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NemesisNinja messaged me on PSN, he suggested an version of the Melody Maker that people can use in their levels.
So, here it is!

It is used just like the level "The Melody Maker". Just press the buttons to make a song. When you're done, just place the player somewhere the sackperson cannot see, but can hear! The player loops, unlike the original level. I uses up three small blocks on the thermo, but that can be reduced by changing emitter settings once you're done.
I can see this being used alot in people's levels, I'm sure it will be very useful!

To find the level, search "@livingston_tf", go the "The Melody Maker", and you'll get "Melody Maker Mini" as a prize at the scoreboard.

EDIT: Don't mind the grammar mistakes, my space bar is screwed up =/
2009-06-22 03:52:00

Posts: 657

I think I tried your melody maker level the other day but couldn't get any sound playing back when I played the level. I'll have to re-check this out as I figured there was a bug or the level was unfinished. This sounds intriguing to say the least, and I can definitely see some great potential for this tool! Great idea, and nice of you to make it available as a prize.2009-06-23 11:15:00

Posts: 1737

I think I tried your melody maker level the other day but couldn't get any sound playing back when I played the level. I'll have to re-check this out as I figured there was a bug or the level was unfinished. This sounds intriguing to say the least, and I can definitely see some great potential for this tool! Great idea, and nice of you to make it available as a prize.
I don't remember any bug like that, the first time I published it it worked fine =/

I have already used the tool in my level "Turn-based Boss Battle"
It's really flexible. Using a piston, I made the song less repetitive by making a note turn on and off. I'm sure the possibilities are virtually limitless if you have a good mind with logic!
2009-07-01 02:47:00

Posts: 657

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