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Doopliss from paper mario 2

Archive: 5 posts

This is my little nod to paper mario 2 the thousand year door. I was originally planning to make a level featuring a cameo of him in it, but the level design was boring and I wasn't inspired to do it, so I plan to make him a prize in one of my future stages.

He hops up and down on his little feet
2009-06-19 23:51:00

Posts: 19

and please finish the level!
2009-06-20 00:24:00

Posts: 545

hahahha great job dude. doopliss was probably one of my favorite characters from the paper marios.

cant wait to play your level and hopefully win one!
2009-06-20 05:27:00

Posts: 886

ooo this reminds me of paper mario 1 with the toy level and the really fat shy guy. Good work here, Doopliss is the man.2009-06-23 01:18:00

Posts: 435

I'm gonna try to finish that game over the summer.

I started it a while back since I got a lend from a mate. But it takes so much motivation to turn on my wii again >_>

I played through almost all of the first Paper Mario and even bought it again on virtual console... I should really complete these games, they are some of the funniest, feel good games to play

Oh, and awesome Doopliss btw, although I never got as far as meeting him ingame >_>
I always thought LBP would be perfect for a paper mario level. I may just throw around a few ideas sometime.
2009-06-23 01:40:00

Posts: 779

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