2009-07-02 11:03:00

Posts: 1754

Someone's muscling in on your patch TSFRJ!!!!

1 sack alone does not a raiload make.
2009-07-03 07:34:00

Posts: 249

Ok, so I said that I wouldn't post about this thing again, but i've tinkered with this thing to the point that its worth another look, i guess, yet i dont' think a new thread is needed.

I basically took my whole design, tossed it, and started over. The end result is something that looks almost identical, but can go in forward AND reverse(!) whilst still keeping the speeding up/slowing down effect.

I've tried everything to make this all nice and stable and pretty, but i ended up settling for "hey, look! it works!"

Its in my level called "tram to nowhere v.2"
2009-08-17 08:27:00

Posts: 879

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