Archive: 3 posts
Any fellow Quadradius players out there? If not, GO PLAY IT. www.quadradius.com And for those who are saying, "Quadwhatius?" Quadradius is one of the best free online games that exists in my opinion. It's a strategy game that could be very briefly and inaccurately described as checkers with ridiculous power-ups. A description doesn't do it justice though, go play it for yourself. I'd be happy to destroy anyone who'd enjoys it. ![]() And if you like the game enough, a ridiculously cheap membership fee earns you a permanent member name, tons of new power-ups for members only, and a chance to be on the leader board for the month. It's a smart person's game, so if you consider yourself to be an intellectual, (which most lbp creators have to be) you will probably like this game. | 2009-06-19 08:16:00 Author: ApellesJr ![]() Posts: 282 |
I have no idea how to play this xD I spent 20 minutes moving backwards and forwards waiting for my opponent to do something stupid, and then he unleashed this massive power-up thing that pretty much destroyed all of my pieces in one move! | 2009-06-19 22:06:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
haha, well my offer still stands. If anyone wants to play me now, I'd be happy to go easy on you...for a bit at least. The best strategy is to gain as much territory as possible in the beginning, because orbs=wins. The more orbs you get, the more powers you will have to kill the enemy. I'll keep checking by here tonight just in case anyone wants to play. I'm on vacation right now, thousands of miles from my ps3, so I could use a friend to play against... | 2009-06-20 07:44:00 Author: ApellesJr ![]() Posts: 282 |
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